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Tiki Oasis Room Crawl... It's on!... UPDATED List Pg. 1 & 11

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tikibob posted on 08/06/2008

That is a great clip Mai Tai.

Of course I love how she has a mid-1960s Pontiac LeMans that probably has a big V-8 engine and the best she can do is idle away from the zombie and then run into a tree.

Maybe SHE had been on an Oasis Room Crawl and her driving was impaired!


BettyBleu posted on 08/06/2008

3 more to crawl

Kahuna Kent posted on 08/06/2008

CheekyGirl posted on 08/06/2008

Just curious -- what size cups are the Host using?

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/07/2008

I am going to be finishing the crawl cards this week so Rob Roy can print them, I will also have the cards available for download. So if your wanting to host make sure you say so now so Shell can compile the final list for me.

Otto posted on 08/07/2008

Way to go Shocker

Can you make one for me even though I never officially signed up!?!?

I'll give you a fee Voodoo Rum T-shirt!

tikiwinebear posted on 08/07/2008

On 2008-08-06 15:00, CheekyGirl wrote:
Just curious -- what size cups are the Host using?

We originally decided on 10-12 oz, since our recipe yielded 6.25 oz of liquid, not counting ice. Since ice is always an important ingredient in the prep of a Tiki drink, we will probably stay with that size. We want to pour a full drink, not a sample.


TikiMango posted on 08/07/2008

We want to pour a full drink, not a sample.

:drink: Mahalo!! :drink:

LA REBELDONNA posted on 08/07/2008

Can you please add myself and Sonny for the tiki crawl.
Thanks :)

Tiki Teach posted on 08/07/2008

Be sure to join us in the "Morbid Room" Saturday at 12 Mid-Night.
We will be mixing up Tom's newest creation "The Zombie Jamboree"

See you there that is if you dare. We should be in room # 1537

CheekyGirl posted on 08/07/2008

I have 9 oz. & 12 oz. glasses. I'm making a little more than 3 gallons of my concoction.

Ennovyocean posted on 08/07/2008

2 more to crawl please

Kahuna Kent posted on 08/08/2008

Doing some math for the drinkage:

1 Gallon = 128 oz

Each serving is about 5 oz plus ice, so 1 gallon = about 25 servings. So if I'm making 3 gallons of Zombie, I'm serving about 75 zombies.

wheelieTiki posted on 08/08/2008

Count me in.

AlohaStation posted on 08/08/2008

Count me in as well!!

CheekyGirl posted on 08/08/2008

Kahuna Kent -- when are you serving? I'd like to try your drink!

pdrake posted on 08/08/2008

i guess if alohastation is crawling i'll have to as well.

Tikitastic posted on 08/08/2008

Kahuna Kent posted on 08/08/2008

Kahuna Kent, assisted by Professor Voodoo von Taboo Tiki will be serving from 5PM-6PM on Saturday. Early birds will be enlisted to squeeze lemons!

Still no room number from Crown Plaza! Checking in on Thursday, so I'll know by then!

CheekyGirl posted on 08/09/2008

Kahuna Kent -- same here -- don't know my room # yet, but left space on my flyer, as soon as I know I'll add it to the flyer and tape it to the inside of the elevators!

Brittanie posted on 08/09/2008

Count me in. I'll be crawling solo, as Kilikopela leaves for his final trip to Africa tomorrow morning. Woe is me! Whoever will protect me from the undead now?

tikimod posted on 08/10/2008

Two more crawlers please. This will be our third Oasis but the first where both kids will be old enough that we feel comfortable checking out the decorations in the host's rooms. We probably won't be drinking much. We can't wait!

PiPhiRho posted on 08/10/2008

After The show, ~10PM, room 1603

[ Edited by: PiPhiRho 2008-08-15 18:07 ]

[ Edited by: PiPhiRho 2008-08-15 18:09 ]

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/10/2008

Here is the Card

The File is a .pdf it will print right with Acrobat.

Shelley will have all the card and the host cards, you can print them out or wait till you get to the event. Rob Roy has been kind enough to print them up for us so they look good. Otto you do have a card with your name on it as well.

Billy the Crud posted on 08/11/2008

Great card, Rob. Looking forward to signing a few of those.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 08/11/2008

Hey, anyone know if the hospitality suites have microwaves and fridges? Gotta have a place to cool my shrunken heads and heat my brains.

Rob Roy posted on 08/11/2008

I think all of the rooms have them.

Billy the Crud posted on 08/11/2008

All the rooms above the third floor have them is what I heard last year.

EdsGoneTiki posted on 08/11/2008

Update: VooDooTiki room party on Friday 4:30 - 6:00 is in rooom 1228!

Look for the posters! See ya there!
Cheers! :drink:

[ Edited by: EdsGoneTiki 2008-08-14 13:44 ]

[ Edited by: EdsGoneTiki 2008-08-14 13:56 ]

[ Edited by: EdsGoneTiki 2008-08-14 14:13 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 08/11/2008

Floors 6 & 7 have refigerators....shhhh!

congawa posted on 08/11/2008

2 more for the crawl, if it's not too late... Mrs. Congawa and I haven't been since the last Oasis at the Tropics (05) so we are practicing crawling on a patch of hi-lo carpet as we speak.

LAREBELDONNA&SONNY posted on 08/12/2008


SufferingBimbo posted on 08/12/2008

Suffering Bimbo & CocoPuff (formerly "..and Sis") will host on Friday, 5pm to 6pm (and possibly a bit beyond if we get a good stage view!)

stentiki posted on 08/13/2008

Hey Shell,

Long time no see!

