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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Sam Gambino posted on 01/30/2008

More Ruzic magic!!! That wave in the middle of the surf piece just looks great with the surrounding art - mixing the 2 styles. Even the study is beautiful! I also thoroughly dig all the motion in the "Mock Battle" and the cannibal T shirt art. You're a wealth of fine art, my man!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2008-01-30 10:17 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/01/2008


(psychedelic sitar music)

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2008

Shani,Brad,Chongo,Babs,ravenne,Rhys,and Sam,
Thanks you kids!
Makin me smile!
i'll have to cook up some more happy,reflective,and psycho-delicate
work for y'all comin up! Just sanded the 7foot surfboard,and got a fiberglass
kit and was about to repair it when ......i found out the kit(that was supposed to have everything i needed) was missing the wax release paper stuff it mentions on the instructions.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Anyways....soon,very soon.....
finished up two pieces this week....
first,the new one....
May i present....
"the Chief's Dream"
i wanted to do a mirror image/reflection representing that inner insight
one gets thru reflection and dreams.....i like the idea of the whole play
on water and reflection and applying that to the introspective process...
or, it's just a nice painting that has a lil bit of humor to it...

This was all gouache and i used water soluble pencils for the shading....
I had used that style for earlier pieces and it gave the simplicity of the
painting a little bit more OOMPH....
here's some close-ups....

the Oarsman...

the Naples yellow for the outline brings a nice graphic warm glow to it all...
the Chief...

Ultra close-up,to show you how easy it is.....

and a Super Dooper Extreme Close-up, just cause,whenever i go to an art show,
i get reeeal close to a painting to examine the brushstrokes and blending and stuff....

i also finished up "Saint Surveillance" finishing up all the shadows and lighting...

Closeup of a microwave tower and the wires that lead to his power source and
access to the world wide web....

Here's a close-up of his face...regal,Sad.....and evocative of the Statue of liberty....

and here's the power source...note how the triangular configuration of the
power pole ,with the crowned eye atop it,reflects the pyramid on our very own
dollar bill.....Annuit Coeptis...."He favors our undertaking" Hmmmmm...

Ponder on THAT til next time!
Cool surprises in store! That's all i can say for now...

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2008

I just can't keep a Surprise,soooooo...
(Actually, the scanner finally STOPPED acting up)
well, from 89 to around 2002 i worked in the surf industry
designing and directing tees,wovens,boardshorts,ads,knits,etc ad naseum...
so i started developing an image file....well, this got to be quite messy so i
decided to start making "vibe sheets" where i'd take a subject and just paste
clipping on a page.....i'd do it for Tikis/typefaces/comic book ads/retro logos....etc
After accumulating a 3 foot tall pile of them,I got bored and began to cross genres,
and attempted to make them more collage-like and as separate art pieces in themselves....Here's a page from a series of about 30-40 i did cross-breeding
Tiki art and ephemera and Science Fiction pulps/comics...last year i posted some of my woven shirt
and boardshort prints for Hawaiian Island Creations....one of them was a Tiki Sci-Fi theme....that print was inspired by these sheets....
I was thinking of doing a separate thread here of these and just throw a couple up every week....I think you'll agree that there a good combo of art piece-collage and fun
reference! Let's hear your thoughts Gang! would you want to see a slew of these?
( i can also post my tiki ones up as well...

tikiracer posted on 02/04/2008

Amazing work, it was great to hang out last year and see your studio full of your work. Photos don't really show the larger pieces off to their best. Memorizing. The artjam we had has inspired me to get the paints out, I'll post some works in progress soon. Thanks for posting all the pics.

Babalu posted on 02/04/2008

Word up player!

How big is the Saints of Surveillance? How big is the Tiki Angles blessing the wave one?

Yes, Yes!! Please do post the collages! Though these might be old to you, I find them to be very cutting edge. Your taking Tiki to a new level brother.

