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Tiki Oasis III Aftermath & Pics!

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Tiki_Bong posted on 05/14/2003

Hey, wasn't that old dude popping the balls the same cat that had all the tattoos (the big hula girl on his back)?

He got nailed by the big 4' beach ball and became irrate. When the big ball came my way again I made sure it went his way for an encore!

People like that have been/acted "old" their entire life...

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

That's the one - the guy Lucky-D wants to go fishing with.

TikiPug posted on 05/14/2003

I was the one the wife got into a fight with. I was the bald guy sitting next to her. She started hitting me in the face with a deflated beach ball. I went to find security and when I got back they were leaving. Unbelievable.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

Oh yeah! I know who you are!! I was gonna go over there and say something but they took off. Dude, what did you say to set her off? Someone even got pics of all this!

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-14 12:01 ]

TikiPug posted on 05/14/2003

She had "hid" a couple of the beach balls under her chair. I grabbed them and put them back into play. She got mad and started throwing the deflated ones at me and hitting me in the face. I told both of them that they were at a party and should learn to relax. I also told them that if the beach balls were bothering them that much, they should move off to the side.

I would love to see pictures if anybody has some.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

On 2003-05-14 11:49, TikiPug wrote:
I would love to see pictures if anybody has some.

Here they are:

stentiki posted on 05/14/2003

Classic photos, Pop!

In all the hoopla, I just thought that this was part of the normal madness associated with Ape! I think I lost my tiki during this set. It's too bad some folks can't just hang loose. I didn't see these folks in the pool but I'm sure if they were there, they got pelted by me!

Good times!

Good seeing you all again.

Chongolio posted on 05/14/2003

That is hi-lari-ass! First off I have to commend Tikipug on his "balls" to come into a new group and say that he was the bald dude at the party getting hit in the face by a woman with deflated beach toys. Is it just me or that comedy?
Also, after seeing the photo and P-pops comments It furthers my understanding why he is a secret agent #1 and has his own theme song.
And how funny is it that Lucky has a pic of the dude and wants to go fishin with him. Sound to me like that salty ol feller may use you for bait if you cross his line.
better watch your self Lucky.

midnite posted on 05/14/2003

Dang it!
Why didn't someone tell me there would be a chance for some elder beating at Oasis? Hell, I'd a made the trek then for sure just to knock some AARP heads! I still fondly recall beating on some fossil at a golf course once. See if that moron duffer disses people again, showed him what "hitting into our group" means in my cicle. Even if my Dad didn't have my back against the douche's three equally old and rude friends.

Was that Oasis III or a Social D concert? I figured it was gonna be rum, look at the Tiki!, rum giggle, shag is cool, how much for that mug? No one ever mentioned a slam dancing mosh brawl.


PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

I can't take credit for the photos ~ they came from Tikibob's photo album however, I did see the whole thing happen. At first I thought "holy moly, I hope that's not one of us!" but didn't recognize either party. Ironically, TikiPug is getting beat down with one of the Tiki Central branded beach balls.

suicide_sam posted on 05/14/2003

On 2003-05-12 19:25, Atomic Cocktail wrote:

Now, now Sam, no complaining. Remember, you were the designated drunk!

My usual goal is to embarass myself or offend someone else by the end of the night. I know I embarassed myself by spilling two drinks over at The 135 Lounge, so I guess it was another triumphant night

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/14/2003

Dude, I don't think it's possible to embarrass oneself at Tiki Oasis. But, spilling a drink, Yikes! Isn't that sacrilege? Unless of course you conveniently spilled it in your, or someone else's mouth :drink:

hula hula posted on 05/14/2003

I don't think it's possible to embarrass oneself at Tiki Oasis

then obviously we've never met :wink:

TikiPug posted on 05/14/2003

Thanx for the great pix of me getting beat by an old lady. My mother would be so proud. I will cherish them for ever.

tikibob posted on 05/14/2003

Tikipug and others. I was by you during the ball "incident" and watched the spectacle from soup to nuts.

When the older couple started in on you I just had to get my camera going. I thought those pics were the best of all those I took the whole weekend.

The old dude was like a maniac on those balls. He was actually getting up to get balls that did NOT land near him.

Congrats to Pug because he got some good shots in with both un-deflated AND deflated balls too. So the old bag was not the only one getting in the licks.

