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The horror that is the Beatles!!

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Hiphipahula posted on 11/02/2006

Lucas??? QUOTE... The 70's had been a bad time. Except for Jimmy Carter, jaws, star wars and saturday night live, there was nothing. The radio would play rock blocks of Bob seger, foreigner and Journey over and over again until you wanted to retch and vomit. The only other choice was disco. Everywhere you looked in southern california, tiki structures were disintegrating, turning into drug motels, or low rent housing.

Bet I could convince you there were good, NO GREAT things about the 70's to remember. Hollywood would tell you motion pictures were better in the 70's than the golden age of motion pic's "THE BIG SILVER SCREEN" & music! wow dude, lets start a need thread!! WE will take you there...SOUL MUSIC!!!! FUNK!!! Disco? It paid my rent. come on, I was there with my fake i.d. work'in till I turned 21 maybe you were too young?? I don't know. Dude, If you like swing just admit you liked disco, they went hand in hand quite a lot at times. We played our own disco versions of theme songs like theme from the "Wild Wild West" t.v. show or Benny Goodman's "Sing Sing, Sing" they danced, it's all the same to them. All good times for a horn band. When we got to play what we liked?... it was What is Hip?, Down to the night club, Drop it in the slot, Jeff Becks "superstition" with Stevie wonder horn lines, brah, we rocked Rock tunes with horn lines. It was all GOOD.......... The 70's transitioned us through the 60's sound to R&B yet smoothed it into "soul" to Disco, a new form whether you liked it or not "Yellow Brick Road" or did you NOT like Elton John? to the end of the decade when we started hearing underground "New Wave" THE 70's had lots to offer... Please open your mind, round it out... I listen to what my kids listen to today, I almost have to & ya Know, I like "Death cab for cutie" & "The Killers" lol

Hiphipahula posted on 11/02/2006

I'm telling you. k-earth played a lil of every era. not just oldies till like '79... but KRLA all oldies

RevBambooBen posted on 11/02/2006

I heard the Ramones on K-earth today!!!!!

kikekeki posted on 11/02/2006

Any day with the Ramones is a good day...

tiki mick posted on 11/02/2006

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2006-12-15 10:34 ]

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/10/2006

On 2006-05-07 18:29, lucas vigor wrote:
The 80's turned things around. Suddenly there was a new beginning. Music was fresh and alive again, and that's where my heart went.

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2006-05-07 18:56 ]

Fun Post!

About the Beatles.....smoke a joint and THEN listen to the Beatles...naw, skip that if ya smoke dat joint get the Pink Floyd on!
Some music is just that way!
I can remember everyone when I was in High School being really into AC/DC...I just didn't get it....3 cord changes and lyrics about drinkin and F***in...then one night I came home from a party 3 sheets to the wind, drunk outa my mind and I heard AC/DC on the radio and I was like, "WHOA! NOW I get it!" When operating on a shortage of brain cells certain music sounds better! (Bet I catch Hell for this!)

About the 80's.....I worked as a Bay Area Band Manager in the 80's with several small local bands not to mention it was a very influential time of my life, out of High School, starting college, jobs, the music, the ladies, the lifestyle!
It was FUN!
By the 90's not only was all that coming to an end in my life, (well, except the ladies! :lol: ), but the music became so dark and depressing!
Hell, "Grunge" made listening to BLACK SABBATH sound cheery! :D

I can't say I find the Beatles "BRILLIANT" and NO I don't quite understand the craze except that they were sorta revolutionary for the time in history when they came out....that opened the door to a lot of other better bands down the road.... so I DO take my hat off to them for that!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/10/2006

Helter Skelter Rocks!

So does Blue Cheer!!

pablus posted on 12/13/2006

This isn't really about the Beatles, but the Christmas songs written by the members.

"Simply Having a Wonderful..." is probably the worst use of synthesizers I've ever heard. And the song sucks too. It was crapped out one drunken afternoon by Sir Paul and now we're forced to listen to it every year. There is no escape. How I loathe it.

