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Tikiana Art by BigToe

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BigToe posted on 11/07/2007

Check out my "Tiki Runner", Acrylic on Canvas 12 X 18(ish)
Done for a benefit auction to help with medical costs for legendary OC surfer/shaper Midget Smith.
What's with the big dangly-down tongues?? Freud would have a field day!

Alohas, bT


Please enjoy my "Ruby's Dilemma", Acrylic on canvas. 18 X 24(ish)
Inspired by the intoxicating Miss Ruby Devore.
I plan to do a limited run art print that will hopefully debut at the Moon Eyes Xmas Party in Irwindale on 12/8.
Mahalos for looking. bT

[ Edited by: bigtoe 2007-11-16 13:33 ]

[ Edited by: BigToe 2007-11-16 13:40 ]

Clysdalle posted on 11/07/2007

On 2007-11-07 12:27, BigToe wrote:
Please enjoy my "Ruby's Dilemma", Acrylic on canvas. 18 X 24(ish)"
Inspired by the intoxicating Miss Ruby Devore.
I plan to do a limited run art print that will hopefully debut at the Moon Eyes Xmas Party in Irwindale on 12/8.
Mahalos for looking. bT

this kicks ass....I want to see it BIGGER!!!! come on!

little lost tiki posted on 11/07/2007

Very cool Tom!
Lovin all the texture on the tiki/the tapa floor and the bamboo in the background!
Three Cheers!

VampiressRN posted on 11/08/2007

Yowzer...that is some talent there....great job!!!

Clysdalle posted on 11/08/2007

I don't know how your thread does not get the art humpers...because that is some damn fine stuff, thanks for the bigger view!

Meheadhunter posted on 11/08/2007

Very Nice work....totally kool tiki....Keep up the great work and please share some more with us!!!

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/16/2007

Very Cool. Nice work.

hewey posted on 11/16/2007

Dont know how I missed this for so long, absolutely awesome work. Cant wait to see you post more of your work on here :D :D :D

Sneakytiki posted on 11/16/2007

That's crazy cool! Nice Fink tiki! Great skizzles!

Paipo posted on 11/17/2007

These are fantastic BT, chalk up another vote for "bigger is better" - there's a tattoo on the tiki's arm but I can't read it! I hope we get to see all the stuff from the upcoming show.

ravenne posted on 11/17/2007

Heya BigToe!

"Ruby's Dilemma" is my favorite, I love his stance and the girl's eyes are really pretty!

Rawk on! :D

Tabu posted on 11/17/2007

These are two really cool paintings. The tiki is great and nice detail on Ruby. I'd love to see it closer as well.

tok-tok posted on 11/18/2007

On 2007-11-16 03:40, hewey wrote:
Dont know how I missed this for so long, absolutely awesome work. Cant wait to see you post more of your work on here :D :D :D

I´d like to see more, too. Some progress pics would be cool. That is awesome work,man, as hewey said.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/18/2007

Aloha Bigtoe!

GREAT stuff! Really expressive! I LOVE tiki runner!
It's sort a fink/tiki art mixing together into a new cool hybrid!

Swamp Fire posted on 11/19/2007

Hey BT, love that bar scene painting.
Great stuff.

artosaurus posted on 11/25/2007

This is terrific stuff!

"Tiki Runner" is a winner. His expression is priceless. The textures are excellent. It looks like it was painted on a wood panel instead of on canvas. The red-orange shape in the bkgd is cool and really helps pop the board and figure.

"Ruby's Dilemma" is hilarious. The tongue on the stool and the droopy eye are great touches. I love Ruby's 'Betty Boop' eyes. :)

BigToe posted on 12/07/2007

thanks for the kind words bruddas!

here is a sneak peek at a top secret progect:

Just between u, me and the tikis, my old pal Holden down at Tiki Farm has clearly lost his mind and is developing BigToe designed Tiki "shot mugs" (Does "Mug Shots" seem more appropriate for a ne'er-do-well like me?)

here are the "first sculpts" of the first 2 of 3. the detail is amazing to me considering these are 5mm wide!

I will post progress on the mysterious Big Niho whenever those come thru for review...

Clysdalle posted on 12/07/2007

man, they'll let anybody make a mug these days......you may even get into the next bali hai show....maybe.

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Limey posted on 12/08/2007

Hey BigToe, those pics are too sweet. Fun, drunk and pushing the boundry. More please!

BigToe posted on 02/04/2008

OK so i guess we can officially announce the first set of BigToe Tiki Mugs, or as i like to call them MUG-SHOTS...or shot-size tiki mugs for those of you less abstract thinkers.
these little babies area all around 5 cm wide. the sculpts are amazing with detail and Holden pinky-swears that they will be available from Tiki Farm early to Mid-April.

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stay tuned for the full-size mugs which will include a MAI TAI BUCKET size Leno!

Alohas, tom

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MooneyTiki posted on 02/04/2008

Very cool mugs BigToe!thanks for sharin,Aloha, Mooney

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tikiracer posted on 02/04/2008

Very nice job on the mugs, love the leno, angled top is great and the hotrod eyes really pop.

hewey posted on 02/05/2008

Great looking mug designs :D

little lost tiki posted on 02/05/2008

On 2007-12-07 15:34, Clysdalle wrote:
man, they'll let anybody make a mug these days......you may even get into the next bali hai show....maybe.

Spoken like a bitter man who has to make his own mugs at home! :lol:
great Job Tom!
With Holden's eye for great artists and mug designs
and your Crazy......brain and eyes; these turned out ARR-SOME!
Bravo Buddy!

teaKEY posted on 02/10/2008

I was flipping through a Rodz mag. and it was crazy to see a familar face. Congratz

BigToe posted on 02/23/2008

OK so here is a new painting i am doing that is inspired by the San Diego Tiki Oasis 08 event theme "Vacation on Zombie Island".

