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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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McTiki posted on 07/03/2007

Very Nice Moko work Buzz!



Babalu posted on 07/03/2007

Well, I was kind of leaning towards Lucy, cause she had the mental discipline thing going on,...I thought she was the chick who did the tree hopping thing, but she's not.

My wife agrees with you Grog....she said Buffy would stake Lucy's butt before she could draw her sword...she said the same thing all the others when I tried to pit Buffy in a cage match with..... Achilles (Brad Pitt dude), Maximas(Gladiator), Blade, Buffy the vampire slayer, Jet Li, William Wallace (Braveheart), the "300" dude, and Conan?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/04/2007

Having never seen Buffy, the movie or series, I would have a hard time choosing her. First, other than immortality, vampires really have no fighting skills, so Buffy is just running around killing hungry living dead slobs off the street, who already lost to another weak assed vampire, to becaome a vampire oin the first place. If it was a vampire Bruce Lee, no way would Buffy win. Buffy only does well because she is well trained, and fights untrained opponents.( Unless it's Steven Segall or some other hapkido guy, then I'd think a highschool freshman girls wrestler could handle it. )Second, vampires are not that tough. I mean, a slice of Fillippi's pizza does em in. Nuff said about Buffy. Now, the entire concept of Xena is so far fetched, I can't see any way she'd beat anyone, ever. A medieval chick sword fighter? No superpowers? She's as tough as a third grader with a staple gun, in my opinion. Is this an invite only tourney, or something? Ripley? No. Wasn't the whole Alien concept to placate women after the women's lib movement was over and they all realized how bad work sucked, and why did they fight to all get shitty jobs and not be able to hang out at home all of the time. The message was, "Sure work sucks, but you might save all of civilization in your new crappy job. Have fun at work ladies." wasn't Ripley's bet skill just running away? Who did she really save anyway. No one! Who does that leave? Alias chick? She wins the swimsuit portion of our contest...

McTiki: thanks and here's some more of that work

Tbirdman: You're quite welcome. Chop at your own pace, when you are inspired.
GMAN: I'm pushy, these days. One of these days I'll send that long promised correspondence too.
Benzart: I like donuts with jelly and jelly on my sourdough toast. My role is to be the guy on a roll. I'm just rolling along now...
BambooBen: Who do you think would win between Buffy(the crowd favorite) and what's her head, the white chick from Kill Bill(My choice)?

Here's a custom sign I made today so I can pay to have electricity in my house for one more month:

I love power.

Lights On! Buzzy Out!

Babalu posted on 07/04/2007

Okay (Rick's wife here), I had to come in and set the record straight here. First of all - as anyone who knows anything about Buffy - she kicked the butt of way more creatures than vampires - werewolves, assorted demons, and major masters of hell. She once fought a god, even, and won. To put it simply, Buffy is The Slayer; The Chosen One. You can't get much higher than this. Although, I will concede that Beatrix (Kill Bill chick) had some brutal skilz yo, she is not The Chosen One. So, nuff said. Hopefully, I've peeped you to some game, here.

By the way, it was great meeting you at the Chop, and I really like your work!

Peace Out,

Babalu Babe # 1 (Amy).

pdrake posted on 07/04/2007

buzzy, that's sweet. i think i'll take that one instead.


Babalu posted on 07/05/2007

Perry, You lucky dog you!

Well, I'm just not going with Babe #1's new thing that "no one, man or woman, can take Buffy!"....I think she's nuts!! There has to be someone who can smoke Buffy in the ring? I'm thinking that ole Hopsing here could even take Buffy...that is if he had Hoss in the corner waiting to grab Buffy hair from behind when she rounded close to him. Hey, Buffy bleeds....I saw it on TV!

Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-07-05 07:30 ]

Tiki Duddy posted on 07/05/2007

looks great buzzy, havent been home lately so ive not said much on the forums here.
but im back and i love the work you got going

hiltiki posted on 07/06/2007

Babalu, you missed T-X from Terminator 3 (Kristina Loken). She will kick everyones asssss.....
Uhm, Buzzy love your new kind of work, it rocks!!!

Tornhalo posted on 07/06/2007

I vote for Buffy.. Even if she loses, the Scoobie gang will just bring her right back to life so she can win.

Btw, You've out done yourself this time Buzzy.

RevBambooBen posted on 07/06/2007


Did Buzz ask all of you who would win?!!


Did he ask me??!!

F-O man!

I'm still thinking!!!!!!!!!!


Benzart posted on 07/06/2007

Depends on who's writing the script as to who wins. None of them can win unless they read a script first where they learn what they have to do all day. TOTAL servants to the whim of some writer, so I'll write the story today where the evil tiki takes them all out and eats their swords, ha.
buzz, I'm Really liking this tiki you are doing such a great job on. I Like him so much, you should just send him to me because I want him. Address to follow!

