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Tiki Island at the Bali Hai November 2, 2007

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hodadhank posted on 11/04/2007

Wow Wow Wow! What a blast!

Mahaolo to the Camara Ohana who undoubtedly spared their hubby & daddy for the countless hours of prep that went into making Tiki Island work.

My digi died so no pix. So fun to rap w/all the artists. A very casual and enjoyable evening. As a person who tends to seek out TC threads focusing on 3-D at the expense of 2-D work, the show was a literal eye opener.

Great to finally meet TikiShark, Chongolio & Tikiracer in person; a man our new friends Dave & Sue from Hotrodtiki in Dorset said we just had to meet!

Thanks to a burned disc from Cammo I've had a while to get psyched-up to see the Menehune's for the first time ever. I was however, like many I imagined, unpleasantly surprised to find the Smoking Menehunes to be a band entirely made up of spastic midgets and was equally dissapointed by their inability to make any pleasant sounds whatsoever with the knives, forks and barbie dolls they seemed to carelessly drag across every surface of the instruments. Thank goodness it was only some small children who'd taken the stage during a Menahune bathroom break. While not nessesarilly taller, upon their return the actual Menehune's were definitely far more talented. I sincerely can't wait to see and hear you again. Vintage and smooth with a Squid chaser. (Lucas, if you find a Barbie head in your bass, my niece wants it back.)

Crazy Al, PacaloLolita says she will get started on your giant wild boar's tooth necklace as soon as she catches another giant wild boar.

Holden better start sewing if he's gonna have my XXL tapa print sport coat ready in time for my wedding.

Sitting on the dock of the bay wasting time w/Kinny, ETR, Dread Pirate Murf and a bevy of gorgeous wahines... heaven! A welcome break from the very warm gallery room and who knew motorboat fumes could make music taste like colors. Did anybody arrive by boat Friday night? I've gotta do that next time!

Kirby missed my Kon Tiki beard so I'll get started on that immediately.

Soccer! You rocker!

Thanks to No Na Me (Erik The Red) and Dr No (Na Me)((Trish)) for securing that big table by the window.

Mmmmm... Chicken of the Gods. Al-ii is wise.

After a long evening, while chatting w/Grog and breaking down the OnaTiki lamp display, a flawless marble statue to his left suddenly began to speak to me! Since Grog didn't seem to notice anything unusual happening I tried to play it cool and pretended it wasn't there, all the while wondering who slipped me the peyote Mai Tai. Thank goodness I finally recognized the smiling face as that of Coconut Monktress herself Atomikitty.

... and Mahalo nui loa to all our old and new pals who dropped by to see us at the Boutiki over the weekend. The Amazing Ruziks, OnaTiki Ohana including My Favorite Fetus Auggie, Tikiyaki, Soccertiki & Woohoowahini's Mug Delivery Service, Akutiki77 and many more for filing our little beach hut with enough warm Aloha spirit to last until the next gathering of tribes!

hodadhank posted on 11/05/2007

Interactive art ain't just for da keiki's anymore. Rita sez "Thanks Kinny!"

TsunamiShanna posted on 11/05/2007

Looks like you guys had fun, sorry we missed you.

tiki mick posted on 11/05/2007

So, Hodahank, am I just totally wrong for pointing out something that caused me and my steel guitar player a lot of anxiety? Perhaps I should have said nothing, but that's the problem. No one ever says anything, and that kind of behavior from parents just goes on an on. Oh well, I guess I am in the minority of being bothered by it. And by the way, I PMd Kick the reverb and told him we know it was not his child that was doing anything wrong, and that we thought she was very cute.

But, I wonder if people would feel different if some parent let their child walk up and knock over a priceless, one-off custom mug or tiki. My bass and our equiptment is equally important to me. I am not a rich man.

Let me lighten things up and relate a quasi-funny story that happened to our band. The only gig we ever walked away from.

We were hired by a customer of our first Uke player, who owns a tiki store. The customer's heard our CD playing, and asked who it was. When our uke player told them it was her and the smoking menehunes, they wanted to hire us to play a party.

From the get-go, things went sour. They wanted us at their house 5 hours before the gig to set up, and then make ourselves scarce. Seems the customer did not want the guests seeing the "Help" set up.