Big Bro posted the below image in "general" somewhere a while back...What I found fascinating about it was not the overall image, but more in how the artist was driven to blend these several different art movements. I believe it's older too (50's - 60's)?

Anyway, I love the way you jump off the path and leave trails...

ravenne posted on 02/04/2008

The Saint Surveillance is a thing of beauty!
I love the background night sky, the hazy shading and stars are so gorgeous and detailed.
I love the gadgets he has on him, especially the fact they are literally a part of him - trippy!
And his pupil-less eyes give it a nice haunting look.
I like that you post non-tiki too, it's refreshing.

"The Chief's Dream" is really awesome too, your interpretation on his dreams and reflection of himself is very interesting!
I love the naples yellow you used for the outline, it gives it a surreal look to it.
Especially the close-up on the boat itself.
Your overall choice in color is great!
I'm sure if I saw this in person I'd be peering over it a lot. :lol:

Also, I really think you should definitely share those collage pieces.
If you have the time that is.
I think your overall concept is fantastic!
I'd like to see more of these for sure!

Keep on Rawkin!!! :D

little lost tiki posted on 02/11/2008

Art Spurt!
That ol left eye started jumping and my hand began twitching,cause the fever had come again!
I will show you the result of that manic two-day episode shortly...
but first,let's chat.....
TikiRacer-Thanks man! I have your prints up in places of honor about the studio! i was glad you and TikiChris and Chongolio were able to hang out and artjam! Glad you're getting the paint fever! true talent like yours shouldn't remain dormant!
Saint Surveillance,and many others to follow are 14x14" with 2" sides museum stretched...all the mandalas are that size,as well as the Chief's Dream....i got 2 boxes of a dozen canvases at Art Supply Warehouse for $30 apiece! That's a lil over $2 a canvas! :) Love that sheeit....
Your wish is my command and i did start a thread of the Tiki Sci-Fi Vibe Sheets....i have a LOT,so i'll be posting those every few days or so.....
That whole crossing/mixin styles really appeals to my artistic bent...Over the years, i've slipped into about 6-7 different styles (approaches, as i see them) that i use to convey different things in different paintings...the fun part is when they overlap....BAM! Anyways, thanks for the STOKE! now get back to work on that Lapatiki #2!
Mahalos Gurl!
Thank you for letting the paintings take you away and make you think of stuff! And,as you know....
the Tiki Vibe Sheets are in the Hizzy on their very own post! YAY!
First piece....
finished Friday....
started Friday.....
after i took half the day hanging all the pieces i got back from the 3 kings show,I decided to sit down,put on the History of the Roman Empire in the first century (thanx Netflix!) and began yet another Tiki Surf mandala...This time i wanted a night scene in the middle.... So, i sketched it out,applied acrylic washes,then went over that with an indigo paintpen-to bring out the outlines......
Here it is.....

Details! Details!

and here's a close-up of the tropical night...

Next off, is a tiki painting i never posted 'cause i hated it!
Well, on Friday i painted over it! Never photographed it ....nuthin!
Lost to the Ages! Good Riddance!
I decided to try a Tiki modern Style on this piece...
If it didn't work out, i could always paint over THAT one too! :)
so, here's the intitial background shapes....

Then, in a reverse engineering feat, i did a sketchbook study to figure out
what i wanted in that tha-yah artpiece!
Here's where it's going....

Very simple,kinda like the prints i used to do at HIC......
Now onto the MEAT and POTATOES!
the elusive 7-FOOT SURFBOARD!
Well, the past few weeks were a blur of slow tedious cleaning
and sanding
and fiberglass repair kitting
and burning my fingers
and sanding
and more fiberglass repair kitting
and more sanding
and cutting my finger on a fiberglass shard
and getting over the fiberglass repair kitting
and sanding
and finally aplying the first layer of acrylic....
the basecoat....
This is where our story should begin....
I knew it was gonna have 3 "portholes"
just wasn't positive what would be going around em yet.....

Here's a close-up...
i mixed the burnt umber with olive and turq...

