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things i got at oasis 7

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closettiki posted on 08/20/2007

well......8 mugs ...7 tikis....including buzzy's big guy...6 asst small items....5 tiki stickers...4 tiki charms ....3 cool cds....2 tiki books ..including sippin safari...signed....1 sore ass from driving 8 hours and a lot of new friends....................oh and a mild hangover...........worth every mile..........................

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-08-20 13:23 ]

Blue Thunder posted on 08/20/2007

Pictures we need pictures.....well not of the sore a** that is.

little lost tiki posted on 08/20/2007

i got a Rash! :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/20/2007

LLT: I think they asked for pictures...

Here's what I got this year at Oasis:

It rhymes with "rash"...

Buzzy Out!

tikiyaki posted on 08/20/2007

Did anyone notice if the Tikiyaki Orchestra Drink Coasters were in the goodie bags ?

I couldn't make it to the event.

Daves Not Home posted on 08/20/2007

I got LLT's rash

Cammo posted on 08/20/2007

Kept this stuff, threw everything else out.

Hey Kennie - try Caldesene in the pink plastic bottle. Veddy fashionable.

closettiki posted on 08/20/2007

yes.....the coasters were in the bags...now i have a matched set including the one i got with my cd.....cool...............

H2O Tiki posted on 08/20/2007

I have had no thanks for hooking you guys up with the Black Strap Rum..


closettiki posted on 08/20/2007

ok ...pictures you asked for....... oh and i almost forgot my logs to carve .....................................................................................i did not include a picture of my sore ass....lucky for you...or my money pile .....because most of it was in buzzy's pile

Cammo posted on 08/20/2007

Goes without saying, bro.

But if you want, THANKS for the BLACK STRAP RUM! It's smooth and tasty. The pseudo Mai Tai at Roy's tops theirs with the stuff, and it sort of drips down into everything else. Yum.

Tiki-Kate posted on 08/21/2007

Hi. My name is Kate, and I'm a shopaholic.

Matt won the contest to see which vendor could get the most money out of me at the event.

Tony was a very close second. Plus I got the Doug Horne print I was hoping to pick up.

Got some Danny and some Bosko. (Anyone know the edition size on the Moai Bowl?)

Various mugs and pendants. It was great seeing Gecko. It's been years!

And a few of my favorite things. Not to be a total mug whore, but I just want to shout from the rooftops and proclaim my love for my Oki Doki mugs. (You just want to pinch his little cheeks.) Plus, I've overcome my fear of my Man Of War mug because it's just so cool. Of course, my most special score was my autographed picture of my best friend Buzzy.

kingstiedye posted on 08/21/2007

ok, so i'm pissed! i got a tiki from buzzy and it didn't come with an autographed photo! i guess they were sold out long before sunday afternoon. kate, on bosko's website he says he'll make the moai bowls for as long as the mold holds up, but not more than 100. i dig that bowl! i love your tiki tony sign. wonderful graphics and colors.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2007-08-20 20:13 ]

croe67 posted on 08/21/2007

I got one of these
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 08/21/2007

kingstiedye wrote:

ok, so i'm pissed! i got a tiki from buzzy and it didn't come with an autographed photo!

I'll trade you a Dan Burke for a Buzzy pinup! It scares my stepchild! I told her it was the "Boogie" man!

WooHooWahine posted on 08/21/2007

I got Derek Yaniger to autograph my art. WoooHoooo! :wink:

skitiki posted on 08/21/2007

I got lei'd.

DrMiguelito posted on 08/21/2007

9 Things I Got at Tiki Oasis 7 (in reverse order of importance, sort of):

  1. A cold
  2. Several hangovers
  3. Two Bali Hai Mai Tai glasses
  4. A Gecko scorpion bowl
  5. A baby tiki from Tiki Tony
  6. Good times
  7. Good conversation
  8. Lots of new friendships
  9. A renewed sense of inner peace

See you all next year!

bigtikidude posted on 08/21/2007

I got tired driving down to SD on thurs afternoon.
(man that drive really sucks lately).
I got full and drunk multiple times and places.
I too got a few hangovers,(but not to bad, I really never over did it).
I got happy seeing some people.
I got scared seeing and hearing some people :-0
I got heartburn from the Pizza from the hotel.
I got to see people get very suprised and then drunk Drinking Ran's(kick the Reverb's) new Drink (Hydrazine)
I got the sense of having a really great weekend, and glad I went.

