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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Sam Gambino posted on 04/23/2008


I love the texture and tasteful drybrush work on the rowers - so cool! It really enhances the depth and sophistication of the piece..... Excellent work!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/23/2008

I really dig the scroll designs on the canoe! Beeee autiful!

Babalu posted on 04/23/2008

Abstract Tiki?....why "YES" LLT!

A deconstruction with a tropical breeze blowing around it :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 04/24/2008

Hi kids!
pant! pant!
took a nap/had some steak/ready to paint into the night....
but first... i'd thought i'd give y'all a glimpse....
raves-mahalos girl! did you get the tour from Ernie?
Already got a few nibbles!
it really WOULD look good as a centerpiece thingy!
i wanna paint these on raw linen!
Sam-haven't done drybrush in awhile with acrylics..
Been pouring over Roualt/Chagall/and Picasso
and trying to get some old Sears catalog colorways....
It does look kinda sophisticated....THANK YOU Sir! :)
Brad! Lovin your print! The embossing on the back is great,,,I feel it's mana!
Thank you! and i have some more detailed scrollwork for you!
Babs! Thank you always for your sage advice and encouragement!
Nothing ventured/Nothing gained
fortune favors those who Dare!
Here's some progress....excuse the glare
almost done....

details left to right.....

New piece-no title yet...
looked at older pieces in same style....
sketched it out on the canvas....winged it...
took a picture...
printed it out....
hand traced it cause it was too light..

adjusted and colored the paper......
here it is so far...

Now i gotta go and paint it!
Thanks fer visiting!

ravenne posted on 04/24/2008

Sweet! I love how that turned out!
And the new piece looks like it's gonna be wild! :D

yeah I went yesterday and got the tour!
I was like a kid in a candy store :lol:

Keep Rawkin On!

harro posted on 04/25/2008

man really digging your recent work.

would have loved to sift through all those cool whimsical pieces in person at the sale. Hope you did well and shifted them all. Hopefully one day i'll be able to get my hands on one.


little lost tiki posted on 04/25/2008

raves-can't wait to hear about the trip to GROGwork!
That boy is a genius....
the new piece will always pale on the computer
gotta go see it in person...I'm gonna add some ZING! to it!
how's Argentina?
are you immersed in the culture?
if you're ever in California,you're welcome to visit the studio
and sift all you want! thank you again for encouraging my mad habit...
This new one is really fun in the sense that, as you're creating a swirl or a vine-it affects
all the rest of the design around it....so you have to take that into account
also while trying to properly abstract a plant/hut/etc.....
keeps Brain Busy....
here's what i got so far....
like i said-when it's done and in person-that's where you get that weird mystic moving vibe...

the main tiki-took elements from Cannibal Island/Polynesian Butterfly/and a few other old pieces of mine...

Main Tiki-look at his Head! :lol:
now remember-this is just the second layer-i seal all the indigo-then work over that
enhancing stuff...this is just to show y'all how easy it is! try it at home!

look at his knees! Silly Knees!

Here's a palm tree-the indigo done-awaiting some green and brown....
very abstract/very flowing.....

Doing the river banks was fun...

these four fellows are in for a Wild Ride! :lol:

top of the meeting hut and a tree branch with vines....
the volcano beckons in the background...

started the other hut too-got the roof done up in case it rains....

and that's it for now!...
"Night Rowers"-one evening of touch-ups and sides
Chinese papercut-pareau-at least 15 more hours...
15x60 vertical totem that i haven't even done studies for!
5 more days....
it's gonna be close!

Chongolio posted on 04/25/2008

A very nice way to start the morning a cuppa joe and some eye zazz ala LLT. Zing I am ready for the day.
Diggin the indigo

ravenne posted on 04/25/2008

:o! DUDE!

That rawks hard! I am diggin the NOMNOMNOM guys in the butterfly wings, real trippy!

