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Sports Bar Using Torches from old Tiki Establishment!!!

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Tikinaut posted on 08/03/2007

Check out this link for a sports bar in Milwaukee called Bobblehedz:


They're still using the gas tiki torches from the old Mai-Khi.

Can you say, sacrilege!?

Also, if you go to their photo section you can see remnants of the old decor in the background behind the beer guzzling jocks.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/03/2007

On 2007-08-02 21:19, Tikinaut wrote:

Can you say, sacrilege!?

Or, Tiki devolution. In that one pic of the two guys holding beers, one in shorts, that's definitely a Witco pole.
We have reached the first phase of idiocracy, no doubt.

croe67 posted on 08/03/2007

Now THAT is just TRAGIC.

Didn't know it was there, but sad to say now that I see what it has become, that we won't be checking it out.....

jpmartdog posted on 08/03/2007

wow, now that is sad - that entrance/doorway was/is amazing! Really bums me out to see the carved poles and woodwork throughout the 'joint', and to see them surrounded by sportsdrunks. :(

So what was this place in its polynesian heydey? I found this TC link but all the pics are defunct :(

[ Edited by: jpmartdog 2007-08-03 05:47 ]

Tikinaut posted on 08/03/2007

[i]So what was this place in its polynesian heydey? I found this TC link but all the pics are defunct :(

[ Edited by: jpmartdog 2007-08-03 05:47 ]

This place was formerly the Mai-Khi. It was a very majestic looking old school Tiki bar. Opened in 1973. sadly, it closed in 2000.

TikiSOX posted on 08/03/2007

To quote the great philosopher Donald Sutherland in the timeless classic, Kelly's Heroes, "Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves?"

This IS "Sacrilige", isn't it...

After all, instead of preserving all of these artifacts, they should have razed the building to the ground and put up a Walmart, shouldn't they? While we're at it, shouldn't a petition be raised to tear down Tiki Bob? After all, that's not a tiki bar any more, is it?

I just hate those "beer guzzling jocks" and "sportsdrunks" How dare they enjoy themselves? It's much better to associate with Rum guzzling folks who hate sports I guess. Oh the hypocracy of it all.

Methinks people should realize there are people on this earth that may not like the same things we do. Funny thing, some of us may just be capable of enjoying more than one thing in life.
What's really "tragic" in all of this is when we start crapping on people.

While it's sad to see great places come to an end, the fact remains is that there's a reason they did. Life goes on.

Just my two cents...

arriano posted on 08/03/2007

Wow, this place is great. Fat people. Smoking. Woman missing her front teeth. A beer selection that runs the gamut of American lager or light American lager. Miller Lite sold by the bucket. Damn, I know where I'll be if and when I'm in town!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/03/2007

..i'm confused (I know, i didn't think it was possible either but it happens occasionally)..did this building at one time actually house the old mai-khi or did they transfer the entry way and other stuff to this location??

bigbrotiki posted on 08/03/2007

On 2007-08-03 08:21, TikiSOX wrote:

I just hate those "beer guzzling jocks" and "sportsdrunks" How dare they enjoy themselves? It's much better to associate with Rum guzzling folks who hate sports I guess.

Exactly! We Tikiphiles pride ourselves of getting drunk IN STYLE, of having raised the art of getting plastered to a CULTURE. If we would not separate ourselves from sports bar jocks, frat boys, and and Jimmy Buffet fans, what would we have?: TIKI DEVOLUTION !

In order to preserve a particular life style, one has to be able to point fingers and go "nah nah nah!". Or are we expected to behave politically correct towards inferior drinking customs? Sorry, sports fan. :)

Digitiki posted on 08/03/2007

I agree its not polite to dump on people. But on the flip side, I would challenge anyone here on TC to walk into that bar with a loud hawaiian shirt and a tiki pendent dangling form their necks and ask for a fogcutter. I don't think they would be greeted with Mahalos. 10-4 good buddy.

Swanky posted on 08/03/2007

They could have at least gone to Party City and finished the place out right...

tikibars posted on 08/03/2007

Tipsy, this IS the old Mai Kai building.