oh you meant stuff we bought.
I didn't have alot of money to spend, but I got a few things.
The New Martini Kings Dance of the Virgins cd.
a Stereophonic Space Sounds Unlimited cd from Lee of Dionysus records.
A tiny tiki pendant from Crazy Al, of the tiki in the back Atrium, of the Luau tiki.
a Tiki mag t-shirt dark blue (XXL of course)
I think thats it.
I was bummed to not get one of Jeff Berry's Books (he only had 23)


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2007-08-21 20:54 ]

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2007-08-21 20:55 ]

tikipedia posted on 08/21/2007

I walked away with an orange Oasis VII mug, a couple of programs, some good times, and that is it.

Because we live in San Diego and weren't staying at the hotel, we went to Oasis when the main festivities started. I was a bit bummed that the vendor booths closed up before then, since I really wanted to buy stuff. But then, where would everybody sit? :) I suppose I could have come on Sunday, but I presumed that all of the good stuff was probably gone by then.

Is free Tiki stuff called "Shag Swag"?

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2007-08-21 17:00 ]

harro posted on 08/22/2007

wow... I'm so jealous... one day I will make it to a big Tiki event like this in the states... its my life long dream!

that and owning a tiki bar!

Tiki-Kate posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-21 16:00, bigtikidude wrote:
I got tired driving down to SD on thurs afternoon.
(man that drive really sucks lately).
I got full and drunk multiple times and places.
I too got a few hangovers,(but not to bad, I really never over did it).
I got happy seeing some people.
I got scared seeing and hearing some people :-0
I got heartburn from the Pizza from the hotel.
I got to see people get very suprised and then drunk Drinking Ran's(kick the Reverb's) new Drink(Hydrazine)
I got the sense of having a really great weekend, and glad I went.

oh you meant stuff we bought.
I didn't have alot of money to spend, but I got a few things.
The New Martini Kings Dance of the Virgins cd.
a Stereophonic Space Sounds Unlimited cd from Lee of Dionysus records.
A tiny tiki pendant from Crazy Al, of the tiki in the back Atrium, of the Luau tiki.
a Tiki mag t-shirt dark blue (XXL of course)
I think thats it.
I was bummed to not get one of Jeff Berry's Books (he only had 23)


I got to try bigtikidude's new drink twice. I believe it was the Bear Claw? Liked it better the first night. Stop messing with it guys. It was fabulous.

Oh yes, and then I went off and shopped more.

catmomma posted on 08/22/2007

I got four Thor prints!

Came to this event pretty cash poor this year so I was happy to get out with those. Next year I hope to be able to shop more :)

bigtikidude posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-21 20:14, Tiki-Kate wrote:
I got to try bigtikidude's new drink twice. I believe it was the Bear Claw? Liked it better the first night. Stop messing with it guys. It was fabulous.

Yes it was the "Bear Claw" Grrrrrrr indeeeed.
I will give you the sweeter version of the recipe if you want that one.
but all of the guys that tried it liked the less sweet version on Sat. night.
thanks to Paul (Pi Phi Ro), and Ran(Kick the Reverb) for helping me with that.


Tiki-Kate posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-21 21:00, bigtikidude wrote:

Yes it was the "Bear Claw" Grrrrrrr indeeeed.
I will give you the sweeter version of the recipe if you want that one.
but all of the guys that tried it liked the less sweet version on Sat. night.
thanks to Paul (Pi Phi Ro), and Ran(Kick the Reverb) for helping me with that.


Well, that just goes to show you that boys are silly. And yes please, I'd like the sweeter version. Thank you.

SoccerTiki posted on 08/22/2007

WooHooWahine and I got some cool swag!
The very coolest mosaic from Velvet Glass!!!

Derek's "Tiki Oasis 7", Derek's "APE the Band", Doug Horne's "Unquiet Village"

All the Mugs and Mosaic

VampiressRN posted on 08/22/2007

(I didn't stay at the hotel, so couldn't shop Saturday :( and didn't make it back Sunday....OK enough bitchin' already!!!)

