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Our 2008 Hot or Not? List

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Here at Woofmutt World Wide we make a lotta money sellin' our carefull researched cultural forecast information to clients all over the planet. But since we like most of yuh, and a coupla of yuh have even bought us drinks, we're givin yuh our 2008 Hot or Not? list (a $199.99 value!) absolutely free! Happy New Year! Now go and amaze yer friends with yer cuttin' edge trendiness!

OUT OUT OUT!!!..............IN IN IN!!!

Partially cloudy....................Slightly overcast


Angry memories..................Bitter regrets

Yellow legal pads.................Spiral bound notebooks

Landscape maintenance.......Lawn care

Mr. Grumpy Face.................Mr. Grouchy Pants

Toothless hillbillies...............Witless yokels

Googling old classmates.......Ogling hot coworkers

Flip-flops.............................Slip ons


Doggy day cares..................Cat spas

Blow ups.............................Freak outs

Shrubs................................Dwarf trees

Italian prosciutto..................Canadian bacon

Over the top........................Shoot the moon

Plastic surgery.....................Tupperware Body Tape


Ones and fives......................Tens and twenties

Charcoal gray.......................Light black

Cremation............................Burial at sea

Happy Hour..........................Beer-thirty

Batman & Robin....................Aquaman & His Mermaid Water Dancers

Asphalt.................................Black top

Scary clowns.........................Weird mimes

Civic mindedness...................Public drunkenness

Las Vegas.............................Casino Night at Our Lady of Hope


Reality shows........................Staring out the window

Chives..................................Green onions

Lutheran craft bazaars...........Methodist bake sales

Hot pink................................Fluorescent fuschia

Starfish.................................Sand dollars

Chick flicks............................Dominatrix DVDs

Collectibles............................Goodwill donations



Sit Spot, sit!...........................Dance monkey, dance!

Thanks for trying to keep us in the know. I am so sorry to see Charcoal Gray on the OUTs, as that is my favorite color. I don't think I can slip into the Black option though, so hope Hot Pink will be an acceptable IN. Keep those cards coming Mutt...I luv em. :)


yeah for weird mimes! I like '08 already!!


Thanks Woofmut. great list except for the Cat Spa vs Doggie Daycare. I used my spa to bathe my cat once, he got really pissed.
So, no, Cat Spa is out.

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