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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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GROG posted on 10/18/2007

On 2007-10-18 04:37, timidtiki wrote:
Ain't you never heard of artistic freedom?

Yes, that's called an excuse.

Clarita posted on 10/18/2007

Very nice! I like!! what you care about perfect symmetry, if what we really want is to color and play! Ok ok I speak for my self :D !

little lost tiki posted on 10/19/2007

There! There! Are you Happy!?!
lotsa baby koalas flying around with brand new wings!
Huh? :lol:

Thank you Paipo and GROG..
I noticed a few other errors on that picture and fixed em right up!
So tired! Worked all day (called into work "exhausted" today and got it all set up!:D)
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..wha? huh?

teaKs! I may run off 100 and am thinkin of seein if any tiki stores
would like to carry some...depends on the printing costs,tho..fingers crossed!

Aloha Station-Thank you! There's 22 pages to color and actually 25 different designs
cause I even crammed stuff on the back and inside covers!
This will keep them out of your hair for hours! :D

Sam-they're thick and thin Sharpie and Faber Castell Ink pen on cardstock.
I do scan them and clean-up and adjust them for the book,so they're kinda digital i guess!
Thank you so much! I'm getting antsy wanting to see your gold leaf Maori in person! GLING!

ravenne-Thank ya! the king of the fish was a theme/painting i made awhile ago, but the them
seemed to fit in well with the tikis...and kids love fishys! and i love fishys!
dangnabbit? hmmmmm....

Babalu-Little lost coloring contest? hmmmmm....

timidtiki-artistic freedom?
thanks,but the truth is i was running on fumes and slipped up...
GROG is right...
this once!
now i know who i can call for backup :D

Clarita-you got the right idea! Color and have Fun!
Thank you my happy Friend! :lol:

Here's two more Bonus teaser pics just for being so nice!
a Cannibal king!

Hope this doesn't scare the chilluns!
and a SeaHorse!

Also finished dremelling up the king of Cannibal Island frame....
Thanks Again TikiRay for that attachment!


and had a minor disaster last friday with the wandering island!
I had applied my ink to the canvas adding a satin varnish to it
THAT I HAD NEVER TESTED!!!!!! and then proceeded to do the outlines in paintpen
and got most of the village and 2/3 of the boat done....
Then i sealed that with my Ceramcoat satin varnish and.....
By the time i was done cleaning it up,it looked like someone had sanded it!
Anyways, using the old cranium, i applied washes of acrylic over the ruins
and also added a bit of grey to the sky and landscape to give it more of that
misty morning feeling of the ink drawing.....
it sealed it in and nothing else "came up" and so i went back to outlining
so, after that tale of woe....here are the pics so far....



Here's a pic to give ya a sense of scale....

side o' de boat..

Big closeup of Orongo head...

that's it for now! Thanks fer Visitin!

Slacks Ferret posted on 10/19/2007

Here's a pic to give ya a sense of scale....

Yeah but...
Is that a King size or a Regular?

jpmartdog posted on 10/19/2007

Ooh La La

You......... kinny........ are.......amazing.
Everything about everything you do is top notch!
Look forward to the day, I can meet you. Can't believe I moved away before I had the opportunity. What a dope I am!

VampiressRN posted on 10/19/2007


timidtiki posted on 10/19/2007

That Cannibal King sitting on his Throne is Great! I gotta get one and color it.

I think I will put in on the door in front of the throne in my guest bathroom . . . such inspiration!

And YES, I'm sick, and don't have anything better to do . . .

Clarita posted on 10/19/2007

:D, Thanks!
...and you do scale with cigarettes like me, how cute :wink: (no is terrible really, we should follow Tama the fearless braveness!!!couf, couf,coufhhhhammhhg!Sorry as I was saying...)

kingstiedye posted on 10/20/2007

the seated cannibal king is finished. i'm very happy with the job ronnie did.

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2007

Aloha Ohana!
First off,I'd like to send BIG hugs and Mahalos to kingstiedye!
That looks so cool as a tattoo! And you even put an LLT on it!
Thank you Man! I am so honored my head is Spinnin! :D :D :D
wow...too cool for school...
and the frame on the seated cannibal king drawing is great! So regal!
appropriate for a portrait of a King! I'm Smilin BIG! :D

Slacks-those are Saratoga Menthol 120's!
Used to smoke Newports in the Marines til a friend
got me hooked on the Saratogas! i think it was the
green box with the fake ostrich skin on it...hmmm...

jpmartdog-thank you so very much! Come down to the November 2nd show and you can meet a whole restaurant full of artists who take their creations with seriousness and intensity.
That's at least 20-25 artists for the cost of only ONE trip to San Diego from Massachusetts!
A well-placed bomb in there could wipe out the entire Tiki Artistic Community! Not that i would condone that...

one word sometimes captures it all..
whenever i get home from a whole day at the studio my wife hates to kiss me
because i taste like an ashtray and my hair smells like those rooms in the airport
where everybody smokes and stares at each other when the other one isn't looking!

timidtiki-Thanks! My work has graced many a bathroom(ask Paipo! :lol:) and inspired
many whilst they do their "dirty business".I prefer, myself, to read "A People's History
of the United States" by Howard Zinn...slowly....a couple pages at a time so it sinks in..