We pulled up in the driveway, as per the directions, and the customer was there out front waiting. She seemed strange, with a nervous and creepy smile,and she insisted on following us very, very closely as we set up. We had to go around the back. Well, she had two jack russel terriers. Her "babies". The dogs were two of the snippiest, meanest dogs you ever saw. They were growling and biting our shoes as we are struggling to carry our amps and equiptment over rough ground to the backyard. It was quickly getting unmanageable. We asked if she could perhaps control the dogs a little, as their sharp little teeth were actually hurting us. She said, "no, they are only playing, and they have the run of the house-deal with it!". We decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, but as we made trip after trip from the car to the backyard (With this woman hanging over our shoulders like impending doom), we noticed the dogs now starting to attack our equiptment pile. We asked again, if the dogs would be loose the entire party, and were told yes, that they were "family members". We made an executive decision to start to pack up and leave. The woman went from strange to abusive, and started calling us every name in the book. We drove off without playing, and with her screaming obsenities at us and yelling that we ruined her party.

The customers called our uke player, who was exhuasted from running a store singlehandledly, and caring for an ailing relative, and demanded that she make things right. Our uke player, as exhausted as she was, went and played for 3 hours for these people, pouring her heart out in song, and entertaining the guests. After she was done, the customers said "thank you" and did not even pay her. We heard that later on the same two creepy dogs actually attacked some lady at the party, ripping her dress with their sharp teeth.

The rights of these people and their dogs were more important then the discomfort of other people. That's the point I was trying to make, that I believe a person can do whatever they want in life, as long as it does not impact other people. That's freedom, with responsibility and compassion for your fellow humans.

But I guess I am wrong for pointing it out. Oh well, next time we play I am going to erect a blues brother's type chicken wire barrier. You can hurl on the beer bottles at us you want!

I did have a great time at the event friday night. Nick Tiki knows how to throw a party, and my mind was boggled by all the great art I was seeing. I wish I could afford to buy some of those things! The highlight of the evening for me was seeing C-Al's "coconut dance" again. And it was really cool when Al-ii took me out back and showed me the hidden Tiki behind a bush. Nice! Also, standing out side and smoking a cig, and staring at the harbor was nice, Especially when a seal or something popped it's head out of the water silently and stared at me before submerging.

TIKI-RAY posted on 11/05/2007

I just want to thank you all for the most amazing time Ive had in years . Thanks for all the compliments on the poster tiki , it sold Saturday . I couldnt have done it without Hassans design and inspiration . You ROCK man ! The whole night was kind of a blur for me and I dont even drink . Thanks to Nick for pulling off such a great collaberation of artists, musicians , and great spirited people .Woohoo and Soccer were great dinners hosts , Randy as cool as always , Holden Pimping in his attire , Thor as friendly as ever , Ken as sarcastic and talented as always , Crazy Al is blowing me away with his carvings again ,Menehunes were great as usual and thanks Lucas for the CD . Tiki Racer was a great person to meet .Grog , Suzy , Bosko , I could go on and on . There were others that I missed that couldnt attend as well. If they dropped a bomb on that place we with all be stuck with swap meet , Party World tiki art . You guys always reset the bar .
After the show we attended the "Quietest" room party Ive ever been too but we got kicked out for whispering to loud . I then spent the weekend carving in Pacific Beach on the boardwalk . 2 days on a ladder or sitting on cold lawn . My legs are killing me . It should be done after the next visit .I just got home at 7 pm and and after looking , I realized I didnt get very many pics but one does stand out . I think every picture tells a story , dont it ?

hodadhank posted on 11/05/2007

On 2007-11-04 17:53, lucas vigor wrote:
So, Hodahank, am I just totally wrong for pointing out something that caused me and my steel guitar player a lot of anxiety? Perhaps I should have said nothing...

It's just getting old. I figured your parent-scolding post from two days ago was plenty. Remember? The one you ended with "Nuff Said", but your whining never ceases. If you love your bass so much why don't you marry it,(or at least have it insured)? Most of my friends who are professional musicians have their equipment insured if they gig out and it is even slightly important to them. If you can't afford to insure it (which seem unlikely), perhaps a less valuable live performance instrument is in order. I understand Mingus could do wonders with a broomstick and some yarn. Is He Who Must Remain Nameless really still losing sleep over the unbeleavably stressfull steel performance at the Bali Hai??!!