Honestly, it was obvious that the couple was just sitting there in between the sets while the ball toss occured. I saw others who did not wish to participate just move to the side lines. The ball throwers were very good at stopping the melee when the bands started back up.

One fellow Centralite had a good way to describe the older couple. He said, "Where were obvioulsy out of their element." So profound!

I love Bong's comments that he made sure the big ball went back towards the old guy's head for "an encore."

Welcome to the group Tikipug. I have the original, non-shrunk epics if you want them. Email me at Tikibob@CoastalEyes.com if you want them (and that goes for anybody who wants originals from my Tiki Oasis 3 album).

Part of me hates to see things like this when they happen, but in this instance, it was the most comical event of the weekend. I am proud to have chronicled it.

Tiki "Shutterbugged" Bob

[ Edited by: tikibob on 2003-05-14 15:29 ]

[ Edited by: tikibob on 2003-05-14 15:38 ]

floratina posted on 05/14/2003

"1st student of Hukilau Brown's School of Big Pimp'n"

Tiki Bob was one of your classmates...?

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/14/2003

On 2003-05-14 14:25, hula hula wrote:

I don't think it's possible to embarrass oneself at Tiki Oasis

then obviously we've never met :wink:

See bottom of page:


hula hula posted on 05/15/2003

Tikibob is so the man, this guy did the best lobster solo ever, then joined the band whenever he felt like. so It'll be 2nd student of the royal order!

suicide_sam posted on 05/15/2003

Yeah I saw that Lobster solo. Man was that cool or what. It was like watching a cartoon, the man was playing the lobsters for God's sake!!!

floratina posted on 05/15/2003

the man was playing the lobsters for God's sake!!!

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-05-14 18:31 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 05/15/2003

HA! HA! The beach ball story is very funny. TikiPug, you will go down in TC history for this. What a great initiation. Great story.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/15/2003

Those 'old' folks were staying at our hotel. Now according to them some "Six foot Five guy with a shaved head" repeatedly bashed the gal in the head with beach balls. They did admit that she tended to get cantankerous when tipsey (Might they mean, "Shit-faced"?).

Oh, Tikipug, you naughty, naughty boy!

Captain Ambience posted on 05/15/2003

Lobster solo!!!

CaseyJPS posted on 05/15/2003

The CTR is our life, and tiki followers have become the purest part of our life blood. I sincerely apologize for the gross oversights relative to the REEF bar service. You all deserve an explanation, which is posted under the TIKI OASIS BARTENDING subject. We are inexperienced bar operators and I apologize for producing this black cloud during the event. Moving on, and just to clarify, we don't make a habit of engaging the police except in dire circumstances--you guys didn't even come close. It is a joy to have a whole resort full of like-minded people with a lot of positive energy. That said, please understand our permanent staff take great pride and ownership in this business and can get somewhat defensive if they feel we're not in control--it's their home and it supports their families. Quite frankly, there's not another group I'd rather have in the resort and it was an empty feeling come Monday evening. Thank you all for allowing us to participate in your passion! The Caliente tropics Resort, and especially this event, would have never happened if it weren't for Pete Moruzzi (PS Modern Committee), Sven and Otto. We are truly blessed!

TikiMaxton posted on 05/15/2003

Wow, Casey, you are one class act! I have never been to CTR, but the impression I have gotten of your stewardship of the place (as well as your heartfelt desire to please us "like minded folk") strengthens my resolve to visit soon! Keep up the good work, and thank you for keeping the tiki torch lit for us!

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2003-05-14 23:29 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2003

I heard through the "Grape Vine" that it was "One of Your Own!" One of the "TC/Band Members!" Now, why does this person not come forward and spill their guts? Chicken Shit is my guess! I'm a "Real Person" as you all know, It was not me. But I wish it was!!! I wish I saw "Z" getting "War Painted" cause he would've woken up with no eyebrows! I wish I had heard you's all "Bagging" bout the drinks as you "Got Them" and not on TC! Wake up and smell the coffee! Bitch, Bitch, Bitch! Oasis was a blast! Stop your Bitching! Can't wait to see you's at Hukilau so we can feed you's to the sharks!! Argggh!

johnnievelour posted on 05/15/2003

Damn right, Ben!
I had a blast, too The music, venders, 135, TC and non-TC people, Hawaiian Eye, slide shows, and The Tropics! Good Times! I orderd a drink at the Reef and the bartender just poured in a bunch of booze and I drank it and got loaded!