I got the orange Oasis tiki mug which is great as I didn't have anything in orange and I like diversity in the colors of my mugs. I got freebie Oasis paper goodies that I will frame, along with some snaphots from my cheapy disposable camera. I got great enjoyment from the Jeff & Sven symposiums, and I got to meet a lot of wonderful TCers. :)

Billy the Crud posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-20 15:12, Cammo wrote:
Goes without saying, bro.

But if you want, THANKS for the BLACK STRAP RUM! It's smooth and tasty. The pseudo Mai Tai at Roy's tops theirs with the stuff, and it sort of drips down into everything else. Yum.

Brian still has a bottle of that in my liquor cabinet. I owe him a BBQ tri-tip dinner for all the cool shit he does, so we'll have some Mai Tais with it then!

tikibob posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-20 20:54, croe67 wrote:
I got one of these
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

i think that is great! everybody worked hard on their rooms. that is one great trophy. i got one too, for best dressed kane thanks to everybodys applause, hooting and hollering for the King-K-Applause-O-Meter!

balmy regards,

tiki bob

croe67 posted on 08/22/2007

i think that is great! everybody worked hard on their rooms. that is one great trophy. i got one too, for best dressed kane thanks to everybodys applause, hooting and hollering for the King-K-Applause-O-Meter!

balmy regards,

tiki bob

Ah, yes, the Best Dressed Kane
:) :) :) :) :)

hodadhank posted on 08/22/2007

On 2007-08-21 16:58, tikipedia wrote:
I suppose I could have come on Sunday, but I presumed that all of the good stuff was probably gone by then.

There were plenty of great vendors and free entertainment on Sunday including an open auction for lots of goodies including newborn tikis fresh from the Village. Bosko's free mid-century San Diego presentation was not to be missed... sooo relaxed it was like having a slideshow with your best friends! Don't stay away next year.

OK on to the stuff...

I picked up the new Marini Kings DVD/CD combo (exccccccellent soundrack to Camp Burlesque)... a live Blue Hawaiians disc and sticker... 2 brightly colored pendants and a dimmer switch cover from Al (the crazy one)... an Al (the same one) approved Bali repro from Smokin' Tikis... a post-apocalyptic tiki pendant from Shelly... a Mucumbo mug from Danny & Steph... a Maori mug from Truus, Mason & Bosko... A Bigmouth DVD from Bongofury... an event tee from Falling Cocos... as well as spending as much quality time as possible with the far-flung arists and authors who keep Freaky Boutiki fortified with tiki goodness.

BTW, I lost in a bidding war over a sublime fresh Bobu mask to some bearded visigoth dangling monkeylike from a ledge high above me. I spat and shook my fist but to no avail. He had the higher ground. To him I say now, "Beware!, you sir have not seen the last of... HodadHank: Auction Fistshaker." (Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUUN!)

Tikitastic posted on 08/23/2007

Had a blast at Oasis...met some great people...dranks lots...bought too much. I also made a stop by Ken Ruzic's studio and then Tiki Farm on the way to San Diego. Picked up a Full Size Easter Island chiminea and Mr. Rapa Nui mini grill from Tiki Farm and on the way home from Oasis made a stop at Hi-Time and bought way too much rum . Can't wait 'til next year!

:drink: :drink: :drink:

Here are some pics of most of my Oasis purchases...

Some tiki mugs....

Some art...
Artist: Ken Ruzic

Artist: Derek

Artist: Jonpaul

Artist: Kevin Kidney

Some pendants.....

Artist: TikiWineBear

Artist: Gecko

Artist: Shell in the Pacific created for Room Crawl Host

Artist: Tiki Kings

Artist: Tiki Tony

and a book...

Mai Tai posted on 08/23/2007

Cool stuff, Tikitastic! I didn't realize you picked up so many mugs. Good thing you made a pit stop at Hi Time Wine, for the big par-tay this weekend. Whew, just when I thought my liver was all rested up, we've got Chum playing at Smoke Tiki this Friday, Jason Portman's party and your party this Saturday with The Lava Rats and Meshugga Beach Party, and Chum playing Forbidden Island this Sunday!!! I'd better crawl into my hyperbaric sleep chamber now and stay in there until Friday afternoon.

Anyways, I went to Tiki Oasis, and all I got was a little head.

SoccerTiki posted on 08/24/2007

Geez Mai Tai!!! That head looks real!!!