This new one is gonna be so cool!

and i'll tell ya all about it next time I see ya, maybe MModern show! I'll drag WeeG too! :lol:

rawk on Kin! :D

Paipo posted on 04/25/2008

Workin on THE EDGE! That's what I like to see! Less sleep, more ZIPFIZZ and you'll nail it!
I had Miss Scarlett on my knee and let her operate the mouse, and she kept scrolling the new papercut one up and down. I think she digs it - maybe I'll have to talk to you about another piece for the nursery? Happy tikis and butterflies! Better get a night rowers for Daddy too! :lol:

hewey posted on 04/26/2008

My eyes go blurry just looking at your work... :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/26/2008

Oh it's got a mystic moving vibe on TC too! In person it must induce vertigo!
It's nice to see you tape sketches on your canvas too while working.

little lost tiki posted on 04/26/2008

Thank you my friend!
Warms my heart that i could help put a zazz anna zing in your mornin!
and the indigo is what cools down the painting tonally!
Rock on....

raves-Muchos gracias!
the Butterfly and the moon and the meeting house and the foreground tiki and the volcano
are all trying to tell me a story....it unfolds in tiny bits....no title yet.....
yes...drag WEEG to palm Springs...he'll enjoy it...

Warming my heart yet agin......this time with a miss Scarlett story! :)
what a sweetie! Tikis and butterflies are always popping up here and there....
Things will start slowing down for me around June-July....would love to have a chance
to make Scarlett expand her already creative imagination!

go to the eye doctor!
That's what i have to do more and more as time wears on!
does anybody have some baby eyes they could donate for a transplant?

first off!
Amazing zipfizz zombie on the latest
and the pig rider sketch is right on track!
Up close this piece does get a little blurry....
I want it to be really jungle-y and confusing
and beautiful at every turn
and every stumble....
You'll see what i mean in a minute.....
As for taping sketches....
always helps ...
why do studies if you can't use 'em?
whilst painting,we are in the air....
the under drawing and the sketch reference
tether us to the earth just enough to let us paint....
thanks for being an art soul brother!
Okay! Chop! Chop!
Only a few more days.... have 1 and 1 half paintings to go....
finished the indigo blackline and it is drying with a satin finish as we speak...
and i'm ready to 'ave another go at it....with color!
the piece is still untitled and it is 3 by 3 feet in diameter.....

the volcano and the tree branch in the foreground...
it's graphically flat...but not flat......

here's the 2 volcanoes and some night sky...
and the NOMNOM Super Friendly Butterfly Gang (working title...)

here's the meeting hut on the riverbank...
tiki on the left leaned over into the picture....what a HAM!

here's the ground level village...close to the river....

And here we have the NOMNOM Super Friendly Butterfly Gang
off on their perilous adventure to ......
i dunno....
plug up the volcano?
flee the village?
become kidnapped by the Butterfly Crew?

here's all three of the huts in one picture....
i wanted to get a sense of distance.....
even tho it's flat....
it's an illusion!

the night sky with the moon to the left and a sky filled with smoke and stars.....

Close up of the riverbank in the right foreground...
foreground.....even tho it's flat.....

Scene of the whole riverside village complex.....

that's it! it should be dry and ready for phase three....
color accenting/shadows/lighting....
the POP phase before the BIG POP phase with puff paints!
See ya soon!

hodadhank posted on 04/27/2008

Go man Go!

ravenne posted on 04/27/2008

:D wee! the butterfly with the NOMNOM guys are still my favorite, can't wait to see this whole piece POP!

It's funny you kept mentioning "flat" cause I try to envision the butterfly carrying those little guys, or almost hanging out inside the wings, then realize that the thickness of the wings would be too heavy for it to even fly....unless it's magical! :lol:

I like the story you're trying to develop so far, keep gooooing!

Anata wa kakkoii desu! :D

GROG posted on 04/28/2008

whilst painting,we are in the air....
the under drawing and the sketch reference
tether us to the earth just enough to let us paint....

blah, blah, blah.....

congatiki posted on 04/28/2008

I don't get over here very much but I just wanted to say how cool ALL of your
stuff is LLT. And the various pics of your space at the parking lot sale are
great. Always easy to spot LLT in the crowd.

Babalu posted on 04/28/2008

LORDY!! Cutting trails dude...cutting trails.

