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Big Chop in Babalu's Hood - Nov. 18th

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just got back from hospital. my mom broke her foot so off to work i went, got her all bandaged up. pops and i were looking forward to the chop, oh well what can you do. hope you guys had a great time, we'll see you at the x mas chop. hey babaloo hope you can put a couple of mugs away for me and pops. cant wait to see photos of today.

On 2007-11-18 07:12, Cammo wrote:
Here's how Kate does it, she told me this last time:

  1. Gas up and pack the car the night before.
  2. Get to sleep early, like 8:00 pm.
  3. Pre-make a pot of coffee on a timer that starts at 6:30am.
  4. Put 3 alarm clocks around your bed, all set for 6:35 am.
  5. Have a detailed Google map of Babalu's Hideaway waiting on the right passenger seat.
  6. Don't shower. Don't look in the mirror at all.
  7. Think Mug. Think Chop.
  8. Break all the speed laws.
  9. Get there before Buzzy every time.


  1. Make sure there's Vanilla Coke Zero in the fridge. (Coffee is icky.)
  2. Just one very annoying alarm clock set for 5:30 am which allows time for...
  3. Take shower. Wear jeans to avoid having to shave legs.

Other than that, you got it exactly right.

It was a fabulous Chop. Sorry you couldn't make it, Cam.


Thank you so much everyone for a great time, Buzzy, Babalu, Bowana Cheekygirl. thanks for all your help. I love my new mug....

ok, enough of these Sunday chops....when is the next one!!! and where are the pics!

I chopped a bit on saturday with tears in my eyes at the thought of missing all my chip chucking friends.....I finished this 5 footer..


Well, that was a banner day! It's hard to believe that we have done this every month for a whole year now...just great!

I have made some wonderful friends. You have all been great inspiration to me.

Ok, on with day....lot's of pictures here...

Kate was the first here...Kate is one die hard, hard core chopper...Go Kate, Go!

Next, Meiko showed up dressed for the ball. Thanks for dropping the pop off...Dave's bringing it back to you.

Then Wheeler showed up with this 8 footer in tow...he is dropping this commission off today...hope it got to it's new home alright. Ok, it might be just me, but doesn't this guy looks like he has a cool skyline headdress! It reminds me of Chicago :-) The skyline series...Bill?

Hi and Cheeky are the bells of the ball - for sure!

Don't forget the Bird...he's all about party lights...the kid takes after his grandpa.

Didn't get a great shoot of Bowana, but did get some close ups of his latest...This cat is a top, top shelf carver gang!

Billy made it...late, but he made it. He lost his keys if any of you find them in your stuff. Dude, you left 3 chisels here. Dang Crud boy, you has lost some weight! Good picture.

OK, somebody help me with names here...Cindy and ??Rex..no that's not it?? Anyway, this handsome couple was the hit of the day. They are hooked! They are good! You two smoke!

Buzzy...Buzzy and Simon ate hot dogs! After that, they ate some more.

Yes, hot dogs are a hit.

Dave and Maria chow down.

Buzz cuttings

Clay studio...one side, and the other...

Back yard., and some invading ants

Some Chop Chop Mugs...

The Bird 2

Little Lost Tiki's mug...this one's juicy!

his one's traveling to a Jonesey...wished I took better pictures. I like this one.

Kate drinking kava out of her birthday mug...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE!!!

Chopper mugs that were picked from the bunch today...good choices...going to good homes all. Bill you forgot yours.

Well that's it for todays Chop. Thanks gang!

Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-11-18 22:01 ]

On 2007-11-18 07:12, Cammo wrote:
6:55 am is LATE?!

Hiphophuplulu - GRAB that one before it goes, it's amazing. It has like 6 glazed eye color circles, one within the other! And the whole bird head is hand carved, one-of-a-kind! It's today's TOP PICK!

Kate & Babs are right, try to make it down!

Here's how Kate does it, she told me this last time:

  1. Gas up and pack the car the night before.
  2. Get to sleep early, like 8:00 pm.
  3. Pre-make a pot of coffee on a timer that starts at 6:30am.
  4. Put 3 alarm clocks around your bed, all set for 6:35 am.
  5. Have a detailed Google map of Babalu's Hideaway waiting on the right passenger seat.
  6. Don't shower. Don't look in the mirror at all.
  7. Think Mug. Think Chop.
  8. Break all the speed laws.
  9. Get there before Buzzy every time.

LOL, I'm with Kate, Coffee sucks unless it has 1/4 cup of Carmel in and is topped with whipped cream. Ahhh Diet Coke, not Pepsi! & Yes on the bird! Lets see.... look at how cute the girls are in jeans, don't think I have ever seen you girlie's in jeans before! Me, chop! HA! I can't draw or paint, wait, tools... tools that could hurt...ummmmm.... I might be able to do that after all :D I am (was) musical I could maybe whistle while you all work or change the station on the radio??


