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Exhaustion after the Big Chop at Oasis VII

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Cammo posted on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 4:44 AM

See you folks Saturday. Carving all day, Auction at 3:45, after Beachbum Berry's talk.


There will be 25 carvers involved, many are regulars from our monthly Tiki Chops.

Where the heck was everybody!!! There was maybe ten of us, and we had a great time. Tikis were carved, tikis were sold. :D
Be there Sunday! Auction at 2:30.


On 2007-08-18 20:19, 4WDtiki wrote:

There will be 25 carvers involved, many are regulars from our monthly Tiki Chops.

Where the heck was everybody!!! There was maybe ten of us, and we had a great time. Tikis were carved, tikis were sold. :D
Be there Sunday! Auction at 2:30.

I'm coming tomorrow! I probably won't get there until about 2 or so! Save me a log!

Friday I got off work at 1am, didn't waky-waky til 1pm, so I'm prepped to be down sunday am, bright & early, with the boy in tow! Sorry I missed out!

*On 2007-08-18 21:36, TikiJosh wrote:*I'm coming tomorrow!

Me too. Cut the dickens out of my finger the other day and Pakalololita forbid me from woodworking till they took the huge marshmallow wrapping off my stitches so my hand could fit in a glove... but will be there to whitle Tangaroa pendants today! Better late than never I suppose.

carved my first tiki here. wayy stoked witht he result of it. ill post a pick later. for those of you who dont know me, im tiki thomas. i was carving the tiki in miekos easy up

[ Edited by: tikithomas08 2007-08-20 01:27 ]

mieko posted on Sun, Aug 19, 2007 8:22 PM

Wow, what a great chop! Got a lot of carving done, got some great ideas from other people, and introduced a huge number of people to the wonders of carving!!
TikiThomas08 made a GREAT tiki(get those pictures up!) and a few other people tried out a chisel as well. Sounds like we might have a HUGE chop next month, I spoke to so many people who are interested in coming to the next chop that I lost count!
Big Thanks to Buzzy for all the logs! It wouldn't have been a chop without him.

Our auctions were a huge success, the Saturday one was a little small but a great start, and Sunday was great!
HUGE Thanks to BOSKO and Tiki Diablo for donating tikis to the raffle! We have some money for our group - Cammo's vote is to get some yummy Phil's BBQ ribs for the next chop which sounds great, lemme know if you have any other ideas.

Cammo posted on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 1:12 AM

Now THAT was fun.

Everybody was amazing, but I think Billy Bobaloo stole the show with his constant wisecracks, his one arm chopping style, his constant enthusiastic sales, his extremely decorative wife, and his bottomless-pit capacity for drugs and alcohol.

In other words, he's my new hero.

I saw Buzzy sweat for the very first time, which was weird becase he seemed to magically have the only shade in the entire poolside vending area and sat there taking people's cash all day. He may have simply dabbed water on his forehead to make it LOOK like he was working really hard.

Otto seemed to have more fun than anybody else, except for our Billy Bee. And Otto loved our Carving Village. He was totally into the idea from day one, and his eyes lit up with a crazed glow when I told him we had new converts like Thomas.

Cheeky had the best party and the best drink, no contest.

Cripes, that Thomas guy flew through that log.

4WD did real good. REAL good.

The pool was 9.5 feet in the deep end. Excellent pool. Crazy Al kept chickening out (cluck, cluck!) when I dared him to race me.

Bamboo Ben is CRAZY. Crazy Al is the SANEST man I've ever met.

Mieko made new pendants Saturday night, those are the ones that hit the auction and paid in spades for the pendant materials.

The Sunday auction was a big hit. We netted plenty for ribs and onion rings next time; like Mieko says, thank Bosko and Danny for them.

Tiki-Ray was blushing beet red when we auctioned off his green shields, which is pretty hard to achieve considering some of the photo shoots he's been a part of.

Vegas Lee went home real happy.

I made a big tongue.

Blackstrap Rum goes great with that Shasta Tiki Soda. We have it on good authority that it tasted better than the drinks Beachbum Berry was making next door.

