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Buffet taints tiki party

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Sneakytiki posted on 04/29/2003

I hadda big tiki party at the house this week for myself and some of my friends who've had birthdays this month. There are plenty of occasions when we've hung out and partied to Buffet, Tom petty and other Country and rock groups, now I've never been much into Country but I figure, majority rules, an now I've gotten to the pt. where I appreciate some of the stuff. I've always appreciated Ol'skool country like Cash, williams etc.. but now I'll tolerate a select few newer groups. That said, and knowing my friends to be a bunch of half breed Injuns from Montana and Idaho, like myself, I held few illusions that they wouldn't try to turn my vintage hawaiian and exotica vinyl albums off and jack up the buffet on the C.D.
A few people listened and appreciated but not many. As the evening wound down ... what to my rum soaked ears did appear but Jimmy Buffet singin' about screwin and beer.
I'm a little cheesed, I've tolerated enough 80's buttrock and twangy pseudo pop country ala Shania Twain from those guys that they owe my tikiness a bit of listening. That said it was fun to get luau party supplies and break out my vintage mug collection, wood tikis, black velvet paintings etc..
Which will be permanently housed in my tiki bar once it's finished. Buffet is alright but I wish his people would give tiki a little elbow room, he's already displaced cuban, brazilian and mexican music as the party music of the Carribean, does he need to associate himself with the pacific too? As a Navy veteran, I've appreciated his sailor songs and associate some of them with good times I had in Curacao, Cartahena, Columbia, Florida and Panama. But there's no logical assoc. with my Hawaiian or Malaysian holidays.
Thats my 2 bits.
Keepin it tiki,

Luckydesigns posted on 04/29/2003

I know Sneaky, I sucks but what can you do? Buffet was on the Tonight Show last night with two huge tikis on stage with him. They looked kinda like Mai Tiki's carving style which would make sense since they are both from Florida.

I know that no one wants to get into this again but I agree with you about Buffet. Martin Denny = rum and tikis while Buffet = margaritas and spring break. If you do a little looking back at the past posts, you'll see that we've debated this on and on. Look out for Laney on this one! I'm sure that there will be some people that'll come out and defend him again.

Here's my final thought. If you like him, then fine, you just won't hear him played at my tiki parties.

laney posted on 04/29/2003

To each his own! I'm havin a beer! :P :P :P

mig posted on 04/29/2003

I don't know, but seeing the title of this thread just put all sorts of weird thoughts in my head.

Perhaps someone should host:
Buffet's tain't tiki party (as in, it ain't tiki)

or even better:
The "Buffet's Taint" tiki party.

Not that Buffet's taint would make a good subject for a party.

Okay, slow day here...

Sneakytiki posted on 04/29/2003

Dude, you are totally psychic, I was just gettin ready to see if I had any replies an I was thinkin Buffet taint yuck!! and buffet tain't tiki at all, too funny!!!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/29/2003

On 2003-04-29 13:24, laney wrote:
To each his own! I'm havin a beer! :P :P :P


I thought you were a whisky kinda gal?

laney posted on 04/29/2003

On 2003-04-29 15:01, Tiki_Bong wrote:

I thought you were a whisky kinda gal?

I do have a bottle of Gentleman Jack behind my bar but I lay off the hard stuff while I'm just hanging out at home. There's nothing like a nice Manhattan when I'm out. I love my beer! MMMMMMMMMMMMM Beer! But am even trying to cut down on that at home. I earned a couple today though. I'm celebrating! Happy day! :lol:

DaneTiki posted on 04/29/2003

Well Sneaky, at least it was only Buffett's music that polluted your party. Imagine how horrible it would have been if he'd shown up, reeking of groupies and pre-mixed margaritas, hollerin' one of his songs off-key, and done something nasty with the punch! (That was the image that sprang to my mind upon reading the topic heading. Of course, I'm in college, so the crudeness of the frat drones has been perverting my mental imagery-creation facilities.)

