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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Swanky posted on 02/27/2008

Those poles are cool, but I would worry about rot. You gotta have a way for water to get out from under those poles or something. The guy near here who does lots of large bears and stuff installs his outdoor carvings on small pipes laid down. That gives a numimal contact point for water to get in and a space for water to flow out and air to get in and dry it out. What are doing next to seal that off or whatever? I would hate to see those go south from rain!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/27/2008

Today is face log day!

I'm going all power tools on this one. Got about 30 minutes into it at this point. Spending WAY too much time on it...

Swanky: As soon as I find out what this "rain" stuff you mention is, I'll tell the concrete guy to look out for it. I think I heard an old timer talk about rain one time, but I don't know anyone around here who has ever even heard of it. Is rain European? I've never been to Europe because my ancestors left it a long time ago because it sucked so bad. Actually, the concrete guy has it well under control. He's mounted many outdoor tikis in this harsh Southern California climate. It's hard to see in the first picture, but there are rebar pegs sticking up ever so slightly that the base is actually sitting on. It's also pretty far back under that overhang, and the rain has never got under there yet. It's like a jet stream thing. He's also going to add more concrete to seal them off...

Making tikis and working on my tan!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/28/2008

Today's sunset:

On 2008-02-25 19:59, Bowana wrote:
I worked on it for about an hour. It's the first time I spent less than a day to finish a carving, which is a complete miracle!

I'm going to try that too!

Done! (except those little uneven spots on the nose that I'll fix later tonight.) Still got 5 hours until I run out of today, so I should have enough time.

Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 02/28/2008

Buzzy, those poles look Mighty Fine, Excellent work there. You should do a Lot more NZ stuff!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/29/2008

Yesteday's sunset:

Today is another face log day...

On 2008-02-27 19:29, Benzart wrote:
You should do a Lot more NZ stuff!

Don't fret, I gots mucho more NZ stuff working its way through the tikicortex part of my brain. I just have to do some stock crap first. Seems to be a huge market for that... :(

Back to work
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/29/2008

Other than taking a nap, I couldn't think of a better way to spend the afternoon:

To sand or burn: that is the question.

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 03/01/2008

Sand or Burn?

Whatever the market will bear! What's actually more popular in the Land of Tiki (Where Olde Tymes There Will Not Be Forgotten) - Burning?????

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/01/2008

Sand. Then burn.

GROG posted on 03/01/2008

Burn, then sand.

Cammo posted on 03/01/2008

Just burn his tongue.

You can call him the Chili-popper.

HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/01/2008

Burn first, sand a little, burn again, get creative, then hungry....what were we talking about again? :lol: March 16, 20 days....Freddie

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/01/2008

On 2008-02-29 15:53, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

He reminds me a little of the Munktiki Shibuya mug. (Photo from the collection of KTD)

I was looking at what the rain had done to my back yard, and I thought, "Good Lord. It's worse than Buzzy's! Is that even possible?"

Those are my random thought for the day. Please resume your carving activities.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/03/2008

Couple of days ago sunset:

Hey, those are original "two trees" from the first contest. That means no more sunsets on the water for a while. Hello summer! Holla up people, it's tiki season! Wabbit season too!



Here's the latest ring with some deft on it:

Size 7.

Cammo, Tiki-Kate,GROG,Cammo, and HOKU : I got a nice new mapp gas setup at the swap meet today for a more than reasonable price. I'm just going to go hog wild and burn the shit out of everything now. No more diligent sanding, no more staining, no more nothing but char. Then I'll do a little sanding. And if it's done after that, I'm going to walk around my yard and just burn stuff randomly. Except the grass, it's looking good these days!

Speaking of grass:
Tiki-Kate: That's a carvers yard you got there. Looks like mine, babalu's, and 4WD's yards. Our motto should be something like: " Tiki Carvers: We work IN our yards, not ON our yards."

My name is Buzzy, and I work IN my house!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-03-02 23:21 ]

Flat Black posted on 03/03/2008

So if it's not too late, I would like to throw in some input in the contest.

April 2nd. 28 days.