Like those Checkers? Radical!
by the way, it was my landlord who donated this board...
It was abandoned and neglected behind the nanner tree plant...
it's been thru a lot,and has a good "aura" to it,if you're into that...
While it was drying,i did studies for how it should turn out.....

This is the starting point study......

First thing i did was sketch out the design with a tan water soluble crayon....
After that I added black toi the umber and started on the shadows...
and then grabbed a red water-soluble crayon and added that....

Excuse the glare.....That's the worse part of working with this under a double fluorescent...
You gotta shift your body to block the hilights or just paint into the light, the great unknown...
Painting blindly into the glare....pity me!
Next i mixed some naples yellow acrylic and began to do the hilights coming from the "portholes"
but strongest from the middle,biggest one.....

This is for the BigToe curated Surf Show on March 15th at the Light Gallery,by the way.....
Next, i added the "eyes" ....lotsa eyes!

and that's when i looked outside,and realized that we were under a CHEMICAL ATTACK!

It stung my eyes to look up at it...i suspect this is because the pathogens they're dropping on us
require a petroleum "shell" that evaporates and protects the pathogen as it drifts downward.....
Poisoning us poor Useless Eaters and....Sorry!
I got a Conspiracy/End Times group Show in April.....
Just practicing my rants!

Chemtrail-laden skies only increase my determination to make this
the Baddest 7-Foot Surfboard ever!
That'll Shake the Corridors of Power!
Over and Out!

Chongolio posted on 02/11/2008

Out of control Dude!! All of it... amazing every time. Dig your clip art collections too.

yeah yeah yeah

hewey posted on 02/11/2008

Ah, heavy drugs in the atmosphere. That explains a lot actually... :lol: :lol:

Loving the surfboard, as I knew I would :D

little lost tiki posted on 02/13/2008

How goes it my monkey brother? Been a couple months since our last chill-out/ArtJam session! Are you gonna be at the Parking lot Sale? If so, we'll have to clink a MaiTai or two! Been anticipating your next batch of work....:)
yeah.....Sometimes those chemtrails just cover the sky....I've even seen em at night ,right above the cloud cover.....After much research,I've learned to differentiate between regular contrails,that fade and the chemtrails that linger,spread,and gently float to the ground.You talk about heavy drugs....try aluminum particles/petroleum/bovine blood/and a various assortment of pathogens......Nobody's talking about these,and yet they're a persistent visitor to our skies.....But I'll save the rest of my rant for the EndTimes/Conspiracy show in April.....
Thank you both for Motivating my poor sorry butt....
Well, did some more blackline last night....
Here ya go!
Here she is so far...in situ...
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Here's a semi-closeup for you to marvel at...
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another semi-closeup....
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i tacle the wood grains and bringing out all the lighting...
then it's on to the portholes!
another semi-closeup....
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One more view....
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That's it for now!

TK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fe836b410b6da8fc25a77bdadfb61b8e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

That is one sweet looking board! Will it actually be rideable when you are finished?

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks Tiki Kaimuki!
Glad you like it so far......thank you!
I don't recommend riding these just because, i seal the heck out of em-but don't know how it would weather up in Salt Water....Usually when a patron shells out a lotta bones for a painted board-they usually keep it safe in their home...This one,in fact-has no fins,as it was just laying behind the bushes for years,plus i painted over the slots for the fins....This one will be for wall hanging,as opposed to having it displayed in the round on a surf stand......Hope that answered the rideable question....:)

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Board battle!!!

My Circus of Death vs. your Board of DOOOOM.......

You paid for the whole seat........BUT YOU'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!!!!!!!

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You should email your pics to TK @ the Frog House.

He's a major collecter of vintage surf stuff.

I'm sure he'd dig it!

Maybe you could do a mural on the side of the building some day.....

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harro posted on Wed, Feb 13, 2008 9:38 AM

That boards turning out really cool man!

good to see a previously neglected relic resurrected and injected with a fresh breath of new life.

look forward to the finish.