Atomic Cocktail posted on 04/30/2003

YIKES! It just hit me-while in Vegas for "Mondo Tiki" the woman and I patronized one of those All-you-can-eat-BUFFETS!!!

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2003-04-29 17:09 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 04/30/2003

Hey Atomic! I heard a sound come out of you when we did our "Make Up Hug". Must have been the buffet!!

Squawker posted on 04/30/2003

Thank you Laney,

I think you said it for all of us who are open minded about the tastes of others.

tikifish posted on 04/30/2003

Doesn't sound like the party guests were too open minded though!!!!

I say, my party, my music.

I tortured my friends with the Poges for years. Now it's Denny. If they want to hang out by my chiminea and drink my pleasurable cocktails, they must abide by the rules!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/30/2003

I've gone above and beyond being open minded.
I've listened to Jimmy over and over at the
friends respective houses, along with alot of other stuff I didn't want to. Heck Buffets alright but I've heard him enough at this point to be a bit burnt out. My guests were the ones not open minded, keep in mind these are my buds, but a couple of years ago I introduced him to a musician not well known
and he proceeded to bag on the guy. A year later when said musicians on top 40/MTV he is cranking it up in his truck saying how he loves it. Thats the mindset that says anything tropical is J.Buffet. Stick with what you know, order a cheeseburger in paradise. Thanks but I'll have the Ahi Ahi
or coconut shrimp. In short, I don't think asking for a buffet free zone for one night in which I made many cocktails and grilled alot of good food is close minded. Listening to Gettin' drunk and screwed should not be considered part of the relaxing tropical feel that a "tiki time" is all about. Anyone seeing the tikis with crappy 80's sports bar graphics holding a grill with burgers and dogs knows that Tain't tiki. Burgers and franks are good, but they Tain't tiki.
I'm dreading the Tain't tiki time tour.

Talkie-Tiki posted on 05/01/2003

I have found that exotica and any Polynesian music should really be kept to your self. Most people just don’t understand exotica. I have had some positive feedback with the exotica more than the strait Hawaiian music and even less the other Polynesian music. Most people don’t like anything intense and or and creative. Just look at all the reality shows. Like Polynesian cocktails the subtle flavors and nuance of exotica are lost on some people. That’s ok with me I like it that only a minority likes exotica. This means it is put in the hands of people who truly love and understand it.

[ Edited by: Talkie-Tiki on 2003-04-30 21:15 ]

tikifish posted on 05/01/2003

I have found if you play your exotica over and over enough they get to like it and will even start to hum along... I have discovered it's not the exotica they don't like so much as 'stuff they don't know'. (ie not familiar and repetitious like top 40.)

So take the top 40 approach - keep the Denny and baxter on heavy rotation. DOn't let up. Be ruthless. Eventually they'll love it.

Sneakytiki posted on 05/01/2003

Thx 4 the advice, I've been too kind to my friends and from now on when I'm at my pad I'm going to expose them for their own good to some tiki tunes, after all, I have to win some of them over to the tiki side of the force so's I can have some local tiki comradery.

Keepin it tiki

Captain Ambience posted on 05/01/2003

LOL! I thought this thread was about some bad cheese or something.

Rain posted on 05/01/2003

sos i was walking by the virgin megastore at downtown disney last week (i had relatives down from out of town, give me a break), and i spy a HUGE display of cardboard cutouts of ku statues. these things were at least 5 ft tall, plus some bigger ones on the poster behind.

then i noticed buffet standing between the statues. bah.

Sneakytiki posted on 05/01/2003

Yeah there was some bad cheese, bad, cheezy musical selection anyway. My girlfriend, Nicole, calls Buffet restaraunts Buffets, like Jimmy Buffet is pronounced, just to get reactions. So now I call him Jimmy BuffAY in her presence. Jimmy's Buffet- featuring cheeseburgers in paradise......

tikimug posted on 05/01/2003

Yeah, anything that is associated with all-you-can-eat just Tain't Tiki!

