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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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GMAN posted on 10/02/2007

Do I win a coco monkey if I guessed right?

Crocs have bigger teeth. Gators are crocs but crocs aren't gators; savy?


Grizztiki posted on 10/02/2007

Looking good there... Looks like I should've stuck with my second guess for the eighth....oh well.... good luck GMAN... Closettiki... I finished your south park likeness... toot...cork!! cheers Grizz

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/02/2007

Yesterday's sunset:

Sorry Cammo...Your prize was going to be easy-Trash day at the House of Buzz! Free pickens. Who's next? Cause I hope you win!

On 2007-10-01 16:37, Tornhalo wrote:
Have I won yet? Where is my mug?I went fishing on Hatteras Island over the weekend, and don't know what's going on. Who's winning the argument over whatever is being argued about now?

As`well as being laugh out loud funny, this post pretty much sums up the last 80 pages of my thread. It's been pretty quiet here lately, as I think everyone is on pins and needles over this whole contest thing. We'll need a new argument soon. Any suggestions, targets?

Babalu: It's those two trees with the water behind them on the far left. When the whole sun sets on the water-WINNER! Your chances are still looking good

Bowana: You're too late, but your choice sucks and you'll lose anyway, so welcome aboard! Maybe it will be cloudy for three weeks...What are you going to carve next, because I'm going to carve that too. It's not who starts it first, it's the finished one that counts. I was thinking about carving a tiki guitar...

Tiki-Kate: You are too late also, but since you are technically my best friend and have that fact in writing, your late losing entry is now official. Congats-hope for clouds...

GMAN: You can pick whatever you want as your prize...MY coco monkeys are much better than that one in the picture though. I get mine done by a coco monkey "Master Carver." He can even make cocomamas and Pirate Coco Heads. Now thatz Mad carving Skillz!!!

GRIZZ: Want to borrow my time machine. I just got back from the 50's, where I was busy inspiring the start of the WITCO company. I'm not going to use it again until I draw up a mug design and give it Ren Clark later this month, so if you want, you can borrow it and go back and change your date.

This has been my domain for the last several hours

Late night am talk radio and sanding, what a life I live

When I got totally crazy from sanding too long, I split this log

I'm going to make a bunch of faces on half logs with these. Since I just invented the Witco style, I think I'll make all these faces on logs a tribute to my witco style. So, I guess I'm actually copying myself now.

I also got a very nice load of small ficus logs

and I've been getting those ready too

So yesterday, a new tree guy called me about some logs. He was taking down 4 60' Mexi fans palms and they all had mostly cleaned stumps. I went to look at them, and found them to be of very high carving quality. I looked for smaller logs, because I have a ton of large logs right now. I eyed out four 6'small logs and loaded them into the truck. When I got home, i noticed that the logs were all at least as large as my older, thick logs, and three were actually larger than most of what I have on hand. It's funny how small a log looks when it's in a whole pile of other logs, and how much bigger it actually is when you are trying to pull them out of your truck by yourself. I guess I could just split them and make a bunch more faces on logs that I call tikis. Now that I'm doing my own witco designs, I should move through the wood pretty fast. Let 'er rip!

Buzzy Out!

tikifreak1 posted on 10/02/2007

Buzzy, this is the first time posting on your thread. I love it, it is so entertaining! Lots of funny stuff going on here. You do great work too!


TheBigT posted on 10/02/2007

Luv the lamp that says "tiki factory". Another invention of yours? Gotta get me one of those. :wink:

Robin posted on 10/02/2007

Your last post is just to funny Buzzy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

closettiki posted on 10/03/2007

hey buzzy.......can you mail me one of those half logs.......i need wood.......but thats a lot of stamp lickin.....

Bowana posted on 10/03/2007

On 2007-10-02 10:48, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Bowana: What are you going to carve next, because I'm going to carve that too. It's not who starts it first, it's the finished one that counts. I was thinking about carving a tiki guitar...

That's a good idea. I wish I thought of that. I think I'll carve a guitar too.

Wanna swap one of those nice pieces of ficus for a crappy old cracked piece of eucalyptus?

Grizztiki posted on 10/03/2007

Thanks for the offer Buzzy... but i think i'll stick with my original offer of the second.... time machine sounds cool and all but what is time? just another excuse for us to regulate our lives by.... I can live with my decision.... as for the eighth.... my kudos go to GMAN if he wins....rock on brother..... as for you mr. Buzz? i agree...let er' rip!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/03/2007

Yesterday's sunset:

Sorry Grizz...

