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Things and Such by MeHeadhunter... Replica Survivor Immunity Necklace Page 8

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Meheadhunter posted on 10/25/2007

Hello all...I'm fairly new to this forum and find so many of you very inspirational. I am also fairly new to Tiki, but have always been intrigued by it. I have been into art for as long as I can remember, but recently have been focusing on tiki inspired art, and am having alot of fun with it. Here are a couple pieces I have done in the past few days.....I would love to have your opinion on them whether it be good or bad, I know everyone can improve by this and I'm hoping your constuctive criticisms will help.....Thanks...Wess

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[ Edited by: Meheadhunter 2010-06-22 22:44 ]

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hewey posted on 10/25/2007

Very nice pinstriping mate, good design, line consistency, symmetry etc. Awesome! Welcome to TC! :D

Meheadhunter posted on 10/26/2007

Hewey....Thanks for the compliment and the warm welcome.

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Tiki Kaimuki posted on 10/26/2007

Nice work. I agree with Hewey, that pinstriping looks sweet. What kind of guitar is that?

Meheadhunter posted on 10/26/2007

TIKI KAIMUKI....Thanks. That is a Washburn...It has a really nice sound and resonates very well....Thanks again!!!

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Tabu posted on 10/27/2007

Headhunter-the Maui tiki mask looks really cool. Nice style and nice contrast against the red. The guitar looks awesome- super clean lines and a great design. Let's see more.

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VampiressRN posted on 10/27/2007

Welcome to TC...very nice work indeed. Love the Maori...very 3D-ish and good colors. :)

Meheadhunter posted on 10/27/2007

Tabu....Thanks so much, The striping is really a challenge....I've been doing it for quite sometime and striped many cars and bikes, but Gambino has some "skills" and is truly inspiring to me!! Thanks again
VampiressRN.....Thanks for welcome to TC, This is such a cool place with much talent floating around everywhere....I am working on another piece similar to the moari....will post pics when done....Thanks again

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IsleConch posted on 10/29/2007

Sweet...very nice.

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Sam Gambino posted on 10/30/2007

Hey Meheadhunter-

You have a beautiful style of striping! As a guitar player and pinstriper, this piece is right on for me. Great stuff- thanks for posting!

Meheadhunter posted on 10/30/2007

Hey Sam Gambino...
A comment like that from someone such as yourself makes a guy like me feel very good about what I have done....Thank You. I always aspire to try and make the next piece better than the last. I will post some more when completed...still working on a few others.....Thanks Again...Wess

Meheadhunter posted on 11/28/2007

Here is a project I just finished....although not tiki, I thought you might enjoy these...She is full size, about 5' 10" tall. Still waiting for her shoes to get here........
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Sorry about the glare in the pics.....Let me know what you think!!

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[ Edited by: Meheadhunter 2007-11-27 17:54 ]

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little lost tiki posted on 11/28/2007

nice piercing... :)

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congatiki posted on 11/28/2007

I dunno, looks tiki-enuff for me!

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Sam Gambino posted on 11/29/2007

Great piece, Meheadhunter! So unique and one of a kind. I always thought it would be great to know how to do fiberglass. You certainly brought this mannequin to life. I love the "enhancements"!

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Sneakytiki posted on 11/29/2007

Kickass! Great work. Woof! woof!!!

Meheadhunter posted on 11/29/2007

Sam....Thanks, working with fiberglass is alot of fun...you can make almost anything you can imagine with it....you should try it sometime.....although it really sucks to work with....
Sneakytiki....Thanks....Your stuff is really cool....I really like your unique style...

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Limey posted on 11/29/2007

Jump'n jehosefax!, that babe is Red Hot. Nice work Meheadhunter.

Meheadhunter posted on 11/29/2007

Limey....thanks...She is definately red hot.....I'm hoping she comes to life sometime soon...lol

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Son-of-Kelbo posted on 12/01/2007

Damn fine, MHH. Damn fine redhot work. Oooo.

Looking forward to your future endeavors...


(ps: Once upon a time I did quite a lot of studio glasswork, and know what it takes to produce the results you've achieved.)

(pps: Do post when her shoes arrive, yes?)

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-11-30 19:59 ]

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-11-30 20:02 ]

Meheadhunter posted on 12/01/2007

Son-of-Kelbo....Thanks...I will post some pics with her shoes on....She is in an art gallery/show this weekend....I will get pics of her while there....sure hope she sells!!!

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Son-of-Kelbo posted on 12/01/2007

I'd buy her myself if I weren't on strike. (And if Libby wouldn't murder me in my sleep for it.)

Find her a good home, MHH. She's a right stirring piece of art.