The new joint is called "Zombie Tiki", acrylic on canvas (thanks Claudio!), 30 X 48". check back for periodic WIP updates:

  1. I have done about 6 sketchbook studies, so i am ready to hack away at the canvas. I don't transfer any of the art, i work from scratch here. I have a hand-full of pencils, and i just sketch and erase, sketch and erase. For me, the art has much more life this way.
    I am referencing my sketches for the tiki, some photos from hawaii for the foliage and lots and lots of pinup photos for the girls. :P

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  1. So now i have begun to rough in the main value blocks with a muddy combo of winsor and permanent green, burnt sienna and umbar and some black for the deep shadows...yes, kids, dutch masters school technique all the way!! i can never resist sneaking in a bit of work on my favorite parts, the girls eyes. a little sloppier than i like because I need new brushes.

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little lost tiki posted on 02/23/2008

Go Buy some brushes!!!!
Art Supply Warehouse has em on Sale 50 weeks out of the year!
This new One is lookin SMOKIN!
Stoked how you're doing it up Old master's style...
TikiShark has nailed that look and let me tell ya..it ain't easy!
There is something immediate and magical about freehandin something onto the canvas....
that way it's a little more exciting for you too because
you've been thru the drills and possibilites with the sketches...
and now it's SHOWTIME!
Eagerly awaiting your progress....

hewey posted on 02/24/2008

Looks set to be a great piece. Cant wait to see it progress :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/24/2008

Holy CRAP! Your art is freaking GREAT! I so dig the expressiveness of your Tikis!

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cosmictiki posted on 02/29/2008

MAN! I love your stuff your tiki art is over the top and I love that retro twisted guy. Tons of personality to it. Keep up the Great work. Aloha Dennis Mathewson

Meheadhunter posted on 03/01/2008

The scary little creatures hiding in the brush is way cool.....eagerly waiting to see this progress!!!

little lost tiki posted on 03/30/2008

what's the progress on dat ZOMBIE TIKI piece?

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Kahu posted on 03/30/2008

On 2008-02-23 14:03, BigToe wrote:
called "Zombie Tiki", acrylic on canvas (thanks Claudio!), 30 X 48". check back for periodic WIP updates:

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Bigtoe, I am embarrassed to say that I just looked at this thread for the first time, but WOW great stuff!! Really looking forward to seeing Zombie finished and please do a print, I have feeling it is going to be spectacular!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/30/2008

YEAH! Thanks so much for posting as you go! I love watching other artist's creative process in action. It's a pretty big canvas, huh? At least for someone as detail crazy as you. Do you have a size you usually work at? Or do you change it up each painting?

BigToe posted on 06/17/2008

Ok so i thought some of u maniacs might enjoy seeing the final of "Zombie Tiki", inspired by the Oasis theme this year.

i like green girls and decapitated colonializers. As mentioned above, this is 30 X 48", acrylic on Canvas.

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i am cogitating doing some canvas prints for Oasis...whaddaya think??

thanks for looking! bT

Not so much 'lowbrow' as 'unibrow' art
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[ Edited by: BigToe 2008-06-17 11:45 ]

little lost tiki posted on 06/17/2008

Congrats on finally finishin that one up!
very Rad!
and a Big one!
Green Girls RULE!
So many lil' details!
Love the explorer's head! :lol:
Way to GO, Toe!

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Jeremysart004 posted on 06/17/2008

That Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rocks. Wonderfully done sir!

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ahvyna posted on 06/17/2008

Awesome! Any prints in the works?

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Wildsville man posted on 06/17/2008

Awesome Art Bigtoe!!!!!! I love looking at your stuff!!!!!


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Sam Gambino posted on 06/17/2008

Great stuff Big Toe! As always! I dig those girls you paint....

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Jeremysart004 posted on 06/18/2008

I want a copy of this. This kicks ass man.

BigToe posted on 06/19/2008

thanks kids!!!! i really appreciate your kind words...so yeah, i think i will have art prints and maybe even canvas prints on sale at Oasis Ocho...and possibly on line before then.

also, i will probably debut the original painting at The Light Gallery's mid-July "Tiki Freak-Out" art show.

alohas, toe-nail

ravenne posted on 06/19/2008

did I read correctly? prints?! :D

Rawkin paintin!
love the guys head on the plate and the girlies are so kick ass!
and the expression of the tiki is priceless!

Can't wait for the tikiFREAKOUT!

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Robb Hamel posted on 06/22/2008

Rockin' stuff, it's good to see a bit a Big Daddy in Tiki land. Excellent work.

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Kahu posted on 06/22/2008

Toe~ Love this piece! ALOT!

And not to be nit-picky, but this piece seems more cannibal-ish than zombie.

Either way, I want one too!

Man with all the sweet art you guys are putting out, I need to get a 2nd job, and possibly even a 3rd to frame it all.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/22/2008

Very cool! Green, dig it! It's so freakin' bright and powerful.

BigToe posted on 07/01/2008

Ok, so this is only marginally 'tiki', but i enjoyed it...

these are front and back illustrations for an album cover for the phenom Santa Barbara punk-rock ensemble SILENT MEOW. They sound to me like a cross between Blondie and the Horror Pops.

Big Mahalos to Squid for hte introduction. Go to http//:www.myspace.com/silentmeow to hear some tunage.

front, aka "Discovery":

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back cover, aka: "Dinner Guests":

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Tiki Trav posted on 07/01/2008

Toe-riffic album cover!

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