4 Tornhalo
5 Hiltiki
6 Babalu
7 Robin
9 Mieko
10 Hewey
11 Teakey
12 FBalls
14 JenTiki
17 Paipo
18 Tiki-Kate
22 4WD
28 Bowana

Buzzy Out!

surfintiki posted on 10/04/2007

God-da_______! Look at all that wood! Be nice, and share now!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/05/2007

Let's see how HOKU did yesterday:

Sorry Freddie :(


Guess it just wasn't your day.

Despite what you may hear, there are still several roads in San Diego that you can still drive on.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-10-04 22:57 ]

Tornhalo posted on 10/05/2007

It's never my day.. sigh and here I was.. got my mouth all watered up to be the next "Tiki Guy(tm)". Well.. all I can say is.. The sun and those trees hate me.

Cammo posted on 10/05/2007

Gman and Mieko are lookin' good. Photo finish?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/06/2007

Today's sunset:

Dear Hiltiki, After reviewing the following photographical evidence:

The judging panel regrets to inform you that you have not won the contest.

Buzzy Out!

closettiki posted on 10/06/2007

BUZZY!!!!!!!....what are we to do after the contest ends ?.....these past few weeks we have only to cope...nare do i say survive ..living on edge ...anticipating your next post...waiting to see who falls by the wayside or should i say bayside.. and who will continue as the sun slowly moves south inching its way toward the victor.....sure there will be celebration ...jubilation....tiki mugs raised high in victory.......overflowing with sweet and savory concoctions,,,,,,but the rest of us........sorrow......no more nightly contest updates...the only light in the end of this sunset for us is the postings of your work......the anticipation of a new design ...the progress of greatness......true it could be enough for the masses.....but i say .....ANOTHER CONTEST...i believe i speak for your followers.....ANOTHER CONTEST.....coupled with updates of your work......LET THIS NOT END.....another contest say i....

big belly tiki says hi

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-10-05 22:14 ]

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GROG posted on 10/06/2007

Looks like Babalu is going to win.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/07/2007

Did Babalu win?
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No. Sorry Space Hippy. You were close...

Should I hold a contest and award a prize to the person who invents the next contest?
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 10/07/2007

It's gonna be real hard coming up with a contest as fair and square and dang near impossible to rig like the Sunset Race. You have to invent something that's impervious to tampering, and slow as frozen molasses.


closettiki posted on 10/07/2007

would that contest thats being invented be the same contest that said inventor is going to be the winner of?
if so would the winner of said contest ...thus inventing the contest assure himself or herself sure victory or all the other contest particapants
i call that a WIN WIN .....no ...a WIN WIN WIN ..situation.......let the games begin......and bring on the TIKIS......

IDEA !!!!!!!!...perhaps a shadow of a palm crossing the face of a tiki.....so buzzy ...get busy ..plant a palm and set up a tiki.....its slow and you can carve another tiki out of the palm when the contests over.... WIN WIN SITUATION.....

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-10-06 20:45 ]

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hiltiki posted on 10/07/2007

Buzzy, ordinarily I would get really upset cause I don't like to loose. But you know what, here I am in beautiful Waikiki Beach looking out to the ocean from the window of the nicest hotel, as it just got all dark. And I just had a Mai tai, from the famous Mai Tai bar.....and I am taking a brake on TC.....Nothing can hurt me now..:drink:...:tiki:... :)...oops time to go out again...

Tornhalo posted on 10/07/2007

On 2007-10-06 19:40, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Did Babalu win?
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No. Sorry Space Hippy. You were close...

Should I hold a contest and award a prize to the person who invents the next contest?
Buzzy Out!

That is a beautiful sunset.

TheBigT posted on 10/07/2007

I got confused - what was the contest and who won!? :P

Great pics Buzzy! I'm way to close to the trees to get pics like that out here.

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PuraVida posted on 10/07/2007


I have been off the Tiki forums for awhile, but I just got caught up! The suspense is killing me!

Hey, thanks for posting some of my Costa Rican sunsets! I love it. My parents are coming in tonight for their first time ever in this country. They enjoy reading this forum too!


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/08/2007

Yesterday's sunset:
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Contest update:
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It's soooooooo close!!!! Oh yeah, sorry Robin.

Not a cloud in the sky today...We could have a winner later on!