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tweedtone posted on 05/01/2003

I gotta agree with the "repetition breeds acceptance" dictum. In high school, I had a friend who pretty much exclusively listened to Elvis Costello and Todd Rundgren. At the time, I was like, IF YOU PLAY OLIVER'S ARMY OR A DREAM GOES ON FOREVER ONE MORE TIME, YOU WILL DIE.

Now, of course, I'm a huge fan of both.

And Todd put out With A Twist, on which he redid a bunch of his tunes bossa nova/lounge-style. Todd's gone on record saying how much he loves Martin Denny. Did any one catch his tour for that? It was really cool, kind of a performance art thing. The stage was of a Hawaiian tiki bar (Todd moved there about ten years ago), complete with several table where some audience members got to sit, a functional bar where the bartender/monitor engineer worked and a stage where the band played. They even took a break in between sets and that's when the local support act would perform.

But I digress. And I doubt that Buffett would do anything so cool.

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kctiki posted on 05/01/2003

Buffet fans crash Pig Roast. Several years back the 'ol man & I were at an asphalt convention (I think it was in Charleston). Anyway, there was a pre-paid group dinner (Pig Roast) one night for our group at a local bar. We no more than got off the bus and sat down then a mob swarmed the buffet and ate all our food before any of us could get any. We had to wait for three hours before they could cook more. At that point they put special ID braclets on us for crowd control. It turns out that Jimmy Buffet was known to unexpectedly drop in this bar from time to time, and a rumor spread thru town that he was going to be there that night. The people who barged in and ate our food said they thought Jimmy was treating them to a free pig roast!!! The convention organizers ended up refunding our money so we ate for free too (hours later). I hope the bar forwarded the bill to Buffet. Luckily we were with some goofy friends and had a great time waiting. The moral of the story is, don't let obnoxious Buffet fan behaviour ruin your evening no matter what.

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Formikahini posted on 05/01/2003

On 2003-04-30 21:11, Talkie-Tiki wrote:
I have found that exotica and any Polynesian music should really be kept to your self. Most people just don’t understand exotica.

Lordie, try explaining to people what kind of music your band plays!:
"Clouseaux? We're an 'exotica' band."
Blank stare or nervous giggle, because they think you meant "erotica"."It's music in the vein of Martin Denny, Brazil 66, Yma Sumac, Esquivel?"
Still the blank stare.
"It's music like you would have heard at an old Trader Vics restaurant in the '50's and '60's."
Still no response.
"It's kind of latin-y, jazzy, kind of retro-ish lounge music, really swanky, with horns and percussion, lots of "Aaaaah" vocals - I'm one of the singers, plus a firebreather.
"Sounds really interesting!"

"You just have to hear us," is what I usually resort to.

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johntiki posted on 05/01/2003

Hey what's going on? A new Buffet topic and no response from Buffetiki? I've always enjoyed his viewpoint and "party-on" attitude! Buffetiki are you still with us???

Luckydesigns posted on 05/02/2003

John, please don't rile him up.
Formikahini, aren't you guys playing at the Tiki Oasis this year? If so, I'm looking forward to hearing you guys.

Tiki Fish, I agree with you about the exotica. I have found that most of my friends like the crazy bird calls and animal sounds found in Denny and Sumac. I been playing alot of Crazy Al's band's CD, APE, lately and my friends love it. Their stuff has a lot of crazy animal sounds in it too and can be quite exotic at times. You are right, it's just a matter of kepping it on heavy rotation.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-05-01 17:59 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 05/02/2003

I've always liked Warren Buffet, hey he's a great investor and we could learn a lot from him. I don't know why you guys don't like him, he's good at karaoke too.

Sneakytiki posted on 05/02/2003

That is too funny about the Buffet fans storming the buffet at your pig roast. I guess they just like buffets. See, there you go . Jimmy should be the soundtrack for buffet restaraunts like Chuck O Rama.

tikimug posted on 05/05/2003

On 2003-05-02 13:22, Sneakytiki wrote:
That is too funny about the Buffet fans storming the buffet at your pig roast. I guess they just like buffets.

