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number one CACK definition

Pages: 1 16 replies

Hakalugi posted on 11/10/2007

From the Urban Dictionary:

  1. cack

"Cock" with a Boston accent. Popularized by Matt Damon in the movie Good Will Hunting. Not to be confused with a male chicken.

Someone with the clap might say, "Ahhh!!! My cack is on fire!!!!"

ravenne posted on 11/10/2007

terdyfk GET OUT! I was gonna post that too! LOL!

rugbymatt posted on 11/10/2007

Friggin' Chowderheads!
Love the NETT
Go Tribe!

hiltiki posted on 11/11/2007

Short for cackler!

VampiressRN posted on 11/11/2007

This just in from the Boston Times.

CACK....the latest designer drug, has hit the black market with a fury not before seen in the history of illegal substances. Cack is a brown liquid substance that has the appearance and smell of a fine aged rum. When blended with fruit juices and various other ETOH concoctions it has powers of intoxication far beyond those previously experienced by drinkers (lushes) and non-drinkers (light-weights). The main effect is sexual insanity since the chemicals in Cack are similar to a mixture of Viagra, Aqua-Dots, and Spanish Fly. Lock up your virgins and by all means avoid accepting drinks from unknown men or women that have a gleam in their eye.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/11/2007


Haole'akamai posted on 11/11/2007



donhonyc posted on 11/11/2007

I wasn't aware of the change from 'Bilge' to 'Cack'here at TC, however my experience with the word goes back to high school...the early 80s. When my friends got a hold of some bad (as in no good) reefer, they called it 'Cackweed'. You'd hear like 'dude we got some weed the other night and it was such CACK!!!'.

Ah the innocence of the teen years...

Heath posted on 11/12/2007

I figured it was the proper pronunciation for a prop in a bad porn movie.
You know, as in "A big, thick rubber..."
I could be wrong though.

The Gnomon posted on 11/12/2007


\Cack, v. i. [OE. cakken, fr. L. cacare; akin to Gr. ??????, and to OIr. cacc dung; cf. AS. cac.] To ease the body by stool; to go to stool. --Pope.

*Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. *

I guess Bilge was too mild to describe the crap we post here. 8)

Hakalugi posted on 11/12/2007

On 2007-11-12 06:06, The Gnomon wrote:

Cack, v. i. [OE. cakken, fr. L. cacare; akin to Gr. ??????, and to OIr. cacc dung; cf. AS. cac.] To ease the body by stool; to go to stool. --Pope.

*Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. *


Yes, that was the number two through seven definition in the Urban Dictionary (and the most common). And it's pretty clear that that's the one Bilge was renamed after. But the number one definition ("Cock" with a Boston accent - as per the Urban Dictionary) is tangential and potentially more erect.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/13/2007

Ain't dat da stuff ya put around yer bathroom fixtures?

The Sperm Whale posted on 11/13/2007

On 2007-11-12 16:05, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
Ain't dat da stuff ya put around yer bathroom fixtures?

Yeah I put my Cack on just about anything!!

bigtikidude posted on 11/13/2007

hey Spermy, get yer Cack outta my Peanut butter.


Haole'akamai posted on 11/13/2007

I'm pretty sure it was all the cack that was flying around the Tikitastic-mobile on Friday night that got me sick...

Mai Tai posted on 11/13/2007

I can vouch that everyone in the Tikitastic Mobile definitely loved Cack!

The Gnomon posted on 11/13/2007

On 2007-11-12 08:57, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2007-11-12 06:06, The Gnomon wrote:

Cack, v. i. [OE. cakken, fr. L. cacare; akin to Gr. ??????, and to OIr. cacc dung; cf. AS. cac.] To ease the body by stool; to go to stool. --Pope.

*Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. *


Yes, that was the number two through seven definition in the Urban Dictionary (and the most common). And it's pretty clear that that's the one Bilge was renamed after. But the number one definition ("Cock" with a Boston accent - as per the Urban Dictionary) is tangential and potentially more erect.

I stand erected!

The definition I posted actually describes "Number Two" doesn't it.

Pages: 1 16 replies