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Tiki-Mania.... A little Dirk Yates goodness by me.

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And here's the Latest inked piece. Took the better part of a week to finish since msot days I couldn't sit at my desk long enough to spend any time on it. But it's done, and here it is. Now to figure out what to do next.



Hey man, that's awsome! really really cool


Thanks man. You can't really see it here, but there's a ton of black and white splatter on the ground and on the skulls. Had a bit of a mess when I was finished since I didn't mask off a lot of the pic, so I had to go back in and whiteout the rest of it. Then my white ink spilled, but was lucky enough to recover a lot of it. Hoping my next pic won't have as many problems, but knowing my luck...I've just jinxed myself.

The latest 2. One is the Inked version of my Tooned piece, the other is a redo of the MUGged piece I posted on the first page. you look at the 2 and you'll see the diff's. I fixed her chest and raised it higher since she is arching her back, and thickened up her left thigh to match with her right leg. Someone mentioned that to me w while ago, but it wasn't until 7am this morning I actually got around to doing it as I was just about to start inking all the wood planks and stuff. then realized I still needed to make a copy of it first.

MUGged Redo

Tooned Inks


Alright all. With a major Lull in my other work for the past week, I've managed to get a bunch of other Inks done for this project...that just won't end.

So here they are...


Tabu posted on Sun, Jul 6, 2008 5:14 PM

Wow. They are all great but I love the pirate girl. The one with the reclining girl has a crapload of great mug designs. Way to go.


Thanks. Those details were a bit of a pain. as I was inking them, started thinking about certain things, how to handel them and stuff, and figured that Most of them were all hand made, so give them a more Organic feel, not so straight edged as others might handel 'em. And then there were other problems with Her as well. Actaully had to go back in and redraw her face one last time, using one of my favorite artists who recently passed away last weekend as reference. Concidering the amount of times I erased her face, I was scared as hell to put a quill to it, but it actually came out great.

Frankly, Little Ms. Muffit has quickly become my favorite of them all, like the "Twilight Sacrifice" 2 pager I have up here, but there's something I want to add to it when I find someone to color it. And it was a last minute decision to Not put in the Spider webs between the lettering like I had originally planned. think it turned out for the best actually.

Now it's off to finish off this next one.


Just droppin in for a quick little update here. Had a bit of an urge to color something, so printed out a copy of my tooned Piece up above and threw down some layers of colored pencils, and some charcoal and white Ink for the sky and Stars.
I haven't really colored anything like this since '96, my Senior year of High School, so this was a bit interesting, and since I'm fairly colorblind..was a bit of challenge, since most of the pencils didn't have the color name printed on the outside. Trial and Error.

Wonder what I could do with a Wacom....if I could ever afford it...

sungod posted on Tue, Jul 8, 2008 2:27 PM

Keep up the good work. I likes em all!!


HOLY COW, I Really gotta get over here more often, this absolutely ROCKS!. Man what Awesome Stuff Tiki-M, you Sure got MY Attention.


Thanks Ben. Glad you like. Got more coming as soon as I can finish the inks on others, and plenty more to get started in pencil.

Welp, here it is. My latest project, straying a little bit from my normal PinUp work, and getting into a story that I'm still working out right now, as I work the sketches.
The Main Villain of the Story. Mr. Chuck Bigelow. The Founder and CEO of Tiki-Bucks Coffee. Aside from his business ethic's, if you'll even call them that, He's a bit of a tweak.

The Oficial Logo to Tiki-Bucks coffee. Just fun to do. My wife's worried that Star Bucks is gonna threaten a lawsuit against me for it like they did with another artist several years back, but I don't care. The Giant's already going down as I type.

Ok, little story behind these. When I was coming up with weapons that said Badguy was interested in obtaining for this story, it wasn't enough to just have 1 weapon that he wanted, I needed something he could use to hold that Weapon...to be able to actually Harness the power it holds. So I remembered VanTiki's thread of Mugs he'd made, and I was rally impressed with the Rock hands he made with the Lava cracks between the stone slabs. So, I went right to VT earlier this week, expressed interest in using the Hands in my story and asked his permission, thus giving him Full credit for being the creator. He said Yes, and here we are. Dr. Otto VAN TIKI's Gloves of Doom.

The Reason behind the gloves, the weapon to End all Weapons. The Goddess's staff that controls all Volcano's. thus the Object of Mr. Bigelow's obsession.

