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George Bush Moai?

Pages: 1 16 replies

smokintikis posted on 12/15/2007

Howdy, I've been working on this Moai, chipping away a little at a time, and recently had someone tell me it looks like G W. What do you think?

Unga Bunga posted on 12/15/2007

Maybe after the jail sentence.

SoccerTiki posted on 12/15/2007

Jason! You have wayyyy too much time on your hands!!!!

teaKEY posted on 12/15/2007

more like Will Farrell

naugatiki posted on 12/15/2007

You can always add it to that Politiki mug set.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/15/2007

Today is does look like GW... but he will be out of the headlines eventually and your carving will be with you for years to come.

smokintikis posted on 12/15/2007

LOL...I'm not done with it by far... I really don't want GW hanging around the house.

little lost tiki posted on 12/15/2007

Impeach that Moai!

tikiyaki posted on 12/15/2007

One thing tho'

I'm sure the Moai version , with it's wooden brain is smarter. :)

teaKEY posted on 12/16/2007

Savage Daddy posted on 12/18/2007

I don't think your Moai looks too much like Bush. Maybe a distant cousin.

Now I think this guy is a dead ringer.

teaKEY posted on 12/18/2007

everyone knows that is a different guy

Carmine Verandah posted on 12/19/2007

I do think Dick Cheney's visage would make an especially appropriate tiki -- the kind with the half-grimace one would expect to see accompanied by suppressed gas...

captnkirk posted on 12/20/2007

I hate to pile on George Bush, but I have to repost this picture.

A while ago I posted one of my tirades about Anna Nicole Smith's old television programs. I complained how they were at Calente Tropics and shot an hour of footage and there were no tikis at all on the show. I then made a comment how a tiki would beat Anna Nicole Smith on Jeopardy because he would not answer any questions wrong.

Well Tiki-bot saw the post and opened up his photoshop and produced this picture:

Chip and Andy posted on 12/20/2007

On 2007-12-15 17:19, teaKEY wrote:

I am the Uniter! Not a Divider.

I am the Decider!

Heh Heh!

Chip and Andy posted on 12/20/2007

Some one has got to get this to John Stewart! The Daily Show would get hours of entertaiment out of this one.....

The Gnomon posted on 12/20/2007

He's not there yet, of course, but word on the street is that Dubbiya is hinting that he wants to be immortalized in stone.

Pages: 1 16 replies