Meheadhunter posted on 12/04/2007
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FreddieBallsomic posted on 12/04/2007

Niiice pieeece... way to step out the box. fB

Meheadhunter posted on 12/04/2007

FreddieBallsomic.....Thanks....I did six of these skulls and were a lot of fun....the others aren't tiki though....Thanks again....

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Sneakytiki posted on 12/04/2007

I like that candy apple red and pinstriping, nice!

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GO TIKI posted on 12/06/2007

Great Work! Awesome! Mahalo! Gogo

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sam 2005 posted on 12/13/2007

Hey I think I know that girl.
I keep trying to get off line and go to my studio, and then i click on another forum and wow more amazing work. There are so many talented people on this site. Great work meheadhunter! I do fiber glass work as well, I'd be interested to know more about your process. Is that girl a one of one? Do you have a mold? Is that red gell coat? Super work, i look forward to seeing more.

Sam 2005

Meheadhunter posted on 12/16/2007

Sam 2005.....She is made of fiberglass but no mold.....she started life as a mannequin and I added quite a few details...she is painted with basecoat/clearcoat automotive paints and hand pinstriped and painted with 1 shot enamel.....She is 1 of 1 and is for sale......Thanks and glad you like my stuff...

Meheadhunter posted on 12/19/2007
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Surf tiki posted on 12/21/2007

Ooooohhhh...cool. I love tiki and space stuff together. Kinda weird how the primitive goes with futuristic.

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TikiLaLe posted on 12/21/2007

Thanks Pal, now my little girl wants to be pierced all over !!!

Meheadhunter posted on 12/22/2007

TikiLaLe.....I would only begin to worry if she starts to paint herself red!!!

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suburbanpagan posted on 12/22/2007

Holy crap! Incredible work!

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VampiressRN posted on 12/22/2007

The mannequin is amazing and love the bowling pin. GREAT WORK!!!

Meheadhunter posted on 12/22/2007

suburbanpagan....Thanks....Your work totally kicks butt!!! Your lighting is awesome...Keep up the great work!!!
VampiressRN....Thank you...The She Devil was alot of fun and I have been on a bowling pin craze lately....Picked up 20 of them, and have been painting like crazy...

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little lost tiki posted on 12/24/2007

Schweet Bowling Pin!
Tikis and Space Travel DO go together!
How else did they get here?
Clysdalle painted a few for the 3 kings show and they turned out pretty cool!
You say you got about 20?
Very Cool!
i'll be looking forward to seeing what you do to each and every one of them!

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/24/2007

On 2007-12-21 10:50, TikiLaLe wrote:
Thanks Pal, now my little girl wants to be pierced all over !!!

..and even more alarming than that.....why were you showing those pics of the pierced mannequin to your little girl???

yikes....kinda creepy....

Meheadhunter posted on 01/04/2008

little lost tiki....
Thanks for the compliment....As for the bowling pins, I have pinstriped and painted non tiki art on some of them but will post some pics if you would like.. but have some ideas to tikify a few more....I'll post when finished.
Tipsy McStagger....
I kinda wandered that myself!!
Surf tiki....
Sorry...Didn't mean to pass you up....Thanks for the compliment...Yeah it's kind of like macaroni and cheese... They are just meant to go together!!!

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[ Edited by: Meheadhunter 2008-01-03 22:36 ]

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TikiLaLe posted on 01/04/2008

Hey Stud ...
Your work should have had a Adult Warning on it !!!!
Hey I like porn more than the next guy even if the next guy is Tispy .... but there is a place for everything....
These are my kids

Meheadhunter posted on 02/08/2008

I hope to get some new stuff up soon.....been really busy painting motorcycles lately.....I need a break from them for awhile so I can refresh myself with some TIKI!!!

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Sam Gambino posted on 02/09/2008

Those are so cool, Meheadhunter! I especially like the tiki skull - beautiful! Keep up the great work!

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hewey posted on 02/09/2008

Love your work, tre funky :D

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Meheadhunter posted on 02/09/2008

Sam Gambino....hewey,
Thanks so much.....I hope not to disappoint with my next post of my new small project!!!

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Unga Bunga posted on 09/09/2008

On 2007-11-27 17:51, Meheadhunter wrote:
Here is a project I just finished....although not tiki, I thought you might enjoy these...She is full size, about 5' 10" tall. Still waiting for her shoes to get here........
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Great work Head!
What's her name?

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Meheadhunter posted on 05/27/2009
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leleliz posted on 05/27/2009

I never even saw your thread before. I really love how that red devil girl is the spitting image of my body (sans tail!)-its amazing that we have never even met but yet its so obvious I was your inspiration. That is great skill! :wink:

I like this new stripe job. I am a big fan of old school pin striping so I really appreciate clean lines. Great work!

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Sam Gambino posted on 05/28/2009

Simply killer work! Great striping on that guitar, and that girl! HHHHMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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