If you rub Kennie's hair you get good luck.

Kate was there chopping 9:30am Friday to the end of the day Sunday, and still managed to teleport herself to the shopping and back like a sped-up cartoon.

Anyway, time for bed.

heres me/ my tiki. not bad for my first one eh? thanks to everyone, especialy mieko for all the help, tips, and tools.

after who knows how long of choping

then i torched that bad boy, and sanded him. now im hooked, cant wait for the next SD chop


Hey Thomas,

That tiki is very sweet indeed my friend! Your enthusiasm for carving is also very cool. Welcome to the crew!!

Cammo is right, Billy B was hung over with a busted up arm and still one of the last carvers standing. Rock on BB!!

Cammo posted on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 6:48 AM

Oh yeah, Babalu and Buzzy both turned into permanent Tiki guys this weekend. They've been wobbling on the fence for a while...

I saw Buzzy standing in a long line waiting for a Soccertiki Mai Tai, and Babs bought the sweetest hand carved fish hook pendant ever made. Also Babs had a lot of work to do Sunday but showed up all day with a lopsided grin and goofed off poolside instead.

Thank you Buzzy God for your help, affability and logs. You make the other Tiki Guys look they're working too hard at it.

Zaya posted on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 10:38 AM

I had such a great time on Saturday at Tiki Oasis! The carving villiage was such a success, and everyone did an awesome job! Thank you so much Cammo and Mieko for our totally cool pendants!! You guys really went all out for us. Here are my pictures from the day's events....

Let the auction begin!

WOO HOO!!! Buzzy won the auction for the TikiRay business card holder!

Here's one of Buzzy burning his signature into his tiki. (P.S. Love the picture that was posted of it in it's new home!!)

You can also check out my post on Buzzy's thread of his Pin Up signing pictures! Just click here...

Thanks for such a great time everyone!!


Who won the tikis by BOSKO and Tiki Diablo?
Do you have pictures of those tikis?
I almost flew there just to get a shot at those!
I've met them both and they are two great guys.
Would have love to carve with these masters!
Not to mention Crazy Al!

On 2007-08-20 10:57, tikiskip wrote:
Who won the tikis by BOSKO and Tiki Diablo?
Do you have pictures of those tikis?
I almost flew there just to get a shot at those!
I've met them both and they are two great guys.
Would have love to carve with these masters!
Not to mention Crazy Al!

What, the rest of us are boring old jack-offs who turn out splinterey messes? Out of all of the tikis being chopped, sold, pimped, burned, stained, and changing hands this passed weekend(legally or illegally!), why are Bosko, Diablo and Crazy Al the only ones you care about? Broaden your horizons, man.......there were a LOT of AMAZING choppers at Oasis this year, so don't get stuck on Celeb carvers.

That being said, this whole thing would NEVER have happened if not for our good pals, Cammo, Mieko, Kate, Buzzy, Clysdale, Babalu, H20, Lee, Tikidav, Fly-Boy(who stood next to me the whole time, carving on freshly chopped legs!), 4WD, Eric,Birdman, Cheeky(for her lending me her sharp tools to cut myself with),, etc.....(if I've missed anyone, I blame the drugs). I was just some biker-punk-kid who was looking for a fresh scene and some fun new people, and Ya'll turned me into a fully addicted, tiki carving FREAK, and it is a most humbling pleasure to be a part of the group!!

I have a TON more thank-yous and pictures to post, but I have to go to El Centro to pick up the dog and kid. Will be posting tonight, so stay tuned!!!

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: billybobaloo 2007-08-20 12:22 ]

I had a great time, even though I was only able to make it down for a few hours yesterday afternoon! Still great fun! Can't wait till the next chop chop!
Billy B was great fun to have as a carving neighbor!
And thanks to Buzzy for the log (and half round-- it'll make a cool mask!)!!!!!!!

The only question I have for everyone-- where'd you all get them sawhorses? I gotta get one of those!

[ Edited by: TikiJosh 2007-08-20 16:19 ]


The only question I have for everyone-- where'd you all get them sawhorses? I gotta get one of those!