Last time I drove by, the weather-faded letters spelling "Mai Kai" were still visible on the front of the building.

Some of their advertising at one point said Mai KHI, but the sign said Mai KAI, so I don't know what the deal was with that... maybe a change of ownership at some point?

TikiSOX posted on 08/03/2007

"In order to preserve a particular life style, one has to be able to point fingers and go "nah nah nah!". Or are we expected to behave politically correct towards inferior drinking customs? Sorry, sports fan."

Just shaking my head.... How silly is this. Is this a gauntlet being thrown down to debate the great dispute between who is better, the sport enthusiast or the tikiphile? :)

Could it be possible that maybe, just maybe, somebody out there is capable of liking both? Could my mother have been wrong all these years telling me to treat everyone as I would have them treat me?

Can a legitimate debate be had in the first place with someone who uses the phrase "nah nah nah" in their argument?? :)

Hmmmmm.... inferior drinking customs..... What to say. Could say a lot. Could show a lot of great history going back well over one hundred years regarding the heinous "sports bar", but....what's the point. Minds have been made up. Lot's of built up angst out there for some reason. My guess is somebody had a bad experience with a "jock" way back when and now all sports enthusiasts have been stereotyped and deified.

By the way, my wife and I are far from being considered "jocks", but we love baseball (as well as a good evening and the Ho Kong and collecting tiki mugs). I personally can't stand Jimmy Buffet, but I don't go around hating Parrot heads or whatever they call themselves. To each their own. Do you know ANYTHING about the people in this bar you're so bent up over?

Too bad that for all of the good will that's supposed to be in this tiki "culture" of ours, none of it seems to extend beyond the boundaries of the inner "family." This is really an ugly side of the culture I must say. If there is something I'm missing, I apologize, oh Godfather of the Ohana. :)

Maybe more superlative attitudes should have frequented the Mai-Khi so it wouldn't have had to close in the first place. Ever think of that? Ever think that probably 99% of the patrons to any tiki bar/restaurant/motel/bowling alley/recreation spot in the history of the same would not consider themselves a "tikiphile" but an average joe just trying to find some entertainment for a short moment?

Oh the tragedy of it all....

I'll let everyone go back to their childish bitching and moaning, if that's what they're into it. It's too bad for all of the great stuff that is at Tiki Central, things like this show their evil side.

(by the way, I'm not serious about any of this...the whole debate is assinine :))

bigbrotiki posted on 08/03/2007

First and foremost, this is about not taking oneself too seriously. I am sorry if your feelings got hurt, but please realize that Tiki is really just a big game we play. I would not be ticked of if any of the Bobbleheads would point fingers at Tikiphiles with their sissy umbrella drinks. It is fun to make fun of each other...or it should be.

Lake Surfer posted on 08/03/2007

bowing out of this thread... time for a drink :drink:

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-08-03 22:55 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/03/2007

C'mon, Sox? Did you come here to defend sports bars? If so you should check out Sportsbar Central or some of the books and magazines devoted to the rich history of the yell bar. -Wait, those doesn't exist yet. But they may one day, I guess, when sports bars are recognized for some great prevailing sense of design, class, and style, and art forms, and...hmmm..uhhh...well..they- (nevermind).

TikiSOX posted on 08/03/2007

Like I said before, I'm not taking ANY of this seriously All in good fun :)

They do look like an evil crowd though, don't they? Especially that guy in the denim shirt.

By the way, the one thing I'll agree with you is that their taste in beer really stinks. All I can See is Miller Lite, Genuine Draft and Heineken. Oh the humanity of it all :)

Be well. I'll be smiling tonight thinking of this fun over a Scorpion Bowl if I can get down to the Ho tonight.

Lake Surfer posted on 08/03/2007

bowing out of this thread... time for a drink :drink:

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-08-03 22:55 ]

Swanky posted on 08/03/2007

This is Tiki Central, so, here, we extoll the virtues of Tiki above other places to imbibe.

We all have a variety of places we like and some may be beer soaked sports bars. But, here we are preaching tiki bar. Eat S&*(^ sports bars! And die!