More designs to Follow soon, so stick around.

The latest creations.

The Guardians of the Forbidden Island. Have no clue what to name them just yet, but they represent the 4 Elements: Air, Sea, Earth, Fire. They'll be playing an integral part in the overall story once I figure everything out.
Next up are the youngsters and their habitat's. Should be fun.

Hey Guys,

A gentleman over at Deviant Art was nice enough to send me the Finished colors to my "Little Ms. Muffit" Pin-Up today. Been rather depressed the last week or so due to the fact that I'm not able to make it to the San Diego Comic Con this weekend, I look forward to this show more than I do Christmas every year. It's my own Christmas in July.
But, after checking my e-mail today and seeing this, I'm all smiles. It's the best thing I've seen him do yet, and I'm honored it was my piece. I'll be making prints of this soon (somehow) and it is available as a print in various sizes on my DA gallery, http://splotchy77.deviantart.com if you want a copy now.

Enjoy....I know I am...


A bit of an edit from the colorist. I originally forgot to tell him that the Spiders spindle should have had a White line hold, to bring it out from the background, and here's what I got back.....

Looks better doesn't it???


Latest piece. Started her a while ago, but put her aside because of other work, and not liking the way I was drawing her, made a copy to lightbox her face (because that was the best part of the original pic) and redo the whole thing.
Finished her last night after about 2 1/2 days of work, mostly at night.


Hey TiKiMaN77!

Great work! I'm fairly certain that much detailed linework would drive me barking mad. The colored pieces are incredible, the images have such depth!


Naaaaahhhhh, you'd do ok. I know it seems like a lot, and often times when I'm inking these things, it does tend to take its tole on me. That 2 pager "Twilight Sacrifice" with all the Little "Menehune's" along the foreground, that one I'm very hesitant to ink right now. Drawing that thing took me MONTHS to do. The background alone went through several changes before I set on what's there. Most people I showed it to were flabbergasted by it. Now I've just gotta sit down and get the others going...

I have to agree with Eric. That much line work takes real dedication. I know my own linework can be a bit monotonous but yours has such and amazing level of depth. I hope I learn that kind of patience someday!!!

You are one of the many gifted artist on here like Tobunga and TikiShark, Sam Gambino and huge list of many others that I truly admire and am inspired by.

Tiki Dirk


Well thanks Dirk. Really amazed to be included with the like of Sam and Brad. Both truly amazing artists as far as any of us are concerned. Brad's work has been a truly HUGE inspiration to me over the last couple of years, and I hope one day to acheive his level of Greatness, all be it just pencils and inks on my part, with all that he produces. And to have my stuff featured, if not mentioned, in Tiki Magazine would be the Ultimate thrill....but that may take a long time.

But I'm really glad you guys like these. Makes me feel like I'm on the right path here.


So did you worked on it more? did you? did you? Very nice so far:D !
Oh and Little ms. Muffit is looking great also!!

[ Edited by: Clarita 2008-08-09 14:31 ]


Thanks Clarita. and no, I haven't worked on it more. I'm pretty happy with it, so that's that. Little Ms. Muffit I'm too happy with. Came out better than I would have ever dreamed, and I've just sent my "Queen of the Damned" piece to another colorist to see what she can do with it. All in all, it's been a slow start, but things seem to be rolling along at a nice pace so far.


Man, 28 Days since I last posted in my own thread.

Welp, here's my latest piece. Probably not my best one. The concept behind it seemed awesome in my head, but then as I began working on it, everything kinda fell to pieces. So, instead of just putting the whole thing aside and never touching it again, I decided to just push through and see it to the end. It has given me an idea for another Comic though. And maybe one day, when I'm old and grey, it'll see the light of day.

Gosh, wasn't that so poetic???

Welp, here she is, enjoy if you can.


Finished this a while back, but haven't gotten around to scanning her in. This is the Tooned version of Ivy, as I posted before with the colored version i did myself a while back. Just changed some minor details and reversed her pose. Seem to spend way too much time thinking about the project as a whole, and never really do anything with it. All details are prett sketchy at best. hopefully I can get everything together soon and sit down to work on it.

But for now, I'll just deal with doing the cahracter designs.

