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Oasis 2007 photo log already!

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TikiCutie posted on 08/17/2007

So here I am at my first Oasis, and I've already run into some great fun and familiar faces...I'll be seeing so many more of you all as the weekend "crawls" onward, better start downloading pics now to make room for more!

Mr. Bali Hai and his Double Agent, only recognizable by his wearing of the straw on the "other side"

Tikicutie Laura, Nelva, Dave, Kate and Marie with fingers saluting?

Exemplary drinking skills displayed:

TIkicutie Laura's "Table of the Last Minute Gang"! Kristena, Big Tikidude Jeff, Laura, TikiKate

TikiKate says she is going to be my guide and mentor for my first Oasis ever. So if anything happens to me, I blame her. If anything good happens, I thank her! Here is proof that I have no scars, bruises or tatoos visible as of Thursday night.

Let the games begin! See you all Friday.

I put the "fun" in confusion!

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-19 18:30 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-22 07:53 ]

Barnacle Bella posted on 08/17/2007

What fun pictures! I can't wait to get there!

catmomma posted on 08/17/2007

Aww I wish we could have stayed last night. We showed up and found the wait for Bali Hai to be over a hour (yeah I missed getting a reservation) so we got our wristbands and left to find food. Did not make it back sigh Hubby and I are both working today so the party does not start for us till about 7pm tonight

TikiCutie posted on 08/18/2007

Your action reporter is on the scene! For those of you who cannot make it, here are some more "as if you were there" photos from Oasis 7. For those of you who did, I caught it all on film so you and look back and say...."oh yeah!" Yes, I'm in most of them, but it IS my camera. Please forgive me if I forget your name or mispell it. Alcohol was involved. You understand.

Friday night soiree pics follow:

The big SEVEN!

Otto presiding....rockin' out Chicago and Detroit? Giving his famous "I have a dream" speech?

The entertainment:
The Blue Hawaiians

Half-naked chicks in coconut bras undulating for everyone's pleasure. I think I need to invent a coconut push-up bra...whaddya think?

Jon Paul (photographer AND editor, no less) doin' his thang, catching all the action on film...check out the glowing red lady in the background..ooooooh!

The Devilettes!

People in the crowd:
TikiKate, Judd and Scott later had a wrestling match, fighting over who was supposed to wear the brightest orange shirt for Friday...but in a tiki pile-up, we all win....

No, someone didn't stick this umbrella in his goatee while he slept, this fashion statement was his own concoction:

A bright and smiley Fez salute from Troy

Seriously snooty Hoiti Toitis

Tikicutie Laura ordering sushi with Ran at the bar

Scott and Laura getting their funk on to the Blue Hawaiians...or is Scott so mesmerized by Hot Laura's swaying that he is paralyzed with desire?

One of the first people I ever met in the Tiki world, Mr. Polypop, ladies and gentlemen

"Why won't you dance with me, man?" Jeff turns down and invite to a spin on the dancefloor with Jon Paul

Marie and Tikicutie Laura will dance with you, Mr. Photographer Man

Laura, Laura, Marie, repersentin' on da dancefloor of grass

Not and unusual sight on the dancefloor, Crazy Al showing us all how to party just a little harder...

Myself between Purple Orchid's Dave and Rebecca

The room crawl...Holden herds a group of willing drunks into the elevator and takes us to the 13th floor of Mai Tai Heaven after the dancing and music end

Holden and Squid in the room that time forgot. Squid's glass says it all.

Who was there?

Bed duty changes hands: Tigerlily (thanks for pulling registration duty) Holden (Holden Back the Ears), Derek Yaniger (Oasis illustrator) and TikiTrav (What was that gravy thing you were going on about?)

My buddies Robin and Dave

Rebecca and Eric with a drink in his pocket. So THIS is how he lures little girls...

Things always start off semi-normal when Johnnie V, Tikibird Dave and The Fury get in front of the camera...but something strange lurks in the ONE RED EYE of Johnnie Velour....

Tikipug and The Stace on the porch in a candid moment. Thank you Dr. Stacy for curing Dr. Laura of the hiccups in the bathroom!

Mai, Mai, Mai what a beautiful dress, and the famous opera singer to be, Suzanne, in the background (good luck starting your masters degree in opera next week in Texas!)

Um, where is my hand? Fury and Tikicutie having a meeting at the watercooler. If only Mai Tai's filled these things at work...it would ALWAYS be Millertime...