Clarita-i hope that scale picture doesn't encourage anyone to smoke! One of my favorite Female artists (besides Clarita!) is Remedios Varos,a Spanish surrealist...evry single picture
I've seen of her she has a cigarette in her mouth! Now that's dedication.... :lol:

Alrighty! I finished "the Wandering Island" TODAY! YAY!
actually i got 2 sides i gotta finish off with the rattan texture,but that's it!
Here it is! The official size is 40" wide by 30" tall...close to 2.5 x 3.5 feet! Big enough to get
all up into it to see the village!

Here's the middle

Here's the Village

some closeups from the village

a view of the LAKE!

beachfront property!!!

Here's the front prow

the Bottom part of it

and WATER! reeeeeeal close up!

Here's the Orongo/back part of the boat...

and a little close-up...

I'd like to see Polynesiac get a glass ball this big! Close-up!

See? Although things may seem out of reach or impossible
to rescue...with the right attitude and perseverance Cool things will result!
Also took a zen break and zoned out and colored up my original
drawing of the Maori rocker!

i used a brush and ink,but will try my hand at crayons
as soon as the Coloring book arrives!
As GROG and Paipo will notice,this one ,being the original, still has
a couple of the glitches that i changed digitally for the book...
Goodnight Folks!
Thanks fer visitin!

Chongolio posted on 10/21/2007

Dang that is some cool chittlins' I dig everything on this page... except the cigarette. I must go weep in ecstasy now.

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

ravenne posted on 10/21/2007

Ya know what? That wandering island turned out a LOT better this time around! It has such a great misty feel, granted the bright color was cool before, but something about this second go is A LOT better!

And the colored maori rocker is awesome! :D


and I happen to like the ciggie...:lol:

Sneakytiki posted on 10/21/2007

Nice work LLT! I love that Howard Zinn book, my dad has sadly never returned my copy.
The "Ark" looks well and you saved it expertly! Digging the coloring job on the Rocker too!

little lost tiki posted on 10/22/2007

Thanks Bruddah! No weeping! Save it for the show whne all that great art will be like onions in our eyes! Can't wait to hang with ya Randy! You still visitin the studio with the boys on Sunday? i should be over the hangover by then!
Ravers-thank you my dear! I like the misty better! and the ciggie was goooooooood!
Cancerously Delicious! :D
Sneaky! That's a great book, huh? It is more old man readin,but i think anyone over 18 should wake up and read it! Glad you like the save on the Wandering Island/Ark! I can't wait to see how you TCers color up the Rocker!
Here's a Sneak Peek of ALL the pages of the Coloring Book,in case you were wonderin...
The first two and the last two are the front and back and inside covers...

Toodles! I luvs y'all OOdles! :D

jpmartdog posted on 10/22/2007

Zowie..Kinny! Those pages look sooo cool, I would so git into colorin up a few of those. A friend of mine thinks that basically most every kid in the world would dig one of those coloring books in their christmas stocking. He gave me his address and said to have you contact him.
Here you go -
Santa Claus
North Pole

little lost tiki posted on 10/22/2007

Hey jpmartdog...
S.Claus? "friend of yours"? I don't do business with that guy anymore!Last time i worked with him i lost half my inventory of my Walking Talking Tiki Doll! Seems his hired elves were taking stuff out of the back of the warehouse and selling em Black Market! Lost a cool mil on that deal....:(
I think i'll be taking care of the sales this time....

ravenne posted on 10/22/2007

Waaaaaa! this colorin' book is gonna RAWK HAARD!
It looks so coolies!
I already have an idea for colors for a couple of'em! :D

That Ole'Claus puts too much trust in people.

