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seattle: jet city junket 2 ~ THANKS! PICTURES!

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dogbytes posted on 10/30/2007

December 14th 2007 (Friday) - SHAG "Motorino" new paintings and prints at the Roq La Rue Gallery in Seattle.

~ what a perfect opportunity for another Jet City Tiki & Cocktail Event!

Now you have the perfect excuse to skip the company Holiday Party because there's going to be an honest to goodness TIKI EVENT in SEATTLE! ~ December 14-16

What we have planned is:
Friday = Shag Exhibit and post party
Saturday = BUS TOUR of Home Bars & selected Northwest Artists vending (estimated price $20)
Sunday = no-host brunch and general drinking (Schedule TBD)

Right now i really only have the dates that you'll be coming to the Emerald City. email/pm me your email address if you'd like to be put on the evite list!

elicia (dogbytes)

[ Edited by: dogbytes 2007-12-17 13:15 ]

tiki-riviera posted on 10/31/2007

A Shag show, a home bar tour and vending! Sign me up!

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/31/2007

I may have my tiki vacation rental available in time for someone coming in from out of town for this event.

sweetpea posted on 11/05/2007

I'm sooooooo IN!!!
Already took the day off work!
Who else is up for it????
Maybe Miss Suzanne wants to come up? heehee

Pepe le Tiki posted on 11/06/2007

Ohhh... I hope we can make this!!! Missing a Jetcity event would be an abomination!

woofmutt posted on 11/07/2007

Already took the day off work! -sweetpea-

Wow folks! A whole day with America's Hillbilly Hula Gal Sweetheart! That alone is worth gettin' your rear in gear and headin' on up here* for The Jet City Junket 2!

But wait, there's more!

Ride BUSOTICA! The World's Most Exotic Yellow School Bus!

BUSOTICA! will be crammed full of your kind of people! And while that alone is super swell what's even better than people is stuff! The whole trip on Busotica! will be crammed full of prizes up the ying yang! Vintage knick-knackery to modern day poppery...Ride BUSOTICA! and you're gonna be a winner! So if your tired of being a loser you'll want to do the JCJ2!

**Disclaimer: **Busotica! is not a cure for the doldrums but can help temporarily mask the symptoms. Some users of Busotica! have reported random thoughts of rum, tropical itch, light heartedness, or have reported sensations of warm breezes and rustling palms. If you experience a smile that lasts longer than 3 days after using Busotica! consult your bartender as this may be a sign of a semi-conscious condition. Busotica! is not meant for people under 21, pompous morons, or those who are incapable of having fun.

*Or "down here" fer our Canadian cousins who live above us all...As they usually manage to mention in every friggin' conversation.

dogbytes posted on 11/10/2007

Of course any hipsters worth their ironic 1977 leisure suits know:

Friday, December 14th 2007 - SHAG "Motorino" new paintings and prints at the Roq la Rue gallery

It's either be there or be square, but what else will you do with a weekend's worth of down time in the Jet City?

  • Drink alone?
  • Ride the Monorail and realize it doesn't really go anywhere?
  • Drink with strangers?
  • Ride the Monorail drunk and realize going nowhere is kind of fun?
  • Spend all your fat Canadian dollars on wonderful Yankee luxury items?

All good options...For LOSERS! Instead why not come and be fabulous with The Jet City Mucky Mucks on
:drink: :sheckymug:The Jet City Junket 2 :sheckymug: :drink:

Saturday December 15th ride BUSOTICA! ("The World's Most Exotic Yellow School Bus!") on a bumpy jolly voyage to 4 (Maybe

5!) fantastic Seattle Tiki Homes.

"This incredible journey through the Emerald City sounds amazing!" you say, *"But how can I possibly afford something so

wonderful and something that is clearly so very exclusive and will there be snacks?"*

***Yes, exclusive it is! But believe it or not the cost is only a low LOW $20...***And that's just to cover the cost of the big yellow bus

AND a delightful cocktail dinner at our final stop. Yes, we could charge $50...$75...Even $1,000 for such an oppurtunity, but we're

givers! And we love! And we love to give! And we'll be giving away amazing prizes! (Plus some stupid ones just to keep you grounded

in reality.)