Finally making it back out to Tiki Oasis this year after a 4 year vacation with my buddies Jon (Room 135!) and Smee. Please count the 3 of us in for crawlin'.

Just the Kanes without the Wahines this year!

Looking forward to it.

Tiki Bug posted on 08/13/2008

Hi Shelly, I didn't see my first request so I'm posting it again. I have 5 to crawl. Thank you!

burleyque posted on 08/13/2008

Burlesque As It Was is hosting a suite party this year...the Marie Laveau Cabaret- a voodoo den and burlesque cabaret, opening after the main show (around 10pm), Friday and Saturday. Check out the continuous Burlesque perfomance and gogo dancing, on the 'World's Smallest Burlesque Stage' all to a tiki and voodoo soundtrack. You'll have to make friends with a burlesque girl to get Marie's invitation card (or bribe the door girl!)!

Friday afternoon, meet and greet with us at our poolside room- we'll have a couple pitchers of tropical tiki libations to welcome you, and if you're lucky...we'll give you an entry card for the Cabaret!

Saturday afternoon, Vivienne VaVoom, Fannie Spankings, Honey Touche and Lexy Demure will teach Tahitian dance lessons 12:30-1:30 at the Grand Pacific Room!

Also we'll have a table at the market full of kick-ass crafts (voodoo dolls, hair flowers, decorative fans, and more), totally awesome t-shirts, and elegant 8x10s. Visit us!

1961surf posted on 08/13/2008

Hi Shelly,
Don't know if you remember me from last year.We were called the Sneaky Tikis
Room 1649.We had the biggest suite in the hotel.This year did not work as a
planned ,but would like to crawl on Saturday -Me plus guest.
Trader Bill

suzanne posted on 08/13/2008

Is there a place at Oasis where we can get our crawler cards?


monet2u posted on 08/13/2008

OMG, I'm so excited! See you all tomorrow for fun, sun and tiki!

loungelife posted on 08/13/2008

Is there anybody willing to share a room or even a floor with someone who had a room but had to cancel resrv's. due to work, but am now able to go????? Do NOT want to miss this event anymore. I am a clean, stable respetful and good guy.

Rob Roy posted on 08/13/2008

On 2008-08-13 09:35, suzanne wrote:
Is there a place at Oasis where we can get our crawler cards?


At the Bali Hai on Thursday or I believe in the hotel lobby on Friday. I think Shell says where she is going to be in this thread somewhere but I am too lazy to look it up too.

TikiMango posted on 08/13/2008

I think Shell says where she is going to be in this thread somewhere but I am too lazy to look it up too.

Back to page 15, Dr. Shocker posted a link to a PDF file you can print.

WooHooWahine posted on 08/13/2008

This Room Crawl Schedule was updated 8/12

On 2008-07-29 15:14, Shell in the Pacific wrote:

5:00-6:00 Wersmo Derinc & Rebecca of the Purple
Orchid "Wermo Derinc's Welcome Wagon"

1:00 - 3:00 Vampiress RN & Carona Contessa

2:00 - 3:30 Croe67, SkiTiki, & Tiki Wine Bear Room 1649

3:00 - 4:30 WooHoo Wahine & Soccer Tiki Room 1128

4:00 - 5:30 Brenda's Tiki Hut & Iso Tiki

4:30 - 6:00 EdsGone Tiki & Cindy

5:00 - 6:00 Suffering Bimbo & CocoPuff

After 10:00-? RumShaker

8:00 AM Poolside Tiki Fink, DJ

Saturday PM RumShaker?

3:30 - 4:30 Billy the Crud & Grace

4:30 - 6:00 Cheeky Girl & Kaula Tiki

5:00 - 6:00 Kahuna Kent & Professor Voodoo von Taboo Tiki

5:00 - 6:30 Tangaroa-Ru

6:00 - 8:00 Tikitastic, Forbidden Island, Tai Won On, Dr. Von Zombie, Rum Runner, Notch, KimtheCanuck, Panda, Mai Tai and Coco Loco plus others, Room 1849.

Saturday Night 12 Midnight Dibroc & Trader Tom Morbid Room #1537

Shell in the Pacific posted on 08/13/2008

Aloha Suzanne,
Dr. Shocker and I will be passing out crawl cards all weekend. You may print your card in advance if you like. There is a link to a pdf file on page 15 of this thread to the crawl card.

I will be at the hotel during the afternoon on Thursday, at the Bali Hai all evening on Thursday, and at the hotel for the rest of the weekend. I am sure you will see me or Dr. Shocker. Just attend the room crawl parties and you are bound to run into me there.

I will see you all tomorrow!

Wersmo Derinc posted on 08/14/2008

The weather is cool tonight, warm and sunny tomorrow with a 90% chance of hangover on Friday.

[ Edited by: Wersmo Derinc 2008-08-14 11:17 ]

MelWaldorf posted on 08/14/2008

My meshugga self and my kitschy kohort would love to join the crawl. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Meshugga Mel

VampiressRN posted on 08/14/2008

UPDATE...room 1626...Friday (1pm to 3pm)

Billy the Crud posted on 08/14/2008

Freakin' BevMo was out of Blackstrap rum and I had to order it. Now I have to stay sobre on Friday until they call me to come and get it. Bastards.

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