Sam Gambino posted on 04/28/2008

The good old Ruzic magic is alive and kicking with each new piece! No law of diminishing returns here!! I dig all the motion and color Ken - Keep up the great work! :)

little lost tiki posted on 04/28/2008

Thanks for the cheerleadin!
I'm really gonna try and come down and paint that for ya!
hanging out with you and Rita and Erik and the crew would be so chill.....

raves...it's FLAT! but it looks DIMENSIONAL! it breaks all SCIENTIFIC LAWS!

"whilst painting,we are in the air....
the under drawing and the sketch reference
tether us to the earth just enough to let us paint...."
blah, blah, blah.....
ruin my flowery artsy descriptions....
How would YOU describe the creative process?

congatiki-thanks for visitin! I managed to pose in ALL bad pictures at the parking lot Sale!
it was really fun and the folks loved the amount and variety! Glad you like the paintings!

Thanks for that lenticular Bruce Lee!
belt buckle? perhaps....
speaking of "cutting trails dude...cutting trails."
Check out the Chemtrails above my home this mornin!
I made a postcard for you...

Thanks brother!
That Brat Pack at the cellar is groovin man!

Okee....Powered til about 3 last night and about to do it all again....
"the Night Voyage" is the only thing close to a title i have so far....
Gonna finish this today..
and prolly the night Rowers
and start on the final 15x60 vertical totem
and i got til Tues night/Wed morning....
and i ran outta ZIPFIZZ....
but i still got KWAWFEE and CIGGIES!
been on vacation since Friday
and have been painting at least 14-16 hours a day
(i have lunch and potty and research and ciggie breaks during all that)
if you paint this much YOU MUST GET UP and STRETCH every hour!

i think the painting fever has consumed my brain...
it's all i can think about....
and COLOR!
I promised you color..
"the Night Voyage" of the NOMNOM Super Friendly Butterfly Gang.....
almost done!

here's some details...
there's always a lot of cleanup and sealing
cleanup and sealing....
scanning the jungle landscape for a flaw
or an uncolored flower....

Mr. Mooney!

NOMNOM Super Friendly Butterfly Gang coming to life slowly!


Hut and tiki

River bank....

tree close-up and volcano looming in the back....

i sooooooooo want to live in this meeting hut!
BAMBOO BEN! i got a project for you....

With Thursday looming for palm Springs delivery...
i still have that 15x60 vertical totem to start
and finish!
So i did some studies and will probably
decide on something completely different
to paint on there with acrylic! Hi Ho!

that's all i gots!
Back to marathon painting super-session!

Robb Hamel posted on 04/28/2008


That's all I gots to say.

I'm gettin' back on my behavioral meds right now.

Hiphipahula posted on 04/29/2008

Ken! you mad lost lil Tiki! I must come to the studio like is next week good? Lets talk! I love the Mod stuff too, it's all good!

jpmartdog posted on 04/29/2008

OOH LA LA - this new one is the snazziest.
beautiful colors. mesmerizing.

little lost tiki posted on 04/30/2008

ZIPFIZZ is the best energy drink behavioral medicine EVER!
We'll have to exchange lighting tips sometimes.....

Hipster! next week might be bad with Palm springs but PM me
and we'll make it happen! Liz Taylor baby!

jpmartdog-thank you my friend! I'll be posting the final puffpaint application layer very soon!

well, started on the totem last night and I'm almost done...
so that's 3 paintings 90% done...i need to finish up
with painted sides by tomorrow late morning at latest....
without further babbling...
here's the last one of the 3 m modern-bound pieces!

Top to bottom!

Sad Boy!

Shield head!

Almost Done!
Talk atcha soon!

ravenne posted on 04/30/2008

:o I'm diggin this new piece!

I love the tiki-totem, they look like a blend of forest creatures and tikis!



tikithomas08 posted on 04/30/2008

so what tiki god did you sell your soul too in exchange for the painting talent you now posses?


Flat Black posted on 04/30/2008

The amount of detail in your work is mind blowing.

I'm sitting at my desk with my jaw wide open. (I wonder if the co-workers think I'm looking at something I shouldn't be...)