On some nights, I head down to a little place called Opal's and drink beer and play darts and pool. We mock sissies who drink girly drinks with umbrellas. PBR!

Other nights I have a Gin and Tonic and other things. So, don't get your dander up. But in these Halls of the Virtue of Tiki, those other places suck.

Lake Surfer posted on 08/03/2007


I urge you to visit the place pictured... :wink:

It is as bad as it looks. That whole city is as bad as it looks in that bar... and worse.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/03/2007


"Please Mr. Hamster get back on the wheel"???

Was that a suggestion or part of the dazzling appetizer tray?

I take back what I said about Jimmy Buffet. The only thing that would be sadder is if the place burned down...then again, maybe not!

I can imagine hearing "Paradise By The Dashboard Light","Slow Ride" or "Flirtin' With Disaster" at least a half a block away from their front doors. YEEEEHAH!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and where did my hamster go)?

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-08-03 12:13 ]

TikiSOX posted on 08/03/2007

Lake, I have to admit, I wouldn't be caught dead in the place. Doesn't do anything for me. Still doesn't seem right to just rag on the place because some hard working guy took out a lease on some dead tiki bar. While it would have been nice to see the place restored, the place obviously has some appeal to a lot of people whose tastes may be different than ours. That's all I'm saying. Nothing more, nothing less. Seems like nobody is listening to what I'm saying.

So many bad waves.... :(

Swanky, mahalo for the input. Your use of profanity is a true art form.

Basement, I didn't come on here to defend sports bars. I just don't see any reason to put something down, that's all.

While you may not see any great "prevailing sense of design, class, and style, and art forms" of the infamous sports bar, some, believe it or not, actually did have some nice characteristics. Along with all the tiki stuff I enjoy, are some nice sports things including a 1903 photo of a great bar in Boston all decorated for the first World Series. The place is different than the Kahiki, but just because it's different, doesn't make it any less important to some people just because you may not happen to like it. How would you like it if I said dogs and cats suck if you happened to like dogs and cats just as much as you enjoyment of all things tiki?

Well, enough of this. I'm feeling so unwanted and misunderstood. What's so bad about liking baseball? Just like Jack said in the timeless classic, Mars Attacks: Can't we all just get along? (maybe that's not a good example to use. After all, he did "buy the farm" right after he opened his mouth) :(

Aloha and salutations to all the friendly people

(edited for a bad spelling mistake on my part)

[ Edited by: TikiSOX 2007-08-03 14:46 ]

croe67 posted on 08/03/2007

On 2007-08-03 11:13, Lake Surfer wrote:

It is as bad as it looks. That whole city is as bad as it looks in that bar... and worse.

I concur with Lake - West Allis.....not so good......

Good example of how Location, Location, Location can MAKE or BREAK you!
I don't think West Allis would be a good location for a tiki bar today, unfortunately......just not the right crowd out that way.....

tekoteko posted on 08/03/2007

On 2007-08-03 11:06, Basement Kahuna wrote:
C'mon, Sox? Did you come here to defend sports bars? If so you should check out Sportsbar Central or some of the books and magazines devoted to the rich history of the yell bar. -Wait, those doesn't exist yet. But they may one day, I guess, when sports bars are recognized for some great prevailing sense of design, class, and style, and art forms, and...hmmm..uhhh...well..they- (nevermind).

Why the hell would he have to "Defend" sports bars? That's one of the dumber things i've ever heard. I think what he's saying is, why trash someone's business venture on a public forum because it's not the style that the people HERE aren't interested in. Was it worth a whole new thread? Probably not. But. Bobblehedz appears to be paying the rent. Something that the "Mai Khi" either couldn't or decided wasn't worth doing anymore. Is it his fault that the bar has some old Tiki stuff in it? And why should he throw it all out, maybe he plans to remodel once he turns from loss to profit.

I agree with Tiki SOX. Unless Bobblehedz is calling itself a "TIKI BAR" then we should all just lay off, and best of luck to the owner.


Tikinaut posted on 08/04/2007

I agree with Tiki SOX. Unless Bobblehedz is calling itself a "TIKI BAR" then we should all just lay off, and best of luck to the owner.

