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*** Tikiyaki Orchestra & Squid Tiki Mug/Art Retrospective at KONA - Sept. 20 ***

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congawa posted on 09/22/2008

Wow, we had a great time! Congrats to Squid, and great sets by the Tikiyaki Orchestra. And what a mug display!

Brent & Christine

bigtikidude posted on 09/22/2008

On 2008-09-22 09:16, Mongoloid wrote:
When are we doing this again??

Sat Oct 18th at Bahooka in Rosemead, for the Crazy Al,10th anniversary show.

I'm gonna camp out in the parking lot till then.
can't wait.


hodadhank posted on 09/22/2008

:cry: I am soooooo sorry I didn't make this event. I guess my scapula didn't appreciate bearing my enormous girth on a cane for a week. By Saturday afternoon I could not sit, stand, lay, sleep or complain without excruciating pain.

Any chance of moving the collection down here for a week?

Congrats Dave this outpouring of love and respect was a long time coming for you and that wall of display mugs certainly supports Freaky Boutiki's claims that you are "The Tiki Sculptors Sculptor!" Huzzah!

Still thank goodness I spotted that total stranger wearing the fez and velvet smoking jacket (@ the Stardust?) in the crowd and chased him down!! I just new he'd be important in my life.

Thanks too Squidly for the endless inspiration I get every time I walk into our mug grotto!

hiltiki posted on 09/23/2008

What an fun evening, thanks everyone for putting together such a great show.

The Sperm Whale posted on 09/23/2008

Squid you freakin rock dude!! I wish I could have made it to the shindig but I was stuck working all weekend. $$$ always comes first then fun. Is there any chance you could do it again this weekend?

atomikitty posted on 09/23/2008

Hurray for SQUID!!!!!

What an awesome night, and what an amazing and long overdue celebration for our amazingly talented cephalopod friend!

Things that were GREAT:


Things that were freaking' AWESOME:

The ART!!!!!
The Music!!!
And all the TC OHANA who made this show happen. :)

(Tiki Kate~ So glad to hear the collection made it safely back home!)

I am stating to think Squid MAY actually be some sort of multi-armed sea creature. . . how else would you explain his love of tiki, the GAZILLION bands he drums for, AND the BAZILLION mugs this guy has sculpted in a brief 8 year period. . . very suspicious. . .

Congrats again my friend. You are an inspiration in your talent, your drive, and your character. :)

Now stop stealing eyes. . .you have enough!


Ohhh. . .new mugs!. . .

TikiYaki plays to a packed house! You guys sounded awesome!

You say blurry, I say artsy

Hurray for HUMU! :)

The lovely Maid Marion

Atomikitty & Maid Marion

Sassy Dave. . .

Big Toe says. . . Dave, you don't have to act sassy just so people will like you. . .

As well as Squid's retrospective, this was also one of the last times many of us would get to Tiki Travis before he returns to his Aussie homeland to complete his Koala Husbandry classes.
What follows is a brief snapshot of the magic, and the mystery that is. . . .TRAVIS. . .
We will miss you buddy! Come back soon!

Daves Not Home posted on 09/23/2008

Another awesome video from CrystalCove Media


bigtikidude posted on 09/23/2008

cool vid, thanks for posting,
I met that guy doing the vid later that night
real cool cat.


hodadhank posted on 09/23/2008

Great Pics! Just what I needed and excellent Video too!

We loves ya Squiddles!

Lol! Hey Trav. Bon Voyage or Koooo-eeee as the case may be.

Just gotta know something about your marsupial work.
Do you... um, manual or uh, ewww... er... "imitate" the female Koala?

Hey I'm not knocking it. I honestly once had a job in a red lit lab daily monitoring the tumor size of rats. What a nightmare!

ravenne posted on 09/23/2008

Tiki Trav posted on 09/23/2008

On 2008-09-23 14:35, hodadhank wrote:

Lol! Hey Trav. Bon Voyage or Koooo-eeee as the case may be.

Just gotta know something about your marsupial work.
Do you... um, manual or uh, ewww... er... "imitate" the female Koala?

Hey I'm not knocking it. I honestly once had a job in a red lit lab daily monitoring the tumor size of rats. What a nightmare!

I, errrr... substitute....?

squid posted on 09/24/2008

Thanks Atomikitty! Glad you had a swell time. Will you ever let Adam have fun? Must he always stay home and dust the monkeys?