SoccerTiki encouraged this disgusting display. That's okay, half the party had already been flashed my underwear several times at this point

Your caption here:

Johnnie Velour and his STERNographer

Suzy was just arriving at the hotel at midnight as Holden's crawl party spilled into the hallway to greet her

How can you just be getting here, Grog? It's past midnight! Another late arrival I ran across in the parking lot as I left for the evening. Man that drive from Alaska is a real "witch" (rhymes with)!

The last faces I saw for the evening: Dr. Laura Whalerider (who put the "X" in X-ray) and Spermy (who put the drinks in Laura) ....staggering through the parking lot after midnight...lost?...I offered them a ride but they said they were just staying next door at the Motel 6. Hope you made it there ok!

Ok...gotta go to the Saturday events now, more pics posted Sunday.

I put the "fun" in confusion!

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-18 12:03 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-18 19:24 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-19 18:26 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-20 09:03 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-22 07:55 ]

tiki leki posted on 08/18/2007

Tikicutie, Thanks for posting the great photo's. I saw you during the Blue Hawaiian set, but I had my parents with me and they were getting tired and I had to get them home. Tonight I'll have my wife and a few friends with me, maybe we'll catch you tonight. Tiki Leki.

TikiCutie posted on 08/19/2007

Saturday report, daytime events:

First things first. Thanks Shell in the Pacific for hooking me up with the room crawl list and laminated badge!

Next things next: First symposium, 12:30...Go Go dancing lessons. Excuse me madame, could you point me to the dance lesson room?

Woohoo gets the go go mojo geared up with a good luck go go squeeze.

Baby Doe demonstrated the backstroke move, among many other not-as-complicated-as-you-would-think moves. When she asked us to make up names for "ocean themed" improv dances, she willingly tried out my suggestion for one called "The Barnacle". Man, she can make anything shimmy!

Another ocean themed move is demonstrated: the surfboard...check out Mr. Suave in the background pretending not to look up the Devilette's skirt .

Did you know the "American Ska" move came from Jamaica? I have no idea what I am talking about.

Sometimes Devilettes are so naughty they have to spank themselves while dancing:

We were allowed to take a break and drink water. Coco Loco and Atomikitty fuel up on the H2O. This is when we all realized how hung over we still were and that we were go go dancing in the middle of the million degree heat of a San Diego August.

I think Suzy held up in the sweaty aerobicizing pretty well for a while, but then she turned rabid and tried to attack me with her dance moves

So I recoiled and pulled out my best Drunken-Fisted Monkey-go go technique. This picture even scares ME:

I decided I better eat, and met this fellow, George, who was seated with Tiffany Tigerlily at the sushi bar.

Then I had enough fuel in my tank for shopping! Here is Suzanne just about to sing us her operatic aria "Buy My Flower Barettes to Pay for my College". I did buy one. I hope that helps with tuition!

I met Heather Watts and bought a print! It was her artwork that inspired me to do tiki paintings and sell them out here in California. Thanks, Heather for being one of the few Wahines of Tiki Art!

Thor demonstrated to me how he made his shrunken heads

Look at this thing, it's amazing!

Mark and his fine cut glass mosaics was vending too

Derek and Grog bid a friendly hello

I think Bamboo Ben was trying to tell me I had a phone call

Then I came across Tiki Tony and he was telling me I also had a call on the Hang-Ten phone.

And DJ Lee and his lovely Jamie were there, shoppin'

And then they were spinnin' vinyl in the shade

Not everyone was maxing out their credit cards, some soaked up rays and tunes like Liz here

Trey greets us all from the planet of The Surfside Four...asking "take me to your leader....surf DJ BigTikiDude Jeff"

And Ken was there

and Jeremy

And the kind Gentleman Les, who knocked over my drink last night and immediately bought me another one (thanks again), and then another one the next night. Nice tiki necklace!

Let's have a closeup of that

There was a quiet village of tiki carving going on in the parking lot

There were people out there chippin', and choppin' and burnin' and sandin'

Mieko was carving her little necklaces

I got a group hug from Lisa Lisa and the Krust Jamm...they had just shown up at 4:30 on Saturday.

Ok, enough for now, I'm going back to the madness for the evening, and another room crawl!


I put the "fun" in confusion!

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-19 18:38 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-19 18:44 ]

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-08-19 18:59 ]

catmomma posted on 08/19/2007

We only took one picture all weekend and that is one of me taken by my husband on my phone so it is crummy. This was our first T.O. and I am HOOKED! We had a total blast.

the one and only photo from us:

By the time this was taken I am surprised I could still sit upright. I forgot how well rum sneaks up on me.