Babalu posted on 03/03/2008

Master B, I've named my lawn mower "Lightning" after one of the most power forces in nature...Though lightning strikes 8.6 million times a days somewhere on the planet, the odds of it actually hitting my house are about 3,000,000 to 1.

March 23rd...

Billy the Crud posted on 03/03/2008

On 2008-02-29 19:09, Cammo wrote:
Sand or Burn?

Whatever the market will bear! What's actually more popular in the Land of Tiki (Where Olde Tymes There Will Not Be Forgotten) - Burning?????

Sand, burn, brush, burn, sand, roll, stagger, thrust, roll, stagger, stagger, stain, roll, stagger, stagger, varnish, thrust, roll, stagger, sell, drink,(puff) roll, stagger stagger.

These are the proper methods of finishing tikis as outlined by our elders.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/03/2008

Keep those entries coming in! Two chances to win!

I will still be taking entries for the contest today. Here are the entries so far:

of days contest

32 Harro
20 Robin
78 Buzzard
29 Closettiki
23 Jentiki
28 FlatBlack
26 LLT
21 Tiki-Kate
50 Bowana
54-46 Bamboo Ben

Date sun will hit the building contest
March 16 Harro
March 9 Robin
Brooke Burke GROG
March 17 Jentiki
April 2 Flat Black
March 25 Closettiki
April 17 LLT
April 15 Buzzard
March 24 GMAN
April 1 Tiki-Kate
April 13 Bowana
19 Bamboo Ben
March 18 Soccertiki
March 23 HOKU

BillytheCrud: Those elders had way too much time to kill. They knew the secret: work real slow so you never run out of work becuase then they will give you a real crappy job to do instead. Kind of like early form of a modern day labor union. I'm thinking I'm just going to start spray painting them all. My new burnt umber line with red tongues and big white eyes!

Babalu: That was the funniest damn thing i read in a couple days. Thanks! If lightning hits my yard, does that decrease the odds of it hitting your yard?

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-03-03 11:13 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-03-03 20:25 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-03-10 11:35 ]

little lost tiki posted on 03/03/2008

of days contest


Date sun will hit the building contest
April 17th

Sand or burn...
Burn, Baby ,Burn!

What'd i win?
What'd i win?

buzzard posted on 03/03/2008

april 15

buzzy ,could you take a look at my latest tiki on my link
tell me if you think i'm deep enough or if the tongue needs to be smaller

GMAN posted on 03/04/2008

30 days

March 24

harro posted on 03/04/2008

still confident my naivety will pay dividends.

PS nice posts buzz.

HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/04/2008

On 2008-03-01 08:27, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Burn first, sand a little, burn again, get creative, then hungry....what were we talking about again? :lol: March 16, 20 days....Freddie

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/04/2008

21 days.

April 1st.

Bowana posted on 03/04/2008

April 13
50 days

Howza molds?

RevBambooBen posted on 03/04/2008

19, 19 and 19.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/04/2008

On 2008-03-03 19:40, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

On 2008-03-01 08:27, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
March 16, 20 days....Freddie

Yo Freddie!

The judging panel regrets to inform you that your entry has been denied for the following reasons:

Harro guessed March 16 first


Robin guessed 20 days first

The judging panel has also stated that you are more than welcome to enter again with different dates that are still open.

The judging panel also said to hurry. :D

Thank you all for your entries.

Still a few more minutes to enter...

Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 03/04/2008

...and 19!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/04/2008

3/23....24 days

GROG posted on 03/04/2008


362 1/2 days

RevBambooBen posted on 03/04/2008

what's that song by Toots?

32 26 was my #?

SoccerTiki posted on 03/04/2008

Is it too late to put in for the 18th??? (My personal favorite day!)

Cammo posted on 03/05/2008

Buzzy, is it tue you're Tiki Magazine's next FEATURED CARVER?!

Holy Woodshop 101, what a freakin' honor!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/05/2008

On 2008-03-04 16:45, Cammo wrote:
Buzzy, is it tue you're Tiki Magazine's next FEATURED CARVER?!

No. That would be the worst marketing error for them EVER! Remember, I'm that mug hater guy. Besides, I was already in tiki magazine last year.