Started this last night, and managed to finish it a little while ago. Concept for the characters costume when she's out....uhhhh....Killing people. An assassins gotta do, what an assassin's gotta do to make a buck or 2. Thought the Skull in front would look cool as hell when she's emerging from the shadows, that that's the first thing one might see. gives the Whole "Impending Death" motif a purpose.

More to come shortly.


And just one more for the night...for now at least. Jsut some tumbnails I've been wanting to get out onto paper.

Todays little romp in the sketchbook.

Aloha kâkou !!

Killer new work!! Keep them flowing!!!


Thanks Dirk. Got one in the sketchbook right now that I'm trying to finish, jsut haven't been up to it the past 2 days now. But I'll finish it up soon.

So, I started this one a few days ago, but other work got in the way of finishing it. But last night, hoping that the strain on my eyes would tire me out enough to go to bed, I pulled my sketchbook out to work on this, and subsequently finish it once and for all, which took me about 3 hours since I had to change some things around.

Didn't throw a tiki into this one obviously, but I'm trying to think of a way to do it, if and when I redraw it onto my 11x17 bristol.

Ok, so here's the redo of the above piece. I tried to rework some things here and there, and in the end, the only major changes I made were to her legs.

Not much else to say here, except that I'm actually quite pleased with how she turned out. Now I've just gotta decide whether to do the tree bark with a quill, or a brush when I ink her up.

enjoy guys.

Ok, really quick. Just a sketch for another new piece that's been Haunting my brain for Months now. The original idea kept me up for hours, and now months later, after having woken up from a weird ass dream this morning at about 2:30 am, I sat down to push this out.


I'm not about to go into the details behind this piece almost killing me. It's gonna take me until this weekend to get a better scan of it, rather than this pieced together crap due to my small scanner. Several details missing cause of it.

But here she is, in all the glory I could give her. Inspired by "the Sorcerer's Apprentice" from FANTASIA. It was always my favorite as a kid. Several more Halloween pieces to do as soon as the ideas hit, and I plan on keeping them going.


Wow, I just love popping in and out of this post checking out your work over and over. :D :D :D This is great :) stuff. Keep it up and keep posting. :wink:


Thanks Paka. I've got a fee corrections to take care of before I'm officially done, jsut some minor stuff taht someone jsut pointed out to me, and then I'll be ready for the Inks.

The inks in and of themselves will take some time due to the massive amount of pain my right hand goes through when I use the quill. Thank the Tiki Gods for Tiger Balm.


So I had to go back in a get a few things on this one done to be REALLY done. Even rendered some shadows under her, which'll look killer when she's all inked up, and had to fix her nose and mouth a bit. Basically had to rework her jaw to make everything line up properly. And here's the better scan....after making smaller copy's, but no matter what, I can't fix the pencil smearing left over when I was cleaning it up the frist time. Oh well.

Enjoy guys. I'm gonna attempt to get the inks done before Halloween, but I've got samples to ink to show to editors very soon in the hopes of getting paying work.

Here she is Guys. As finished as I can get her. Just finished all the Inks on this Thursday night. Tons of brush work involved, and then the corrections from the quill work became a massive Hassel.

a day later than I wanted to have it up, but the last couple of days have been really bad for me health wise.


But totally worth it!
I am envious of your knowledge of the human form. The figures seem to have relaxed weight and volume.
Wonderful work!

Thanks Brad. Means a lot coming from you. I've spent a really long time working on my forms. Still have quite a ways to go obviously.

But glad you like it.

Man it's been forever since I've been able to update this thread with anything new. Unfortuantely, it might be quite some time before I do get around to do anything else here. The Apprentice piece above is the LAST thing I've drawn since October. The last few months have been crazy as hell, with killer deadlines for the comic work I do get paid for, and then having to get a BS job at Sears in santa Monica....which looks like I'm no longer on the payroll since they decided to cut my hours completely last week...which just means that I have to step things up on the Comic side and get my sample pages done, all in an effort to get paying work of my own.

At the same time, I'm planning things out for my little Cartoon inspired book (the one for all those Character designs on previous pages), and have asked 2 of my friends if they'd like to be in it...one gave me a HUGE response adn she can't wait to see what she looks like as a character, the other has no idea what she's in for. But now I've just gotta find the time to sit down and do them.

So, updates coming...as soon as I can get them done. LAter guys.

Welcome back! Just checked out your thread.
Great work! Your attention to detail is mind boggling.
It would probably take me a year to do one of those
and I still wouldn't be done. Post more!