Here’s how to reserve your spot:

:tiki:Payments must be remitted through my PAYPAL account: etamburine@yahoo.com :tiki:


  • Your Tiki Central name
  • Your real name
  • Your phone number
  • please leave this info for each person you are paying for

if you're old school (or local) and want to pay by check or cash, email me for my home address.

Payments need to be received by December 10th. On or before the 10th I will send out an e-mail with the critical information that you

will need. This itinerary will give all of the times for pick up and more detailed info on the tour.

suzanne posted on 11/11/2007

On 2007-11-05 12:41, sweetpea wrote:
I'm sooooooo IN!!!
Already took the day off work!
Who else is up for it????
Maybe Miss Suzanne wants to come up? heehee

OOOoooOOOoooOOOOOOO That's tempting! Maybe if I could be counted as an "honorary" 'selected Northwest Artist' and import some hair accessories? Since I didn't make it home for the SF Crawl and Pea didn't make it down, maybe this would be the perfect antidote! I'll check my school and work schedule and see if I might be able to make it happen. :)


dogbytes posted on 11/12/2007

we're still working on the vendor thing ~ but if you're coming, bring your inventory! we'll make space.

suzanne posted on 11/12/2007

Swell, thanks. Will keep ya updated.


jonelle posted on 11/15/2007

This event is going to be uber-swelligant!!! I can't wait!

Everyone (especially you, Suzanne) should high-tail it up here because there's gonna be more tiki-fabulousness than you can shake a stick at!!

Mai-tai madness and then some!!!



woofmutt posted on 11/16/2007

Información muy importante!!!

Questions about RESERVATIONS/TICKETS should be directed to dogbytes. Her contact info is above.

ALL OTHER QUESTIONS (Should I dress for fun or for success? Is this a nondenominational event? Who are the Jet City Mucky Mucks and why are they so fabulous?) can (and should) be directed to The Jet City Mucky Mucks...Easy to reach by writin' jetycitymuckymucks AT yahoo.com.

Thank You!

Secretary of Idiocy & Made Up Titles
Jet City Mucky Mucks

dogbytes posted on 11/19/2007

have you purchased your tickets yet? don't miss out!

sweetpea posted on 11/20/2007

yes, yes I DID purchase my ticket!!! Hooray!

Dancin' Lizard posted on 11/20/2007

We got our tickets!! And we will be celebrating our anniversary that Friday night. Perfect timing!

Got friends to get their tickets as well!

Tikiwahine posted on 11/20/2007

Yayyyy! BUSOTICA and the JCJ2!

I am SO there!

woofmutt posted on 11/20/2007

(This fancy thing needed to be on this page too.)

jonelle posted on 11/20/2007

That "fancy thing" RAWKS! Which one of you hot-tays made it??

And, I can't wait for Busotica! I am busy creating lotsa groovy tiki pendants and artwork for vending and maybe something to put in the swag bag.

Hmmm. Has anyone mentioned that lately? Cause it's gonna be ALL about the coolio swag that will be given out! Talk about fabulous....who knew that riding a bus could be so much fun! Cha-ching!


dogbytes posted on 11/21/2007

the poster was done by Jesse Elliot ~ he's a swell human bean who's an artist pal i met thru Sophista Tiki.

swag bags are gonna be SO COOL. people are gonna wish they bought extra seats on the bus just for the swell prizes inside!

tiki-riviera posted on 11/21/2007

As a super extra special bonus, brand new tiki central member riham
will be ritualistically sacrificed during the bus ride to appease the
rum gods. Bring your own stones to throw!!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 11/21/2007

On 2007-11-21 07:55, tiki-riviera wrote:

As a super extra special bonus, brand new tiki central member riham
will be ritualistically sacrificed during the bus ride to appease the
rum gods. Bring your own stones to throw!!

But I was hoping to buy some food manufacturing software on the bus.

bothellbill posted on 11/21/2007

Myself and Mrs Bothellbill have paid for ourselves and several friends and family to indoctrinate them to our tiki friends. I assume all will be as usual and you will be on your "best" behaviour :). I am not responsible for anything they do or say.