And those elves have been crafty ever since their new ring leader emerged:

Sam Gambino posted on 10/24/2007

Ken- That pic of all the coloring book pages would make a killer poster as is! Man, it reminds me of those old engravings in the old classical Greek illustrated books, only cool polynesian stuff instead. I say they'd look great on limited edition gold coins! :)

little lost tiki posted on 10/28/2007

Hey Kiddies!
rave-ever since Joe took over the elves have been doing a below average job....ie: lead paint/Mercury filled teddy bears!
Sam-Thanks Sir!
i like the coins idea a lot!
i think i know the Greek illustrated book you refer to..is it Bullfinch's Mythology with those rad engravings...i also have these Children's Classics that had some great line art renderings from the amphora jugs and vases...might've rubbed off!
first off...Bali-Hai Bound!

these are the four that will be at the Bali hai show IN A FEW DAYS! :D
well, finally got to hunker down and start on my "Journey" commission! Four panels-Birth-Middle Age-Ancient-Death..here's the Birth one so far....
Seeing as these are 4 panels-I was asked to put the image of the Boatsman in the background of the painting,like a Watcher or overseer or something....
Here's what i got so far!

Here's the ancient One,floating down above the waters,delivering a child to his boat,his journey...

Here's the boat so far....

Here's a close-up of these two...

and the whirlwind behind em...
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Here's the Paradise/Heaven area....
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and here's the background Boatsman,still working on the transparency-how i want to make him blend in or recess into the background....
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Well, i gotta Clothes Drive to go to at Seafood Sams!
Mahalos for visiting!

ravenne posted on 10/28/2007

Wow, Kin, this looks really beautiful! I like the transparency effect you're going for, very nice!

I like the way you painted the dive with the water, really cool!

Off to a great start! :D

Wish I could help out for the Drive today :( my prayers to the families that've been affected!

VampiressRN posted on 10/29/2007

What a great idea for the four panels...that one is looking great so far...like the cradling of life affect. :)

little lost tiki posted on 11/01/2007

Thank you Wahines!
You're all soooo sweet! i look forward to hitting the canvas after this
TikiMagazine show!
Well, i posted my NEW Coloring Book in Marketplace last night
and already will be shipping 9 off to the Ohana!
I'm glad so many people are stoked by it!
Buy one at the Bali Hai this Friday and save the $5 on shipping! :D
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Clysdalle posted on 11/01/2007

kick ass stuff.....it might be possible that I love the black and white stuff as much as the color! Now I'll say it again...SLOW DOWN!!!

little lost tiki posted on 11/11/2007

Whatevah Clysdalle!
looks like you been pickin up the pace lately as well! must be for that CLYSDALLEBIGTOELLT show in December,eh?
After a crazy week and the Bali Hai shows,there was actually some time to create some work!
Here's an ink/bleach/sharpie piece created during an ARTJAM with TikiRacer and Chongolio!
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Also worked a little more on "the Journey"
some huts in the Paradise/Heaven area...
started to delineate the outline of the boat
thru light bursts in the clouds....
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here's some of the transparency with the boats-man and the water...
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Liking this leaf helmet/sun overlap....
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decided to add a tattoo and redo the babie's face
i want a look of quiet dignity or sumthin!
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did some flowers and worked on the whirlwind a bit...
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Here's the boats-man/sun -water overlap so far...
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Oh yeah....started a 3x3 foot Cannibal king Dancing on Thursday and almost have it done!
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It's gouache on gouache-gesso ground!
Here's some closeups....i used a dark sepia-so it has a nice warm glow up against the cool blue
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still gotta finish the mouth!
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left side!
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up da nose!
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Also working on a few other goodies for the December Show!
got i2 monkeypod bowls all gessoed up and ready to paint! got em in SD at a swap meet!
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and some other goodies in progress!
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That's about it for now! YAWN! Promise i won't stay away so long!

ravenne posted on 11/11/2007

whoa! :o I love the cannibal kings lips! such a cute color! I love it so far!

Waaaah you got so much done even with a show! daaamn!

:D GO! GO! GO! :D

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teaKEY posted on 11/11/2007

The white around the warrior is a great idea. You need it there but not and I think the white did it.

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/11/2007

LLT~ Wow! The 3 x 3 dancing king is amazing! Very very cool!

little lost tiki posted on 11/12/2007

Aloha Again!
Mahalos ravers,teaKs,and Brad!
Encouraging words always gets the fever going!
In fact,on this lazy Sunday, i decided to just play and tackle those dern
monkeypod bowls i had bought at that swap meet in SD last week!
A lot of these are PNG influenced,sorta studies gone wrong....
A few are just from whimsy and others from sketchbook doodlings...
all the sources are listed on the back of the pieces,but i'm too lazy to
check em and write em down...sorry!
without further ado....
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this was a wooden fish i found at the same place...
so i did an asmat shield/fish morph
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and this little pair of weird menehune kids...
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Here's one halfway done and i gots 3 more,so check back y'hear?
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hewey posted on 11/12/2007

Nice work mate, good to see that PNG influence coming in. I knew that book was going to a worthy home! :D Really like the bowls, the vintage/retro nut and the greeny in me loves the use of old 'found items' liek the bowls for your art.

ravenne posted on 11/12/2007

All your new lil study pieces are great!