Krustiki posted on 08/19/2007


The Bamboo Ben Wildlife Diorama

sleestak posted on 08/20/2007

that was so fun! great photos!

TikiCutie posted on 08/20/2007

Krustiki, I love the Bamboo Ben Diorama! I'm jealous of your photo opportunity.

Hey, did anyone notice besides me that down the street from the Hanalei in another hotel was the National Lactation Convention? What bunch of boobs. What a bunch of suckers. I tried to take a pic of the sign but it didn't come out. Shame, really. Who is going to believe me?

Anyway, so here are the Saturday night photos. I was far, far FAR too hung over Sunday morning to post these "immediatamente"...let it just be said that the parties got EVEN BETTER Saturday night, and I didn't think that was earthly possible. Memories were made, notes were sternographered, pics were taken. Forgive me if I forget or mispell your names once again, but here goes:

The entertainement:
The dance troupe "Burlesque As It Was"...later appearing at the National Lactation Convention down the street

Baby Doe halfway between the "Barnacle" and the "Starfish" go go moves, performs while the Blue Hawaiians rattle our bones

The looker-onners:

Holy purple hot pants, Shelly! Move over bacon, now there's something purpler!

Who is that CRAZY person that keeps jumping up on stage during everyone else's shows? The Fez Patrol wants to know.

Out in the crowd:

This photographer is lucky these guys weren't wearing kilts

Hot and sweaty from go go-ing on the grass dancefloor, I still managed to get a hug from Al-tiki

Ok, enough dancing...thirsty, must room crawl now...ahhhhh look, here is a willing bartender, Soccertiki and his magical forth-springing tongue serving up in the Unofficial Derek Yaniger Tribute Room.....Adam, how is that art copyright suit coming along?

Woohoo Wahine announced that I had the best haircut of Oasis 7...Ernie was hurt that he wasn't considered a contender. I offered him runner-up consolation...and he got a glowing tiara

Adam and Suzy win "cutest couple", Suzy wins "best smile"!

Ernie and Heather "du Leather" Watts discuss the new Simpsons outside of Soccertiki's bar

One of the best parts about room crawling is the people you run into on the elevators...I finally met the new Mrs. Smiley and her proud hubbie, Bruce, whom I haven't sen in ages (also one of the first tiki people I ever met so long ago). This is their blind child, Sock Monkey.

Another elevator encounter...Ken and his lovely wahine, who's name I think I forgot to ask

Finally landing in a room party, I encountered the Armoury of Tattoos (Laura, Jack, Michelle and the Mystery Elbow man in the left hand corner)

Matt Reese could have been that Mystery Elbow!

Also attending was Judd, about to break into the song "Hey Mr. Tally-Man, Tally Me Banana-suit"

Judd brought along his real-life O'hana, David, whom I have now realized was the elbow in the other pic

Bongo Fury and Ran were serving up drinks (Bongwater and Ran's new invention which I forget the name of now), so I proceeded to get on the Night Train to Drunkeness. Here is a photo of two people in the room whom I was introduced to, but all I remember is that I own the same purse as this woman

At this point, everything was making me laugh until my stomach hurt. Spermy invented a band called the "Poodle Kittens" and showed us their dance which he named "THE FACE". In this photo he demonstrates the one move in the choreography which involves getting your face as close to someone else's as possible. Have Scott perform this for you in person.

Johnnie Velour took us into his room to sell us his fine crafted ceramic mugs. Here he and Greg (Bealza-Elvis) barter the technicalities

Let's have a closeup shall we? Satan says "BUY MY CERAMICS, *SSHOLE!!!!"

Velour was making us (Greg and Cyntiki) laugh so hard, every time we went to take a group picture he kept trying to stick his ceramics in the photo. I almost peed I was convulsing so hard from giggling, but the night before JV offered to pee with me while I laughed so I wouldn't be embarassed if I did. What a nice guy.

Everyone convinced us we had to go up to room 1803 and wait in line to be permitted into the largest party in the hotel one person at a time. PiPhiRo Paul decided the REALLY cool people should ditch that party and proceeded to lead the Sausage Train down to his Frosty Arctic Room of the North where he served up "Cannibals" , then celebrated his victory with a cigar

As I left the shindigs for the evening, the last face I saw in the lobby was our proprieter of Tikiculture himself, Mr. Von Stroheim. How is it I managed to look like his mother in this pic? Thanks for the entire tiki nation, Otto.

