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Kahiki play set?

Pages: 1 13 replies

uncle trav posted on 09/19/2007

Lets see, got the fireplace mug. COOL! Now all I need is a set of Kahiki Moai mugs, a fountain mug. A Village Dining Room cookie jar, a Molokai Hut cookie jar, Some plastic palm trees and a cool vinyl mat with the floor plan on it and I'll be all set. Just like Play'n Hot Wheels when I was a kid. Just wishful thinking I guess

Tiki-Kate posted on 09/19/2007

This was as close as I could get with what little I had to work with. The salt and pepper shakers seem to be having a really good time though.

(I've got to get over this cold so I can go back to work.)

uncle trav posted on 09/19/2007

VampiressRN posted on 09/20/2007

LOL...shades of Barbie & Ken posing. Great job you two...I especially love the little table with umbrella and chairs. :)

twitch posted on 09/20/2007

Okay guys - I reeeeaaally need to know where youse got those tiny tiki bar pieces!!
Are they Barbie or Bratz playsets or what?

Tiki-Kate posted on 09/20/2007

They came from the My Scene Guava Gulch play set, which I believe was one of Mattel's early attempts to compete with the Bratz.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/20/2007

On 2007-09-20 05:03, Tiki-Kate wrote:
They came from the My Scene Guava Gulch play set, which I believe was one of Mattel's early attempts to compete with the Bratz.

Here is one on Craigslist:



uncle trav posted on 09/20/2007

That's right on the nose PTD. From 2003. I borrowed it from my daughter.

Kabuddhabuddha posted on 09/21/2007

Here is my Kahiki playset. going to have a rum runner out of it soon.

tikigreg posted on 09/21/2007

The ingenuity of TCers never ceases to amaze! Great pics guys! Does anyone have a photo of their Kahiki mug done up in mood lighting, so it looks like the original, all mysterious and awesome? I'd take a snapshot myself, except both of my digital cameras take horrible low light shots.

Keep the pics coming!

uncle trav posted on 09/21/2007

Like this?

uncle trav posted on 09/21/2007

Or these?

tikigreg posted on 09/21/2007

Yes, that's more like it! How about with an up-light shot, and somehow get the eyes to glow red? We have the technology!

TikiJosh posted on 10/04/2007

That's too funny! Laughing my a$$ off over here....

Pages: 1 13 replies