Hey Josh- You can get them sawhorses at Home Depot or just about any hardware store. All ya do is nail a couple O' 2X4s to the sides and whamo! Instant Tiki carving station.

Super big thanks to Cammo and everyone else involved for putting the Carving Village deal together. Good times............good times.

Anyone remember what a great time Mieko had at the Bali Hai? I have proof!!

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: billybobaloo 2007-08-21 02:10 ]


"why are Bosko, Diablo and Crazy Al the only ones you care about? Broaden your horizons, man.......there were a LOT of AMAZING choppers at Oasis this year, so don't get stuck on Celeb carvers"

Did not mean to dis anyone. Just wanted to see their stuff too.
I don't know of the carvers you talk of that's all.
But I will say that when someone comes up to your tiki
and says "That's a Bosko Or C al, Diablo" That's when you have made it.
When you have a style that is all your own, and that's hard to do with tiki.
It's kind of been done a lot.
Carve on.

Cammo posted on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 6:32 AM

"When you have a style that is all your own, and that's hard to do with tiki... bla bla bla etc etc."

Bro, you gotta go over to the Carving section of TC right now and look around. I mean, really dude. 4WDtiki has the most distinctive and recognizable style going. His cube-y Maois are REALLY getting popular.

And most people at Oasis were climbing over each other, paying pro carver Buzzy outlandish prices for the classic Bay Park Buzzy signed photos. That guy's fame is legendary. I think his photos sold out in like 27 minutes.

And Billy Bobaloo sold every Tiki he made at Oasis; some were international sales! Two were sold before he finished them!



It seemed like there were quite a few carvers that were swamped at their booths this year, and didn't get to carve, including the Buzz Master...I did get to meet Danny on Sunday though. If your out there Danny...I really dug your mugs man! Brought one that I'm drinking out of right now. Look forward to carving with you some day too. Huge thanks to both Diablo and Bosco for donating those pieces to the Sunday auction for the good of carving. Mad props!

that works...the 22nd is the only weekend I have really in Sept also...nice choice!

On 2007-08-21 04:56, tikiskip wrote:
"why are Bosko, Diablo and Crazy Al the only ones you care about? Broaden your horizons, man.......there were a LOT of AMAZING choppers at Oasis this year, so don't get stuck on Celeb carvers"

Did not mean to dis anyone. Just wanted to see their stuff too.
I don't know of the carvers you talk of that's all.
But I will say that when someone comes up to your tiki
and says "That's a Bosko Or C al, Diablo" That's when you have made it.
When you have a style that is all your own, and that's hard to do with tiki.
It's kind of been done a lot.
Carve on.

Skip.........you're just making it worse. Please go play somewhere else. The sad thing here is that you don't even think you've insulted anyone.

GROG posted on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 8:40 AM

"Look at me! Look at me!"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

On 2007-08-21 08:18, billybobaloo wrote:

On 2007-08-21 04:56, tikiskip wrote:
"why are Bosko, Diablo and Crazy Al the only ones you care about? Broaden your horizons, man.......there were a LOT of AMAZING choppers at Oasis this year, so don't get stuck on Celeb carvers"

Did not mean to dis anyone. Just wanted to see their stuff too.
I don't know of the carvers you talk of that's all.
But I will say that when someone comes up to your tiki
and says "That's a Bosko Or C al, Diablo" That's when you have made it.
When you have a style that is all your own, and that's hard to do with tiki.
It's kind of been done a lot.
Carve on.

Skip.........you're just making it worse. Please go play somewhere else. The sad thing here is that you don't even think you've insulted anyone.

The sad thing is that you and many more beginners have delusions of grandeur. Not saying I can do better (I don't carve), or that you should stop carving, but for you to think that you're even close to the level of the artists you mentioned is absurd.
And I don't mean the technical skill of carving - I mean the creative style. I don't say this to offend, I say this to give you a little reality check. A little humility goes a long way.

Thanks Mieko for letting me use your chisels on Friday. I was hoping to get the group log a good head start but alas it was not an idea that was going to catch on.

maybe another time.