Ok, gotta run, the National Lactation Convention is just getting heated up down the road...hope I didn't miss much! See you all Sunday!


TikiCutie posted on 08/20/2007

Sunday morning, and the living is easy. Symposiums, then chilling by the pool. What a way to end the weekend.

As I pulled up at 10:30am, the cars were lined up to exit. Almost everyone was clearing out and heading back on the convoy homeward.

However, there were still few familiar faces left meandering around. Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily showed up at the last minute and I encountered them at the Bosko and Otto symposiums

Cammo managed to sneak in between chopping and carving to get "symposed upon" as well.

Out by the pool, BigTikiDude Jeff (who is HUGE in Europe right now, by the way) and Tiki Tena Kristena traded spins on the turntables and shook the reverb "surf style" for the pool-goers who were begging for more

Kristena got hungry so she ate this floater she found in the pool, in honor of that scene from Caddy Shack.

Suzy killed em' all in this fantastic poolside fashion statement

I ran into Mark (Marty Lush and the Hangovers inventor)

As I sat and soaked up the hot surf music and watched the Chop auction from far off, BigTikidude DJ "Surfy" Jeff asked me what my favorite thing about this Oasis was. After a moment of thinking about it, I decided that even though the entertainment and the symposiums were great, and I totally spent every dime I had on the vendors hot merch, I had to say it was definitely the room crawls. I thought the first night was mindblowing from all the old friends I ran into, and I didn't think I could laugh any harder, but man, was I totally wrong. Saturday night blew Friday night out of the water. I haven't had such a good time in eons!

Sunday was nice and quiet, much needed after the craziness from the night before, and laying by the pool and just enjoying the surf tunes and exotica was a sweet finish.

But it is the people who make Oasis what it is. And as I sat under the umbrella by the pool and learned as much as I possibly could about what surf albums to buy when I get home, I could only think to myself, man, I can't wait til next year....

So bring your pictures on, everybody! I've done my duty here, let's see what you all brought back with you.


VampiressRN posted on 08/20/2007

Bless you for taking all those great pictures and posting the names to the faces....I missed the crawl, so it is cool to see how much fun everyone had. I'll throw a few pictures in once I get them processed. Looking forward to seeing everyone's pix!!!

closettiki posted on 08/20/2007

wow.....tiki oasis.....wow.....what a blast....the bands...the venders...the people....the rum..........the carvers....................the dancers...... nothing better than a gogo boot wearing carver........and for all you that missed buzzy's big guy.... he has a new home....he's settling right in.............thanks buzzy ...........it was quite an event....my first...not my last.... many thanks to otto..........................................great job.....the man must never sleep......oh and what about that crazy al.....can he dance or what.............

mike-stobbe posted on 08/20/2007

Here's a few Finknik images , dig it .

I'd like to thank everyone who organized the event , everyon who let us crawl up on some drinks , everyone who bought our goodies , and all the scantily clad ladies for rocking out by the pool all weekend . . . good times .

Here's 2 of my tiki's just relaxing , scaring off the bad guys and the lady with $50 to spend

Matt & Dave , not really knowing what's going on

Dave's little son Wolfgang , making a break for the beach

Here's Mikey laying down some lines for Bosko's son on his leather jacket . Scored some sweet mugs for his trouble .

4 out of 5 finkniks agree that the booth looks swell

Think no evil , drink no evil , blink no evil . . .

Here's chickie Finknik Erin looking good and keeping the mascot company

I thought I was just hung over and dreamed this one , but after checking my camera I see that this really did happen !

That's some of the ones I took , I know some of our crew was taking more pictures , hopefuly they'll post up .

[ Edited by: mike-stobbe 2007-08-19 22:32 ]

tikiblog.com posted on 08/20/2007

We have too many pics to post here from TO7 at http://www.tikiblog.com, Tiki Oasis' official blog, if you want to see more.

Thanks to Otto for another great event.

sleestak posted on 08/20/2007

those are way out. best time, the tiki community completely rips! this is i believe the only time i can hang out with 600 plus shnockered people, and see no drama at all! thanks everyone for a great vacation!

pablus posted on 08/20/2007

Mahalo for the snaps Tiki Cutie.
Lots of work and we appreciate it.

One day we'll bring an east coast contingency and show you guys how to really....
uhhh... sleep.

freddiefreelance posted on 08/20/2007

On 2007-08-19 20:29, TikiCutie wrote:
Out by the pool, BigTikiDude Jeff (who is HUGE in Europe right now, by the way) and Tiki Tena Kristena traded spins on the turntables and shook the reverb "surf style" for the pool-goers who were begging for more

Oh, like Jeff's tiny anywhere?