Thanks Rick and everybody for another great Chop. That kava did nothing for me even though I slammed 2 coffee cups full. Hmmm.... maybe I really am a robot.

Happy birthday Kate,and thanks for the tip on the Halloween stories. What I read on that thread scared the daylights out of me last night. Read if you dare,
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=5873&forum=6&92 but don't say I didn't warn you. :o

The Artist Formally Known As Tikidav

[ Edited by: bowana 2007-11-19 13:49 ]

Cammo posted on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 4:02 PM

Happy Birthday Kate!

You are so sly, hope you had a great birthday chop and you are getting the animated fish light next time.

Kava is really subtle. It's like the opposite of coffee, and I found you just end up looking at things differently and sort of calming out, while the whole world goes more bright and intense. It's real spiritual. And I had really weird dreams that night, and I mean FREAKY weird dreams. That's apparently why Islanders take the stuff, it puts you in a dream space you never usually go to.

Next time, more Kava. We gots lots. Kate drinking it from a Tiki Mug - she may be the first of all time.

Bowana, maybe you should try 3000 cc's of pure Benzadrine. We'll give you an oak tree to carve.

The kava wasn't so bad. I think using a straw is the key. Less of it actually hits your tongue. Babalu turned out to be a superior kava kneading princess.

We may need to change the name of the event to the Shop Chop. I scored some fabulous pieces from Buzzy and Bowana.


where do you get Kava from. Sounds great


TeaKEY - do a search for the PIFA Chop, it was like 2 Chops ago. Maybe the best Chop of all time, the one where we scored the Kava, Islanders called Clysdalle a 'bad haole' and Billy the Crud had religous revelations! It was a two day long cartoon.

wtf every where I go... or look....


I'm so glad I made the trek, I was having some serious carving withdrawals.

Bowanna is a not human...I'm convinced he's a machine. So precise, so perfect!

Wheeler was imparting some of his knowledge to our newest carvers.

I was chopping next to these two. Tag Team Choppers: Pete & Cindy. I think they're hooked!

Another new carver...dang, I forgot your name (Alan?)

Billie looking for his keys...

Bowana and Buzzy are always willing to help.

Buzz gives some pointers...

I'm not the best person to issue advice...

Um...considering my tiki lost a finger. Sorry guys for yelling, "I lost a finger!"
I guess that's akin to yelling "Fire" in a movie theatre.

Then the Kava started to kick in!

This is your brain on Kava

Showing our Guns!

Thanks Babalu for the opening up your home for the Chop and for the yummy spicy dogs. I absolutely love my Man of War mug. The company mades the 4+ hours of driving from the San Fernando Valley to Lemon Grove worth it.

Those keys ever show up?

If anyone took home a set of keys with a blue caribiner on them, let me know.

It was good seeing the few folks I saw and getting more new guys ready to carve. I just wish I'd gotten there earlier, man. Freakin' wives, man........you know.

I'm having a chop here in Kingman Arizona on Sunday if anyone can make it. Mike and Melissa will be here and I think that's going to be it.......not a lot of tiki folk live around here but if anyone from Vegas wants to come and join us for the day, we're only an hour drive south!


OMG Billy, don't kill me I have the keys. I found them yesterday in the bottom of my bag, took it to work thinking it belongs to someone from work. To make the story short I have it.
Read your PM please...:) :)

On 2007-11-23 16:59, hiltiki wrote:
OMG Billy, don't kill me I have the keys.

This is the funniest thing I've read all week. :lol:

Thanks, Hilda. I really needed a good laugh today.

Cammo posted on Fri, Nov 23, 2007 7:48 PM

What the hell is a "blue caribiner"????

Is it some kind of hip hepcat brand new only-in-the-know (Kate's got 6 of them) rockabilly thang?

I want one.


Oh Hilda, that is the oldest trick in the book. "Accidentally" bring the guy's keys home, and then use it as an excuse to see him again.

We're SO on to you! :D

Cammo posted on Fri, Nov 23, 2007 9:28 PM

Billy, those are so 1998.

Like, they gave those out at the Del Mar Fair last year for free!

Where'd you get it, some Patagonia store?

Do you use keys to go rock climbing with?

Is this baiting?

No, man.......I got my keychain from Immigration and Customs Enforcement when I went to apply as an agent. The clip says "www.ice.gov" . They're the guys that can come into your house without warrants or permission and look for undocumented folks. I decided against it after a stint with the American Border Patrol on the border of AZ and Mexico, near Douglas, AZ. Those guys are a bunch of freakin' hicks, brah.


Billy, "www.ice.gov" is the coolest keychain I've ever heard of.

Glad you're on our side. I think.


Everyting is squared away folks, he is not going to kill me.....Kate I'm glad you had a good laugh. I wasn't sure what was going to happen....(just a joke!)... hahahah!!

That's good -- no one getting killed here. Good thing, because we carpooled together, technically I would have been an accomplice!

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