Okay. It's official


I will post the final list and contest update sunset photos shortly.

Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 03/05/2008

On 2008-03-04 17:22, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2008-03-04 16:45, Cammo wrote:
Buzzy, is it tue you're Tiki Magazine's next FEATURED CARVER?!

No. That would be the worst marketing error for them EVER! Remember, I'm that mug hater guy. Besides, I was already in tiki magazine last year.

Okay. It's official


I will post the final list and contest update sunset photos shortly.

Buzzy Out!

Enough with this contest crap!

Get back to carvin' man!

Show us your goods!!!

Slacker!!! :wink:

Bamboo Ben Custom Tropical Decor!
I build stuff for you!
Google search me and see!

[ Edited by: BallParkBuzzy 2008-03-04 21:55 ]

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2008-03-04 21:56 ]

Billy the Crud posted on 03/05/2008

On 2008-03-04 16:45, Cammo wrote:
Buzzy, is it tue you're Tiki Magazine's next FEATURED CARVER?!

Holy Woodshop 101, what a freakin' honor!

I would imagine that this would be a lot like the teacher parading you around the room in 2nd grade..........you want to feel good about it, but it's a bit uncomfortable. Like winning the special olympics. You'd have to get a perm before the photo shoot as well.

buzzard posted on 03/07/2008

no post for 2 days? should we send out the tiki police?
have you fallen and cant get up?
stand up 1 tiki for yes,2 tikis for no
wait,4 mai tais for yes,8 mai tias for no
back in 2 weeks,not sure if my wireless will work in az

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/10/2008

This should be the official contest list:

of days contest

20 Robin
21 Tiki-Kate
23 Jentiki
26 LLT
28 FlatBlack
29 Closettiki
32 Harro
50 Bowana
54-46 Bamboo Ben
78 Buzzard

Date sun will hit the building contest

March 9 Robin
March 16 Harro
March 17 Jentiki
March 18 Soccertiki
March 23 HOKU
March 24 GMAN
March 25 Closettiki

April 1 Tiki-Kate
April 2 Flat Black
April 13 Bowana
April 15 Buzzard
April 17 LLT
19 Bamboo Ben
August 15, 2009 GROG

Here are last week's contest updates:

It hit the famous two trees

In seventh grade, I wore a terry cloth OP shirt with this design on it on the first day of school. I also wore sundek rainbow assed trunks, flojos, and a jobbers hat.

moving closer to a winner every day

Thursday started out cloudy, like it was going to be a crappy sunset

Then some ripples of color

A window opened in the clouds...

And then this happened:

Lesson learned: Never give up.

Yesterday was the first day we could have had a possible winner from the list.

Robin, yesterday was your day!!!! Let's see how you did:

Can't see the building. Let's make it official:

You officially lose. Sorry. You still have a second chance though.

Now I have to update tiki stuff..
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/10/2008

The finishing process went as follows:
Planed, sanded, ground, sanded, ground, sanded, burned, sanded, and stained.

After cutting every corner in the production process, I sprayed on some spar varnish.

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I also had a log that wouldn't hold up to a good carve so I slaaped this horrid thing out.
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I mostly did it to have an excuse to use the new mapp gas setup I bought. Burning was never so convenient!

Here's the rest of my Xmas tools I finally got:
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A new sculptor's set with a new 1" 60 degree v tool. The thing on the bottom is quite handy for checking symetry and replicating shapes.

Almost updated!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/10/2008

On 2008-03-03 20:15, Bowana wrote:
Howza molds?

Here's my molds story:

I had eight pieces that I wanted to mold. Having never done molds before, I wanted to start with one so I could go through the whole process from start to finish and refine my manufacturing process based upon my successes and failures. I picked a small ring and molded it first. The clay I used came unstuck when I was deairing it, so it floated to the top. I couldn't get it to sink back down, so I just turned it face down and let it dry floating on the top. I considered it a failure, but let it dry and pulled the piece the next day.
It looked better than I expected: no air bubbles and it was pretty level. I decided to use it for practice, and mixed up the resin that night. I only did two as a test, one with color and one without. The first cast didn't set because the mold was too cold, so I heated it up a bit and the next two came off with no problem

Here is the original wood carved piece, the first two resin pieces, and the mold from that first night's adventure.
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The next night, I tried to make as many as I could while I messed withn the coloring. I got the color real close to where I wanted, and finally nailed it on the last piece.