On 2007-08-19 20:29, TikiCutie wrote:
Kristena got hungry so she ate this floater she found in the pool, in honor of that scene from Caddy Shack.


WooHooWahine posted on 08/20/2007

Thursday Night at Bali Hai:

Double Decker Bus Ride to Bali Hai
The Vital Tiki Clan, SoccerTiki,WooHooWahine, Squid & Bai

Mrs. Vital Tiki & Gavin

Dinner Time

SoccerTiki, AlohaCurrent, Bora Boris, & Mai Tai

SoccerTiki & The Godess Sun Twins

Lisa, Taylor, & Mean Gene

Dr. Vital Tiki & SoccerTiki

Pics...Pics...& More Pics

On with the Show.....

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-08-21 21:45 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 08/20/2007

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-08-20 14:53 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 08/20/2007

More Pics............

The AlohaCurrents, RugbyMatt, & SoccerTiki

Notch's GIGANTIC Tiki

Wersmo Derinc

Best Dressed All Weekend

It's Pinata Time???

Tigerlily volunteering her services

The Gecko & Tiki-Tina

Chow Time

WooHooWahine, Mean Gene, Karen of The Picture Show Gallery & 2 Future Devilettes

Shell the Savage

Too Many Mai's

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-08-21 21:43 ]

Cammo posted on 08/21/2007

The Fisheye Fotos -

Laytah -

Haole Kat posted on 08/21/2007

On 2007-08-20 08:01, pablus wrote:
One day we'll bring an east coast contingency and show you guys how to really....
uhhh... sleep.

someday it'll happen....

CaliTiki posted on 08/21/2007

I had a great time at my first Tiki Oasis. Here are a few highlights:

Pre-party at Tiki Ti and Trader Vic's lounge in LA

The Girls Who Like to Monkey Around!

[ Edited by: CaliTiki 2007-08-21 16:45 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 08/22/2007

Maybe too many for Soccer.....(lol)

but for Bullet, Myself and Gecko....

we had " too many Terrills!! "

LLT's wife is an insane massuese/chiro/healer!

We all were floored!!!


MAhalow for the MAHALO MASSAGE Terrill!!

p.s. didn't know where to post about TO-7 so
I'll do it here.

It was a Freakin Blast!!!!!!

Everyone was so happy!!!

Looking forward to T0-8!!!

Da Boo's!

( edit on massage!!!!! massuese??))

Visit me on Myspace too! It's Benz Arts fault!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2007-08-21 18:53 ]

kingstiedye posted on 08/22/2007

amen ben! if you folks think kinny is crazy, wait til you meet terrill. :D she ran me ragged until my feet and ankles were swollen. then she massaged my ankles. (she's a maseusse) mr and mrs llt and the rev and mrs bamben were so much fun to party with. i'm gonna be heading down south for more events now that i know how much fun i've been missing.

little lost tiki posted on 08/22/2007

Mahalos Bullet and Ben from myself and the wahine!!!
She's quite the talented lady! Glad she could readjust you all! Guess I'll have to bring her to all the events! If we vend for TO8,I'll have her bring her table! Free massage with every $500 purchase! :)
Tiki Oasis rocked hard in so many different ways! from the good food/art/bands/drinks/and people! It was so Fabbo meeting old friends and goofing off with old ones! Never a dull moment....Who's idea was it to cram 20-some people in the elevator to sing the Enchanted Tiki Room song? Crazy fuggers!
Now let's see some more pictures kiddies! :)

1961surf posted on 08/23/2007

A shout out to everyone that attended Tiki Oasis 7 and especially those that were fortunate to hear about and attend the tiki crawl room party in Suite 1649.The Blue Hawaiian drinks were flowing and the ice cold Hinano Tahitian beers were popping right out of the five foot tall hand carved Tiki ice chest.This was by far one of the best parties held over the three day event at the Crown Plaza Hanalei hotel.Thanks to all in attendence and making our room tiki party the best ever !

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GECKO posted on 08/23/2007

I don't get to post much anymo but I had to give props up to Otto for throwing a awesome event and say hi to all da peopo dat made me feel really welcome once again!!I had a blast! T'anks for all da ALOHA from everyone!!!!!

Freddy you missed out cuz! I got to go yeeeheeee!

