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Exhaustion after the Big Chop at Oasis VII

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Sorry I couldn't make it today......I can barely type as it is.......got clipped by another bike last night and wrecked my Harley.

My entire right side is smashed and I was knocked out for 10 minutes. Right now, Vicodin is my best friend!!!


Hey BBobaloo, so sorry to see this!
I'll make offerings to Tiki gods for your rapid recovery!
Heal fast!


God Bless you man , get better and tiki on , Ray

You poor thing! Is the arm broken or sprained?


Did you ruin any tattoos? Is the Harley repairable? :P

I see one good arm to chop at the Chop with!

We may need a separate carving forum for Vicodin-influenced artists. :wink:

GROG posted on Sun, Aug 12, 2007 4:54 PM

You know Buzzy, by posting how many logs you have ready, you're informing Bamboo Ben how many targets he'll have and how much much ammo he'll need. He's thinking "bonfire" at this point.

Heal quickly Billybobaloo. Sorry to hear about your mishap.

On 2007-08-12 14:11, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
My partner (in crime) took a little spill on his bike last night so I was short 33% of my team today.

Final log count is as follows:

33 individual split or round logs, 3 group logs, 1 reserve log

The following people have PM'd me and requested logs and will be guaranteed a log for the chop:
Cannibal Sam, Father of Sam, Hiltiki, 4wd, Tiki Lee, Billybobaloo, Babalu, Tbirdman, Mieko, Tiki Kate, Clysdalle, Tikijosh, and Cammo.

The rest of the 20 log pieces will be for sale at the chop area on a first come first basis. The prices are $5-10 per piece.

There will be two group logs available for guests to try carving for free. These two logs wil accomodate about 12 people.

This concludes my pre chop prep work. I might need someone who is going early on Friday to swing by and grab a few pieces to take down there.

See you all there! :)

Buzzy Out!

Hey Buzzmeister. Thanks for all the prep work and supplying the logs.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-08-12 16:56 ]

It's not so much my arm, but my ribs are all bruised and my shoulder is scraped up, so If I let it hang, it feels like there's a knife between my ribs and it's being twisted. Harley casualties are a smashed headligh and housing, bent engine guard, scraped up rear highway bars, broken floorboard, etc. I haven't really had a chance to look at it yet because it's over at Brians. He went back and picked it up for me after the wreck.

I was following my friends limo, on our way to a party and another biker got between me and the limo, slowing me down and pissing me off. I gunned it, went to pass him, and the sonofabitch turned right in front of me with no blinker. Some people shouldn't own bikes, man.


Billy...Dude!....You a lucky pup! This could have been much worse.

Toss the horse, buy a wagon...I've watched too many family members come too close to death on Harleys.

Looks like you won't be able to get out of drinking next weekend...I see a good drinking hand. Drinking is better on drugs!

DAMNED IT ALL Billy! I hope you feel better soon bro, as a fellow biker I feel your pain bro! Really, the bike will fix itself as long as you take care of yourself, and as long as you're not driving, fix yourself some of those Mai Tai's everyone is talking about to ease the pain! See you (in pieces will be fine) at the Oasis on saturday. Next time, STAY VERTICAL!

Cammo posted on Mon, Aug 13, 2007 7:39 AM

Finally back in town. Holy Kabolie you guys have been busy little beavers.

Billy B - Man, I am so sorry you got swiped, that really sucks, just tell your doctor you want MORE DRUGS. Come anyway, we'll sign your cast or buy you a drink or something. I can't believe your final act before kissing the pavement was to sign up Madame Borgia. Way to go, bro!

Buzzy - stop stripping logs and take a break. That's it. No more logs. Finito. Miller time.

And we should start posting auction items. I've got a bunch, the first of which is maybe the very first thing Tiki-Ray ever carved. He did these after a big beer bash when the itch to create tiki was just too strong to resist.

He didn't have a palm log. He didn't even have chisels. But he had a router and some spray paint.

Ray, does this bring back memories of that night??? -

Here's just the very tip-top;

Hey RAY! You remember NOW???!!!

billyb get better man....us fellow bikers feel your pain! I'll ride pegs down for ya till you get back in the saddle....heal up and we'll see you at oasis!


Oh nooo! That looks like the spear you shoved in my back when I first met you . I think that was your first pineapple raffle too . Ben and Grog can use that to start the bonfire with .

Gees Billy...that sucks, but I'm glad you're in one piece!

On another note, I've got a 10 x 10 canopy for the Chop Chop.

