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Swizzle Me This!

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Bora Boris posted on 06/03/2008

It’s been a few days since I posted a pushy / demanding thread that is sure to be ignored in a couple of days but - Which Bars and Restaurants currently have Swizzles? Hopefully some of you know places that still have these things and maybe even places with their own unique design. Tiki or Non-Tiki it’s fine with me. There are a few places I know of already and because I know some of you don't like to read I will post pictures of those just to get them out of the way.

This thread is NOT about ~
• Show me your swizzle collection.
• I know a place that used to have swizzles.
• My Dad knows a guy who collects swizzles.
• I love swizzles and I also wish more places had them.
• Jeez Bro drink a Mai Tai and relax.

At Trader Vic’s you can still get swizzles and picks there but lately it’s been mostly picks.

Forbidden Island in Alameda and The Conga Lounge in Oakland both have swizzles plus Forbidden Island has the awesome Combover comb.

Oceanic Arts and Tiki Farm both have excellent swizzles.

In Las Vegas it was pretty sparse the last time I was there. I really like the Peppermill stuff but the Bally’s and Paris swizzles are flimsy and disappointing.

Then there are these generic things, which are better than nothing. Well the dragon is better than the nothing.

So besides these what else is out there that’s good?

dogbytes posted on 06/03/2008

West 5 has swizzles, and pretty damn good drinks.

JenTiki posted on 06/03/2008

The last time I was at each of these locations in Vegas I picked up these:

  • The Venetian (Sept. '05)
  • MGM Grand (Sept. '05)
  • Hard Rock Casino (although the swizzle says "Hard Rock Cafe") (October '00)
  • Bellagio (Sept. '05)

I assume they all still have them.

On a side note: typing those dates, I realize it has been entirely too long since my last trip to Vegas.

Back to our regularly scheduled program.

JenTiki posted on 06/03/2008

By the way, do the menehunes and potted parrots from Trader Vic's count? I would think they should if the Forbidden Island Comb does.

little lost tiki posted on 06/03/2008

I like Twizzlers!

Bora Boris posted on 06/03/2008

Dogbytes, Thank you! I need to go back to Seattle soonish and West 5 will be on my "Gotta go here" list

JenTiki, Thank you! I haven't seen those before. Menehunes and Potted Parrots are a little more cumbersome than the comb but they should count and now that you've mentioned them we're covered.

Little Lost Tiki, Twizzlers? It's my least favorite candy but if it makes you happy I'm glad. :)

little lost tiki posted on 06/03/2008

Twizzlers CAN be swizzle sticks!
Bite the top off and it's a STRAW!
and you can eat em!
great thread by the way
but i have nothing to bring to the table....
thank you for your time!
See ya at Hukilau!

Bora Boris posted on 06/03/2008


Hinano_Paul posted on 06/03/2008

On 2008-06-03 09:25, Bora Boris wrote:

I am assuming the "get out" is your excitement over the fact Twizzlers can double as a swizzle and a straw. I cannot believe your never realized this my friend. Thank you for enlightening our dear friend and all around good guy Boris LLT!

little lost tiki posted on 06/03/2008


Haole'akamai posted on 06/03/2008

Ingore the riff raff, Boris, m'dear. Honestly, I don't know why we even bother.....

hiltiki posted on 06/09/2008

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2008-06-09 18:19 ]

hiltiki posted on 06/10/2008

Boris, here are some more for you.

21 in New York, great drinks, & food.

St. Regis, New York, great drinks, and food.

Musso & Frank, Hollywood, CA. Great ambiance, great drinks, strong martinis, food is, so so.A must see.

Maggianos, great food, good drinks, good 50's music.

Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, can't remember I was drunk.

La Dolce Vita, Beverly Hills. great Italian old school food, good drinks.

The Grill on the Alley, great food, great drinks, Phil Spector hangout, haha a must see.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2008-06-09 18:18 ]

dogbytes posted on 06/10/2008

hey Hiltiki: are those from places that currently use custom swizzles? if so: can you help me out by typing the restaurants (and are the drinks good?). i've been squinting, but cant really read those well.. thanks. e.

hiltiki posted on 06/10/2008

Dogbytes, I am working on this my first time give me a minute, I will.

Bora Boris posted on 06/10/2008


I know I've told you this before but you are the coolest!

Thank you.

dogbytes posted on 06/10/2008

w00t. thanks hiltiki!! now i need a NYC roadtrip.. thanks for the closeups and info..

caffeinated posted on 06/13/2008

A lot of bars in the Greater Cincinnati area will get in promotional swizzles from the various alcohol manufacturers. There are several distillery & bottling plants around so that may be why I see them often enough, but never anywhere specific. The Starbuck's Coffee Liqueur one is for sure bottled here in Cincy. The others are all vodka brands. The Level one is squared and has red on the sides at the top to look like a thermometer I guess. The Vox one was utilized as an Olive pick in a martini. I picked these up in the past year.

Kewlava posted on 06/22/2008

Okay, you got me on this one.
Here are some of my more interesting ones.

There are six of the skeleton sticks. They all have rinestone eyes.
The harmonicas really play on the glittery sticks.
The Hale Koa Hotel I got at a thrift store, with the Playboy Club one.
The Hotel Monteleone, I got in New Orleans, way pre-Catrina.


bigbrotiki posted on 06/22/2008

Or, how about having your own made:


The printed stirs only have a 5000 minimum.
...the custom molded ones up that to 50 000, though. :(

Bora Boris posted on 10/27/2008

Hinano Paul’s peace offerings to me over the summer for derailing this thread ~

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Thank You Paul. :lol:

Haole'akamai posted on 10/27/2008

That reminds me, I have a Bellagio swizzle for you....

TS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/376fcdcc6ab62772cd99bc3381857743?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tom Slick posted on 10/27/2008

Here is the biggest swizzle maker in the U.S.
check some of the images....Shag/Tiki Farm stirrer, among many others...25k min order on custom work and no mold fee.

Hinano_Paul posted on 12/16/2008

A little birdy tells me Boris has a few hundred new sticks..........

Bora Boris posted on 09/11/2011

Nice current Swizzle from Havana Central in New York City.

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Thanks to Tikitastic for nabbing that for me. :)

and Fisherman's Grotto in San Francisco still serve some cocktails with this one.

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