Fo'give me if I neva remember names but da whole weekend was a blur!!!!! I met so many awesome peopo and artist dat I don't know why i neva wen go da last 6 times! I only had 4 hours to get ready to go to da mainland wen I found out I could go!!!! so I couldn't tell all my friends I would be there but no worries I'll catch you guys next time fo da ones I missed....sorry I pulled da sneak attack on you guys eh...

I was looking fo da best of Hawaii's tiki artist like braddah Brad aka Tiki Shark who does awesome work and braddah Vantiki to show up with some of his sweet looking hand made ceramics!!! Chongo! Loyd and Sheri from Don Tiki!I wanted to run into da great guys who represent our islands when it comes to tiki art/Music......eh maybe next year I'll see you guys ya! Thor and Max was there though so it was nice to see my other favorite artist!

Ho! I had wun spot right in da sun dat was killin me! but t'anks to bamboo Ben and his really nice wife I diddn't pass out because they kept brining braddah some water! T'anks fo da hospitality! Also to da awesome wahine who brought me a towel to wipe my sweat and kept asking me if I needed anything.....please email me so I can send you a mug for your help as well ya. You were a sweatheart and I felt all your aloha sistah!

I met planty peopo I only knew names and it was all my pleasure! I finally got to meet da Munktiki ohana, it was a really great treat to sit there and talk story with you guys!!!! I'm a BIG FAN as well and own many of your pieces!

Da massage from Terrill was ono!!! I t'ink da kine on my back in its right spot again! Mrs. Boo said I wouldn't regret it if I did and I'm happy I did'em! T'anks sistah!

Nice talking story to Braddah Notch and his partna! t'anks fo da drinks and shirts!!! awesome dis guy! you braddahz call me de next time your in and we can hit my favorite spot La Mariana!!!!

Also nice to see Braddah Marc of Adrift clothing and your beautiful wahine once again! I'll send you da hospital bill from da sneak attack dog bite from your cute dog! you set me up Marc, he was fine until you told me to pet his chin!:) scarred da hell out of me dat little buggah! good fun!

Doug Horne, what can I say, awesome guy dis guy! No words cuz, your work is awesome!

Sven, congrats on that beautiful book! I can't wait to get it! Thanks for taking the time to share it.

Judd-d-d-d it's always a pleasure to see you my friend, tell Holy me and Ailie say congrats again on your new baby girl. It was a pleasure meating the rest of the guys from the Maikia gents, thanks for introducing me to one of my favorite bands.

Marie and Jon Paul, I thought Bamboo Ben could drink and party, ho you guys are crazy!!! Give me a call da next time your here!

C'al sorry cuz about da cheezwiz, da belly cannot handle da dairy kine stuff! Your booth was awesome full of great pieces! da new mug that you did is da best! I couldn't belive da detail on dat! you are da bes!

Dave, I wish I had time to get some tattos from you but 4 days on da mainland goes quick!!!

I got to meet a lot of awesome artist that I only seen in da magz and that was great....speaking of Magz, Nick it was a pleasure meating you as well! keep up da great work with tiki mag and I will get your tiki made soon my braddah!

Cult of da Eye....no words to describe how these braddahz party! it was a pleasure doing your mug I'm glad you sold out! T'anks for giving me a chance at it specially with so many mug artist around now a days!

Tiki Tony helped me out big time on da sneak attack to oasis! T'anks fo letting me set up wit'ya cuz....I owe you dinna at La Mariana!

Wendy and Dan, you know I love you guys and it was great seeing you both! As well as Bull, Jonesey(FINALLY), Joanne, Mark, Danny, Derek, TikiMojo, Squid,Max, Thor, Mike "Cult of da Eye" and da rest of da Culties! all da peopo who came by da Booth to talk story was awesome, t'anks soooooooo much to you all! Aloha!!!!

Oh ya, don't forget TC anytime you guys are on da island give me a email or call and let's me up at da bes spot to meet up for a cocktail, La Mariana!!! please don't leave me private messages here as I don't get to come on here often and I noticed I had a lot of pm's asking to meet up. Just email me, my email is on my website. When you are at LaMarianas ask the hostes about the place and the history, they are really nice to talk too and the bar tenders are as well. Get it while it last! If you see Annette(little old lady that owns it) walk up to her and say hello, she loves to talk to guess from off island!