I think you guys are missing the point of my original post. It wasn't meant to rip on anyone. The point I was trying to make was, as a Tikiphile, I find it very sad to see such a majestic place as the Mai-Khi turned into what James Teitelbaum calls "the nemesis of Tiki bars"-->the sports bar. Personally, I like to have conversations with people in a bar (sipping a luscious cocktail) instead having my face glued to a TV set. Yeah, live and let live. Okay. But one still has the right to criticize what they see as banal.

jpmartdog posted on 08/04/2007

Hey Tikinaut - I totally understood your direction of your post and agree with you completely! Its got nothing to do with the current clientele at the ex Tiki Bar -now sports bar with some carved wood and a cool entrance. The point is that the ghosts of a Tiki Bar still lurk in the room! With the number of original Tiki Bars declining each year, its tragic when we find the remnants or bones of Tiki History!

Now as for the term 'sportsdrunks' , I was the first to use that term in this thread and am sorry if I offended anyone.... - I am the last to say anything about hanging out having some 'beers' with good friends and watching the Red Sox on the tube! In fact just Wednesday night , I went to my local 'chinese' joint/sportsbar. They have pretty good polynesian drinks of original recipes, and serve them in tiki mugs. The joint/sportsbar absolutely stinks of stale smoke, christmas lights are still up and the dart board is always busy! I had a Zombie and two Suffering Bastards, only to stumnble out in the 4th inning of the Red Sox game and hop on my vintage Schwinn green phantom and w-o-b-b-l-e home! I was a sportsdrunk and had fun...... (should have eaten though- big mistake!)

Every joint on every corner in every state is filled with unique patrons each with unique passions - its us at Tiki Central that choose to recognize, remember, revitalize and even recreate our polynesian passion - Whether it be the Mai Kai in Fort Lauderdale or the Mai Kai in West Allis Wisconsin! Some times we step on a few toes with our eagerness.... luckily most of us are wear sandals!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/04/2007

the ball of the fall of the original tiki bars got rollin long before tiki started to make a comeback....and that sucks but that's life !!.....unfortunately for us it was too late to save or patronize those that met the wrecking ball or the interior decorator....and that also sucks. But what's done is done....we should be thankful for the few tiki palaces that still exist as well as the new ones that have popped up due to the resurgence......It would have been nice to see this place still kickin out a tiki vibe and tropical drinks, but that likely won't happen unless someone new buys the place and salvages it...best not to dwell on it but put our energy into preserving the tiki legacy that we have.....

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2007

OK, I admit it, what it really is, is.....I'm just a bitter, pathetic misanthropist. Yup! Years of witnessing Tiki Bars, Tiki apartments and Tiki bowling alleys being razed or turned into generic stucco boxes have left me with an anti-social, seething anger against the basically benevolent market forces and the intrinsic wisdom of the regular beer guzzling folk (who are always right in their taste preferences, of course!)
I have learned that it is a dog eat dog world out there, and so I lash out at innocent Jaegermeister contest participants in order to make me feel a little better about the sad failure of my Quixotic quest for the preservation of Tiki culture, mumbling to myself "I showed them now!" while I compose poisonous blog rethoric that ultimately is a testament to my own powerlessness. Oh woe me! :)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/04/2007

don't beat yourself up big bro!! ......remember, "it's hard to be cool in an uncool world"!!...and because the world is populated by more "squares" than hip folk that are tuned into the value of nostalgia and our pop culture, it's always gonna be an uphill climb.....we simply are, always have been, and always will be outnumbered.......just gotta stay ahead of em'!!! -LOL

TikiSOX posted on 08/04/2007


Glad to hear there's another Sox fan on here in the tiki wasteland that is New England. Are you going on the pub crawl in a couple of weeks?

jpmartdog posted on 08/04/2007

BigBro -- You crack me up! Thats a classic post! :):D

TikiSox - Ill be there.. and by the way... it's a Tiki Tour not a pub crawl! LOL
Look forward to meeting you and please.... help me pace myself!