Bummed I was trapped in a vending booth on the big carving day... I should have carved..

Thanks Cammo for going to so much trouble making those pendants they really turned out nice

Thanks Buzzy for transporting and stripping those logs... I know its a lot of work....

On 2007-08-21 08:48, kick_the_reverb wrote:

On 2007-08-21 08:18, billybobaloo wrote:

On 2007-08-21 04:56, tikiskip wrote:
"why are Bosko, Diablo and Crazy Al the only ones you care about? Broaden your horizons, man.......there were a LOT of AMAZING choppers at Oasis this year, so don't get stuck on Celeb carvers"

Did not mean to dis anyone. Just wanted to see their stuff too.
I don't know of the carvers you talk of that's all.
But I will say that when someone comes up to your tiki
and says "That's a Bosko Or C al, Diablo" That's when you have made it.
When you have a style that is all your own, and that's hard to do with tiki.
It's kind of been done a lot.
Carve on.

Skip.........you're just making it worse. Please go play somewhere else. The sad thing here is that you don't even think you've insulted anyone.

The sad thing is that you and many more beginners have delusions of grandeur. Not saying I can do better (I don't carve), or that you should stop carving, but for you to think that you're even close to the level of the artists you mentioned is absurd.
And I don't mean the technical skill of carving - I mean the creative style. I don't say this to offend, I say this to give you a little reality check. A little humility goes a long way.

No, the sad thing is watching a bunch of grown men piss themselves over carvers like a bunch of little girls at an NSync concert. Saying that one carver is better than the other is like saying that grape is better than strawberry........it's all opinion. You wanna be a little carver groupie, you go ahead.

billybobaloo Quote
"Since this is the Buzzy worship thread, here's my contribution~
IT'S BUZZY!!!!!"

Like little girls? You may have something there.

Babalu Just took a look at your stuff and it's looking good.
Porps to you man! Awesome.

On 2007-08-21 10:31, tikiskip wrote:
billybobaloo Quote
"Since this is the Buzzy worship thread, here's my contribution~
IT'S BUZZY!!!!!"

Like little girls? You may have something there.

Babalu Just took a look at your stuff and it's looking good.
Porps to you man! Awesome.

Uh.......Buzzy is a friend of mine, ignoramus. Swing and a miss. I'll trade insults with you all day, bozo.......I'm home from work, injured from a motorcycle accident, and I just got a new script of painkillers.......wanna stop now, or should we keep going? I'd like to just post pics, but if I have to spend my time on you, I will.


On 2007-08-21 09:06, Monkeyman wrote:
Thanks Mieko for letting me use your chisels on Friday. I was hoping to get the group log a good head start but alas it was not an idea that was going to catch on.
maybe another time.

We will be working on it - I love what you started, so I made sure Bill took it home and we can carve on it for the next few chops. :) Maybe we can auction it off next year at Oasis!
And you can borrow my chisels anytime!

On 2007-08-21 09:06, Monkeyman wrote:
Thanks Cammo for going to so much trouble making those pendants they really turned out nice

Did you get yours?? We didn't have one ahead of time cause we didn't know you were gonna carve, but I wanted to make sure you got one. :)

first of all.....HIGHEST WORSHIP STATUS .........goes to the guys and girls at the carving village....these were the guys out there carving out in the heat for you to see....they stopped what they were doing to answer questions...explained different log types and how to spot a good one..explained tools ..just about any thing you wanted to ask about ....major kudos..........i learned a lot just watching........i bought a buzzy.{ a couple of them }..and a billybobaloo...i found their carvings to be unique....not cookie cutter.......yeah i did buy a couple of cookie cutter tikis from the importer guys also...but i have to say....the billybobaloo and the buzzy stuff is what did it for me,,,,,i was crushed when someone beat me to the big one billybobaloo was working on...IT WAS COOL............as for crazy al....i didnt see him out there carving ...i did see him dance though...

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-08-21 11:26 ]

"I'd like to just post pics, but if I have to spend my time on you, I will"

That's what started this whole thing.
I asked about pictures of the stuff Bosko and Tiki Diablo
donated to the raffle.
Then someone went coo coo and started to sling insults around.