Kia Orana

[ Edited by: gecko 2007-08-23 01:03 ]

[ Edited by: gecko 2007-08-23 09:30 ]

KK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/108bb2832551602dfe32e4b06c9a0956?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kahuna Kent posted on 08/24/2007

This was my first time to Tiki Oasis, and it was a blast! Everyone was so friendly it was mind - blowing! Tiki people are good people!

Thanks Woo Woo Wahine for telling me about Tiki Central and Cult of the Eye for the awesome party, and to everyone who sponsored the room crawl - I met a lot of people and don't remember half the names. (maybe the beverages had something to do with it) If you see yourself in these pictures please re-introduce yourselves! I was the curly-headed guy with the camera!

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LizzieTiki posted on 08/24/2007

We went to the go-go dance class and my husband made a (short, crappy quality) little video. You might see yourself!


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Mai Tai posted on 08/24/2007

Wow, so many good times at Tiki Oasis 7! I took a ton of pictures, it's gonna take forever to upload and post them, so I'll start out with a few here, and update as I have time.

We kicked things off by making a pit stop at the Tiki Ti on our way down. Unfortunately, we got off to a later than expected start, and we missed all of the peeps heading down to Oasis. I was bummed about that, but then lo and behold, Mike Sr. bestowed upon me the great honor of having my name on the wall!!! I still can't believe it, and I've been pinchimg myself daily to see if it really happened. Talk about a great way to kick off the start to Tiki Oasis!!!
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Notch rolls in with the Kubar
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Thursday night at the Bali Hai
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Al-ii Baba makes a tiki appear as if from out of thin air!
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Cult Of The Eye Room, all primed and ready to go
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Friday morning. View from our room. The Kubar is up and running, while the stage is being set up.
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Nacho adds some last minute finishing touches
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Devilettes in the pool
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Engine Room
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Martini Kings
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The Mai Kai Gents
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Blue Hawaiians
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Friday night Bardot A Go Go dance party
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My new signature
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Then the shark's head comes out, and all hell breaks loose!
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To the Cult Of The Eye room!!!
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Dude, I seriously wouldn't drink that 20+ yr old possibly tainted Campari from Dr. Shocker. You've been warned!!!
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Hukilau Brown and me hangin' tough at 4:15 in the morning
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Hey, that's all the time I have to post for now. I have to jam down to San Jose to see Chum play at the Smoke Tiki. More pics later, I promise!

O.k., one more pic
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Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5da09b3127cce910a3597c78b00000000409AbM2rNu0bg "It's Mai Tai. It's out of this world." - Victor Jules Bergeron Jr.

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2007-09-04 21:51 ]

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2007-09-04 22:16 ]

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hodadhank posted on 08/25/2007

On 2007-08-24 16:10, Mai Tai wrote:
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Apparently Al sprung for some room upgrades.

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bigtikidude posted on 08/25/2007

all hail, Al-ii


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atomikitty posted on 08/25/2007

Yay! Our first Oasis, and boy was it a BLAST!!! Thanks everyone for your generosity, hospitality, creativity and amazing outfits! :)
Special thanks to:
GROG who let us shack up with him, TikiCutie for being my Go-Go Dancing partner in crime, Maria for being my lime squeezing wahine, Beachbum Berry for letting me help out with his awesome symposium, Ran for the mysterious and amazing tar-colored rocket fuel that kicked our Sat. night into overdrive, Woo Hoo and SoccerTiki for their hospitality and decorating skills, Nacho and his amazing KuBar!, John Paul and Maria for letting us party on their patio, Lee, TikiTena and Big Tiki Dude for the awesome tunes!, and finally,
OTTO and BABY DOE for putting together an AMAZING EVENT!!!!! MUCHO MAHALO!!!!
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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 08/25/2007

Well, if you haven't noticed.....every photo of Dr.TikiMojo in this thread so far I had my CAMERA IN HAND!
If you hadn't already read/heard about the loss of 1300 of the most rockin' Tiki Oasis 7 photos;

At least I can see enough cool shots here for Otto to put together a DVD for next year!
Later I'll post some of Mrs.Mojo's photos.....Right now I'm just too damn depressed to even think about it! :cry:

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monkeyskull posted on 08/26/2007

Dr. Mojo, so sad to hear your unfortunate news.

On the bright side, this was my first Tiki Oasis and it was a gas. Below are some photos, with some additional ones available at flickr

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TikiLaLe posted on 08/27/2007

On 2007-08-24 18:49, hodadhank wrote:

On 2007-08-24 16:10, Mai Tai wrote:
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Apparently Al sprung for some room upgrades.


How much, How much for the women?