See you next year!

tikifille posted on 05/15/2003

Casey-I can only speak for myself, but I think the focus on the bartending takes away from the reason this event is held at YOUR resort. Both Tiki Central members, Otto, everyone involved in the Tiki Oasis event, and your facility share a mutual love of tiki. This was my second Tiki Oasis, but my 4th trip to the Caliente Tropics. The bartending is a quick fix. Prepping the staff for the caliber of noise next year is also a quick fix. Finding a location as great as yours is NOT a quick fix. I'm so happy you like hosting this event because I'm marking my calendar for Tiki Oasis IV (not that I know the dates). Ok, now that I've given my, "Let's all feel the love statement." I expect nothing less than Bong going straght for my carotid artery. (P.S. Bong-I was the girl chatting about carving with Danny on Sunday morning. We were near the pool and I was wearing the Elvis towel wrapped around me. I think it was you who walked up with SCD since your hat said "Bong". I'm sure your happy feelings must have worn off now. So feel free to let loose with your trademark diatribe.) No matter what, I think the Caliente Tropics is an incredible location.

[ Edited by: tikifille on 2003-05-15 23:04 ]

floratina posted on 05/15/2003

No black cloud here! John (at the front desk) told me about how CTR really liked having us there. I mentioned the visit from the PD.
I told him about how we were speculating where the complaint came from and that we wondered if perhaps Casey thought we were too wild! I guess CJ didn't even know about it until the next morning.

On Saturday night there was persistent drumming and no appearance from law enforcement. Most of Saturday night's hijinks came from the Howlie's room and it was considerably farther away from the tiki apartment complex behind the property than 135. It probably wasn't as disturbing to the neighbors as the 135 party the night before.

I had a fine time at The Reef, btw. I hope you bring back my bartender (pictured with Spike on another thread) next time. He was a blast. Mixological practice (hic), Grog Logs at the ready and an interior with a pedigree...the CTR Reef will be a good hang for locals year-round. Ah, revenue!

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-05-15 01:00 ]

tikigod posted on 05/15/2003

To all fairness to the "old" folks, no matter what age you are you can always enjoy Tiki.

Also there is always two sides to every story, right?

I am the first to admit that my crazy aunt was inebriated, smashed, 3 shits to the wind. The drinks may have not have tasted great but they sure had a Sh*t load of alcohol in them. Trust me when we got back to the hotel, we assured my aunt she was no innocent victim in her brawl.

But for the old dude with the tatoos, all he wanted to do was to enjoy the music. My dad sat in his chair since 5 o'clock watching and not missing a moment of every musician up there. He only had the highest respect for the bands. Yeah the beach balls irrated him, but he only wanted to hear the music. He was the first to admit that the beach balls and drinking did not mix and that my aunt was looped. As for being out of his element, you got it all wrong- this guy dreams about Hawaii 24/7, has hula girls tatooed all over his body, wears a hawaiian shirt everyday, and enjoyed his 2nd Tiki Oasis.


[ Edited by: tikigod on 2003-05-15 01:31 ]

Hukilau Brown posted on 05/15/2003

Mahalo nui loa to all Oasis friends, new and old. Now where's my freakin' clipboard?!!??....

A special shout out to all the volunteers who proved drinking on the job improves staff/guest relations tremendously. You (lava) rock!

To the event and hotel staff, entertainment, attendees, brides, grooms, APEs and Gorillas alike, we all can be proud to say that we've made the Tiki Gods smile again for all the Aloha produced by Tiki Oasis III.

As for favorite moments, I'll have to call it a draw between Tiki Bob's Lobster Sonata in Asia Minor and the WWF's (World Wildlife Foundation) Champ Chimp Smackdown 2003.

Thanks to all fo' the Straight Up Pimp'n props. Yo.
Me and the Snoop be checkin' out the pix for who we gonna get for the "Wahines Gone Wild - Tiki Style 2003 Calendar ". Humu, ya wanna be Miss May?

Much Aloha, y'all.