However, this one is my favorite...maybe cause I see a weird lil "fox" lookin face at the tip of the fish's tail.

On 2007-11-11 22:07, little lost tiki wrote:
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That and the sorta Lucha Libra wrestle face in there is awesome too! :lol:


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TravelingJones posted on 11/12/2007

Daaaang LLT, you can paint anything and make it look reeeally coool...

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Here give this a try and if anyone can make it look goood...YOU CAN DO IT!!!
:wink: :lol: :lol: :wink: :lol: :lol: :wink:

**** for display purposes only! ****

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teaKEY posted on 11/13/2007

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Thats gross, hopefully this will help

Sneakytiki posted on 11/13/2007

Is the "Night of the Bird Men" for coloring book swap still on, if so save me a copy!
Dig the new pieces, Asmat, Abelam, and Iatmul are some of my favorite Melanesian styles, the pod dishes is gonna rock!

little lost tiki posted on 11/13/2007

i do believe this thread has hit another new low.....
Wait 2 weeks til it hardens,Jonesy,and then i think i can have your Tiki Tootsies done and ready to ship!
Fancying getting a cat,just to have an endless supply of Almond Roca Tikis as well! Stay tuned!
thanks for the rescue attempt teaKs!Jonesy's strategic top spot on this page was definetely the work of a twisted comedic genius.....
or mental patient,take your pick! :lol:
Sneaky! Great eye for styles there! PM me your address and we can get this swap going! i loooove that birdman piece
I'll post some newwork in the next few days to cover the stench of that top entry! :D

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2007

Back with some progress shots as promised...
started some washes on the background to give him someplace to dance around...Also added some flowers and palms and started on the night sky....
Here's the whole thing so far...
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Here's the start of the palms in the background....
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Here's some of the flaming flowers on the ground...they still need some
minor tweaks and lighting and shadow enhancement....maybe tomorrow after
the family library excursion...
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here's some of the beginnings of the night sky..i have lighter areas for some of
the brighter stars...you'll see!
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and one last detail shot for good measure!
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Also got further along with the remaining monkeypod bowls...
this one's spiffing up nicely...
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this guy's face is made by an abstract figure in the middle...Damn that glare!
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a little too happy!
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and this fellow awaiting some more washes of color here and there!
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Welpers....babysteps on the progress so far....I feel the motor running
and ready to take off....so until we visit again...Mahalos for poppin by!

Clarita posted on 11/14/2007

Uh! I like the flaming flowers!! But they look more like psychedelic gas throwing flowers to me :) !

GROG posted on 11/14/2007

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ravenne posted on 11/14/2007

The king is comin' along nicely...I like it a lot for it's colors...it's so vibrant, and the background is lookin great too!

Can't wait to see this doooone! :D

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2007


Chongolio posted on 11/14/2007

Grog your killin' me here. That was some funny.....SHIT! I see a Little Lost Kitty Roca Sampler in your stocking this year.

pure comedy!

Clarita posted on 11/14/2007

I told you to take Grogie out, for his walk, that he needed to do his stuff, but you don't listen!! At list he did it in a paper, last time it was in the carpet!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
teaKEY posted on 11/14/2007

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the official skull count

GROG posted on 11/14/2007

How'd you get 48? GROG only count 38 visible skulls.

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2007

teaKey is forthwith FIRED from his counting duties!
Now i gotta go Potty Train my Cannibal King.....

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
teaKEY posted on 11/14/2007

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The shame :(

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2007

Don't let it get you down teaKs! Even the President can't count or spell!
We still luv ya tho! :D

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
teaKEY posted on 11/14/2007

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I hung it up for good.

At least I can still run the country

little lost tiki posted on 11/17/2007

Aloha Children!
well....."Dance of the Cannibal King" is FINISHED!
All's left is the painted side bamboo/rattan treatment which is almost an afterthought...
here's the finished painting 3x3feet gouache on canvas.
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Close up of the face,,,RAAAAAAAAWR!
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Closeup of the Headdress...
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Detail of the bling of the king!
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Left arm..
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Right arm..
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Left side...
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Right side..
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Left footsie....
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Right footsie...
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Here's 2 shots of the background palms on both sides...
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and here's a close-up of the stars and crescent moon...
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and here's one of those funky flaming flowers
Reeeeeeeal Close-up!
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That's all i got for now!
Thanks for stopping by!

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