So does anyone have any pics of the master tiki carvers
Bosko, Crazy Al, Or Tiki Diablo?
Their dreamy.


Monkey the Man gets one, we have like 2 left I think. I actually LOST T-Bird's ( It's probably in the pool) so he'll get set up too.

He's the Fisheye Fotos in no order at all -

Our guardian Tiki-

Do you think some people look like the Tikis they carve?

The happy Cannibal -

The creative Process -

Dav finds shade-

Break time -

This is the look Kate gives vendors when she wants a deal. It usually works-

Cheeky goes pro -

Babs taps one out -

HEY! What are you DOING?!

This guy IS Oasis.

Jimbo, a very happy camper.

And these guys were all our faves, they had a great attitude, serenaded us with uke and bongoes, and then proceeded to rip logs apart all weekend. They were SO into it. Bravo, bro's. (Lets get these guys pendants!)

On 2007-08-20 21:22, Tikidav wrote:

The only question I have for everyone-- where'd you all get them sawhorses? I gotta get one of those!

Hey Josh- You can get them sawhorses at Home Depot or just about any hardware store. All ya do is nail a couple O' 2X4s to the sides and whamo! Instant Tiki carving station.

Super big thanks to Cammo and everyone else involved for putting the Carving Village deal together. Good times............good times.

As soon as I posted, I remembered that's where I'd seen 'em. I've already got my sawhorse, 2x4 nailed on each side, and my oasis log is sitting high (away from the dogs)! Even got a few chops in last night before it got dark! Awesome idea!


Hey Choppers!
Your village struck me with awe!

I really looked forward to a first-time slicing on a group log, but what with the level of beauty going on, retreated back into the huddled masses appreciating radiant greatness.
It didn't even occur to me 'till reading these most recent postings that a group log was not seen...

B.Bobaloo, thanks for taking a few minutes to chat - and keep on your doc, man: pain does not help the healing process.
Brilliant showing, every one of yuz!

A friendly warning to the chap casting aspersions on my new friends here:

It's both about the art and the process.
If you like it, buy it: reward the artist who makes you happy.
If you don't, be quiet and listen: the artist gets it, others get it, you don't get it.
If you pay attention, you might learn a thing or two about why you don't get it.

Maybe next year I'll get up the nerve to sink my claws into some palm wood...

On 2007-08-21 14:47, Tiki Lion wrote:

A friendly warning to the chap casting aspersions on my new friends here:

It's both about the art and the process.
If you like it, buy it: reward the artist who makes you happy.
If you don't, be quiet and listen: the artist gets it, others get it, you don't get it.
If you pay attention, you might learn a thing or two about why you don't get it.

Well said.....you get a mai tai on me at the next chop!!


Wow, I saw no slight whatsoever in Skip's comments. :shrug:

Billybob, love ya man, but do us all a favor and drop it!


Also, did anyone happen to get a pic of the finished small mask type carving I did for the auction? Anyone know who won it?

Cammo posted on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 3:27 PM

Yeah, you're right about the group log. We had one and Monkeyman started it real fine, but we ran out of sawhorses to balance it on.

It turned out that once somebody started chipping away at a log, they just couldn't stop. It was great seeing novices get hooked and not going away. The only problem was they were using all the available sawhorses. That's OK, next time we're setting up a whole LOT of carving areas.

We learned a lot, and it all came off great considering it was organized in a kind of unorganized way.

Chop chop swim chop chop musubi chop cool room drink swim hi mean gene hi buzzy drink chop chop ...

On 2007-08-21 15:14, 4WDtiki wrote:
Wow, I saw no slight whatsoever in Skip's comments. :shrug:

Billybob, love ya man, but do us all a favor and drop it!

I dropped it. I went to buy a new chainsaw. Now I'm happy as hell. I'll be bringing it to the Balboa chop.


"Oh you take the high road, and I'll take the low road..."
Way to take the high road Billy Bob, you da man!