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-03 18:56, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
don't beat yourself up big bro!!.....remember, "it's hard to be cool in an uncool world"!!.. because the world is populated by more "squares" than hip folk....

But, but...I don' wanna be COOOL ! All I really always wanted is to fit in! -Sniff, whimper- I wunned a big buddy to high five me and pour beer over my head, too! But they didn't want me, I sucked at sports!
So I decided to become an ARTIST! But I sucked at art, tooo! Waaaaah! .....So I became an art CRITIC! And now I can spoil everybody's fun by writing that THEIR art sucks, ha! Tralalalala! And say that sports bars suck too, so there! .....And puppy dogs!...AND..... :lol:

ManFromT.I.K.I. posted on 08/04/2007

Keep fighting the good fight tikiphiles. In a world being swallowed up by crass generic mediocrity, and just plain un-tikiness, it takes courage to take a stand for style and to "call 'em as you see 'em" (little something for the baseball crowd there).

I like to live and let live and to each his own as much as the next guy, but I hate to see the hyper PC-ness so pervasive today take root here. I mean, who can honestly say they love tiki and the history of Polynesian Pop in America, and then look at those pictures and not feel sad at what a once great landmark has been reduced to?

Tom Slick posted on 08/04/2007

Fuuuuuuck....People still use midi files on websites!????

Then the song playing explained everything....
"We got a long way to go,and a short time to get there, we gunna do what they say can't be done....."-Smokey and the Bandit

They turned a once tiki shrine into a sports bar.....Thats sumthin I'd say couldn't be done.....But they done did it...And the people in the pics shur dew haf purdy maowthz....

Tikinaut posted on 08/04/2007

"But they done did it...And the people in the pics shur dew haf purdy maowthz...."

Actually, the folks in that particular bar would sound more like this...

"Ya know dem guyz down der on da soud side at da bar. I sez ta dem, I sez, anybody wanna play sum dartz? Cuz da Bears still suck hey!"

People from the near south side of Milwaukee (where this bar is located-blue collar area) tend to speak like the guys in "Da Bears" skit from Saturday Night Live. Seriously. No kidding. That's how they actually talk!

[ Edited by: Tikinaut 2007-08-04 04:45 ]

TikiSOX posted on 08/04/2007


Wish we were going, but we're heading down to visit the mouse in Florida that weekend. Have a great time and I hope to see you next year. I've already put in a good word for a couple of seats on the bus.

Glad to talk to another New Englanda

MrBaliHai posted on 08/04/2007

I'm no fan of sports bars, but as a native Wisconsinite with a blue-collar background who was born in Milwaukee, some of the negative stereotyping going on in this thread, particularly the "Deliverance" reference, doesn't sit too well with me. If you went into this bar and got beat up, it wouldn't be because you're a tiki aficionado doing a little urban archeology, it would be because you're acting like a stuck-up asshole who's too cool to drink MGD or listen to REO Speedwagon on the jukebox.

Pass the pickled turkey gizzards and pour me another PBR!

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2007

I know! Negative stereotyping sucks! I am a victim of it myself whenever I watch Hogan's Heroes! Or when disrespectful posts like this pop up: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=25103&forum=4 :)

That is a pretty photo of a pretty mug there, Tikisox! To think that it all started with this guy:

I wonder how the Maori warrior who was depicted in the original ancestor carving that is now in the DeYoung Museum would feel about ending up as a cocktail mug. One can only hope that he would react in bemused disbelief, like I would.

In my mind, the humorous thing about pop culture ARE the stereotypes, be they racial, political, sociological, or just aesthetic. As a matter of fact, that's what comedy is based on to a large degree. And right now this world is under a heavy weight by a whole bunch of people that do NOT have a sense of humor about what they believe themselves to be. So I am sorry if we come across like the Tiki Taliban, but the above images and history of the Mai-Khi just seem like such a perfect metaphor for the demise of Tiki culture, one just had to pounce on it.