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/19b8aa4e66d3767eaf4858842b7b6768?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill


Lookin rad so far!

I like the lil nomnom guys! and the ;O guys too!

Rawkin! :D

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4d8a589072a614ce55b6551ecc87deb5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

That board is looking Killer.....I really dig the contrast of the blue flowers against the colors of everything else.....I cant wait to see this done!!!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5884d326c1579fee70c68453dd63daa8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

that board is looking SOOOOO good. for some reason it reminds me of Colonel Killgore's board in Apocalypse Now...

"Charlie Dont Surf"!

the line-word is just sweet.

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Drive-by Art Posting!
then Buh-Bye!!!
7-foot Surfboard Project.....
Flyover view....
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That's it! Got a lot more work to do on this today!
Bye Nawh!

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Hi kids!
lots of progress yesterday and this morning! and i still have most of the day today to do some mo!
But first....a confession....
I've been lying to you folks ....
Out of curiosity i measured the board to get an accurate size...
and it's not 7 feet! It's actually 9 feet 5 inches or so.....
Sorry for that misinformation...
Now Clysdalle's board is gonna look reeeeal PUNY at the show...
like a wittle bitty baby board! :lol:
Bring some diapers on the 15th for Clysdalle's baby boogie "board"...
Well, enough of the Board battle, let's see what else is going on.....
Ben!Can't wait to see your 10 foot monstrosities at the show!
Size matters! :lol:
I think I'll shoot TK an e-mail for the show.I think he'd dig it too!
I pass his shop when i go to and from work in Laguna....Looks like both sides are already filled with murals...:(
harro-Mahalo! Yeah...it's so much better to recycle a board with all its dings and "personality" and stories.....the new ones are too smooth! It should be finished in about a week-maybe 2 if problems arise.....
ravers-thanks m'dear! Just did some more on the nomnom guys..scroll down!
Meheadhunter-I'll be adding some other flowers to liven it up here and there....i usually wait til it's almost done-then paint em in the areas that need some butterin up! The "portholes are gonna have some nice tropical bright scenes to liven things up a bit as well!Thank you!
Toe! Thanks for creating a Surfbeat show to put this in!Charlie Dont Surf on a 9 foot board! They're surfing on Clysdalle's Baby Boogie board! :lol:
Well, enough of the good-natured ribaldry!!!
Let's see some Progress Shots!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the very top...got some of that done...
and the white in the "portholes" is gesso...in preparation for the landscapes I'll be puttin in there!
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The above porthole will have a volcano scene.....
Under that, are the two little guys holding up a happy shield face....
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closeup of the lighting on the shield face fellow...
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Below them will be the main porthole scene with a tropical island and some surf-cause this is a surf show....
Below that are two argumentative menehune thugs,bickering about
the price of poi or somethin!
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There's aboout 15 tiki faces,hidden or otherwise in this piece so far....
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"we gotta build a WHAT? Tonight? For just a MEAL?"
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and here's the bottom porthole where I'll be doing a tropical waterfall scene...
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more little Islander NOMNOM guys!
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He's gonna GET ya!
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and here's some details of the "frames" of the "Portholes"
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That's it! Gotta get back to the Grindstone!

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Lookin' good Little Lost Tiki! The blue and pink really pop nicely against the brown background. Can't wait to see the portholes filled in...gonna be another killer surfboard!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5884d326c1579fee70c68453dd63daa8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

all i can say is DAYUM!!!!!! that is looking EPIC.

Hopefully it will still be for sale at the opening.

I have a feeling this is gonna get grabbed up at the VIP preview.


SG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cffbb785e741d796fd9e3db657f84d05?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey Ken- The detail on that board is awesome! The early pics look great, but each picture ends up looking better... How do you know when to stop? It looks like an intricately carved board - it doesn't even look painted anymore. The detail and colors are just beautiful.