Alas, we shall all miss Trav (in some sort of twisted, masochistic way). His exhibitionism has certainly given new meaning to the phrase "down under". Come back soon mate!

Hodaddy: You and Rita wuz missed...sniff

Spermy, you are forgiven for not attending. Don't even wory about it.

Hiltiki- Sorry we didn't get to yak. Glad you were there. Unlike Spermy, who was NOT there.

Mongo- Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, don't encourage Marty Lush.

Congawa- Thanks for coming out. Unlike Spermy who didn't.

Tiki Joe's Pop- You too are forgiven for not being there since you provide me with bribes of Hendrix bootlegs. Unlike Spermy who just doesn't show up.

Tobunga! Great to see you and Manuel there! Did you notice how empty the place was without Spermy?

Gogo- Always great to see you and Dani. Did you happen to see Spermy anywhere?

Tiki-a-fair- How great to see you and Hillbilly DJ Jeff in da house!! You guys rock! Go see any shows they promote. I mean it!!!

Where are the pics of cheesecake and mousse and whatever dessert items might have been consumed from GROG's dome?

AND MOST IMPORTANT...FREE LUMBER!!!!!! There is one upper tiered unit from the display left for the taking. 8 ft long. The bottom sections have been dismantled and are now plywood, luan sheet and 1 x 4's. Grab 'em in the KONA parking lot.

suzanne posted on 09/24/2008

On 2008-09-22 09:16, Mongoloid wrote:
Marty Lush solid performance roasting Squid...

Did anyone get video of that?

I am really sorry to have missed this! That unbelievable display of mugs and art and.... WOW! All that, AND Tikiyaki? Sheesh. We did have a great time on the NETT though. Too bad that all had to be the same weekend.

Will I see some of you in San Francisco for the crawl, at least?


BigToe posted on 09/24/2008

me and LLT grabbed the 3 big secions today...the there is still that huge stair-steppy thing there...

thanks Senor Squido

squid posted on 09/24/2008

On 2008-09-24 06:15, suzanne wrote:

On 2008-09-22 09:16, Mongoloid wrote:
Marty Lush solid performance roasting Squid...

Did anyone get video of that?

I am really sorry to have missed this! That unbelievable display of mugs and art and.... WOW! All that, AND Tikiyaki? Sheesh. We did have a great time on the NETT though. Too bad that all had to be the same weekend.

Will I see some of you in San Francisco for the crawl, at least?


Suzanne...are YOU encouraging Marty, too?

ron-tiki posted on 09/24/2008

aaaaarrrrrggggghhhh!!what day is it??wednesday??
squid---props to you my friend!!what a great time.epic---food,art,music,mugs, and friends.to everyone who worked so hard for this to happen.awesome. may the tiki gods shine brightly upon you.until next time---

squid posted on 09/24/2008

On 2008-09-24 16:32, ron-tiki wrote:
aaaaarrrrrggggghhhh!!what day is it??wednesday??
squid---props to you my friend!!what a great time.epic---food,art,music,mugs, and friends.to everyone who worked so hard for this to happen.awesome. may the tiki gods shine brightly upon you.until next time---

Thanks Ron! YOU were the man of the hour with the top-notch displays. Can you imagine trying to see all the mugs on tables, over people's shoulders? Euuk!

Just beautiful my friend!

And those tiki gods are indeed shining. I found treasure the day after:

suzanne posted on 09/25/2008

On 2008-09-24 14:19, squid wrote:

Suzanne...are YOU encouraging Marty, too?

Well, that really depends on what you mean by encouraging...

I wish I could have been at your event, Squid! It was QUITE the evening from what I've seen and heard and I most certainly missed out! I owe you a congratulatory cocktail the next time I'm in town. :)


Still entertained that Zazz can be purchased at Stop and Shop. Oh, the wonders of Boston.

[ Edited by: suzanne 2008-09-25 11:56 ]

Marty Lush posted on 09/26/2008

High yall!
Actually I don't need any encouragement, I'll have another on my own thank you very much.

tiki-a-fair posted on 09/26/2008

On 2008-09-23 18:57, squid wrote:
Thanks Atomikitty! Glad you had a swell time. Will you ever let Adam have fun? Must he always stay home and dust the monkeys?

Alas, we shall all miss Trav (in some sort of twisted, masochistic way). His exhibitionism has certainly given new meaning to the phrase "down under". Come back soon mate!