I can't wait. This will be THE event of the Holiday season

dogbytes posted on 11/22/2007

bothell bill: define "best"..
if by best you mean, no one pukes on the bus so i get the deposit back, yes. everyone WILL be on their best behaviour.

we are so pleased to have your crew aboard!

woofmutt posted on 11/22/2007

"I am not responsible for anything they do or say." -bothellbill-

I will not be responsible fer anything I do or say either.

Pepe le Tiki posted on 11/23/2007

sigh Looks like we'll be missing in action for this one! The time of year is just to difficult for us to escape our little shop of horrors. It worries me deeply to think a school bus full of sorted Americans (that live below us) might go unsupervised by us polite neighbours. I still believe in miracles though, even more so after a few drinks.
All's not lost, there are other Canadians plotting to attend (you're not off the hook yet!).

sweetpea posted on 11/27/2007

Hey Miss Dogbytes, save me another spot on the bus for my friend Kalilah, I'll gitcha $$$ pronto!

dogbytes posted on 11/27/2007

you betcha Ms Pea ~

Otto's email got a few more people to reply and book seats!!

but there's still room ~ so book now!!

tiki-riviera posted on 11/27/2007

News Flash! Another reason (or not) to join the fun will be the first ever
unveiling to a non-sober audience of the brand new, never seen or even talked about,
still under construction, but sure to make you wonder what the hell I was thinking
SHAG ROOM!! Don't miss the opportunity to be the first to view what could
be the most mocked and adored thing since Canadian Rum. Bring your camera cause
your friends won't believe you. Women being shocked to the point of clothes
falling off is anticipated.

[ Edited by: tiki-riviera 2007-11-27 15:31 ]

monkeyskull posted on 11/29/2007

tiki-riviera wrote:
News Flash [blah blah blah] SHAG ROOM!!

It's quite impressive that you're still doing things making rooms just for shagging visitors at this stage of your life and marriage, Riviera. Will you soon be working on a SWAG ROOM to store all the stuff collected by your sticky-fingered and open-minded wife?

dogbytes posted on 11/30/2007

:o :tiki: :drink: THERE ARE 5 SEATS LEFT :drink: :tiki: :o

if you haven't emailed me to reserve a seat (Tiki Wahine, Eddy Brazil, Palapala, Tikibot) or paid by check or paypal ~ i can not guarantee you a seat on Busotica

:o you don't want to be left behind! :o

so PAYPAL NOW and get aboard!

Tikiwahine posted on 11/30/2007

Now one less. I'm absolutely positively coming! Hooray!

dogbytes posted on 11/30/2007

HOKEY SMOKES! the bus is full!

woofmutt posted on 12/01/2007

"HOKEY SMOKES! the bus is full!" -dogbytes-

Wow, that 2:30AM infomercial yuh ran on UHF Channel 74 really did the trick! (I hope everyone got to see it, the flaming coconut monkeys jugglin' routine Mr. Bytes did was awesome but due to a court order via the Seattle Fire Department he will never get to do it again. At least within Seattle city limits.)

mymotiki posted on 12/01/2007

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:31 ]

VampiressRN posted on 12/01/2007

Will be watching the airways for pictures of your fabulous event. No hurling pictures please. Wanna see the swag and home bars for sure. :)

sweetpea posted on 12/03/2007

Can't wait!!!!
Wheeee, fun fun fun!!!
AND, we get to buy stuff! NOt sure who all is
vending, but I have a bunch of yard sale stuff to sell, and Miss Jonelle has some fancy pants hand made tiki pendants!
Bring some moolah! hehehehe

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/04/2007

Anyone else vending? I'm on the mad dash to get my house ready to show. and unveil my tiki vacation rental. Not sure if I will have time or energy to make small items to vend, but I have a nice stash of large paintings hanging in my house that will be available for those Junketeers looking for something to add to their art collection. its getting closer! Cant wait to see the Riviera's room for Shagging! oops, I mean the Riviera's Shag room

tiki-riviera posted on 12/04/2007

On 2007-12-03 19:18, Sophista-tiki wrote:
Cant wait to see the Riviera's room for Shagging! oops, I mean the Riviera's Shag room

Please note: Shagging in the SHAG room is strictly prohibited without the
prior written consent and participation or filming for local distribution
by said home bar owner.

sweetpea posted on 12/07/2007

What no shagging in the shag room?
Well, there's probably no room for it anyway...
(shag with a hawaiian twist...)