Cammo posted on 07/06/2007

Buzzy has a point. Why isn't the head chef at Fillipi's Pizza Grotto 'The Chosen One'? - -

He's covered in garlic, knows which side of a knife is sharp, wears a cross at all times, and bosses people around all day. He's the Vampire Army's worst enemy.

But he's also got the greatest job in town, so maybe they already asked him and he turned it down.

Hey Buzzy - ever used Polyshades for finishing? It's stain & polyurethane mixed, and they have some pretty nice colors happening. You could do some under-staining in the nooks, then just finish off with PShades. Their 'Pecan' is a nice warm light color, and they have this deep 'Bombay Mahogany' that's a real Buzzy type color.

Congrats on the new style, you're gonna have to start charging more than $35.00 per tiki now. You using one of those dentist drills for this stuff? Finish these choice choppings off with Polyshades, knock 'em around a bit, tell people they were hand carved in Bora Vatuna, and dude you could BUY an island, call it Bora Vatuna and retire in true Buzzed style.

[ Edited by: Cammo 2007-07-06 17:26 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/07/2007

Tuesday sunset:

Wednesday sunset:

Thursday sunset:


I finished the tiki I started at the chop last weekend:

It has a few problem areas to be fixed when I sand it.

I never had a plan for this one. there was a leftover log at the event, and I just started carving it.

Babalu babe #1: Still not convinced...all of her adversaries have some sort weakness which she capitilizes on. She's a mystical McGuyver...
PD: What the heck are you talking about?
Babalu: I might have to agree with Hiltiki's answer to your question.
TDuddy: Yo Duddy! How's that basswood guy coming along? Hope you've been well while you were away. Keep in touch.
Hiltiki: *
Tornhalo: I guess I'll have to watch the show...
BambooBen: Three seconds Ben...
Benzart: Send directions along with that address because I'll make sure and hand deliver it. How far is the bus stop from your crib? I can't remember, what part of Florida you live in: The hurricane impact zone part, the part that is covered with water, or the part with ground on fire? I'll need to dress for the environment, so let me know.
Cammo: I have used that polyshade and do not like it at all . It's worth it to take the extra time and do the two step process, based on my experience with the junk. It does, however,work real well for coloring bamboo. I use it to color the bamboo strips I use on the signs I make.

The Champion Of The Universe Cannot Be Buffy!
Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/07/2007

3 second rule is par-laid until someone can fix my puter. I'm at Kinkos using theirs.

anyone know Dells?

Mine is stuck on "Log On then Log Off", some sort of loop??? Help!!!!!!!

p.s. Diggin on da details!! Buzz!!!!

Benzart posted on 07/07/2007

Benzart: Send directions along with that address because I'll make sure and hand deliver it. How far is the bus stop from your crib? I can't remember, what part of Florida you live in: The hurricane impact zone part, the part that is covered with water, or the part with ground on fire? I'll need to dress for the environment, so let me know.
Thanks Buzz, the bus stops about 2 blocks from my house so I'll meet you there in my pick-up. Yes I'm in the hurricane impact zone part of Florida but we have had out quota for the next 12 years so no problem there and we pumped the watwe out last week so if you hurry it will stay dry about 6 1/2 days, no fires yet here but my neighbor almost started one yesterday trying to kill the roaches with a flame thrower. Our roaches are big as your leg so bring bug spray. Our Skeeters are big as your fist and Hungry so fatten up a bit before you make the trip, we like to keep'em well fed. Also, don't believe all that talk about alligators and crocodiles, we don't have'um here.
Just wear shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops so you look like a native. we don't want you lookin like no tourist.

hiltiki posted on 07/09/2007

Buzzy anything new?

hewey posted on 07/09/2007

Buffy would win for sure. Even if she was killed, she would come back (again!) :D

Nice work Buzzy, these tattooed guys are coming out very nice :D

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/09/2007

Yesterday's sunset:

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Always...I was thinking that it had been a while since I did a small hooknife piece so I started a warmup piece to get me back into small mode

6" basswood. If it doesn't stand when I cut it off the stick, then it will be a pendant.

I'm still doing the rough work on it. I need to leave the whole log on for a little bit longer so I have something to hold on to. Very soon, he will be liberated from his genesis point.

Hewey: I have to echo Benzart on the whole script thing. I'll make the following "back from the dead" Buffy rebuttal: She probably only died to make a season ending cliffhanger more interesting. Buffy fans sat around and fretted while the writers concocted a whole magic escape from death spell to awake her just in time for the end of the new season's first episode. The series was saved by the magic of the writers. Weak! Finally, if she was so tough, as all of you assert, then how did she die? The toughest woman in the universe dies? Whatever!
I still say Buffy is weak assed!