Wow man. Wow.

little lost tiki posted on 05/01/2008

Hello and thanks for all the cheerleading
while i finished these 3 new paintings for the mModern show next Friday!
"the Night Rowers" already has a buyer!
Well, heading off to Palm Springs today to drop them off...
so here they are!
These last 9-10 days have been one big ZIPFIZZ and KWAFEE Blur!

"the Night Rowers" 15x60"
finally got the oars and stars and sides done....
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the side....
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"the Magical Tiki Tree" 60x15"
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details-top to bottom...
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"Night Journey"
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added puff paint to pop it a bit (as if it needed it!)
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Well, that's it! Gotta get on the Freeway!
The last two pieces are still available
so if you want them livening up your home
contact jay at the m Modern!

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All 3 are outstanding! I'll bet those last 2 won't be available for long.

Great work!!!!!!!!


harro posted on 05/02/2008

congrats on finishing these epic pieces. Awesome work. nothing like the clock as motivation...

they certainly are a sight for eyes with ADD!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/02/2008

I can't believe you got ALL THAT DONE! BRAVO!
The Magic Tree is really amazing. It's my fav.

ravenne posted on 05/02/2008

Congratz Kin!
Those paintings are incredible!
Can't wait to see them! :D

little lost tiki posted on 05/05/2008

Thank you Polly, harro, Brad and raves...
Something about that Magical Tiki tree....
might need a few more in that direction....
It's Sunday...the last day of my vacation...
After dropping off the pieces at mModern onThursday
and getting the grand tour from Jay ,
the curator/owner/host with the mostest;
we drove home and I've been in a semi-vegetable state all weekend..
tried to paint,but opted to nap,watch Paul Klee documentaries,
and read...
Got to go to the LA natural history museum today...
No Tiki except a Moai near the T-Rex statue outside
but plenty of stuffed animals and dioramas
and even an Aztec/Mayan/Inca section which jostled the grey matter...
Been starting on some sketches for some new projects and
I finally have enough mental "quietness" to finish a few commisssions
that have been gathering dust! Stay tuned!

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Clarita posted on 05/09/2008

the Night Rowers turn out very nice!!
And I love love the Magical Tiki Tree! I want it :)!
and Night Journey, Wow is like an epic painting, so much going on in there I could stare at it for a month strait! Congrats!!! It amaze me how much energy you have! Big hug (if I can catch you and make you stay still for a second :) )

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Sneakytiki posted on 05/10/2008

I gotz duh Night FEVER fo duh Night ROWERS! BRILLIANT! LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

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FreddieBallsomic posted on 05/10/2008

Great stuff, Bro! I'm really diggin' the tiki tree. Wish I could see them in person. Good luck at your show.. Hey, also got some things for ya... Holla at me when U getta chance. fB

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Sneakytiki posted on 05/18/2008

The magical tree an night journey are eyeball saturatin! I like all the differing styles u slang doin that thang!

Thanks so much for your kind werds and mad skills post card art! You are is has biz the man!

Robb Hamel posted on 05/18/2008

This is some really unique stuff... high impact, excellent craftmanship, great colors. I really want to see one in person.

little lost tiki posted on 05/18/2008

Aloha friends!
Sorry for the delay!
it appears that the combination of
busting out 40-50 Parking lot Sale pieces
a 9-day jag of cranking out those 3 mModern pieces
with a dash of work and a sprinkle of domestic life
was my Kryptonite!
Exhaustion,Uninspiration,and little "starts" and piddlings here and there
trying to get back in the swing of things....
Even read Kipling's Jungle Book ....but nothing....
I believe the saints refer to it as the Dark night of the Soul/Senses..
Well, looks like the desert has finally gathered clouds
and spilled some drops of inspiration down.....
Thought i used up all the reserves!

Clarita-well, i've been standing in a holding pattern these past two weeks
so i did receive your hug! Thanks! And thank you for letting those three
enter your heart and make you smile! it was fun watching people studying the
Night journey pieces,and the looks in their eyes when they would discover a hidden flower
or a magical landscape! Very fun!