Thanks Iokona. Well, since I jsut got the news that I don't have the "Other JOb" looming over my head anymore, (yes, I just found out I got fired from Sears....THANK the TIKI GODS for that bit of news) I can finally get back to doing what I love, and until my inking gig gets back on track...I've got a little extra time taht I can get some artwork done. Now I've just gotta figure out what to do. I haven't even cracked open my sketchbook in a couple months.

But I guess like everything else in life, it's like getting back on a bike after so long.

Ok, why the re-load?? Well, some things on the previous version have been bugging the hell outta me for quite some time...
...I didn't really care for the shadow rendering I did before, so you'll notice here I got rid of it all. I was also bothered by the way her eye looked Up out of the panel, rather than straight at you as planned.
...Got rid of the lines coming down that were supposed to show a beam of light coming down from above (if you look really close to the upper left corner, you'll notice the whole in the ceiling above.).
...There was also some Black shapes I needed to throw in on this because of a lot of negative spaces that weren't quite meshing right with it before.
...There were some lineweight issues I didn't notice before, but now seem to work better here and bring things out more, which is always good.

All in all, I think it stands out better than previously. Now all I have to do is find someone to color it.

Well Now, long time no post in my own thread.

I know, I know, this doesn't look tiki at all. And you're right. However, I've been dying to get back to working on my little Story taht I've been posting character designs for, and this here little lady is another one of those characters.

Loosely modeled from a friend of mine who works at the starbucks I used to frequent. I want the character to kinda resemble her personality...she's a bit of a hardass, a toughy, but to me she's a real softy. always giving me free coffee when no one's looking. I still owe her a hug for the last batch.

Anyway, more on the way soon.

So I finally got back to doing some inks on my own stuff. Just posted this earlier on Facebook (and Myspace won't let me post it there cuz it's too big) earlier, and will be attempting to get some fixing done on my "Twilight Sacrifice" piece. Not crazy about her proportions on that, so before I go and ink that one up...gotta do the fixes.

More to come shortly....I hope.

Aloha everyone. Back with another Redo here. this time with one of what I concider "Everyone's" Favorite piece of mine....what I used to call "Twilight Sacrifice" was originally titled "Fullmoon Sacrifice" on the back of the Image....so I've gone and redone some of the drawing to match that title.

Anyway, I've been working on her proportions the past couple of days. Here's the Original version so you can see what I'm talking about here.

And now the latest rendition of her.

I've gotten some other redo's on it finished, but I won't bore you all with Mindless details taht you can't see here yet. I'll get them up here tomorrow after I've made my photocopys. I'm really anxious to get inking this thing which is why I'm getting the fixes done now.

And here she is All. Bunch of Redraws and all. Unfortunately, the moon kinda got lost in the photocopying earlier this morning, and though I tried to adjust the levels in Photoshop to bring it out a bit, just not happening. So when I finally get the inks done, you'll see it better with all the details.


Oh, and thanks to LLT for giving this a thumbs up on Facebook. Much Love Kinny.

WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Ok ok ok, I was just going back over my thread here and rereading a bunch of the older posts from some of you, and had to post some info here. First of all, I had the colorist go back and redo some stuff on this piece cuz it jsut wasn't gelling. Yes, I was happy with the original colors, but I think he really nailed it here.

Second up, I am making the colored versions of these available for Prints and on T-shirts. An old school friend from back home in Jersey is turning one of these into a T-shirt right now, and I'm justwaiting on the Mock Up from him at the moment.

Third up, I posted this info over in the Market Place section, BUUUUUTTTTT....I've got a store open on Zazzle (http://www.zazzle.com/splotchy77) and have a bunch of products available on there right now. Some of the cool ones are the Sakteboard decks with a couple of these Images...the colored ones, as well as the Keds shoes..for the Ladys, with these pics available. Yes, there's the T-shirts too, but the size restrictions on the Image areas bums me out..so I'm not really too keen on selling those.
And for anyone who buys something from my store, I will send you an original sketch just for you for being so kind and spending money on my products. I've got acid free comic book boards just waiting for me to get on them right now, so if you do purchase something...anything...I'll send you the sketch right away, or as soon as I can, all you gotta do is send me your address and it's all yours.

That's it for now. Stay tuned as I'm just getting to the inks of the Sacrifice piece shortly, and they'll be up here soon.

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