Pepe le Tiki posted on 12/08/2007

On 2007-12-04 07:36, tiki-riviera wrote:

On 2007-12-03 19:18, Sophista-tiki wrote:
Cant wait to see the Riviera's room for Shagging! oops, I mean the Riviera's Shag room

Please note: Shagging in the SHAG room is strictly prohibited without the
prior written consent and participation or filming for local distribution
by said home bar owner.

Don't forget foreign distribution rights!

Ugh.. we're missing all the fun!!

Swanky posted on 12/08/2007

You guys are actually going to be the first to see the Tiki Daze calendar. It was shipped directly from the printers to Seattle. I know it turned out great, but I can't wait to hold it in my hands. You guys will hold it first!

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dogbytes posted on 12/08/2007

a :tiki: GIANT THANK YOU :tiki: to Swanky for providing a few copies for us to paw over and raffle away!

sweetpea & tikiwahine, your copies are in this shipment.. remind me to hand those over to you..

DL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/662d33ea87a4371b571f7250488d666a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dancin' Lizard posted on 12/10/2007

On or before the 10th I will send out an e-mail with the critical information that you will need. This itinerary will give all of the times for pick up and more detailed info on the tour.

It's TODAY!!! Yippieeeee!!!

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/827c27ae1f65790eecb40d5b7d96d4d9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
dogbytes posted on 12/11/2007

Today is the Magic Day ~ Instructions have been sent: now, who knows how to stop the rain?

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/827c27ae1f65790eecb40d5b7d96d4d9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
dogbytes posted on 12/14/2007

a Rockabilly Elf is delivering some keen prizes for the Jet City Junket ~ handmade or purloined by :drink: **Woofmutt Stuff & Junk Like That ** :drink:

It's going to be EXCITING! PRIZES!

W Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a653b361e5312092e17160606b969fc8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
woofmutt posted on 12/14/2007

"a Rockabilly Elf is delivering some keen prizes for the Jet City Junket" -dogbytes-

Hmmm..."elf" has never been used to describe me.

I should let it be known that due to unexpected family (my Uncle Sam) obligations in far eastern Washington I won't be attendin' the JCJ2. If my trip goes well, yuh'll hear nothin'. If thinks get crunchy look fer headline tales of fantastic gun play, rumors of alien invasion, and possibly reports of zombies. Or somethin' like that.

The usually cobweb covered work benches at Woofmutt Stuff & Junk Like That have been a flurry of activity, hot glue, and fake snow these past coupla weeks. Despite my absence there will be many keen things (plus some useless vintage nonsense) fer JCJ2 attendees to win. (And remember: Those lil spider web like strands of hot glue are how yuh know yer piece of Woofmutt Stuff & Junk Like That was hand made by American hands!)

So get ready to exclaim "What the hell is this?" as yuh head to the garbage can. (Though don't be too hasty...A piece of Woofmutt Stuff & Junk Like That makes the ideal revenge gift. Perfect fer tellin' cousin' Elizabeth just what yuh thought of the Kittens On Parade calendar she gave yuh last year.)

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 12/17/2007

WHEW we made it, I think it was a big success, evey house on the bus tour was completely different, that was cool. The swag was neato, and the prizes were a hit! I wanna see some pics!!!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7494cbf1a8f0704718260eadc63b8c34?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
beadtiki posted on 12/17/2007

On 2007-12-16 16:51, Sophista-tiki wrote:
WHEW we made it, I think it was a big success, evey house on the bus tour was completely different, that was cool. The swag was neato, and the prizes were a hit! I wanna see some pics!!!

What a BLAST! This was the most fun I've had in a LONG time! I got a lot of pics but I have to get my kid to download them for me - I'm not very savvy when it comes to that! Everyone was soooo nice and so much fun. I'm only sorry I didn't discover Tiki sooner! Thanks SOOO much to everyone who made this possible - you all know who you are! I would love to help out with the next Tiki event. Loved every minute (well, maybe not so much when the bus nearly went off the cliff!) LOL

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