Matthew E. "Hukilau" Brown

Palu Ohana, Hale Ka'ahele
Pacific Palisades, CA

Home of "Palu, the Wonder Tiki"

[ Edited by: Hukilau Brown on 2003-05-15 01:46 ]

GECKO posted on 05/15/2003

ho, looks like da TC ohana had wun good time ya! Dam, living on da islands has it's ups but partys like dat on da mainland make me miss being ova dat side to. wish you had mo pictures!!

okole maluna!

thebaxdog posted on 05/15/2003

Hey Tikigod and "Old Folks"
I don't think that they were the oldest folks there, but as the person who E-mailed, researched, phone called, ordered, paid for, and blew up most of the beach balls, I was watching very carefully in my sober state the reaction of the many. There is no doubt that the beach balls would bother some of the people (how childish) but I think over all it was a hit. I did how ever watch "the old guy" by the pool during the afternoon and he was not happy way early in the day with the FUN everybody was having.
And as for respect for the bands, what does that have to do with the price of tikis.
Plenty of folks old and young watched the bands and did not play in our beach ball fun.
Just like I tell my kids, if the situation is bad, remove your self. But don't remove your self-control. I would have to say that if asked, I would bring even more the next time. Everybody can have a bad day, but to play against the crowd like that is a bad thing.
OK Spike you may go fishing now?

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/15/2003

On 2003-05-14 23:47, tikifille wrote:
I expect nothing less than Bong going straght for my carotid artery. (P.S. Bong-I was the girl chatting about carving with Danny on Sunday morning. We were near the pool and I was wearing the Elvis towel wrapped around me. I think it was you who walked up with SCD since your hat said "Bong". I'm sure your happy feelings must have worn off now. So feel free to let loose with your trademark diatribe


No, No, No! I back you 100%! I only typically fire (for fun!) on those that 1) make contradicting statememts, 2) make lofty, 'check me out' statements, or 3) are Swawker.

I am impressed (and I hope this doesn't sound sexist) with a woman carver. I would really like to see some of your work, as I collect pieces from notable carvers.

Yes, I remember you Sunday morning. You were laid back and insightful.

(now, everyone else - kiss my ass! (that is after Baxdog's leaves the area))

Iuka Grogg posted on 05/15/2003

Aloha! I finally made it home after a week on the road which, of course, was highlighted by Tiki Oasis. What a fine time the band and I had in Palm Springs. Something was blooming in the desert that seemed to set off a bit of an allergy attack, so I apologize to anyone who may have been off-put by my unusually scratchy sangin' voice(especially Mr. & Mrs. Pineapple who will have it forever archived on their wedding video!). Palm Springs+Caliente Tropics+Entertainment+Artists=A most fondly memorable weekend. Mahalo to all of you for being such gracious, hospitable and fun folks.

-Iuka Grogg

Luckydesigns posted on 05/15/2003

I haven't checked TC for a while and I can't believe what I missed during APE's set. I figure if I ever go fishing with the old sailor guy, I'll be sure not to bring any beach balls. Some people just don't like brightly colored inflatable balls.

I think I was the one who called the cops. Sorry, but I was having too much fun in the 135. And, I wanted to go on a super long walk with Sam and two foreign chicks.

Casey, your resort is great! Thanks for having us there. I would love to come back when the grog log is implemented in the bar! That one thing would make the place PERFECT!

floratina posted on 05/15/2003

More entertaining moments were revealed as I watched the video. How about Iuka Grogg, King and Frank Novicki singing in 135 (to the tune of Viva Las Vegas):

"Hey Mr. Conga Man, shut the fck up
Mr. Conga Man, shut the f
ck up
we're playin,
we're playin UKULELES!"

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-05-15 12:33 ]

tikibob posted on 05/15/2003

And on those two British chicks: One was taking pictures like sprinkling salt on french fries.

She took no less that 6 pictures of the cops (and right in their faces!).

Does anybody know how to contact them (her) and get the photos posted?

(I got my start banging crayfish together.)

ModMana posted on 05/15/2003

Sincere thanks to everyone involved in making Tiki Oasis 3 such a great time! This was the first one for Mrs. ModMana and myself and it definitely will be a permanent annual event on our calendar. We met quite a few of you over the weekend and everyone was super friendly and welcoming.

This was the first time we had heard any of the bands live and we were truly blown away by the quality of the entertainment. Also, loved browsing the vendor's wares. So much we wanted but had to restrain ourselves. Wish we could have bought one of everything we saw. Although, we did spend a small fortune at the Munktiki booth (those mugs look even better in person!).