"So This is..." is a typically Lennon-esque sardonic and despairing look at the holiday season. I'm surprised John Lennon didn't overdose on heroin moments after completing the depressing tome. Then again, if I saw Yoko Ono underneath my tree, I'd write something depressing about Christmas too. Then I'd set the house on fire.

And now back to shooting squirrels and mumbling under my breath about taxes.

bb moondog posted on 12/13/2006

I ABSOLUTELY feel this way about 'War Is Over"--more so because it is now always lumped in with non-PROTEST songs like Nat or Bing--and YEAH I know it has relevance now but it is NOT a great Christmas classic and Yoko BLOWS bad on the choruses--always a TREAT to SCREECH along to in the car

squid posted on 12/13/2006

Duke Ellington-

“If it sounds good and feels good, then it IS good!”

“There are two kinds of music. Good music, and the other kind.”

If it weren't for my dad bringing home "Meet the Beatles" I don't think I ever would have started whackin' on those cardboard Quaker Oats cans my mom taped together for me.
Music was in our house all the time. Mom played classical and show tunes on piano, my brother played (still does)piano and Farfisa, my sister played guitar and flute. My dad played big band, hard bop and cool on the stereo. We learned to tolerate each other's musical tastes and have come to appreciate stuff we thought was crap back then. Looking back, we were damn lucky for all that exposure to art. Yup, art. It's all in the eye or ear of the beholder.

I don't own a single Beatles CD but I still have my vinyl to pull out, and I do from time to time.

BTW: Dad HATED the Beatles but he knew that we'd dig it.

'Nuff said.

tiki mick posted on 12/14/2006

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2006-12-15 10:34 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 12/14/2006

The Horror of Junk Bucket!!!!

squid posted on 12/15/2006

On 2006-12-13 21:53, RevBambooBen wrote:
The Horror of Junk Bucket!!!!

That's rich!
Love ya Lucas!

Cammo posted on 09/24/2008

Why were all of Vigor's responses edited out of this thread? Is it some sort of blanket retraction???

It's interesting how strongly people still feel about the Beatles, for better or worse.

TIKIVILLE posted on 09/25/2008

the beatles are UNhip ....
It's like music for folks that are too lazy to search out the "good" stuff.
they are radio filler ....lol

woofmutt posted on 09/26/2008

Well I fer one stand by everything I posted in this thread:


Hakalugi posted on 09/26/2008

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Babalu posted on 09/27/2008

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Yeah man, all them dirty hippies with all their talk of peace, love, and a world living in a united harmony...what a horrible concept!

We would be a much better world if 1968 just never happened huh!

Cammo posted on 09/27/2008

I've got this story of a party I had with two girls and the Sgt. Pepper album in my second year of college, but Hanford would have to WAY LOOSEN the rules of TC to tell it.

Anyway, weren't the Beatles the first to originate almost every progressive jump in rock, during its most dynamic era? Like their music or not, they've got to be the most lopsided winners of just about every Beatles vs. Any Other Band contest you could imagine...

woofmutt posted on 09/27/2008

"We would be a much better world if 1968 just never happened huh!"

I like yer idea cuz I'd be a year younger. Where's the petition?

END 1968 NOW!!!
END 1968 NOW!!!
END 1968 NOW!!!

(BTW: Yuh've got a workin' time machine, right?)

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Babalu posted on 09/27/2008

On 2008-09-27 00:04, woofmutt wrote:
"We would be a much better world if 1968 just never happened huh!"

I like yer idea cuz I'd be a year younger. Where's the petition?

END 1968 NOW!!!
END 1968 NOW!!!
END 1968 NOW!!!

(BTW: Yuh've got a workin' time machine, right?)

You bet Mr. Woofy! I would be a whole year younger too!

That whole darn summer of love thing...who needs it. Freakin Hippies!

Apple Records and the whole White Album would never have been done...over rated anyway.

Just think, if we get rid of 1968 we still might have Marin Luther King and Robert F Kennedy with us alive and well.

Apollo 7 - the moon landing, awww shmoon landing...we didn't need to go to the moon.

Rowan & Martin's "Laugh In"...TV would have been much better without it.

And best of all...Vanilla Ice would have never been born.