Hodaddy: You and Rita wuz missed...sniff

Spermy, you are forgiven for not attending. Don't even wory about it.

Hiltiki- Sorry we didn't get to yak. Glad you were there. Unlike Spermy, who was NOT there.

Mongo- Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, don't encourage Marty Lush.

Congawa- Thanks for coming out. Unlike Spermy who didn't.

Tiki Joe's Pop- You too are forgiven for not being there since you provide me with bribes of Hendrix bootlegs. Unlike Spermy who just doesn't show up.

Tobunga! Great to see you and Manuel there! Did you notice how empty the place was without Spermy?

Gogo- Always great to see you and Dani. Did you happen to see Spermy anywhere?

Tiki-a-fair- How great to see you and Hillbilly DJ Jeff in da house!! You guys rock! Go see any shows they promote. I mean it!!!

Where are the pics of cheesecake and mousse and whatever dessert items might have been consumed from GROG's dome?

AND MOST IMPORTANT...FREE LUMBER!!!!!! There is one upper tiered unit from the display left for the taking. 8 ft long. The bottom sections have been dismantled and are now plywood, luan sheet and 1 x 4's. Grab 'em in the KONA parking lot.

Your so sweet Squid, I just love you. Thanks so much for saying

Tiki-a-fair- How great to see you and Hillbilly DJ Jeff in da house!! You guys rock! Go see any shows they promote. I mean it!!!

That means so much to me. We always love it when you come to our shows. I enjoy our chats of vintage purses and such. You know your stuff and you completely understand my vintage purse and shoe collecting. Well I have shows posted under california events. I hope you can make them. Hillbilly fest Oct 18th and Jeff's b-day show on oct 26th with Exotiki and your friend Dave Stuckey in The Lucky Stars and lots more. I hope you can make it out for them.

We were more than happy to be there last Saturday, it was great and you are remarkable! Wow what a awesome job you have done for the world of art, yes art, you make it, you dream it, you breathe it, it's art. When do you ever get time to do all you do?!??!?! As well we love your band! We want to book you soon for brunch, so please help us make it happen. What a nice relaxing brunch that would be. Well I wish you tons of happiness in your band and mugs and life and of course your purdy girlie too. Hope to see you soon, Much love to you Tiki-a-fair

congawa posted on 09/26/2008

Tiki-a-fair, I guess I should take this opportunity to chime in on one other show that you and Hillbilly Jeff have coming up: a week from this Sunday Oct. 5 -- my country outfit (The Henpeckers) are playing (along with 3 other great bands) and we are looking forward to it! We don't have any exotica oriented material in this particular ensemble, but we do have one drinking song which references whiskey but might need to be changed to rum for the occasion!

As mentioned earlier, my wife and I had a blast at last Saturday's soiree, and again mucho kudos to Squid! In addition to the cornucopian (the spell check doesn't like that word but it needs to be one!) display of music, mugs and libations inside the mugs, it was--as always--great meeting a few more people, and a special treat to catch up on things with my old apartment manager/ex-bandmate/pal-for-life Jeff Utterback, who I hadn't seen in far too long.

tiki-a-fair posted on 09/29/2008

On 2008-09-26 16:27, congawa wrote:
Tiki-a-fair, I guess I should take this opportunity to chime in on one other show that you and Hillbilly Jeff have coming up: a week from this Sunday Oct. 5 -- my country outfit (The Henpeckers) are playing (along with 3 other great bands) and we are looking forward to it! We don't have any exotica oriented material in this particular ensemble, but we do have one drinking song which references whiskey but might need to be changed to rum for the occasion!

As mentioned earlier, my wife and I had a blast at last Saturday's soiree, and again mucho kudos to Squid! In addition to the cornucopian (the spell check doesn't like that word but it needs to be one!) display of music, mugs and libations inside the mugs, it was--as always--great meeting a few more people, and a special treat to catch up on things with my old apartment manager/ex-bandmate/pal-for-life Jeff Utterback, who I hadn't seen in far too long.

I havent forgotten about you, I just havent posted them here yet, but I will today. I was waiting for it to get closer to October. I know Jeff is looking forward to having you. I wont be able to make it though, Which I am bummed about. I hope you have a grand time though.

BigToe posted on 10/17/2008

dammit. i don't even remember this bizarre transformation!!!

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