Hah! I thought the same thing... I wasn't sure if you meant Buff-ay fans or (Jimmy) Buff-ET fans... or maybe it's all encompassing one and the same.

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jukeboy56 posted on 05/05/2003

Let me get this straight. You're pissed because somebody played YOUR own records at YOUR own party?

Well, it's obviously YOUR own fault. Anybody who's ever had anybody else over for a drink knows that the best liquor should always be locked away in a safe place before any party begins. The same goes for remotes for TV's you don't want turned on, board games you don't want played and music you don't want to hear.

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powerofthetiki posted on 05/06/2003

On 2003-05-01 16:32, Formikahini wrote:

"It's music in the vein of Martin Denny, Brazil 66, Yma Sumac, Esquivel?"
Still the blank stare.

The original voice of Sergio Mendes' Brasil '66, singer Lani Hall what a voice

[ Edited by: powerofthetiki on 2003-05-05 17:44 ]

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/06/2003

On 2003-04-29 23:22, RevBambooBen wrote:
Hey Atomic! I heard a sound come out of you when we did our "Make Up Hug". Must have been the buffet!!

You must have squeezed me too hard!!

mig posted on 05/06/2003

Todd Rundgren sets up the whole thing at Burning Man every year... it's a big giant tiki camp thing, with a stage, a very handsome tiki bar, etc. There are pictures of it floating around, I think Tikifish has one...

On 2003-05-01 13:44, tweedtone wrote:

Todd's gone on record saying how much he loves Martin Denny. Did any one catch his tour for that? It was really cool, kind of a performance art thing. The stage was of a Hawaiian tiki bar (Todd moved there about ten years ago), complete with several table where some audience members got to sit, a functional bar where the bartender/monitor engineer worked and a stage where the band played. They even took a break in between sets and that's when the local support act would perform.

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Jungle Trader posted on 05/07/2003

Hey Mig, told the wifey I wanted to go to Burning Man this year. Let us know when, if we we don't find out before. Maybe some of us here could meet out there, very cool.

Sneakytiki posted on 03/05/2007

On 2003-05-05 10:47, jukeboy56 wrote:
Let me get this straight. You're pissed because somebody played YOUR own records at YOUR own party?

Well, it's obviously YOUR own fault. Anybody who's ever had anybody else over for a drink knows that the best liquor should always be locked away in a safe place before any party begins. The same goes for remotes for TV's you don't want turned on, board games you don't want played and music you don't want to hear.

They weren't my records but a friends CD they took the liberty of playing without asking.
It's obvious to me that YOU can't READ.

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5446 posted on 03/05/2007

Are you yelling at someone four years later?

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tikitammy posted on 03/05/2007

Good call #5446...Sneaky isn't too sneaky.

I'm a Buffett fan. I realize that in this forum that doesn't make me very popular. But I must be honest. I've read all the hoopla here for 3 years now but I just can't help myself. My tiki bar is a mix of what makes me happy and I believe that everyone else should do what makes them happy too.

I'm not ever going to disrespect anyone for the type of music they choose, the type of tiki they choose or the drinks they mix up.

Where am I going? And how did I get in this hand-basket?

Tiki Tammy

[ Edited by: tikitammy 2007-03-13 07:31 ]

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TikiLaLe posted on 03/06/2007

What else you got to do when it's 5 degress outside ...start yelling !!!!

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VampiressRN posted on 03/06/2007

Someone is holding a grudge. :)

Luckily I do NOT have any Buffet at my house. I got plenty of Exotica, so that is what you will hear at my tiki parties. And when we're kicking it up a notch...Don Tiki can get us revived.

Good to hear Todd is into the quality music. I remember seeing him back in the 70's...he was awesome.