END 1968 NOW!!!!

Buzzy - Fire up the Time Machine! We're taking out 1968!

tiki mick posted on 10/01/2008

I removed all my posts on this myself, because I could see people were not getting the humorous, satirical elements of what I said. Still, I have to say: Great Bolshy Yarblockos to the Beatles!! Long live Tiki, oh my brothers!

Listen, I don't really hate the Beatles. Not to the extent that I hate poverty, war and people who feel the environment is a giant ashtray..but the Beatles are pretty up there in my low regard.

I have pretty strong opinions about things (especially music) but these days I tend to keep them to myself as this forum is a PC forum, and anything that can cause a flame war is verbotten around here. I accept that, and now practice my PC diligently, not getting involved in political threads, religious discussions (the Amish, etc) or attacking people's choice in music. Not to mention the fact that few people agree with me anyway, right? I mean, I managed to piss off people here whose opinions I actually admire and respect (DonhoNYC, Hipahula, etc..) No need for that. A lot of those people are musicians. Some of them famous, like Formikahini. Their opinions count for a lot, because I know whereof they speak.

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gonzo posted on 10/01/2008

Come on Lucas you start off a thread and you get people going then you leave us late comers in the dark by deleting your posts. Dont be so sensitive man. Hanford is this cool?

The radio rarely plays beatle songs that I really want to hear. The songs I do hear are overplayed. You have to seek them out. Try the White Album songs such as "Sexy Sadie" "I Will" "Dear Prudence" and "Im So Tired" these still rock my socks off to this day. I have these cuts on a CD and most folks that hear it like it and dont know its Beatles.

I agree that Love me Do is tiresome but you have to put it in the context of what it was. Love me do was the beatles first hit back around 1962 or so. The beatles evolved along with everyone else and man did it evolve. Never in a 10 year period will music change as fast as it did then.

Im a fan of the late beatles. From Sgt Peppers on. Some of the stuff you never hear such as John Lennons "Yer Blues". Before you give up search you tube for "yer Blues Rock and Roll Circus" and see Keith Richards and Eric Clapton backing up John. Awesome in my opinion..

tiki mick posted on 10/01/2008

If you look carefully, you will see that donhonyc paraphrased quite a few of my comments! They are still there, chopped up a bit but still there! In fact, he ripped them apart calling me a 16 year old (I am actually in my mid forties) and lots of other good stuff. Actually, it was quite hilarious the things he said, and I enjoyed it immensely! I kind of long for the days of good old fashioned flame wars. (Don't get me started on Disneyland as a substitute for babysitting, tiki fonts, or parents who allow their toddlers to roam free in an art gallery) but anyway, I am not taking the bait on this, Gonzo! Much as I would secretly like to!!

Anyone who wants can always PM me for a good argument or fight. Politics, religion, whatever! I am game! Just not in public. Some of you who posted on this thread may be suprised at my political views. I will give you a hint, I am very much the same as most 60's hippies. I just don't like the culture, artwork, music or style of dress. Unless it is Sergio Mendes Brazil '66, but that' aint really the 60's, is it? Haight asbury? Fuggedaboudit!

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/02/2008


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Edit: Ooof, I hope this was the correct place for this. :roll: :lol:
Edit: I was thinking of a another forum, nevermind. :o


[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-10-01 17:23 ]

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-10-01 18:26 ]

Cammo posted on 10/02/2008

"Sergio Mendes Brazil 66" is one of the coolest groups OF ALL TIME!

But still, look, were the Beatles or were NOT the Beatles the first in almost every field that defined rock after 1963? Do you want a list?

It's like saying "I don't like rock & roll after 1963" - which is a much more interesting idea.

Like their music or don't, I really don't think they had any effect on the Tiki scene, either. It's kind of a modern Tiki myth that the music of the time somehow wiped out the movement, but in fact Oceanic Arts was just getting started right about then. It doesn't add up.

Most of the Tiki scene started in the 1920s, got a head of steam in the 1930s, and peaked in the 1950s, it was on a downswing in the 60s and you could as easily blame Pop Art or Color TV as the Beatles for its downfall...