Yup.....You guys are swell, thank you all. It's been two days now and I'm even more sore than yesterday. Cracked ribs, smashed shoulder, bruised hip,cherry on my back and lip (looks like a herpe) but nothing severely busted, thank god. I'm still going to try and chop, but I'll have to bring Brian to assist me and just do a small log. I was going to bring a canopy, but I can't lift the fucker now......anybody spare a cripple some space?


Dang BillyB! Get better soon!


On 2007-08-12 14:11, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Final log count is as follows:

33 individual split or round logs, 3 group logs, 1 reserve log

The following people have PM'd me and requested logs and will be guaranteed a log for the chop:
Cannibal Sam, Father of Sam, Hiltiki, 4wd, Tiki Lee, Billybobaloo, Babalu, Tbirdman, Mieko, Tiki Kate, Clysdalle, Tikijosh, and Cammo.

See you all there! :)

Buzzy Out!



Hey BBBaloo, sorry to bring the gruesome tidings, but the bruises will probably just begin to bloom this weekend.
Maybe we could set you up with the horticulturalists?
Hey, just kidding.
Not kidding about take it easy and push fluids - I suspect we can keep tin man's elbows well lubricated between us all this weekend...

mieko posted on Mon, Aug 13, 2007 7:43 PM

Get better soon Billy - need you carving this weekend!!!

I did a few pink pendants, sorry the picture isn't too good, I lost my real camera over the weekend. If anyone that's signed up likes the pink ones let me know, I'm kind of up in the air about them. I need to make about 5-10 more I think, trying decide if I should make them pink or brown.

Upper right one is actually a very pale pink with white, all the other colors are pretty true.

Cammo posted on Mon, Aug 13, 2007 7:47 PM

Maybe you thought I was kidding. Nope.

Here are the Ray Shields of Beautifulness. These will be auctioned off individually, you can get them cheap. They are 20" tall.

This is the Mighty Warrior of Kumquat and most recent victim;

This is his wife:

This is them together:

And this is their certificate of authenticity, glued to the back:


WTF ??????? I cant beleive you saved that stupid shit from 100 years ago . It looks like a bad skimboard from the 60's . If Bamboo ben is viewing this .....Burn , baby, burn !!!!!!!!!!!!!

On 2007-08-13 19:43, mieko wrote:
Get better soon Billy - need you carving this weekend!!!

I did a few pink pendants, sorry the picture isn't too good, I lost my real camera over the weekend. If anyone that's signed up likes the pink ones let me know, I'm kind of up in the air about them. I need to make about 5-10 more I think, trying decide if I should make them pink or brown.

Upper right one is actually a very pale pink with white, all the other colors are pretty true.

I dig the brown, man.......

I'me chopping, no matter what. I have a limited supply of painkillers and I'm saving them for the event. I'll call my piece "Vicotiki"!!!

I like the brown also, wood tone fits nicely.


Pink is fine with me.

GROG posted on Tue, Aug 14, 2007 7:38 AM

Pink is the new brown.

On 2007-08-13 19:47, Cammo wrote:
Maybe you thought I was kidding. Nope.

Here are the Ray Shields of Beautifulness. These will be auctioned off individually, you can get them cheap. They are 20" tall.

This is the Mighty Warrior of Kumquat and most recent victim;

This is his wife:

This is them together:

And this is their certificate of authenticity, glued to the back:

wow....those make my eyes bleed.......I'm not sure I want to be in the same county as those.

I'll bet Ray's going to want to buy those back at the auction.

Speaking of the auction...
For the auction on Saturday, I am offering this tiki:

I carved it back at the June chop at Babalu's house. We will open the bidding at $20, with no reserve! One of you may walk away with a $20 tiki!
Good Luck Bidders!

I'm Excited!
Buzzy Out!


I dont want em back , thats why I tossed them . What you guys are not addressing is the fact that Cammo is a trashpicker .Oooops , I think I just opened another can of worms .


I don't know Ray...I still think these kick boards here could be tricked out some. There's a fix for everything! That is, except for Cammo's dumpster diving addiction. He's hauled a mug or two out of my studio that should have been smashed...I hope they don't end up in an auction at one of these future Oasis things.

I had two little tikis that I dug out of the trash can behind a tiki importer's warehouse when he wasn't looking. I had them outside in my work area, hoping the sun would bleach the mold, and Cammo came over, saw them, and took a liking to them. To make a long story short, Cammo, indirectly, took two tikis from the trash into his possession. Omitting certain details from this story will show another example of Cammo getting tikis from the trash.