Puravida: Greetings my long lost American friend. What did you name yourself after: some Costa rican water company? Glad you signed up fo TC. Say hey to the folks for me. Weren't you around back in the day when I started using the Buzzy name? And to the folks of Puravida: Hey! Glad you check in from time to time. Take care and enjoy your vacation.

Big T: You see the sun sets at a certain spot on a certain day and we have a winner! That's the short version...

I think that today is THE DAY! Don't you all wish you were GMAN right now?
Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on 10/08/2007


Cammo posted on 10/09/2007

I called it back on page 119!

Either -

6 Babalu
7 Robin

as the winners.

GROG owes me 20 clams!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/09/2007

Looks like the sun made it to the two trees:
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Here it is as the sun hit the water for the first time in a long time
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Looks like GMAN wins, barring any official or legal protests.

Congats GMAN! You Da Winner! To claim your prize, you must first name it...

Well damn! Now that contest is over, I need to get back to that tiki routine that you all were so accustomed to before we got all wrapped up in competition. So I...

Started a palm log carving yesterday:
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Trying to make one of those fancy hat tiki guys
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The fancy hat goes down the back
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The back of the hat was inspired by the the many fine volumes of literature standing on tiki bar bookshelves
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Seems like a while since I carved palm.
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So, the next contest is to see who makes up the following contest. Only rule so far: All entries involving or mentioning mugs will be disregarded, regardless of merit or creativity. I call this the "Cammo rule."

Have fun out there...

Buzzy Out!

closettiki posted on 10/09/2007

.......seal clap for gman.................buzzy...im liking the back,,,its very art decco.ish

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-10-08 19:18 ]

GMAN posted on 10/09/2007


Thanks for holding the contest. I really won, aye? So, to know what I won, I need to name it? Hmmmmm. Any chance I could score a "Tiki-Guy" bling-bling pendant? Something Hawaiian style with some size that makes a real statement - kinda like yours?

If that's too much to ask, I'll settle for a diet coke and tour of the House of Buzz when I make it over to see you guys. :D



Tornhalo posted on 10/09/2007

Congrats GMAN!

Robin posted on 10/09/2007

On 2007-10-08 20:16, Tornhalo wrote:
Congrats GMAN!

Same here.

Nice Tiki Buzzy...the contest was fun!

Grizztiki posted on 10/10/2007

Congrats GMAN.... I feel you da man!(should'a stuck with the date myself) The new project looks muy cool mr Buzz cheers Grizz

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teaKEY posted on 10/10/2007


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/10/2007

On 2007-10-08 19:53, GMAN wrote:

If that's too much to ask, I'll settle for a diet coke and tour of the House of Buzz when I make it over to see you guys. :D

G: Thought you would have chosen one of these dual Ku head Margaritaville signs for the man room. You never cease to amaze me-full of surprises you are!
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Just give Zaya the dates you want to travel and she'll take care of the rest of the details. I'm thinking THE tiki guy bling pendant would look like nice around your neck...or on your shelf....

Be it known that this is now and forever the Devo Tiki
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I also finally finished sanding the lono. Now I'm trying to decide between Provincial(dark) or golden oak(light) stain.

Yesterday was trash day, and I had so much stuff to get rid of, that I needed to subcontract out my garbage pile. I found a dumpster in the seedy part of town and took a few tikis that I cut into pieces and dumped them there. About five minutes later, I saw a group of homeless dudes digging through the garbage and trying to reasssemble the tikis. Here's some bum guy hauling away a tiki head on his bike:
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If you guys see this tiki head at the swap meet this weekend, technically, it cannot be a legal "tiki find."

To all of you who say I have no compassion whatsoever: I help the homeless in my spare time by donating tikis to them. Now piss off!

Buzzy Out!

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[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-10-10 10:33 ]

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TravelingJones posted on 10/10/2007

On 2007-10-08 19:09, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
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Looks like GMAN wins, barring any official or legal protests...

Well Buzzy, your final lab results are just in from the US Government METOC, NOAA and ICE verification; it is "OFFICIAL CONGRATS TO GMAN!"
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As the thermal imagery clearly shows, the trajectory chart points are in line with the projected solar position, so this means that the sun hit its designated target within a "gnat's ass" of error. Well done!!! :D

As for your application in government grants, aid and other monetary assistance for charitable contribution adding to improved living conditions for the homeless by providing "TIKI" for dwellings and protection? It has been forward for consideration and review by the appropriate departments.