I took the high road and got a new chainsaw. Lots of stain, varnish, sandpaper, and fuel, too. Now I can continue to hack my way to enlightenment!!!

Billybob takes a chill pill instead of a vicodin

AAAAAHHHH!!!! Mental floss, baby!!

Nam Myho Renge Kyo!!......I keep forgetting that, so thanks for keeping me in check, guys.



Nam Myho Renge Kyo!!......

Please tell us what that means man

Or just remind us that forget what it is.

On 2007-08-21 18:25, H2O Tiki wrote:

Nam Myho Renge Kyo!!......

Please tell us what that means man

Or just remind us that forget what it is.

Loosely translated meaning (because there is no exact translation)is a Buddhist chant for "I take refuge" or "taking refuge". Inner mind, inner peace. Tranquility.



Psycho Tiki D,

thanks for the translation. Some of us grew up in California with their proper skooling...


On 2007-08-21 18:25, H2O Tiki wrote:

Nam Myho Renge Kyo!!......

Please tell us what that means man

Or just remind us that forget what it is.

The above translation is dead wrong. "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" is the phonetic Japanese chant of the Nichiren and Soka Gakkai(SGI) buddhists and means (roughly) I dedicate myself to the laws of cause and effect (Or "The wonderful dharma of the Lotus Flower Sutra)and promise to perpetuate good karma. As you can see from my past posts, I let some nobody get to me and once again forgot myself......I do it a lot. I'm kind of an ass.

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: billybobaloo 2007-08-22 00:04 ]

On 2007-08-20 10:57, tikiskip wrote:
Who won the tikis by BOSKO and Tiki Diablo?
Do you have pictures of those tikis?
I almost flew there just to get a shot at those!
I've met them both and they are two great guys.
Would have love to carve with these masters!
Not to mention Crazy Al!

Bosko contributed one of his lovely abstracty tiki masks from his booth, and Danny put one of his 12 Volcanos mugs into the auction. This was incredibly sweet of them and much appreciated by the carvers.

The fact is that the two of them, along with Benzart, taught many of the San Diego Chop Chop folks how to carve in the first place, and they are rather beloved by most of the group.

Mad props to 4WD whose tiki mask brought in more money on its own that any other item in the auction.

I failed in my duty as the official auction bookkeeper in that I wasn't able to record who purchased what. Things were going so fast, I only had time to keep track of where the money all went.



Oranges, apples it is almost the same. Let us be true to ones-self and to others.


On 2007-08-21 20:45, Tiki-Kate wrote:

On 2007-08-20 10:57, tikiskip wrote:
Who won the tikis by BOSKO and Tiki Diablo?
Do you have pictures of those tikis?
I almost flew there just to get a shot at those!
I've met them both and they are two great guys.
Would have love to carve with these masters!
Not to mention Crazy Al!

Bosko contributed one of his lovely abstracty tiki masks from his booth, and Danny put one of his 12 Volcanos mugs into the auction. This was incredibly sweet of them and much appreciated by the carvers.

The fact is that the two of them, along with Benzart, taught many of the San Diego Chop Chop folks how to carve in the first place, and they are rather beloved by most of the group.

Mad props to 4WD whose tiki mask brought in more money on its own that any other item in the auction.

I failed in my duty as the official auction bookkeeper in that I wasn't able to record who purchased what. Things were going so fast, I only had time to keep track of where the money all went.

Yes, I must agree that it was most cool of Bosko and Danny to donate to our chop community. Now I feel bad for keeping the money from the mask I auctioned off. It was a nice couple from the East Bay and it was their first tiki.

Thanks a bunch to John Wood and Lila Robinwood. I hope my little carving brings you years of enjoyment and the fact that you loved it so much was very flattering, as I am still a snot-nosed little rookie.

That chop was right up in the top ten greatest times I've ever had, man.

And lastly(but DEFINATELY not leastly) A HUGE thanks to my good friend and brother, Brian (H20tiki). Without you, bro......I'd have been laying on the ground, scratching a face into a pencil, man. My weekend could NOT have happened without you!!

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: billybobaloo 2007-08-22 00:12 ]

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