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Babalu posted on 10/02/2008

On 2008-10-01 16:12, lucas vigor wrote:

I am very much the same as most 60's hippies. I just don't like the culture, artwork, music or style of dress.

Lucas, It is most certainly your right to feel the way you do...don't ever let anyone let you think otherwise. If you think everything about the 60's sucked...well, ok -

But dude, don't forget about the 70's too...avocado appliances, burnt sienna and orange plaid furniture, and Muskrat Love hovering in the top 10. Uck! Still, I think the 70's pooped out some pretty decent tuneage...

Cammo posted on 10/02/2008

So many of the British Invasion groups were flat-out ripoffs of the Beatles.

Lookit these guys, I forget their band name, but here they are in 1964. Big Lennon-style acoustic guitar for rhythm, Harrison trademark hollow body, wearing Beatles moptops all around and Beatles-hip Carnaby Street fashions. Only thing missing is the Hofner Violin Bass, but you don't want to be TOO obvious about it, do ya lads?

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These guys even copied Lennon's publicly stated love of Bo Diddley by tracking down his records (not readily available outside of Liverpool, it was a bit of a hunt) and copying whole sections for their 'own' music, mostly covers anyway.

If you want to be famous, you couldn't do much better than simply copy whatever was on John Lennon's mind in 1963, and adopt the Boy Group image newly invented by the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein.

Look, they're even smoking in this posed shot, - it's a style; the cigarettes were just lit, they're barely burned down - again just like the Beatles made famous with their endless bad-boy puffing in the early daze....

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tiki mick posted on 10/02/2008

On 2008-10-01 17:21, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:

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Edit: Ooof, I hope this was the correct place for this. :roll: :lol:
Edit: I was thinking of a another forum, nevermind. :o


[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-10-01 17:23 ]

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2008-10-01 18:26 ]

That's my brother, Garth Vigor, when he was 3 months old. How did you get that picture?

tiki mick posted on 10/02/2008

On 2008-10-01 19:32, Cammo wrote:
"Sergio Mendes Brazil 66" is one of the coolest groups OF ALL TIME!

Aren't they, though!

I have every single album from Sergio Mendes (well, CDs that is) and I never get tired of listening to them. When I was a kid I had the biggest crush on the lead singer Lani Hall, then she had to go and marry Herp Albert.

I really like some of Sergio's earliest stuff. It's far more jazz based.

This was a band that really kept the swinging lush life style of the late 50's, early 60's going. Their album covers are fantastic, the songs are fantastic, and the bassist on a lot of it, Sebastian Nieto, is one of my favorite players. And in my opinion, (as is true for a lot of Beatle's songs) their cover versions of Beatles songs are pretty much the only versions I have ever liked. They somehow manage to make them sound "funky" and swinging.

Cammo posted on 10/02/2008

Lani Hall was the perfect 60's doe-eyed gal gifted with a set of professional pipes, but Janis Hansen had a voice that reached for the stars in the original '66 group.

Hansen broke with the group and did regular TV appearances (she later played Felix Unger's ex-wife in "The Odd Couple") all through the 60s - but I'm still trying to listen to her later group's album, "The Carnival"...

tiki mick posted on 10/02/2008

I was always interested in the fact that neither of those two gals could speak portuguese, and relied on phonetically learning the lyrics. I had no idea that Janis was on the odd couple. Very cool!
Sergio's later albums became more trippy. After a brief flirtation with disco and soft rock, he really got more "brazilian", but more like the music of Milton Nasciemento or even Tom Ze.

The only album he has done that was a total dissapointment to me was the latest one. And that is because it is a hip hop album with the black eyed peas. Rap music with Sergio? I know he was a master at incorporating the latest trends, but this was too much. Will.I.Am. from black eyed peas has no business being on a brazilian music album.
If you listen to it, you hear this guy going "uh, uh, yeeah, uh, uh, 1 fo the bass, 2 fo the treble, yo"

Very thought provoking rap lyrics, there.

They destroyed the version of "surfboard" by adding rap lyrics, among other abominations on that album. This is the first time in my life I threw a CD in the trash.

