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Wednesday Night at Tiki Ti

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IKABOD posted on Tue, Apr 8, 2008 2:56 PM

I had thought about heading to the Ti the night of their return on the 16th. I hope to be joined by Dr. Shocker and Rob Roy. Not quite a Cult of the Eye take over....
Plan brining fine cigar for the toast as well.

Friday night not good, moving the next morning.

I'll head to Pioneer Chicken and rais a breast for ya...... Wait that came out wrong.... No wait it didn't!



Tiki Ti reopens today at 4PM! Earlier opening hours until further notice.

It doesn't do me much good, though, as I still can't get there on Wednesdays before 8PM, and starting next week maybe even later than that.

I am going to try to go tonight if I can, Probably getting there around 8:30 or so.

I am going to Hollywood on Fri. nite to see "The Sword" stoner rock band.
Im gonna try to swing by the Ti for a drink or 2 before hand.

anybody up for that?


There are four new drinks on the menu at Tiki Ti

  • Tiki Punch
  • Squeaky Tiki
  • Oil Change
  • Tiki On Acid

I had the Tiki On Acid.. pretty good, a lot link the Swamp Water with some other stuff in it. Now I have three more to go to complete the "new" menu.

no Paul, you have to start over,


Boris, can you make that a little bigger, I still can't see it.
must need to get my eyes checked finally.
Damned middle age.


I dont think Im gonna make it now tonight,
damn damn damn,



I'll be there tonight. Of course, Pioneer Chicken first!

Enjoy sir,
I was at Sams Seafood last night,for family b-days.
cant do tonight also.



BigTikiDude, you really need to pace yourself!
Looks like Im out too. Tomorrow mabe a better night anyway.

[ Edited by: IKABOD 2008-04-23 15:55 ]


To celebrate the unemployment of myself, Tiki Bong, and any other fellow educators for the next 2 1/2 months, Tiki Bong & I will be at the Ti tomorrow evening (Wednesday, June 18th).

We should be rolling in sometime right when they open at 6pm. Maybe looking to feast on some Mexican grub at El Chavo next door or across the "Open Air Lanai" at Pioneer Chicken a little later in the evening.

Hope some of you can join us.

Sabu, Bong meant to tell you we would be there on Wednesday, not Thursday. Hope you still can make it.

Damn, I was just there on Sat.
sorry I can't join ya.

damn damn damn.

Riptide, I'm new to the forums, but I will be at Tiki Ti, hope to run into you and anyone else that shows.

[ Edited by: TikiMango 2008-06-18 08:20 ]

Chief Bartender and I will be at the Tiki Ti on Wednesday August 13th before Tiki Oasis. Would love to visit with some Tiki Centralites. What time do you all usually meet up?

Hey all!
I'm flying in and out of LA this year for Oasis, getting in Wednesday afternoon... sounds like perfect timing! Now I just have to figure out where it is, when to go and how to get there...

Love to meet you, but I'm driving up to the Hanalai Wednesday morning for a "chill day".
Have a Rays Mistake & Bloody Tiki for me! Love those!

Awesome idea, perhaps a Tiki Ti rum romp for those that might be in Los Angeles before things kick-off on Thursday/Friday for Oasis. I could make it if it was a Wednesday, just look for my long rat... I mean pony tail and glasses.

I should be able to make it to meet up with folks to wish you all bon voyage on their way to San Diego.


I will be there on Wed August 13 also. I will also be stopping in at the Dresden Room a couple of blocks away on Vermont. Hanalei Pirate and I might eat dinner there too and anyone is welcome to join us. For those who have never been to the Dresden, it is very old school Hollywood. Lounge on one side with great (??) act Marty and Elayne and dining room on the other.

Call me at 843.514.5565 if info needed (or to let me know of other happenings going on in LA that Mon thru Thur.


KimtheCanuck, Panda and I will be at the Tiki Ti Wednesday evening too!


On 2008-08-07 13:56, Tikitastic wrote:
KimtheCanuck, Panda and I will be at the Tiki Ti Wednesday evening too!

Great! What time do you, Kim and Megan plan on getting there?

Tiki Bob....We are planning on arriving at the Tiki Ti sometime between 6 and 7pm Wednesday evening. See you there!


On 2008-08-10 11:40, Tikitastic wrote:
We are planning on arriving at the Tiki Ti sometime between 6 and 7pm Wednesday evening.

Thanks Mark! Works for me.

Sounds like between 6 and 7 is a plan. Looking forward to seeing you all! And imbibing some liquid yumminess.

Looking forward to seeing everyone between 6-7pm too.


On 2008-08-07 13:56, Tikitastic wrote:
KimtheCanuck, Panda and I will be at the Tiki Ti Wednesday evening too!

What a coincidence! Coco Loco and I will be at the Tiki Ti Wednesday evening as well! Will wonders ever cease on this small planet?


Sniff! I wanna be at the Tiki Ti on Wednesday! Have fun you guys :) See you on Thursday morning in San Diego!



I'm going to a **** show in Glendale on Wed. nite.
I will try to swing by tiki ti.