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suzanne posted on 08/27/2007

hahaha :D

These are all great pics!


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hermosa_kathy posted on 08/27/2007

Thank you everyone for a great time! :) We had so much fun! I can't wait for next year! xoxox

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Mai Tai posted on 08/31/2007

Fun With Shark Heads

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Now let's go to the Cult Of The Eye room!
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Billybobaloo dons the shark's head. I gotta say, this guy had bruised ribs and an arm in a sling from taking a spill on his motorcycle, yet he still wears the shark's head, and has his drink in arm-slinged hand! This has to be one of my favorite pics from Oasis.
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It's all fun and games until someone get's their eye poked out. Or eaten.
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suzanne posted on 08/31/2007

Fun with shark heads!!!! I'm dead, obviously. No question about it. Dead. Shark killed me.

hahaha :D

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suzanne posted on 08/31/2007

You will note, however, that even in death my mug is still upright - I'm not spilling that Diplimatico!

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suzanne posted on 08/31/2007

Ok, I finally broke down and pooled some pennies to buy a disc and burned my Oasis photos on it! Behold:

The best way to be welcomed to Oasis, with a drink from fabulous people!
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Notch Looking Fab, Natch:
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Holden a la shark:
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Classic. Should we censor this?
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With Kiki from NY:
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Too much fun or too much rum? Neither, never:
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MaiKai "cats" in the Cult of the Eye Room:
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Tipping in grand style:
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Smile and a conch will be your shadow:
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The best dance partner I had all weekend, Russell can really cut a rug!
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Well dressed shark. Apparently he knows that an Oasis fez was the choice for the weekend!
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My buddy. Well dressed sharks will really "kill" the ladies. I had no idea what I was in for the next night (see post above).
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Candid in the elevator with Inky Louise and Russell:
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(Edited to add more photos)

The Diva Pinup Exquisite Hair Flower Accessories - http://www.thedivapinup.com

[ Edited by: suzanne 2007-08-31 09:03 ]

TikiCutie posted on 09/01/2007

Waaaaaaaaaah, I didn't get to wear the shark's head! I didn't get to dance with Russell the sock monkey!

What am I saying? I still had the time of my life. I love you all more and more every time I see you! I can't wait to see each and every one of you again.

Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!

By the way, Suzanne, your hair looks STUPENDOUS. I am very impressed.

Le Tikicutie

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suzanne posted on 09/03/2007

Why THANK you!! :D It was fun to wear my hair like that. So good to meet you! I hope we'lll get to see each other again soon!


P.S. Don't feel too bad about the shark head. He's really a murderous son-of-a-shark. We were buddies on Friday and then Saturday night he killed me! I was shocked. Really. Shocked. Sharks will be sharks, I guess. :wink:

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aquarj posted on 09/04/2007

Here are some of our photos. We haven't been since 2004, and had a blast this year! A big highlight was the presentations by Beachbum Berry, Sven, and Bosko. Unfortunately as usual I'm in picture taking mode mostly when I'm looking at artifacts and architecture, so not too many party faces in these photos. But it was fun to see a lot of old and new friends, and see the sights in San Diego too.

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Naomi and Nina on our way in for dinner at the Bali Hai on Thu nite.

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In the Bali Hai garden.

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Yes, the Islands restaurant is kinda sad. At least there are traces of the original decor. Iuka Grogg stopped by while we had a fast break, I mean breakfast, Fri morning.

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I posted this on another thread, but here's the tiki on its skylight perch in the restaurant, that you can only see from very strategic positions.

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Here's another remaining original tiki, apparently from MAMA New Guinea (as we learned on King Kuk's "Tiki Tour").

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Quick sidetrip to visit Humphrey's Half Moon Inn back on Shelter Island again.

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The lobby at Humphrey's.

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Semi--hidden tiki at Humphrey's.

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Enjoying the show from the poolside (a little easier on the ears for Nina back there).

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Ran wields chopsticks while Judd flinches in anticipation.

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Nice to see Danny and Stephanie.

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Playing in the pool.

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Doing the frug, the shimmy, the watusi, and the swim.

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Me and Nina, with Ran and his cutie pie Ofel.

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Nina checks out the former Luau tiki in the gardens.

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Inky and Smiley! Bruce surveys the lay of the land with authority.

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Naomi peeks from a pole with a pedigree on the patio.


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KikiTiki posted on 09/05/2007

I finally finished going through my pics from Tiki Oasis.

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These are a few and you can watch the whole slide show at my myspace page:

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