Benzart: I probably will look like I'm not from around there because I'm not from around there. In this case, I think it's better for me not not to fit in. Actually, it would be a source of pride not to. Can you send me a Disneyworld tshirt? I want to not fit in before I even leave. Now, where are you guys in relation to Mexico?, because that's the only place I've been to besides SoCal. And finally, I have two more questions: Is it safe to drink the water from the tap? and Is Florida a waste paper in the toilet or waste paper in the trash can type of environment? C you soon,

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/09/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. I just made this tiki.

It's a little wet, so I'll wait awhile until I burn it. I was thinking I might try to stain it instead. I've never done that before. I'm up for new things.

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/09/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. Another quick one.

Tiki buddies:

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/10/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. Another super fast slash and burn that I just started and finished.

I'm just getting rid of some less than superior logs as fast as I can in a slightly profitable manner.

Cammo: But people love my $35, cheap ass tikis!!

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/10/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. I did another face on a log that someone will buy because I will call it a tiki.

I think I only have about 4-5 more log peices to get rid of.

Still got logs,
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/10/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. I made one more tiki after all the others I made today:

This is what I did today, so far:

Just a little new stuff.

Buzzy Out!

JenTiki posted on 07/10/2007

Hey Buzzy!
You tryin' to keep up with Ruzic's pace, or what?!?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/10/2007

Today's sunset:

On 2007-07-08 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy anything new?

Yes. I had about fifteen minutes after the sunset picture to do this:

Now he's in the line with the others

I'm going to stop making crappy tikis now.

JenTiki: Nope, I'm just a hard workin' man, tryin' to eek out a meager existence off my artistic and marketing skills. Today's all about entry level priced tikis, for the non discerning tiki consumer.

I'm dirty and I need to get some more Pepsi and tea.
Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 07/10/2007

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

T_birdman posted on 07/10/2007

Damned bro! You're the Mad tiki machine! But as I've said b4, you da man!
The Birdman

Cammo posted on 07/10/2007

Buzzy, hit one of those new ones with Ebony Stain! You could sell it to the non-discerning but cash over-endowed new tiki buyer for zillions!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/11/2007

Stained this guy:

Put some shade and color on these guys too:
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Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/12/2007

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Kiva says, "Woof."

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/12/2007

Today's sunset:
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Another quick tikiesque face I carved on a log this afternoon:
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The factory after a few days of full production mode:
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Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/13/2007

Today's sunset:
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Set up a party all day today. Only tiki work I managed was to do some more log prep work and put the first coat of clear on this guy:
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Buzzy Out!

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 07/13/2007

Aloha Buzzy, some picts from Hawaii (La Mariana) Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/4697597b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c9694c89167db7805802b54e6ee3dd3f
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Sorry I couldn't get more, battery died, Freddie :tiki:

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[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-07-13 04:10 ]

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-07-13 04:16 ]

hiltiki posted on 07/13/2007

La Mariana is the happiest place on earth. Your tiki looks happy. Buzzy, the sunsets are looking more beautiful in summer.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/16/2007

Some weekend sunset pics:
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On 2007-07-13 04:07, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Aloha Buzzy, some picts from Hawaii (La Mariana)
Sorry I couldn't get more, battery died, Freddie :tiki:

Hey Freddie: Does that mean the date on your photos is going to reset again?

Buzzy Out!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 07/16/2007

Closing in on 100 pages Buzzmeister!

hiltiki posted on 07/16/2007

Maybe I will be lucky and be on page 100.......I hope, I hope, I hope.

hiltiki posted on 07/16/2007


hiltiki posted on 07/16/2007


hiltiki posted on 07/16/2007

Ok, I give up!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/18/2007

Yesterday's sunset:
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Started my day by making a temporary custom sign:
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I 've had a big pile of ficus in my yard drying:
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Today, as I was walking by the pile, one of the logs called out to me. It needed to be carved today, it said. Lucky for him I had a chunk of free time this afternoon.
here is a little progress I did while working on the road today:
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He has a nice sweep and bend in him.
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This log has been an utter joy to carve so far. I really like this wood. The dark you see is the sticky stuff layer between the bark and the wood.
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Hiltiki: 5,...

Buzzy Out!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 07/18/2007

Sweet start Buzzy. I'll be watching for this one. What sty;e do you have in mind? Nice pil-O-logs too. Good stuff. Can't wait to see what you do with them.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/18/2007

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GMAN: Got nothing in mind for this one yet. I just wanted to work out a different way to do the arms, so I'm starting on the body, so if i mess them up, I can cut the carved part off and make a smaller tiki on what is leftover.
Here's some shots I took while there was still enough light;
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Hiltiki: 3,...

Buzzy Out!

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 07/18/2007
Tiki Central - Exception

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