Thank you for all you do... you are a fine humanitarian! :D

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Babalu posted on 10/10/2007


GMAN posted on 10/10/2007

"...the sun hit its designated target within a "gnat's ass" of error."

I used my slide rule to determine the logarithmic scale and the corresponding antilogarithm. The medial slide position indicated that the sun would be visible in the "Gnat's Ass" on October 8th, barring any meteorological interference. :D

Buzzy Rules!


Tornhalo posted on 10/11/2007

Next on house of Buzz-

Our hero Buzz receives a ransom note scribbled on card board, and a piece of a Tiki ear..

"3 hot pockets, a new tire pump and a case of diet malt liquor or we cut off another piece.. Drop off behind the dumpster.. or the Tiki is firewood!"

Meanwhile, GMAN is seen flossin' his new bling.

..whatever "flossin' means.

closettiki posted on 10/11/2007

hey buzzy...perhaps you should have a contest to spot the tiki head running around san diego on the back of the bike....kinda like the traveling gnome.
it could make ..the house of buzz .even more famous
except......maybe you would'nt want to be known as the guy who gave h&^d to the homeless.......

Cammo posted on 10/11/2007

I don't know how TJones did it, but he somehow bent all the rules of decent self respecting science to make a solar map come out like a Buzzy version of how the cosmos works. His map in fact proves:

The Coast of California is the center of the Universe.

Buzzy's place is right beside the Universal Center, with a nice view of, well, everything.

The Sun sits on top of the Palm Trees when it goes to sleep each night.

The Palm trees and the best surf breaks revolve in an unending circle around the House of Buzz.

GMAN has predicted within .00000000007642 degrees the exact time of the confluence of all known physical forces. Nobody really knows how he did this.

New contest; simple. Whoever makes the smallest Tiki wins.


Mail 'em to Buzzy in an envelope.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/12/2007

Yesterday's sunset:
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That looks like a CH53E

I decided to stain the Lono dark because I figured that would help hide the cracks better than a light stain.
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I think I want to try some rub on poly on this one

I had a couple hours to kill while I was out and about today, so I started this little basswood pendant
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Cammo: Sorry, but your contest idea has been done already. I think it went: Paipo, Tama, and Dav as the top placers. I don't really know how small they were because they use that silly measuring system. mm? what's up with that?

Closetiki: I guess there's a homeless tiki village out there under a bridge somewhere now. Look for my upcoming book: The Book of Homeless Tiki Modern Now!, where I discuss the influence of free tiki trash finds on the early century polypop homeless camp decor movement. This thread starts the list for copies of the book after I write, publish, and produce it.

Tornhalo: Flossin is now in my gloss...flossin?. AACK!

GMAN: I use a ruler too...

Babalu: Como?

Jonesey: You should have used that fancy government gadget for your guess instead of that farmer's almanac! Thanks for making it official. GO NAVY!

I'm going to look for a list on TC and join it. If there is no new list, I'm going to start one. Flossin' Time!
Buzzy Out!

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4WDtiki posted on 10/12/2007

So Buz, is that Provincial on the Lono? I like it. I like that new guy, too. Alot.

Put me on the book list. Will you do Leno or Letterman for the sales tour?

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hiltiki posted on 10/12/2007

Buzzy I like the cracks on the Lono, makes it look vintage. It looks great.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/12/2007

I finished the little basswood pendant last night:
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Stained it with early american

I put one layer of rub on poly on this guy, and now I'm going to put on another:
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4WD: Yes, that was provincial stain and thank you very much.
Hiltiki: * and thank you too! The log was cracked before I started carving it, and at one point I almost threw it away. Then, I looked over saw Dav working on his cracked piece of Eucalytus and all of a sudden it didn't look so bad to me. Glad I kept at it...

Buzzy Out!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 10/14/2007

Yo Buzzy, I Knew I could come HERE and get an Excellent Tiki Fix, and you didn't disappoint Thanks.
Keep up the good work.

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 10/16/2007

Hola Buzzy! A little change of scenic views...the lowest rainbow I've ever seen so far...
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Theres a little valley behind the blue house where the rainbow ends. Liking the new Tiki, thanks for the view. Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/16/2007

Thanks Freddie! Here's a few days worth of sunsets to add to the scenic wonder of this thread:
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Benzart: Here's another quick tiki fix
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Tiki densification!

And a little progress:
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Buzzy Out!

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