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Drive-By Art Posting!
Thanks Mark!
wow! and i thought the Wooden/Tiki/Surfborg was big! That was ...until i started on this 9 foot 5 inch monstrosity!
Finally, a Board both you and Doug Horne could Hang some Ten on! As per your desire, I started on one of the portholes...the middle one...just to see how it would look before going back to the wooden stuff around the rest of it!
BigToe-We aims to please! What's a Surfbeat show without a couple of Showcase pieces? We got a VIP preview? When?
Sam-I can't thank you enough! Myself and all us TC artists really appreciate the amount and quality you put into creating and sharing all of your awesome creations! That Cyclops smoking jacket piece you unleashed recently is SPOT-ON!
You have such a sense of color and form and retro imagery!
Mix that with immense talent and a disciplined work ethic and BAM!
21st century masterworks!
Thanks for the Inspiration!
As for when i know when to stop.....it's touch and go!
Usually I'll just know...but then, I'll look at it hanging on a gallery wall,and realize I missed a spot
and bust out that area the day before the opening...
I'm stoked that it's coming to life too! Makes it all worth it!
finished the top left NOMNOM guy....
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and wait! what's that on the bottom of the pic?
Can it be? Yes it is...
Here's the part of the piece that screams "SURFBEAT"!
the middle porthole....
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I used a slightly different "look" and softer outlines to throw it into the distance.....
And what a Happy Sun! I think he's the offspring of the Raisin Bran Sun fellow!
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That's it til next week.....where i tackle a waterfall and a VOLCANO!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/19b8aa4e66d3767eaf4858842b7b6768?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill



Dude, I love the little sun guy, he's so adorable!
And the NOMNOM guys has more life to it!
I love the flowers too around the portholes really give it more oomph!
This board is gonna be such a trip to look at up close!


S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

is it just me, or does this board keep getting longer!

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Luv the look of this board, Kinney!! The dark color with the bright details is great!!

FB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/de519446cabf2c593cc776d66da08256?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill


The porthole is amazing. It really looks like you are looking through the board out into the distance. I'm blown away.

The entire board is just great.

SG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cffbb785e741d796fd9e3db657f84d05?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey Ken- I agree...It has loads of depth to it! Simply beautiful.... It could be done now, but I know, next week, you'll have Greg Brady wiping out on a surfboard on a patch of coral, and Alice twisting her back on the beach while trying to hula dance! Just kidding, but talk about work ethic! To turn out pieces like this in such a short time amazes me....

ST Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/794efb67b2936f7145e69a208864de96?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Very cool porthole. Kind of a subtle Drew Brophy feel to it. I want a map to that spot!!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/79d741e3de3568de7bfd1f3f0676aff5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

WOW-I'm practically left speechless (as usual with your work)...and somewhat disoriented from so much stuff to look at. SO, I'll refer to my friend Rhymezone.com and search the 'find synonyms' section for the word 'Great'.

Words and phrases that can mean the same thing as great: (39 results)

avid, bang-up, big, bully, capital, cool, corking, cracking, dandy, distinguished, eager, eminent, enceinte, enthusiastic, expectant, extraordinary, good, gravid, groovy, heavy, high, important, keen, large, major, majuscule, neat, nifty, not bad, of import, outstanding, peachy, pregnant, slap-up, smashing, swell, uppercase, with child, zealous.

Well, most of those words apply.

If I were 9' 5" tall, I'd beg you for permission to use that as a full body tattoo on myself!