The Dread Pirate Murf, the 29 yo manager of my shop is leaving in less than five days for a Pacific tour beginning at North Shore Festival on Hawaii and ending in Tokyo four months later. He blows harp with Justin James & The Sons Of The Beach. Murf owns a ton of rare and valuable vintage equipment including a massive but delicate Leslie rotary system and would somehow know better than to publically reprimand a parent for ALMOST letting their baby wipe a booger on his amp in the middle of a thread about a great art show.

On 2007-11-04 17:53, lucas vigor wrote:
... next time we play I am going to erect a blues brother's type chicken wire barrier. You can hurl on the beer bottles at us you want!

Shucks don't tease me. I know all the words to rawhide and own a whip.

Nuff Said!


Swamp Fire posted on 11/05/2007

Great seeing everyone at the show.

Tiki Racer and Tiki Chris all the way from London glad we got to talk.

Brad (Tiki Shark) wish we had more time to chat.

Daves not home, I'll need to get that film from your camera.

Ok, I started a list now I have to mention everyone, Jonpaul and Marie (love the pics Jonpaul).

Derek Y. we were looking for you at breakfast.

Ernie and Suzy you guys make great bed-mates (I'll leave it at that).

Holden, crazy al, Kirby and whoever else went out after the room party, you guys party like it's 1999. A better man than I.

Erik & Trish, Ona, Moki (little Auggie), Marryann, Greg & Cindy, Doug, Tiki-Kate, Derek (monkeyman), HodadHank, Alii, Thor, Tiki Ray, Lake Surfer, Jeffbigtikidude, Rich, Johnny Velour, Dave (tikibird) always great seeing you guys.

Hassan "Headhunter" Peterson, an increadible artist and a fantastic guy.

Matt Reese and Adrian (Polly Pop), sorry your whimpy computers could not handle my giant Halloween greetings.

Brother Squid, you da man!

Dennis Mathewson, great meeting you and your wife. Dennis you do amazing work.

The Ruzics you guys are the best. My giant clown shoes with your giant paintings.

Randy Chongolio Bain, keep up the great work.

Sorry if I forgot some people.

And I'd especially like to thank Nick for putting on a great event, cheers to Nick.
Lets do it again next year!!

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2007-11-05 13:07 ]

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2007-11-05 13:11 ]

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2007-11-05 15:51 ]

bigtikidude posted on 11/05/2007

here here, for Next Year.


little lost tiki posted on 11/06/2007

I agree with the Jeff BigTikiDude!
Holy Smokes! was that a fun time! And all the art wasPERFECT!!!
Finally met Derek and Hassan and GoTiki and Dani and Hank,Rita,Eric,Murf,and Tiara from the Freaky Boutiki (which we visited Thursday night-a Must See place if you're ever in San Diego! Incredible Shop and the friendliest crew on Earth!)and Tiki Chris and GoTiki and a million more folks that I remember their faces,but the names elude me! Besides feelin the Ohana Luv from these new friends,there were also friends like Chongolio,Brad,and Doug who only get out thee a couple of times a year! Plus all the regulars....BAM! It was like a Who's who of the tiki Scene! Everyone was so nice and friendly and stoked to be there! Terrill and i had an amazing time there! And the after hours shenanigans were off the hook as well! Cap that off with a tikiFrat Boy party at the Studio on Sunday with Squid/BigTikiDude/JonPaul/Chongolio/TikiRacer/and TikiChris and WOW did that ever turn into a mess! What a weekend!
Thanks a million Nick for creating this Magnaminous Event!!!!
You made so many people so very happy and gave us arteests a chance to gather and share our work with the peoples! A GAZILLION MAHALOS!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

tiki mick posted on 11/06/2007

On 2007-11-05 09:41, hodadhank wrote:

If you love your bass so much why don't you marry it,(or at least have it insured)?

