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Shameless Pet Photos

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 11/02/2007

There heads are so narrrow that the tongue often doesn't fit properly. :)

hodadhank posted on 11/06/2007

Oh Man! I told you not to let Bull "Wake & Bake"!

Hakalugi posted on 11/06/2007

On 2007-11-01 07:06, lukyn wrote:
Hi friends, how are you?


Hi Lukyn, I'm fine. How are you doing?

KikiTiki posted on 11/28/2007

Lola the NYC chihuahua
held her 3rd birthday this year at Otto's Shrunken Head in NYC

Lola's favorite tiki album is Eden Ahbez' "Eden's Island"
and her favorite live band is The Fisherman who played her party!

[ Edited by: KikiTiki 2007-11-28 08:43 ]

Unkle John posted on 11/28/2007

tikiwinebear posted on 12/06/2007

On one of the most lucky/unlucky days ever, 07/13/07, our beloved Cairn Terrier, Hogan, of 16 years, passed on. We missed the sound of toenails on our laminate flooring, but promised to wait until after the New Year before starting our search for a new friend. But shortly before Halloween, a friend told us of a pair of Cairns that needed to be placed in a good home. After meeting them, we decided to welcome them into our home. A period of adjustment for us both, we are now living in harmony (most of the time) and have formed a family again.

The previous owner had named them Lucy and Cleo. Nice names, but didn't work for us, so we got their names translated into Hawaiian. Lucy is now known as Lu'ke and Cleo is now Kaleo. The names are close enough to their birthnames that the switch was easy for them to master. Here they are before their first clipping and spa day. Kaleo is the darker, reddish one, and Lu'ke (aka The Dumb Blonde) is the lighter colored one.

catmomma posted on 12/07/2007

Lola caught on the bar
Just one of the six felines in our ohana

mymotiki posted on 12/31/2007

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:35 ]

VampiressRN posted on 01/17/2008

Here are my evil twins...Kato (male) on the left and MiMi (female) on the right.

Zaya posted on 01/26/2008

This is Ringo! He's my 4 month old Cockapoo...

VampiressRN posted on 01/26/2008

Just a reminder to all dog-lovers...the Westminster Dog Show is on USA Monday & Tuesday (February 11 & 12). :)

TIKI DAVID posted on 02/20/2008

Harley D.,junk yard dog,chief of security ,Donna's VooDoo Lounge.

TikiMeplus3 posted on 03/09/2008

here is my shadow, she was a stray that I found at the pound.

Paipo posted on 03/09/2008


Skinny Dog posted on 03/20/2008

Well here is the boss Elizabeth

Actually a tattoo and her

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 03/20/2008

On 2008-03-19 19:18, Skinny Dog wrote:
Actually a tattoo and her

Dig the tattoo Skinny D
Here are Bul and Ana.
More tongue action from Bul.

And sweet Ana.

beadtiki posted on 03/22/2008

This is Maddy "Mad Dog" - she's a shameless hussy! LOL

hodadhank posted on 05/02/2008

The Monk.

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2008-05-01 18:33 ]

JohnnyP posted on 05/02/2008

Ain't she sweet!!

On a positive note, more bone carvings on the way.

beadtiki posted on 05/03/2008

What ARE those the bones of??? What a sweetie!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 05/03/2008


hodadhank posted on 05/04/2008

On 2008-05-03 13:09, beadtiki wrote:
What ARE those the bones of???

JP used to own two dogs.

Paddy O'furniture posted on 05/04/2008
  • poof *

[ Edited by: Paddy O'furniture 2008-05-05 05:18 ]

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 05/07/2008

The TikiMojo Household has no children :D so these are OUR kids...

This is "KASH" (which means "squat" or "low to the ground" in Arabic since my wife is a Belly Dancer). He's 8 yrs old, a Tibetan Spaniel, Pekinese mix to the best of our guess. We adopted him from a Humane Society and he's very shy around strangers and cameras.

This is our latest dog "FEZ" (chose the name because it has connections in both the Belly Dance/Arabic culture and the Tiki Culture!). We adopted him this February. He is 1 yr old and no one knows what sort of a mix he is, (first question everyone asks that sees him, "What breed of dog is that?" "He's SO cute!"). Since he's already been fixed/altered we joke about having him CLONED and creating our own dog breed! :o We're going to call the breed a "MENDOCINO FEZ", since Mendocino is where we went on our first "doggy vacation" with him. :lol:
Fez LOVES everyone and everything, all creatures big and small and always has plenty of kisses waiting for you!

CheekyGirl posted on 05/09/2008

Grace aka Gracie, ready to take the wheel....

Chillin' after a hard days work busy digging holes and barking at squirrels....

She's a buffed little betty. Part lab and part pit. A Sweetheart that loves people and really muscular, she's a real athlete!

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2008-05-08 17:34 ]

tikitonga posted on 06/05/2008


Sophista-tiki posted on 06/05/2008

double post


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-01-03 07:57 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 06/05/2008

I've got some varmints living at my house. Rufus. now 3 is a Shepadore. When he was little he looked just like a lab. now he looks like a Shepard, such a handsom boy. he always gets compliments when we go out for walks. Hobbbies: squeeking, butt huffing, and anything squirrel. I also have a super fluffy kitten named Woody.
Rufus and Woody make up a 70's pet crime fighting team.