The Caliente Tropics staff provided first class service and were all extremely helpful. Of course the tiki filled grounds of Caliente Tropics were just awesome! Took some great photos of the tikis. Planned on taking tons of photos but our digital camera battery died. Unfortunately, we lost our camera case early on, which contained the battery charger. By the way if anyone happened to have found a camera case please let me know. It may have been lost off of the Caliente property as we did quite a bit of exploring of the Palm Springs area while we were there.

All in all it was a great getaway and a truly unique experience that we will never forget. Cheers!

ModMana :drink:

suicide_sam posted on 05/15/2003

On 2003-05-15 11:58, Luckydesigns wrote:
I wanted to go on a super long walk with Sam and two foreign chicks.

Ey man that lil bolnde broad stepped on some other game I was trying to get going on Saturday. All was going well with this girl, then I went to help move sound equipment to the pool for the Hawaiian Eye film and slides, upon my return I find this girl hanging out talking to those two little foreign broads. And that as they say, was that.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/15/2003

Wait...was that my Dad with the beachball incident? Bax, is he still in the Indio Cty. Hoosegow?

Luckydesigns posted on 05/15/2003

Can't say you didn't try, Sam.

Chacha posted on 05/16/2003

Thanks for posting the pix.
Everything was great. This was my first tiki event I had a great time seeing everyone clsoe up. I brought my husband along, to show him what my obsession was all about, and it was a great initiation.
The lobster solo was fab and I'm so sorry I missed the beach ball attack. The attack photos are even better. Oh my god - how funny.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 05/16/2003

Still recovering from a new malady I've just invented - Post-Euphoric Deflation Disorder (or PEDD for you shrinks out there). We're still trying to remember who was selling the Munktiki mug that we asked to set aside while we went to get more cash. It was black with kind of chartreuse(sp?) drips running down it. No fualt to the vendor, by the time we crawled down to the ATM & our hotel for a pitstop (big f'ckn' mistake not staying at CTMH) everyone was was packed & gone. Secondly, who put on the Hawaiian Eye movie at poolside? That was perfect! Is this old series ever on TVland or available on tape? Of course some things are just right for the moment and let's leave it at that. The other thing, was that magazine "Modern Drunkard" - I must get a subscription started. My fave line from Wino Wisdom pg. 18 that's kept me going all week long - "Depression is just anger without enthusiasm." Who needs Dr. Phil when you've got Wino?

suicide_sam posted on 05/16/2003

Was that not the best magazine? Big Al brought a couple of issues out, one had an article on how to beat an intervention. First thing I did when I got home was check the website. I'm definitley going to have to subscribe:

Miehana posted on 05/16/2003

"What kind of a bribe is a dollar-ninety-eight-cent tiki?!"

Many mahalos to a bunch of you who expressed your enjoyment of the Hawaiian Eye screening. As always, Jody and I were happy to present this Saturday night "tradition" at another Tiki Oasis. Every year we learn something new which makes the "Dive-In" Movie better the following year. (Important lessons learned this year are: we need a bigger bedsheet screen, and a new location for the projector FAR away from the edge of the pool - both the movie and Doug Nason's slides got badly splashed by some rowdy swimmers this year!) But what made this year especially unforgettable for me was the incredible gift of the Hawaiian Eye Tiki by Dawna the TALENTED and AMAZING tiki carver. The replica is just perfect and I must say a very heartfelt THANK YOU to Dawna (if she reads this site) and to my friend Sven for pulling it together and making one of the COOLEST things I've ever seen, much less ever OWNED!
Though it never won an Emmy (for kinda obvious reasons), Hawaiian Eye is the Tiki TV Classic of the 1950s and 60s - and it's only made better by watching it with such a fun bunch of people under the desert stars at the Caliente tropics swimming pool!

HAWAIIAN E-Y-E!!!!!!!!!!!

tikibob posted on 05/16/2003

The movie was great. This IS a great tradition.

I did like the episode last year better tho. That "You better never mess with Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee" song was such a great sing a long.

Especial with C'Al singing it an exhagerated drunken manner.

Keep those movies coming and figure out a way we can stiff WB.

Those suits can go to Hell!


Alnshely posted on 05/16/2003
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