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my latest fake tattoo????

Pages: 1 10 replies

sleestak posted on 09/03/2008

ive done a few of these now, but still figuring it all out. my other one is in Ottos hands now. you may have seen it at tiki oasis in the Finknik's booth. shrunken head of sorts' anyhow they are real tattoos on fake skin(rubber) so they react a bit different but they is fun! hope you dig it!

MadDogMike posted on 09/03/2008

Sleestak, explain that in little words so I can understand :)

Done with a tattoo gun on a rubber sheet instead of skin? To be used as a demo? For practice?

Whatever the purpose, it looks cool

BigToe posted on 09/04/2008

duuuuuuuude, that is sweet.

i wonder if u could 'tan' that 'skin' somehow so it look more human...then u gotta have a big enuff peice so u can suspend it from a frame with a giant sinew zig-zag stitch.

now get to work, i need one asap!!!

tikithomas08 posted on 09/04/2008

very radd sleeze!

sleestak posted on 09/04/2008

thx all, its this weird rubber maybe an 1/8 of an inch thick, it is intended for people to practice on i guess, but it kills needle asap, whereas skin doesnt. they were giving it away at a convention and a co-worker of mine picked some up. i love the stuff, its like doing a tattoo kind of with like a drawing result,or just something in between painting and drawing but with needles on rubber!?!arrrrghghgh!! i just like it! thats all. geez hehehehe! fink about it one time only. now breathe outsville!

sleestak posted on 09/08/2008

heres a pic of the one that Otto has! thx for the pic Otto!

hope you guys dig it! see you at planet rooth on sat!

Matt Reese posted on 09/09/2008

Both are excellent! Keep the tattoos coming.

sleestak posted on 09/09/2008

thx dooooood i appreciate it!

tikithomas08 posted on 09/10/2008

soooooo rad!

VampiressRN posted on 09/12/2008

Great head!!!

Robb Hamel posted on 09/15/2008

Fake skin? Yummy!

The designs look super-cool.

Pages: 1 10 replies