Nice to know that the Wednesday before Oasis at Tiki Ti tradition is being continued.

See you all there.

Passport -- check
Travel Plans -- check
Google Maps -- check
Aloha Spirit -- check
Couch to pass out on after Mai Tais -- check
Ride to Oasis for Thursday -- check

I'll probably be en route from the airport around five if anyone's coming earlier. I'll be the bedraggled-looking pseudo-jetsetter with the pile of luggage in the corner.

looking forward to sending off folks coming through town at the Ti, I will have roughly 20 zombie pendants to give away, a mix of the bone style, Witco-esque torched wood, and Witco-esque painted wood. If you would like one, make sure to say hello.
here is a pic (albeit crappy) in my makin with the arts threader, bottom of the page

Hey Cass gonna do my best to be there... I wanna visit with ya before we head to Oasis. Missed ya tonight at Damon's with Bullet & Jonesey but Tiki Ti looks great.

sorry gang, wanted to be there, but I need to save every penny I can for tiki oasis, and im even skipping the surf show in Glendale tonight too,
I need to get my S*** ready for tomorrow.

hope yall had a good time.



So good to see/meet everyone. Brenda and Sean, Heather, OceaOtica, TikiMango, and TikiG.

Sean and Heather, thanks so much for the "Voodoo Lounge Stories"! OceaOtica, thank you for the pendant! Congratulations Sean for getting your name on the wall. Glad to have been there when it happened!

See you at Oasis!

Very cool meeting Mai Tai and doing the mug exchange, and also good to see Bora Boris...It was very brief, mainly because the Ti was packed! Pre-Oasis partying was definately in the air! You guys have fun at Oasis!

Was great seeing and meeting a few for the first time. Had fun saying Bon Voyage to Oasis goers. Looking forward to seeing pics after the fact. Mahalo to Kings and Jonesy for the ride. Have a great time every one.

Great to see so many Tiki people in the Oasis spirit at the Tiki Ti tonight!!!! And a special "Thanks!" to OceaOtica for the awesome pendant!!!

What a cool night! There were tons of TC Ohana there, and it was awesome to finally be able to put a few names to some of these online handles. It was great to meet some of the Crawl Hosts like Sean and Brenda, and getting Sean's book of two too-short short stories with the awesome Heather Watts cover art. I was able to discuss velvet technique with Heather, critical film noir with Joe Banks (Scott), meet Martin from Forbidden Island... and delve into PiPhiRho's mythical mixology mastery (deep breath). A special thanks OceaOtica for the burned-wood Witco pendant, awesome!

I'm glad everyone was able to show at Tiki TI, and sorry if I didn't get to meet you if you were there. Looking forward to meeting more at Oasis this weekend.

It was such a blast!! Thanks to all the TCers who made the evening so special. Chief Bartender and I have been visiting the Tiki Ti for years whenever we get down to LA and it's not when they are closed at Thanksgiving, but this was DEFINITELY the best time we've had. Mahalo to OceaOtica for a COOL pendant. It was really nice talkin' to ya all. Mahalo to Mike as well for gracing us with a card for the wall. That made Chief Bartender's (Sean's) night. He will be bragging about that all weekend and beyond. We'll post some photos once we return home. Looking forward to seeing you later today and over the weekend. Bummer OceaOtica can't make it, but we'll hoist a rum drink in your honor.

On 2008-08-14 07:52, TikiMango wrote:
What a cool night! There were tons of TC Ohana there, and getting Sean's book of two too-short short stories with the awesome Heather Watts cover art.

I think we(my girl and I) were sitting next to someone with 2 books with something to do with VooDoo(Red and black covers)...We were sitting in the very corner bar next to my FAVORITE Miles Thompson print. I always am able to sit in that corner when I visit!

That someone with the book was my husband, Chief Bartender at Brenda's Tiki Hut (aka Sean). I'm sure he'll send one to ya if you didn't get one. Just pm him or me. The last 5 days have been spectacular. Needed to blow off some steam and I sure did. Thanks to all of you who made it so much fun.

i had a great time at tiki ti last wed. cass and kay were there to greet jonesEy and me and gifted us special glow in the dark eyes witco zombie pendants. how cool is that! i also talked to heather watts (sigh :D), tikitastic, sean and brenda and a few more tcers. i don't drink, but tiki ti makes some great tropical punch. cass wanted to take the subway(?) home, but we insisted on giving him a ride. mahalo cass, for a great time!

Last Wednesday was a good one.

What a fun night. Good pics from my first trip to Tiki Ti. I wish I hadn't forgotten my camera! I was planning to make it again tonight but alas, it was not to be. I might head over Friday for drinks though after the Bob Drasnin signing at La Luz de Jesus. Fingers crossed. I have to sample some more of those drinks before I go home!


Hey, I'm going to be in Los Angeles from tomorrow through Sunday the 21st... which of course means I get to hit Tiki-Ti on Wednesday. It's my first Tiki-Ti Wednesday in aaaaaages, and I can't wait. Come out & join me, if you can!

I'm in and I'll be knocking Barbados Kula off the list tonight!

I'll be there tonight at the usual time, between 8 and 8:30.

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