So when I use terms like "Tiki Devolution" and "Jimmy Buffet-ization" I do that in the context of The Book of Tiki, which describes the rise and fall of Tiki culture, revelling in the artistic intricasies of a pop culture that was never recognized as such. I can see how without the context of the Book, the attitudes here might appear ignorant. But after beholding it and realizing the incredible richness of the Tiki cult, the passionate reactions of some of the posters here will be able to be seen from a much more forgiving perspective.

Forgive me if my assumption that you do not own the book is wrong, it is based on the fact that it is out of print for over a year now, and the observation that today many enter Tiki culture from other angles, thus lacking the historic context and visual horn of plenty that does convey what it once was.

And when I use a term like "Idiocracy", I am referring to that damn funny movie that is unjustly underrated and unknown. :)

Thank you for providing the inspiration for this rich discussion, this is the most fun I had on Tiki Central for a while!

MrBaliHai posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-04 08:35, bigbrotiki wrote:
I know! Negative stereotyping sucks! I am a victim of it myself whenever I watch Hogan's Heroes!

I think you're comparing apples and oranges here, bigbro. A somewhat better analogy would be if someone looked at a photo of you hanging out at your Stammtisch at the Weisses Brauhaus enjoying a nice Aventius, and saying, "That Sven, he's clearly a Jew-hating Nazi who's got a picture of Hitler hanging on the wall of his apartment."

In my mind, the humorous thing about pop culture ARE the stereotypes, be they racial, political, sociological, or just aesthetic.

I don't object to stereotypes per se, as long as they don't assume the worst about people.

Forgive me if my assumption that you do not own the book is wrong

If this was directed at me, then yes, it's wrong. I've owned your book for at least 10 years.

And when I use a term like "Idiocracy", I am referring to that damn funny movie that is unjustly underrated and unknown. :)

It's not unknown to me. Funniest movie I've seen all year. Ow, My Balls!

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2007

Damn, Mr Bali Hai, how did you know that about that picture on my wall..?! :D

And of course I know and respect you as an authoritative, dialed-in contributor to TC, and the non-BOT ownership assumption was directed toward Tikisox, who is a newbie here (as was the wole rest of the post below the German link).

And I am glad that you know "Idiocracy" and find it funny, even though it really is expecting the worst of.....all of humanity ! :)

TikiSOX posted on 08/04/2007


All is good on this end as well. Never meant to stir the ol' you know what pot, but just had to express my opinion. Now that the dust has sort of settled time to have a cold one, whatever you're into :)

Thanks for the kudos on the mug. It's one of my favorites as my wife used to go there all the time when she was a kid.

I've had that wonderful book of yours for many years and am very familiar with it. I can tell a lot went into putting it together having co-authored a book myself with a few other authors (on New England Brewery Advertising, it's always on ebay, though we've never really seen much of a dime back from it through sales :)). I also just recently put a lot into another book for another author on the Narragansett Brewing Company here in Rhode Island. It is just coming out I think this month.

Like your passion for Tiki, we've been collecting RI brewery advertising for over thirty years.

Sometimes I worry that all of my hobbies are alcohol related (?). I'm sure there's some psychological meaning for all of that.

Besides Tiki mugs, my wife and I also collect Red Sox material before 1920 and junk reminiscent of my childhood of the sixties.

I truly respect your love and admiration for things of the past and also lament when artifacts, establishments or other things of significance are lost to the ages. So much has been lost in this area to the dreaded strip mall. New England has far and few Roadside and Tiki Establishments left.

Anyhoo, thanks for all of the correspondence. Most appreciated on this end. Sorry to ruffle so many feathers. Just hit a nerve when beer, sports and sports bars were taking a beating. Hope you understand. I've got a lot of good memories and friends of all of these things. Life's too short not to enjoy what's out there.

So funny you brought up the link to the Germans and Bavarian drinking. I literally had a patient in yesterday from Germany and we always have a great time talking about Oktoberfest. He had mentioned he had just bought a new pair of liederhosen (I'm almost positive I spelled that wrong) as well as the rest of his traditional wardrove as he recently gave his son his old clothes.

Rum based coctails, beer, whatever floats your boat I say.