You da chairman of da board!!!!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill


LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey Gang!
Thanks for all the OHANA LUV!
I'm STOKED that you're STOKED!
It just makes me more STOKED!
Plus these little Vitamin B shot drinks ZIP-FIZZ!
Note to self: Get sponsored by these guys!
Man! I drink one of those /slam down a KWAWFEE
and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZing! Clysdalle needs a case of this stuff...
Note to self: ZIPFIZZ-Clysdalle Christmas Present....
ravers-Only a couple weeks and this baby is gonna be on a wall!
Then you can check out Sun Guy,the NOMNOM twins,and all the rest!
SophistaDawnie!-I've been watering it with ZIPFIZZ! :lol:
Actually, I'm such a loser, I never measured it till recently!
oops.....I hope it don't grow anymore! I'm already gonna have trouble gettinit to the show!
Freddie! Thank you MANG!!!
Flat Black-hey! You and Freddie have the same initials..... whoa....
i got that look by doing a black outline and shading on the outer wood areas, and the landscape i outlined with dk brown/forest/and blues...that throws it back a little and gives it a kind of gimmicky atmospheric perspective,as the fancy-pants call it...The fun part about being a painter is the gimmicks...and ZIPFIZZ!
Sam! It is your pace that has been inspiring this year! I'm stoked at how many pieces you've been effortlessly pumping out lately! have you tried ZIPFIZZ energy drink? :)
Surf tiki-Drew Brophy (who is such a nice guy and true artist and will have some awesome art at the Surfbeat show as well...),Bill Ogden, Jim Phillips,Rick griffin, Virgil Finlay,Dore, Durer, Brueghel,Lorenzo Lotto,Jack Kirby, John Buscema, John Romita, Mike Ploog,Barry Smith...the list of influences goes on...Thanks for the compliment...Drew's got the blending thing down...he's a Master!
Brad Howland! My favorites are "cracking" and "dandy"! You totally have permission (if you ever achieve even 9 feet of height) for the body tattoo! We'd hire you on as a Bodyguard-just to mess with people! Then you could really blend in at your awesome Junglearoo Room! :lol:
Well,I got writer's cramp......
Here's the Waterfall....done...maybe a few touch-ups here and there...but done...
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Getting the bottom half nailed....slowly...
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and did some more on this guy!
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Tune in next time when Kinny tackles the Volcano!

FB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/de519446cabf2c593cc776d66da08256?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I'll have what your having!

I don't believe I've seen that drink but judging by your energy I would say it works. lol.

Still looking great dude!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks FlatBlack!
Well, the ZIPFIZZES have WORKED!
"Guardians of the Portal" is the title I've chosen,unless something better comes up.....I figured it would reference the Tikis and also mention the fact that they are on the inside looking out....Any title suggestions would be appreciated.... Well, I'm gonna shoot it again in the light and with me next to it so you can get a size scale on it......But here it is...
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Here's some shots of the last portal-the volcano....
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Now, we're gonna inch down the board from top to bottom to give you some detailed views.....sorry about the glare....I used a matte finish,but the lighting here in the garage is fluro and bright,soooo...
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i added some vines and flowers growing over the portholes just for some interest....
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i added some palms to the island in the background right...also added some puff paint in small areas to give it some UMPH!
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and there you have it! That's all i got for now-til i shoot the size comparison pix...Boo Ben says he has a 10 foot surfboard shaped wooden plank if i wanna tackle another before the show......hmmmm.......

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I can't believe you finished it already!
I love the volcano! KABLAAAAM!
Looks so awesome!
Wow, I can't wait to see this at the show!
And the comparison pic will be interesting to see to finally get an idea of how massive this board is!

Another 10ft before the show?
That would be pushing it, but if you can do it, I totally think you should take the challenge!

EDIT: for typos. sheesh!

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[ Edited by: ravenne 2008-02-25 10:30 ]

TSA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

The dark brown chocolate tones of the tikis and their environment work so well with the blue flowers. Feels like the interior of some Disney Jungle ride attraction - you know the perfectly decorated "line waiting" area, where you look out a few windows and get views of the ride your waiting to go in. You know, the "Magic Little Lost Tiki Ride" at Kenny Land!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5a596c17bb7bda7cee7b059e8ef39b19?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

LLT, man, you are totally channelling the pure mojo...

You really shoot the curl on the wave of tiki-style-now, do it totally your way, and manage to do work that's original, mysterious, and delightful. Bravo.