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Since everthing was going perfect so far, the next day I made molds for the other seven pieces. I did a better job of sticking bthem in with the clay and they all worked perfectly. Here they are drying:

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After a day and a half of the molds setting, I took out the pieces and got ready for full scale production.
I first did a test for each piece. the color still wasn't right.
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the next batch, I finally nailed the correct color ratio and spent the rest of the night making all of this:

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All of those but six of them were made last night in one marathon session. I made close to 100 pieces.

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Pendants, rings, keychains: I have a whole product line now! Coming soon: hair clips, earrings, magnets, and MORE!

I'd like to thank Dav, Mieko, and Zaya for all the guidance and assistance with this project. Thanks guys!

Buzzy Out!

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[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-03-10 15:37 ]

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Robin posted on 03/10/2008

Yah.......I'm a LOOSER!!!! But maybe not entirely. Hey Buzzy just to show you what a total looser I really am, I had to ask GMan what 'bling' was....he says you're the King of Bling. I was really looking forward to one of those bling ring things. Major bling at the House of Buzz. Quite something. Oh yeah, nice tikis Buzzy, even the ones that aren't Maori. :)

4 Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a0a2dc32416bf70e940b99885955f646?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
4WDtiki posted on 03/11/2008

On 2008-03-10 15:33, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

the next batch, I finally nailed the correct color ratio and spent the rest of the night making all of this:

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All of those but six of them were made last night in one marathon session. I made close to 100 pieces.

I'm not crazy about the color, can you change it?


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Cammo posted on 03/11/2008

Buzzy, you gonna make MORE? Gee, I don't think there's enough Tikis on Tiki Central yet. Get to it, brah. Yo gots da bling on da ring!

And I want that nice one that's 2 over from the left and 17 down. It's just a little teeny bit nicer than the rest.

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Tiki-Kate posted on 03/11/2008

Could I get a size 5 in brass please? :D

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Babalu posted on 03/11/2008

Got to see these gems in person today when I dropped off Lightning. You need retail packaging now Buzzman.

LEDT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/aa5a94af0a9733e7c91290ff257f5526?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 03/11/2008

Mmmmm. it could just be that I'm hungry but all of those dark brown tikis look like a big plate of chocolates to me! Keep them out of the sun Buzzy, all of that fine detail will melt away.

LED Tiki

FB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/de519446cabf2c593cc776d66da08256?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Flat Black posted on 03/11/2008

On 2008-03-10 19:52, La Esquina Del Tiki! wrote:
Mmmmm. it could just be that I'm hungry but all of those dark brown tikis look like a big plate of chocolates to me! Keep them out of the sun Buzzy, all of that fine detail will melt away.

LED Tiki

That's so funny, because I thought the same thing!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/11/2008

Yesterday's sunset:
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Contest update:
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Any day now!

I got the end of a plank of Spanish Cedar from 4WD a couple weeks back and last night I started carving it out:
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I saw this design in it the first time I looked at it. Well, not this exact design, but something close.
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La Esquina Del Tiki & Flat Black: Chocolate? Hmmmmm?.......I mean, Ummmmmmmmm! Chocolate would probably be easier than the resin. I'll probably give it goone of these days...

Babalu: Lightning is about to strike...
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Tiki Kate: Size 5? What is this brass ring for, an elf? Bilbo Baggins?

Robin: You're not a loser, you just didn't win.

4WD: Custom colors cost extra. :wink: A lot extra...

On 2008-03-10 18:29, Cammo wrote:
And I want that nice one that's 2 over from the left and 17 down. It's just a little teeny bit nicer than the rest.

That would be one of my Tiki Modern versions:

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Half the resin, half the work, and double the price: That's tiki modern!

Let's see who wins: Lightning or The Lawn.
Buzzy Out!

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4WDtiki posted on 03/11/2008

Ooh, I'm liken that new plank tiki, Buzz. Interested to see how it ends up.

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