Marry my bass? I got a civil union instead, Because you personally denied me my rights, always trying to define marriage as "between a man and a Grateful deadhead". But no matter, I went to Hawaii and made it legal. Same-bass relationships are more accepted over there, depite Governor Lingle's wishes. (And I need to point out that you were her personal aide during her last election campaign, and you played JIMMY BUFFET at the victory party!) You You You!!

little lost tiki posted on 11/06/2007

Anymore Photos?
Let's see some more purdy pictures!

nicktiki posted on 11/06/2007


Wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making the first Tiki Island at the Bali Hai a great time. Big Mahalos go to all of the artists who made the Bali Hai look great, Larry of the Bali Hai, all the staff of Tiki Magazine, Crazy Al for making a great necklace, Derek for the excellent show print, Holden for turning Tiki icon "the Goof" into a mug for the first time, the Smokin' Menehunes for providing the cool tunes (any truth to the rumor that Squid will be a full time Menehune, we saw what Ringo did for the Beatles?), EdieAnn and Katrina for bringing cheer, beauty and hula to the event, everyone who attended the show and my wife, Michelle, for helping out and allowing me to put many, many hours into this event. A nice way to finish off our 3rd year at Tiki Magazine!



Hiphipahula posted on 11/06/2007

Mahalo Nui Loa back at you Nick! What a great show, dinner & party! we had a great time & picked up lots of "goodies" My GROWN daughter KD came with me & can't stop talking about meeting Holden, Squid, Ken, Trader Tom, John(dibroc) & Paula, Suzy & Ernie, Tigerlily, Woohoo, Soccer, Dave & Kim & Crazy Al, Al she loved your dancing & bones in the hair!(next time maybe she will get out there & dance with you) & again, just loved meeting everyone & was happy to finally put all the names with faces & hopes to attend more events in the future. KD surfs & loves the fabulous '50's so maybe next year even more tiki-surf art, Drew Brophy?
No COMPLANTS here, just good fun, good times! Thanks Everyone! :)

TIKI-RAY posted on 11/06/2007

All I really have Ken is pics from the "silent party" and one of me meeting Hassan .

The famous Ivy De Muerta

a foursome on the bed

great painters

a screen door
Thats all I got Ken . You and I were pretty busy that night so others hopefully have more pics

[ Edited by: TIKI-RAY 2007-11-06 14:33 ]

Chongolio posted on 11/07/2007

Here you go some of my favorites shots taken.

Da Goof himself

Clysdalle "meets" Mr Bali Hai

Senor Calamari warmin' up the skins

Little Lost Ruzic strikin' a proper pose

Lucas, Monkeyman and Goddess-Sun all lookin' lovely

Wild Baby KTR eye ballin' the equipment with sticky hands and bad intent. :wink:

These beautiful girls were fantastic dancers and very cool

Thor, an unkknown friend and Nick Tiki havin' a hoot

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LLT and Atomic Kitty upset about something in their drinks

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Crazy Al joins the menehunes for some tropical tunage

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Tiki Bong, Bosko and Kirby hangin' loose

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Marie and her date Tiki Bug Eye (or was it Brown eye tiki?)

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The Zombie King Tiki Racer shortly before returning to the land of the dead

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Sir Johnnie Velour and Tiki Bird contemplating complex mathematical equations involving rum

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Tiki Ray serving up his signature style "Pressed Honey Glazed Ham"

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Tiki Chris and Kirby Rockin' with Alice Cooper

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Who let the Dogs loose?

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Grog waking up the next morning only to discover his hair and pajama bottoms missing

I will have more pics up from the rest of my tiki Trippin' adventure on my blog over the next few days. Enjoy!

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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

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teaKEY posted on 11/07/2007

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Looks like these two could be related. The hair, the glasses, both paint

little lost tiki posted on 11/07/2007

We went to the same Art school teaKs!
They issue you glasses and hair bleach upon graduation!
Helps with the whole "artistic mystique"...

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/07/2007

Where to begin? Everybody I met at the art show was super cool and the talent oozing from Bali Hai was thick, thick, thick! It was great to finally put some names to faces and really ace to meet up with the Tiki Magazine folks.

Tiki Racer and I are now in San Francisco. We've been having a blast and owe our awesome post-San Diego road trip up the coast to the monkey master of the road, CHONGOLIO (the nicest fella I've ever met). I'm really amazed by all the West Coast hospitality (Holden, Ken, JonPaul & Marie - you kids are some generous peeps).

Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest of my time in California. The plan for tomorrow is to get up fairly early and shop for some pink socks and a brown flower vintage aloha shirt.