Cammo posted on 10/02/2008

I didn't go see Sergio's latest tour for exactly all the reasons mentioned above. It's too bad with the recent interest in smooth jazz/acid lounge/hip 60's music that he doesn't go back to basics and do a great little jazz album & tour.

These days he seems pretty intent on playing to stadiums full of people uninterested in his music. Go figgur.

bb moondog posted on 10/08/2008

hmmmm...sounds a TAD like SANTANA...Rob Thomas STRAIGHT to HELL

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Babalu posted on 03/03/2009

Punk Jams! Go Punk Goooo!!


[ Edited by: Babalu 2009-03-03 17:12 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 03/06/2009

Beatles - Rain

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2009-11-30 22:03 ]

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KungFuTiki posted on 03/08/2009

This thread was funny to read, I loved the Beatles as a kid though I'm sick of the same 5 songs they play all the time, just like all the good oldie - classic rock bands, dig deeper there more than love me do.

tiki mick posted on 03/29/2009
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Mrs Bamboo posted on 04/25/2009

Look, they're even smoking in this posed shot, - it's a style; the cigarettes were just lit, they're barely burned down - again just like the Beatles made famous with their endless bad-boy puffing in the early daze....

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Keith just wants what Mick is smoking.

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windsong.robbie posted on 04/25/2009

For those who are apparently spelling-challenged, it's BRASIL '66, not Brazil; and HERB ALPERT, not Herp Albert!

Herb & Lani have a new CD coming out soon on Concord Jazz titled, "Anything Goes." It's a live album and has a mix of jazz standards and Brazilian tunes. They are backed by Bill Cantos on piano, Hussain Jiffry on bass and Michael Shapiro on drums and percussion. To promote their new CD, they are going out on tour. Their web site is http://www.herbalpert.com and you can read more at http://www.amcorner.com as well.

tiki mick posted on 04/26/2009

Frankly, I could care less if I spelled the names wrong. I type very fast. But since I have every album Sergio ever made, I have a connection to his music that goes beyond a few spelling errors. But thanks for correcting me.

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/26/2009

I have an uncontrollable urge to join a blog, and correct someone's spelling.

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Jungle Trader posted on 04/26/2009

That is teh gay.

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telescopes posted on 06/21/2009

On 2008-10-01 12:59, lucas vigor wrote:
I removed all my posts on this myself, because I could see people were not getting the humorous, satirical elements of what I said.

Frankly, I am surprised you didn't call for the thread to be locked down. Seriously, removing your posts and then saying you were misquoted is, ah...
weird to say the least.

Honestly, when you say something "humorous, satirical..." and people in mass don't get it, that's because perhaps it either wasn't said well or they did get it and it wasn't all that funny.

Removing posts or calling for a lock down of a thread is a kin to taking your glove and bat home because you don't like the way the other kids were playing.

It's your right to do so, but it won't stop other kids from continuing to play.

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The Lounge Tiki posted on 06/21/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/22/2009

On 2009-06-20 21:39, telescopes wrote:

On 2008-10-01 12:59, lucas vigor wrote:
I removed all my posts on this myself, because I could see people were not getting the humorous, satirical elements of what I said.

Frankly, I am surprised you didn't call for the thread to be locked down. Seriously, removing your posts and then saying you were misquoted is, ah...
weird to say the least.

Honestly, when you say something "humorous, satirical..." and people in mass don't get it, that's because perhaps it either wasn't said well or they did get it and it wasn't all that funny.

Removing posts or calling for a lock down of a thread is a kin to taking your glove and bat home because you don't like the way the other kids were playing.

It's your right to do so, but it won't stop other kids from continuing to play.

The moan of doves in immemorial elms
And murmuring of innumerable bees.

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little lost tiki posted on 06/25/2009

Paul McCartney sez....
“Life is very short and there's no time, for fussing and fighting my friend. I have always thought that it's a crime, so I will ask you once again: try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. While you see it your way, there's a chance that we might fall apart before too long. We can work it out.

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telescopes posted on 06/25/2009
Tiki Central - Exception

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