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Rum Balls posted on 03/06/2007

Time for a clarification: A "buffet" with one "t"...a nice spread of food...is always welcome at a tiki party. A "Buffett" with two "t"s...that'd be Jimmy...is where you'll run into trouble at a tiki party, possibly resulting in some guests exchanging buffets (blows)! :lol:

Sneakytiki posted on 03/06/2007

On 2007-03-05 12:49, 5446 wrote:
Are you yelling at someone four years later?

For fun and profit.

BTW I wasn't yelling just copying the capitalized words in the post I was replying to.
-edited for spelling error-

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-03-06 19:44 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 03/06/2007

On 2007-03-05 13:08, tikitammy wrote:
Good call #5446...Sneaky isn't too sneaky.

I'm a Buffet fan. I realize that in this forum that doesn't make me very popular. But I must be honest. I've read all the hoopla here for 3 years now but I just can't help myself. My tiki bar is a mix of what makes me happy and I believe that everyone else should do what makes them happy too.

I'm not ever going to disrespect anyone for the type of music they choose, the type of tiki they choose or the drinks they mix up.

What is "Sneaky isn't too sneaky" supposed to mean? Sounds like you're trying to be clever but making a totally irrelevant juvenile comment instead. You might as well just call me a dick. If I don't agree with your postings I'm not gonna write "tammy isn't too tiki is she?" #1 it's not clever unless your an 8 year old, #2 what does that have to do with anything? I didn't disrespect anyone with my original post. If I came to your tiki party and put on some Britney Spears while you were mixing drinks in the other room you might think it was lame too. Disrespectful would be someone else changing your tunes without asking, I'd never do that personally. By all means play whatever music or place whatever artifacts you want in your own bar. I just figured it's never to late to post a correction, or hold a grudge, LOL! Actually just noticed the "YOUR fault" comment while browsing the back pages of TC, no grudge held.

On 2007-03-05 17:04, TikiLaLe wrote:
What else you got to do when it's 5 degress outside ...start yelling !!!!

As stated previously, I wasn't yelling, merely copying the use of all caps from the message I was responding to. Do your four exclamation points mean that you are yelling? BTW it's 61 degrees here, not 5. Warm and sunny, and there's plenty to do here, thanks.

To drown sorrow, where should one jump first and best? "Certainly not water. Water rusts you." -Frank Sinatra

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-03-06 20:29 ]

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TikiLaLe posted on 03/07/2007

Sneaky sorry bout weather call ... Don't take this personally, you come across as one angry SOB !!!

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drslingshot posted on 03/07/2007

tikitammy, your fine with me.

Everyone can like what they like, thats what is important!

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Feelin Zombified posted on 03/07/2007

On 2007-03-06 18:44, drslingshot wrote:
tikitammy, your fine with me.

Everyone can like what they like, thats what is important!

Damn Right!!! I have a giant purple TeleTubbieTiki that's 5ft tall right next to my tiki bar. and it makes me happy. as does my Club MTV 1990 Tour poster.

it's all good.

Sneakytiki posted on 03/07/2007

TikiLale, Anyone reading my original post or reply who thought I was extremely angry comes across as one dumb SOB. BTW don't call someone an SOB and tell them not to take it personally, it's oxy-moronic.

To drown sorrow, where should one jump first and best? "Certainly not water. Water rusts you." -Frank Sinatra

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-03-06 19:26 ]

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VampiressRN posted on 03/07/2007

I just can't bring myself to use the double-t version of that word......and still no buffet on the hi-fi at my house. I will however have a buffet (food) for the weekend party with Denny, Baxter, Drasnin, Don Tiki, etc.....now that is a good buffet!!!

Sneakytiki posted on 03/07/2007

Vamp, Agreed!

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VampiressRN posted on 03/07/2007

OK....really now... the only tunes that get me hot under the colar are opera and country western.....I can stand about anything but those.

I hope nobody ever takes a picture of me at a Margaritaville.....that would cause me some pain...but if there weren't any other drinking holes close by....

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