Bring on the SF crawl!

bigtikidude posted on 11/07/2007

On 2007-11-06 20:45, Tiki Chris wrote:
Where to begin?
Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest of my time in California. The plan for tomorrow is to get up fairly early and shop for some pink socks and a brown flower vintage aloha shirt.


ha ha ha where have I heard that before???

good to meet ya man,

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/07/2007

On 2007-11-06 20:49, bigtikidude wrote:

ha ha ha where have I heard that before???

good to meet ya man,

Jeff, super nice to meet you too. Hmmm ...

Do you think pink socks and brown flowers would clash?

little lost tiki posted on 11/07/2007

Do you think pink socks and brown flowers would clash?

Actually Chris-they kinda go together! :lol:

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Heath posted on 11/07/2007

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LLT and Atomic Kitty upset about something in their drinks

Now we know what would have happened if an illicit affair between Marilyn Monroe and Charles Nelson Reilly had produced twins!

little lost tiki posted on 11/07/2007

Thank Heaven she died so young!
Marilyn,that is....not Suzy!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-11-07 18:01 ]

Chongolio posted on 11/08/2007

I been takin' it easy and restin' up for the start of the crawl tonight. While loungin' about I posted another entry and slide show in Barefoot Bloggin' about the rest of Tiki Chris, Tiki Racer and my trip up the CA coast. Take a look HERE

I also took a few of my pics, added a tune by The Tikiyaki Orchestra and made a nifty little music video over on a sweet site called Animoto.com. You can spock my vid HERE

Fun Stuff from your pal Chongolio. Dig!

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atomikitty posted on 11/14/2007

And here comes Suzy-come-lately with her two cents. . .

Heh, better late than never I guess! :wink:

Finally got around to uploading these photos today.

Let me first say a big MAHALO to everyone at Tiki Magazine for putting on a fantastic event! :drink: :drink: :drink:

The location, the art, the music, the dancers, the drinks, the people . . . the spirit of aloha was truly alive, and it was a magical evening!

I thought I'd taken more pictures, but honestly I got so wrapped up talking to all the friendly and talented Ohana and ogling all the astounding art, I just plumb forgot!

A special thanks to GROG for being my carpool buddy, Doug Horne for letting us shack up with him in his swanky suite, John and Paula for letting us join their super fun dinner group. . .mmm. . .chicken of the gods. . . BigTikiDude for leading our crew to a great hangover breakfast joint, and Nic and Eileen for fining room for me in the show.

Oh yeah! . . . HUGE thanks to Kent, Barbara and John for buying my painting in a record breaking 45 minutes! Woo Hoo!!!!!

Here are the few pics I managed to snap:

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Here's an 'in progress' pic of the piece I had in the show.
In all the crazy rush to finish the painting and get down to San Diego, I realize now this is the only record I have of the piece! Doh!
Very professional Suzy . . . at least I know it has a good home now. Maybe they will let me visit sometime. :)

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Super Atomic A-Frame!

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Those Smokin' Menehune!

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Menehune Madness!

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A luminous gem of a painting by Tiki Shark.

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The Sabu and The Squid

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Me with Mr. Bali Hai (and some weirdo in the background. . . I swear, every time you try to take a nice picture. . .) :wink:

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The Bali Hai Greeter Tiki. This guy was tucked away behind the front door and I didn't notice him until we were leaving.
I thought it was funny because it looked like he had peed into the half full Corona bottle at his feet.
I guess that was Midnight, 3 Mai Tai's kinda funny. . .

Hey. . .That reminds me, did anyone see that guy walking out of the Bali Hai with his pants around his ankles???!!!! Well, I guess it was just me and Little Lost Tiki. . .
Kenny RAWKS! Peroxide power!

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A beatiful view of the Shelter Island harbor

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So pretty.

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Made a stop at Trader Morts on our way out of town



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Kahuna Kent posted on 11/15/2007

Hi, AtomKitty - We LO-O-OVE Kanaloa, and we promise to give him a good home! He's displayed prominently, next to a matching blue (plastic) parrot. They seem to get along well. We need to get a photo with you and the painting - we were WOC (With Out Camera) at the Bali Hai. We're gonna try and make it to Tonga Hut show in Dec - hopefully see you there!

And you need a good copy for yourself - I don't think he'll fit on our scanner at home - maybe we can take him to Kinkos?


Kent & Barbara

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
teaKEY posted on 06/07/2008


[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-06-07 15:46 ]

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