I think we are noticing a pattern here...

Buzzy Out!


HaHahaha! The Ray Shields of Beautifulness! Good one! Thank you! Hahahaa!
I'm so happy I don't have a Cammo around...


You may be right Babalu .At least Buzzy gets to pick what he puts in the auction . So you guys know about Cammo and his obsession for using things that are junk to others ? I think he would be very helpfull at "The Island of Misfit Toys ". He could find a home for the train with square wheels . He could give new life to the squirtgun that shoots grape jelly . He could also.... wait a minute! Doesnt Cammo look a lot like "Charlie in the Box "? You never see those two guys in the same place .
That explains it . Cammo IS a misfit !

[ Edited by: Tiki-Ray 2007-08-14 17:12 ]

Cammo posted on Tue, Aug 14, 2007 5:22 PM

Ya need an awful thick skin around here.

Those tikis I rescued at Buzzy's are REALLY nice! Buzzy discards stuff most people drool over! I'm gonna fix them up real fine and you guys will all be pitifully jealous.

There was a piece at Buzzys I really dug as well(dug as in "liked", not trash dug), but Buzzy said it was trash. Cammo just knows good stuff when he sees it. I hope to one day have the honor of someone rescuing one of my discards from the rubbish. I'm going to go ice my ribs now.


Awww Cammo....roll with us...who loves ya brother!


Since Billy Bee kissed the pavement I've been searching my heart, thinking of some way to make his day a bit happier. Mainly thinking I should redo the Oasis Chop poster and get his name in there...

...put everybody's name on it and keep it more in line with the 60's psychedelic-a-go-go theme.

Here's the original, hanging in all the best Ace Hardwares around town now -

And here's the new improved version, I printed 25 copies, 12"x18", of this sucka;

What ya think?

The original one was WAY better. Never let a bunch of bastards(or some whiney biker punk) second guess what you know to be a good thing......plus, me trying to chop is going be laughable(it's GOING to happen, but it's going to be laughable), so my name being on anything is a moot point. Now, if I had been KILLED and you didn't call it the "Billbobaloo Memorial Chop", then I would have said something.

My bruised and crippled ass will be carving and I will be bringing Brian (H20tiki) as a helper. He has been doing all of my rum shopping for me at the base and we have some quite lovely Blackstrap rum for the roomcrawl.

I DID actually kiss the pavement, too......landed face down and only got a little scrape on my face, thank god, but it looks like a herpe.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Oh, I don't know. The new poster is nice too -

That psycho hippie dragging on a homemade bong has a certain light, airy quality to the acid green and pink. It sort of balances the blaring red font.

You gotta see this poster in the flesh man, it's FAR OUT!

Is that Babalu using Man-o-war as a bong!!??

Oh fuck, I just read the whole thing and I'm in PAIN!!! Right after I ate it, Zaya sent me a funny ass message as well and let me tell yas.......humor and cracked ribs only make good bedfellows when you're filled with Vicodin!!


What's a bong?


Stop using the "B" word you guys!

It's a "Tobacco product".


A Bong?

EEEWW!!NUTS!! One day, guys! One freakin' day. I was at Chateau de Buzzy this afternoon and discovered that if I keep my sling on, I'll be able to chop, no problem. I'm good to go, man!!


Lets CHOP!

I've got a table at the Bali Hai Thursday night at 5:00, so any choppers wanna have dinner come on by! I'll have total Oasis schedules printed up, so you don't have to decipher times and places for everything.

I may have some pendants too....

On 2007-08-15 23:28, Cammo wrote:
Lets CHOP!

I've got a table at the Bali Hai Thursday night at 5:00, so any choppers wanna have dinner come on by! I'll have total Oasis schedules printed up, so you don't have to decipher times and places for everything.

I may have some pendants too....

Fabulous! How late do you plan on sticking around the Bali Hai on Thursday?

Cammo posted on Thu, Aug 16, 2007 5:57 AM

How late? That depends on how fun it is.

Actually, the Bali Hai warm-up party is usually more crazed than any other part of the event - people are STOKED, the music is great, and there's a big free parking lot right out front.

The wife and I will be there. She's got me wearing a hockey helmet and a leash.......and if I order a Mai Tai, I have to wear water wings.


Buzzy & Cammo's postings of stuff they're gonna be bringing to T.O. got me all motivated & stuff, so I just posted some of what I'M bringin'!

Here's DA LINK-


Plus, this is a good way to bump this thread up to the top again! :D

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