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-01-03 08:03 ]

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 07/16/2008

The Song of the Jungle has gone quiet...

Haven't posted much this Spring, as great sadness has befallen the Cosmic Tiki Hut here. Our beloved little jungle bird, India, has passed on after many years of fascinating, exasperating, and constantly delightful companionship. Just shy of her 15th year, she was a true member of the family and will be greatly missed.

I had mixed her "snippy" call into "YoYo Island' Twilight Jungle Cruise" as a lark, but am now glad that I did, as I can listen in on those days when she is missed most. I only wish I had recorded some of her other, more beguiling calls too..., especially an intoxicating little 4-note trill that was straight out of the forests of Old Ceylon. Of course she only made it when she was mad.

She reminds us that life flies with time, and to love all our loved ones while we can.


Tiki Kaimuki posted on 07/21/2008


We are fostering this dog and looking for a responsible person to adopt him. Check the Bilge section for the original posting and all info.

Haole'akamai posted on 07/21/2008

On 2008-07-21 09:10, TIKI KAIMUKI wrote:

We are fostering this dog and looking for a responsible person to adopt him. Check the Bilge section for the original posting and all info.

Here's the link to his thread.

I think you should put him in Beyond Tiki, cuz he's too cute for Bilge!

KikiTiki posted on 07/31/2008

We have a new addition to our family - his name is Radar and he is another rescue.

He looks like a puppy but Radar is 3 years old. He is a mix of a chihuahua and a poodle. He loves to hang out in our garden.

Here he is with his big sister Lola.

We love our little guys! They love listening to mellow exotica music.

CheekyGirl posted on 08/02/2008

Gracie the Big Game Hunter...

Yup, that's a bird that flew into the laundry room...
I think she felt a little badly afterwards...

Howland posted on 08/03/2008

Another shot of my dog Zoot. Occasional guest bartender at the Jungalero Lounge. He makes a mean 'hair o' the dog', for a refreshing paws. :)

TIKI DAVID posted on 08/03/2008

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420greg posted on 08/03/2008

Willie at the bar....

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There are 4 cats total but Willie seems to enjoy the bar the most.

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dogbytes posted on 10/25/2008

Super Pup

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Liana posted on 10/25/2008

I LOVE dogs!! Recently we found ourselves with a litter of nine puppies!! They're soooooo cute! Here's a photo of two little boys :)

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coruscate posted on 10/25/2008

Here's a few of my dog Sora

Sock eating freakout, so busted.
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Checking each other out on adoption day.
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Sniffin' the eel grass on Tomales Bay
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Photoshop nonsense during her "early teens."
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CheekyGirl posted on 10/29/2008

My lil devil is ready to go trick-o-treating....

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kingstiedye posted on 12/01/2008

as some of you know, we recently lost our beloved little rat terrier cosmo. we thought we'd wait a few months to get a puppy, but the house seemed so empty. so, i proudly present our newest family member: bosko!
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some people at the dog park asked if he was named for the old chocolate syrup, and a coupla really old-timers remembered bosko the cartoon, but we all know who he's named after. bosko is very loving, fun, sweet and ornery. he's 4 months old and should be about 20 lbs when full grown. just right for my lap.

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[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2008-12-01 14:53 ]

hodadhank posted on 01/01/2009

Somehow Monkey learned to dig up buried driftwood!
Lucky me.

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TikiShopPua posted on 01/02/2009

The newest member of the House of Tiki ohana; Keeva (3 months). She's Kahuna's rescue baby (but she loves her Aunty Pua!)..equal parts sweet and kolohe and the official greeter at the tiki shop. Now people stick their head in the store and say.."Is Keeva here?"

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Jason Wickedly posted on 01/06/2009

On 2008-08-03 08:54, TIKI DAVID wrote:

Is he (she?) a cockapoo David? ...yes I realize these pics were posted months ago, but I'm a little slow! He looks like a black version of my 9 year old white cockapoo. I'll post a pic later when I'm not at work (damn firewalls).

Zaya posted on 01/07/2009

Speaking of Cockapoos! Here's some pictures of my dog Ringo. :)

Here he is on his 1st birthday showing off his presents...
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Looking cute in front of the Christmas tree...
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We'll do anything for a good laugh!
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I swear he poses!
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Here's the more serious side of Ringo. :)
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And just when you're thinking of what a cute dog he is I give you this picture!
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TikiMookie posted on 01/18/2009

My cat Gator wants in:

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Woody thinks he's a cat:

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Wrigley enjoys his 9am-4pm nap:

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My little Tiki girl:

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My favorite pet, my husband, Matt the cat:

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CheekyGirl posted on 01/20/2009

My pup at the beach...this is why I love So. Cal.

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Zaya posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 22:57, CheekyGirl wrote:
My pup at the beach...this is why I love So. Cal.

So cute CheekyGirl! We went to the beach yesterday too! It was Ringo's first time, and here he is sitting on the sea wall in Carlsbad.

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It was a perfect day. :)


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