FB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/de519446cabf2c593cc776d66da08256?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hot damn.

Just amazing.

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I've seen you do better.

This one looks Really Rushed.

Instead of that other 10 ft-er maybe Tune this one up a bit!

Maybe wear gloves this time...
....not to mess with your MANICURE!!!

Or, paint with your feet you monkey!!!


LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks folks!
I'm glad it inspired all of y'all!
ravenne-Thank you! i added some pearl white puff paint to the water foam
and the WHITE HOT area in the volcano...
to give it that full KABLAMMO feel....
Also did some little spot areas in the flowers and thigh/"eye" thingies
on the upper thighs of the NOMNOM crew!
I'm really eager to see it on the wall too...
If i hang it on the wall a foot from the ground,the viewer's eye
will hit the middle porthole...HUGE....
Thank You!
Tiki Artist mutual inspiration Pact in FULL EFFECT!
that print is AMAZING,by the way.....
You totally nailed it with the line waiting area!
My three choices for artist-based amusement parks
would be ...
How awesome would those be!
"Mommy! Can i go on the Cthulu Ride again? :lol:
Son-of-Kelbo-thanks for REALLY looking at and thinking about the work!
Part of an artist's duty is to do their research/hone their skills/and always PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!
Personally, if i don't,i stagnate........gotta keep MOVIN! Always something new to create!
Last night,despite the evening being filled with sealing the board,sick stepkid,and an intense
SCRABBLE game,still managed to do five drawings (the NOMNOM guys-some MEANehunes-and Tangata Manu-a Fijian necklace composed of wee little figures-and a Middle Sepik Ancestor Post...)
Gotta keep Movin!ZIPFIZZ!
FlatBlack-Hot Damn! that's the Shout-Out that Phil Shane,my absolute favorite entertainer/lounge crooner says before he takes a nightly shot! :lol: You're from Chi-town, so may i recommend Populele for your late night entertainment cravings? He's a madman on the uke and plays in your area! He does everything from Hapa Haole,Folk, and out-of-control Rock stuff on there...The boy can JAM! Mahalo!
Paipo-EXACTLY! the only other word that is even close would be...EEGAH!
Ben-Sorry for Slacking! and thanks for putting me in my place!
No manicures tho...I'm a nail-biter! :lol:

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4d8a589072a614ce55b6551ecc87deb5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

This turned out very nice.....you nailed with the contrasting colors between the portals and the foreground colors....very nice with tons of depth!!!!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/484543c20e507cf0845b33cc1e4779fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hewey posted on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 7:11 PM

You're really slipping in your art Kinny. Is something wrong? I mean, really, the quality is just not there. All that room and that's all the piddly detail you can fit? Jeeeeeez, why did it take so long then? Maybe you should look a career more suited to you, like packing shelves at Wallmart. I dont wish to be mean, just give you some constructive criticism, so you can afford to do those little luxuries in life. Like eating. Im also shocked and appalled that another TC member has not brought this up before. I am personally ashamed it took me so long to say. All these positive comments are just pandering to your insecurities, and blocking you from seeing the truth. This piece just isn't good enough to go in a show. Even if you put it out for garbage collection by the council, you would need to cover it up with a tarp to sheild young children and the elderly from it's hideousness. We have a big country down here, and there's not much but sand in the middle of it. We used to use it for nucleur tests - thats the kind of place that ugly board should be. So send it down, I'll make sure it's disposed of properly. And get some help. Please.

:wink: :D

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0a2d5db941264875e849bc96d49a0a8f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Oh beautiful, love it!!

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I leave town for a few days and look what I miss! DANG Lost Tiki! Your a paint slinging madman! I have to come to this show. The line to get in starts behind Babalu.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eae0fbe2053bc9284f2720a6f4685455?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Absolutely incredible LLT.

My favorite peice from you... of all time.

WOW... Kerchow !! ZING... POP !!!

I need to buy something eventually...

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