I almost forgot this really cool nightlight/lamp I picked up from Tiki Ray!
I put a red bulb in it and it looks awesome at night! (I think I'll get another from him at the Tiki Magazine Party in November.)

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 08/25/2007

On 2007-08-22 09:20, tikibob wrote:

On 2007-08-20 20:54, croe67 wrote:
I got one of these
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

i think that is great! everybody worked hard on their rooms. that is one great trophy. i got one too, for best dressed kane thanks to everybodys applause, hooting and hollering for the King-K-Applause-O-Meter!

balmy regards,

tiki bob

That is one awesome trophy!
Last year, when Dr.TikiMojo won the Sophisticated Savage Award all I got was a paper certificate for tickets to this year's Oasis :(

....then we were vendors this year and got passes anyhow....hey what am I bitchn' about?
I'm goin' after NEXT YEAR'S trophy though....they'd better have one! :D

bigtikidude posted on 08/29/2007

I wonder if anybody got Drunk, or sick at Tiki Oasis?

what about STD's ?


Tiki Lion posted on 08/29/2007

You can make book on the first couple, though I doubt you'll see anyone posting on that last one here...

Related, though totally different: I wonder if we have any confirmed Tiki Oasis conceptions???


Previous years OK too???

Mai Tai posted on 08/29/2007

On 2007-08-28 20:18, bigtikidude wrote:
I wonder if anybody got Drunk, or sick at Tiki Oasis?

what about STD's ?


Does Pink Eye count? Coco Loco came down with that. She most likely caught it from Little Lost Tiki. Oh, and her back went out, so she had to pass on the go go dancing class, and most of the go go dance parties as well. In fact, she packed it in early Friday night.

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b3036b2b294796410b37f812c49c8487?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
pdrake posted on 08/29/2007

that's a very pretty picture.

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/02fda1af943fa800b4526bf84202312a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
danlovestikis posted on 08/29/2007

Dan was in heaven and can hardly wait until next year. This is his biggest Tiki Haul ever. Thank you Otto for making it all possible. Some items came from antique stores along the way but almost all of it came from Tiki Oasis. WendyImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/46d588f6.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a67c122a8e30dafe4369a061a00008be

harro posted on 08/30/2007

hell, thats almost a housefull of stuff there on that table!! I hope you've got room for it all!!

by the way can anyone explain to me why there is a "best room" trophy at Oasis - aren't all the rooms in a hotel... or does it mean "best party room"?

croe67 posted on 08/30/2007

On 2007-08-30 10:42, harro wrote:
hell, thats almost a housefull of stuff there on that table!! I hope you've got room for it all!!

by the way can anyone explain to me why there is a "best room" trophy at Oasis - aren't all the rooms in a hotel... or does it mean "best party room"?

It's part of the TC Room Crawl.
You can read more about it here, in this thread:


TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a699c764af7371ef299ec3b2cf9cb363?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/30/2007

..at least no one got crabs!!

,,anyone know where an average guy like myself can get one of those fancy 8 x 10 pictures of beach bum berry in zombie make-up??? it will go great in a bamboo frame, next to my picture of tatu and mr.roarke......

bigtikidude posted on 08/31/2007

Sent ya a PM sir...

On 2007-08-30 11:41, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
,,anyone know where an average guy like myself can get one of those fancy 8 x 10 pictures of beach bum berry in zombie make-up??? it will go great in a bamboo frame, next to my picture of tatu and mr.roarke......

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/92a22817f22fa56b82c8e72181604525?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
monet2u posted on 09/11/2007

ok, I AM SOOOOO going next year!!!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7b0ef535cafd7b2efbd2419094fbd40a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikimania posted on 09/15/2007

Detailed information on how to obtain Jonpaul Balak’s limited edition Beachbum Berry Zombie photographs have been posted in TIKI MARKETPLACE, here.

CA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/96a35e86a2280dcdf6aefa330dd05f89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
crazy al posted on 10/27/2007

check it out... last 29 Oasis-7 necklaces here:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=271&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikimania.com%2FTCpost%2FHanalie_O7%2Fhanalei_last40.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7cf05a55214c17423bf700b6224c9cfe

teaKEY posted on 10/27/2007

things i got at oasis 7

a rash

(just kidding)

Pages: 1 2 47 replies