All the best from RI

MrBaliHai posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-04 09:52, TikiSOX wrote:
He had mentioned he had just bought a new pair of liederhosen (I'm almost positive I spelled that wrong)

Yup, "Lederhosen" (leather pants) is the correct spelling, but you misspelled it in a good way...you said he bought a new pair of "song pants"...:)

Which are better than "Leiderhosen" (sorrow pants), I suppose.

MrBaliHai posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-04 09:52, bigbrotiki wrote:
Damn, Mr Bali Hai, how did you know that about that picture on my wall..?! :D

I've seen that Fawlty Towers episode, so I know all about you bloody jerries...:)

And I am glad that you know "Idiocracy" and find it funny, even though it really is expecting the worst of.....all of humanity ! :)

Nah, it's only expecting the worst of really stupid people who have too many babies.

Tom Slick posted on 08/04/2007

First off, let me appologize to Mr Bali Hai and anyone else who I might have offended...I didn't expect people to get their underwear all bunched up...What I stated was purely joking around, Even down to the spelling. A Joke, Dark humor, exxageration, call it what you want... There was no seriousness intended by using the deliverance monologue...It followed my statement about webmasters still using midi files(which is funny). Maybe a few people laughed reading the statement, maybe a few cried, but in the end, it was still a joke with solely that intention. I know my next door neighbors are from Milwaukee, and I always jab them with the use of the unioned gays working in the steel mills...It's funny to them, and to me...Of course they always tell me to F-Off, but hey, its all in fun and games, and they know when someone is teasing or pulling their chain...And I too am a huge drinker and supporter of the Blue Ribbon, But admit, I am too cool to drink anything Miller...All joking aside, since people get sensitive nowadays,and I'm not trying to catch lawsuits making stereo untypical jokes(even when the stereo typing wasn't really about milwaukeeans)...That is a shame what they did to that tiki bar, but it was in Milwaukee, which was known as Beer Capitol of the world...Beer and Tiki truly don't mix well...

tikigreg posted on 08/04/2007

TikiSOX, you wouldn't have a dog named Brian, would you? (Meh-he-he-he-he-he!)

What? Well, this is a thread about stereotypes, isn't it?

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-04 10:29, Tom Slick wrote:
...Beer and Tiki truly don't mix well...

Well, yeah, I do hope I will never have to taste a beer and Tiki mixed drink! :)
But please let nobody misconstrue this thread into that, to be a true Tikiphile, one has to swear of beer, or the Tiki revival would loose its base rapidly!

Haaaaa, what a cool twist on my faulty assumption, Tikisox: It not being the case that you don't have the BOT, but that you authored something akin to "The Book of Beer", which gives you all the right to speak up against beer discrimination! Of course! Never would have thought of that! Very cool.

I have only a few memorabilia from American Bavarian Brauhauses, some really used to be like Disneyland Bavaria, superkitschy. The best one in LA is the Loewenbrau Restaurant, I have to post pictures next time I go. And I live just up the hill from another classic, the Red Lion.

Here is a favorite new mug of mine (which, of course, to the serious bierstein collector is a very tacky, common tourist item!):

If we ever meet, we will have to share a good foamy one!

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2007-08-04 11:18 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 08/04/2007

On 2007-08-04 10:29, Tom Slick wrote:
I didn't expect people to get their underwear all bunched up.

Not a problem for me, since I go commando, but in the future, it might be a good idea to sprinkle your posts with a few smilies so people know that you're not seriously comparing them with murderous, sodomizing, brain-damaged hillbillies.

Your Milwaukean friends work in a gay steelmill? Fabulous.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8261c558cfb36a87a3d06b718f6b8a1e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiSOX posted on 08/05/2007


Very cool mug. My wife is looking over my shoulder so I can't elaborate :)

I do hope we have the opportunity to meet up one of these days.

Here's a pic of our project, I'm the last guy in the list of authors. My dad and I authored the Rhode Island section, our other friends did the same for their individual New England States.

Some times you feel like a beer, some times you feel like a Scorpion Bowl

All the best and best wishes to you...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4535/46b52aae.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bcd8daedf79024c5dfd28a31946c2212

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