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New pics----Tonga Hut 50th Anniversary Party Oct. 25, 2008

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Joe Banks posted on 10/26/2008

...more to come!

tikiyaki posted on 10/26/2008

On 2008-10-26 09:20, Joe Banks wrote:

"Before Coffee" Self Portrait Mug ?

Bora Boris posted on 10/26/2008

I feel worse than my picture. :cry:

TikiMango posted on 10/26/2008

More pics! I decided to do everyone a favor and NOT post the incriminating images (thank you for your payments). Here's to another 50 years of Tonga Hut, or at least these images being added to someone's archive for future discovery. It was great talking with everyone, enjoying the floor show, buffet, and new lamps. It was cool seeing a few people dressing up for Halloween as well.

Malia Mai-Tai posted on 10/26/2008

Gotta love this pic!

I can't remember if my eyes were crossed BEFORE sipping some Zombie from Squids' mug or after!??!?!

Had a great time at The Tonga Hut and it was fun to chat with you all! I think my favorite drink of the night was the Blue Hawaiian.

All my best,

Bora Boris posted on 10/27/2008

Happy Birthday Tonga Hut!

I had a great time. :D

Tiki Trav posted on 10/27/2008

Another boring tiki "event"... Glad I missed it...

little lost tiki posted on 10/27/2008

i assume koala and kangeeroo events are not "boring"?

TikiG posted on 10/27/2008

The Tonga Hut 50th anniversary last Saturday night was a special evening -the type of evening where old friendships came together again to shine light but really introduce new acquaintances with each other (especially pairing the creative sector of patrons.)

The explosive dynamics lurking below the surface of the established were revealed to me for their true creative potential. I was a kid in a candy store of art types. This was a good thing.

I met quite a few people at the Tonga Hut last Saturday that have a kind spirit and actually encouraged me to continue with my tiki vision in whatever expression I deem correct at the moment. We have made initial contact and now time will tell how all those creative expressions discussed Saturday will manifest.

Oh! Can't Forget to say Thank You Ana and Jeremy for the food, the dancing and the updates to the interior decor of the Tonga Hut. You are doing your part to help keep the authentic So. Cal tiki spirit alive and thriving. You know where your weak links are..with encouragement and guidance all the refreshing elements of your establishment will become top-notch and consistent. Cheers to Tonga Hut!

PS - Thanks Ray (TikiMango)for posting some of the pics from Saturday night. Another disk for the archive..

OceaOtica posted on 10/27/2008

yes, three sheets for sure, managed to suck down 2 zombies by 8:15, and that was just getting the ball rolling. G, thanks for letting me lean on you there, otherwise i might have been the red carpet on the inside of the bar

tonga hut posted on 10/28/2008

Aloha Everyone! Thanks so much for celebrating Tonga Hut's 50th Anniversary with us. We had a great time and hope you did too. Thanks to everyone who came out and thank you to everyone who helped make it a success- Grog, Kirby, Tobunga, DJ Lee, The Polynesian Paradise Dancers and Jerri Manthey (the caterer) and of course our staff Trevor, Kat, Nikki and Hope. A big thank you goes out to Casey who's fine PR work got us into the Calendar Section of LA Times last Friday. If you didn't see it here's the link TongaHutStory and some pics from the party. Enjoy!


Ana & Jeremy

See the article here: LAtimesStory

tonga hut posted on 07/12/2010

This was a fun trip down memory lane.

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