Sharkman! Lovin that SharkGod series you're slowly kickin out! Needs to be a painting!
Night fever?
Thank you!
But i think you may have caught Cat Scratch fever instead, judging from your manic post!
LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
YOU are is has biz the man! :lol:
Hope my night rowers don't encounter a SharkGod in their travels!
I've heard Tangata Manu tastes like chiggen! :lol:

Freddie B!
the Man to Be!
just got word i'll be in the Tiki Fine Art show at the hukilau and moving to the Harold Golen gallery in Miami after that! That's a little bit closer...and i won't have the TikiTree there,but there'll be plenty of magical little Kinny's on the wall for you to get lost in! Thanks for the props and thanks for thinking of me ! i loves monkey pod!
And how about that stuffed Headhunter squirrel trade?
Get to steppin! :)

Robb-Thank you! And thanks for the inspiration your Art post provides! love the thumbnails and other little insights! Your new Pele piece is AWESOME! Glad i got to look at a piece of yours at Tiki Lee's booth twice this year! Awesome! Thank you for keeping velvet Tiki Art alive!

Whilst "piddling" about,trying to jump-start the creative process, I switched to and fro from one concept/mindset to another,flipping between studies and original drawings,chancey colorways,
lazy concepts,all with the mindset that i have to keep chugging...stagnate or die...
So, if the masterpiece hasn't arrived yet,develop some concepts and techniques for when it does hit the tarmac.....

Tackled the JOURNEY commission some more-the Birth canvas is almost done,and the Prime/Vital/Warrior canvas was ready to be born.....Sooooo taking my favorite/most concise study for the second canvas,i sank the background-adjusted the Horizon line and checked the flow of the
compositions next to each other and figured out how to arrange the mix of the foreground with the background....This second canvas is going to be acrylic base with paintpen to "ground' and solidify it more-it's a transition from the spirit to the earthy....

Here's the comparison on the overlaps...
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Also, my secret patron requested some feathers in the hair/a la Maori chieftans,so i decided to

play with that idea for the warrior....
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you can see my loincloth studies lower left....
you gotta consider everything.....even loincloths! :lol:
Here's a tighter,more dramatic pose
except his spear needs to be re-sized...

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May start sketching it onto the canvas tonight!

After the Warrior piece is the Wise old Chief/Sage painting
indicating the twilight of life......

here's the study anticipating that one.....
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and the death piece....
the final comforting/the boat turned dirge/the soul's ascent upward...
This ending piece will match up to the birth piece to create a cycle of generation/regeneration
of the Warrior Spirit....
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All this thinking of Warriors led me to do a study of the son of a Maori Chieftan...
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Also went on an Abstract jag.....
looking thru old drawings and ephemera and searching for the
graphic essence of stuff...

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fish with tribal elements ...
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"the Meeting"
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and a very sweet simple fish brush drawing...
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Did these sketchbook pages full of stuff-scanned em and threw colors behind them in photoshop...
not sure what i'm gonna do with em yet.....

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Some of these musings led to some Totem drawings....
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Also did some rower and menehune battles in abstractland!
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trying to reduce the form to one line...

Did that back in 89-91,so it feels like an old friend....
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Also messed with some Moai....

"Six Moai"
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"Sad Moai"
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did a Caliente Tiki for Rory! Tiki Caliente was a BLAST!
Thanks wildsville!

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Sketched some palms outside my door at the Caliente tropics hotel
later on turned them into this landscape

"Three Palms"
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did some Cannibals....
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Dreamed of living in a hut on a riverbank...
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Here's some piddlings that just came out during the mentally idle hours this week....

"the Two Opinions"
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"Night Dancers"
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"the Insult"
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and my favorite.....
"the Nap"
Speaking of which....I think i will take one in a few minutes!
Keep those cards and letters Coming! :)

"the Nap"
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Sneakytiki posted on 05/19/2008

Egads! That was one hell of an art post!

The Manaia with the tissue print background is way neat-O!!!

So many great ideas..

Nice to see your sixty new paintings... AGAIN!


:tiki: :drink:

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VampiressRN posted on 05/19/2008

No kidding...love the abstracts and the Maori Chieftan is really nice. :)

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Tabu posted on 05/19/2008

Oh man. You were tripping the light fantastic on "Night Journey"-as am I looking at it. Awesome. Reminds me of South American shamans paintings. Whats in your coffee? Where can I get some? Cheers.

GROG posted on 05/19/2008

GROG really like your "abstract moderne" stuff.

A little Asian influence in your hut on a riverbank, eh?

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-05-19 09:25 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/19/2008

Maina is my fav!

little lost tiki posted on 05/23/2008

Well, back again...but i don't have much to offer this round...
been giving the five pieces headed to the Hukilau
(Fine Art Tiki exhibition curated by the Harold Golen gallery in Miami)
a once-over before packing them up to meet you East Coast TCers!
But i did get 2 ink drawings in...quality over quantity this time....

Manaia was my favorite out of that bunch...and the NZ man as well....
As you know,sometimes an artist's brain is a waterfall...
other times it's a slow leaky faucet....
Last post was a waterfall! :)
Hope i can inspire you as much as you and all the others inspire me!
Thanks for the LUV!

Thank you my dear! Still in shock that you were less than 100 feet away in your room at the Caliente!
two ships that pass in the night....in the fog! :lol: we'll meet up soon! And thanks for loving the mug!

Tabu-Hello! "Night Journey " and the others in that style are very fun because you can deal with a BUNCH of different
scenes within scenes....and the decorative/flat element of the piece plays against the dimensional aspects...almost like
2-D and 3-D meet! Sort of like the Ayhuasca (how do you spell that? it's a root i think) Yage shaman paintings like you brought up.... quite a few vision quest art pieces have overlaps of colors/themes/perspectives/spirit-physical world overlaps....What's in my coffee? Creamer! That's the advantage of a chemical imbalance...it's always there whenever you need it! :lol:

Ken thank GROG for nice talk!
Glad you like Abstract Moderne stuff...make Smile!
Will do more to keep GROG happy!
Asian influence? Yes! Influence and Inspiration everywhere...
Plus-used sumi ink pen so Asian influence seeps out uncontrollably!

Brad!-I thought you'd like that one! he's got that "ready to jump off the page and jump around" feel!
like a wound-up coil! Looking at your paintings,you always have a few of those guys packed in there!
nice orange by the way!

Thank you all for visiting!
You're all TOOT-SWEET!

Well, like i said earlier...this round it's quality over quantity....
First off,had a tissue paper tinted scrap piece of paper and decided to throw some ink down over it
and do a fun little boat piece...so i took a little from here...took a little from there......
and this is what came out.....
"Three Rowers"
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I really dig the overlapping of colors,it helps with the movement and mood....
before i applied the black ink,o threw in some bleach pen in certain areas to POP it...
after rinsing that off-i applied the black ink.....and.....TADA!
This next one is a study from a picture of a warrior that my secret patron sent to me to show me the feather concept..
I'm not sure if it's a chief or a warrior or both...
But, seeing as I'm slowly gathering up pictures of warriors to study and draw,this Cat was a Shoe-in for a study!
And what a study it was! i had done the ink background awhile ago and was just sitting on it til it talked to me...
Well, it talked to me last night and said."Hey dude! Do another warrior drawing,but on this ground.
The outer fuzzy frame around it echoed the hair and cloak of that guy...Do it!"
So i did...first lightly and fastly, sketching out the head-eye placement,cloak layers,etc....then i got a fine-point ink pen and did all the blackline.....Then i got some olive/sepia/and dark crimson ink and tinted it lightly,and then,again with the bleach pen for the POP of the eyes/teeth/bone,and after 5-7 hours of work and blurry eyes....it was done and i was stoked! well, enough description....
"Maori Chief/Warrior"
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That's all i got til next time! Thanks for Peepin!

little lost tiki posted on 05/23/2008


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-05-23 13:23 ]

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Sneakytiki posted on 05/23/2008

Chief/Warrior is resplendant my little lost pendant, great illustration!~ART!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/23/2008

Yeah, I dig the feathery cape thing. Great texture.

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