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Shamelessly watching....DWTS

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Bora Boris posted on 10/28/2008

As much as I wish Cloris was gone, I want Corky gone more! Corky is an ASS he's constantly mean to Cloris and seems determined to break her hip. It always looks like the more painful the move the happier the creep is. I liked what Carrie Ann said about how it's too bad Toni had to leave for that.

Brooke disappeared during the Hip Hop I guess because of her sore foot but Julianne was tearing it up the night before her appendix comes out. She's tough.

I sill voted for Brooke though and Cheryl.

Haole'akamai posted on 10/28/2008

Susan was a hot mess, but I think the judges said all the nice stuff to throw her a few extra points, to differentiate her from Cloris.

Yeah, I'm sad, too, that we lost Toni for that. Cloris deserved less than 15, rightly so because her partner shows such thinly veiled contempt for her.

VampiressRN posted on 10/28/2008

This season should have been called "Breakdancing with the Stars" cause everyone is injuring themselves. The winner may only win as the last couple standing. :0

JenTiki posted on 10/28/2008

Somebody please shoot the old horse and put her out of our misery! Cloris just sucks. And Susan, I had such hopes for her, but she was completely off the beat in the mambo, and hopelessly lost during the hip hop routine.

On another note, I dread the return of the chiffon leg-warmers. I'd rather they brought Karina back instead of Edyta.

The Gnomon posted on 10/28/2008

Ha ha ha! :lol: I got both of my girls again.

Haole'akamai posted on 10/28/2008

This season really has highlighted the personalities of the professionals. One can see who's vain and self-centered and who is more giving and looking to make their partner shine.

Lacey has the vanity of youth; I think she doesn't really know any better, yet. But others (Corky, Edyta (sorry Gnomon) and kinda Cheryl) have shown that deadly sin of vanity, as they continually hog the limelight of the stage.

Bora Boris posted on 10/29/2008


Haole'akamai posted on 11/04/2008

I threw my votes to poor Lance. He needs everything he can get since he got shackled to CHA CHA-impaired Susan...

VampiressRN posted on 11/04/2008

That chacha group dance was a mess. I missed the first dances, but the soap opera diva needs to exit stage left.

Bora Boris posted on 11/04/2008

I feel asleep.

The Gnomon posted on 11/04/2008

Well, Edyta is on the bottom rung, but I have both of my girls back if only for two nights.

JenTiki posted on 11/04/2008

I'm terribly, terribly disappointed in Susan's performances throughout this competition. She's way to "delicate" in her own dances, and fails miserably in the team dances, making everyone else work harder to try and cover her. It amazes me that she can learn pages and pages of dialog every day for "All My Children," but can't even remember the steps to a 3-minute dance. It's not just that she has bad technique, she literally forgets the routines. Sad. :( I find myself hoping that she leaves this week just to improve the show. I feel guilty about turning on someone I've admired for about 30 years, but this is just not her thing.

Bora Boris posted on 11/04/2008

On 2008-11-04 12:06, JenTiki wrote:
It amazes me that she can learn pages and pages of dialog every day for "All My Children," but can't even remember the steps to a 3-minute dance. It's not just that she has bad technique, she literally forgets the routines. Sad. :(

I think Soap Opera actors use teleprompters.

VampiressRN posted on 11/05/2008

I see the elimination show is tonight...thought I missed it last night. This season has been a great disappointment. Read that Derek's former Dancing partner Shannon Elizabeth and him are living together...now that must truly be a soap opera. They need a "behind the scenes" reality show...the hospital encounters, the affairs, the back-stabbing...that might have been better than the group they chose this time. I did enjoy Flatley as a judge, he was kind to people. On with the show.........

(Edited... as I said Brooke and not Shannon is the living with Derek...my friend told me I had read that wrong...anyway I corrected it above...no big whoop...they are just doing what the teleprompter told them to do...LOL) :wink:

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-11-05 19:45 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 11/05/2008

On 2008-11-05 06:10, VampiressRN wrote:
I did enjoy Flatley as a judge, he was kind to people.

I agree, his comments were very thoughtful. Although his performance wasn't as thrilling as he kinda made it out to be ("The fire element make this soooooo dangerous." - Dude, you're dancing so far behind it...). I guess he's just not my thing, like collecting Hummel.

VampiressRN posted on 11/06/2008

Aha...good bye soap opera drama queen...still for her age she did well. Next week Lance might bite the dust.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/11/2008

fell asleep about 40 minutes in. How'd everyone do?

The Gnomon posted on 11/11/2008

Edyta's substitute days are over, so she's gone as of tonight. :cry: As of last night, both of my girls were where my mind is, in the gutter. That doesn't bode well for Cody, even with Julianne returning tonight. Her Brother Derek continues to do well with Brooke.

Bora Boris posted on 11/12/2008

Sad to see Maurice and Cheryl go just as Maurice was starting to finally have fun but that's okay the winner will be either Brooke or Warren.

I never need to see Max again. :evil:

The Gnomon posted on 11/12/2008

Drat! Both of my girls gone in one swelled foop! Oh, well, I hope they get better talent next year. I was lucky Cheryl hung on so long given Maurice's lackluster effort. And also lucky that Edyta was brought back to sub for a while.

JenTiki posted on 11/12/2008

On 2008-11-11 22:11, Bora Boris wrote:
the winner will be either Brooke or Warren.

Seriously?! You think Warren will finish ahead of Lance? I hope to all things right and good that's not the case!

Bora Boris posted on 11/12/2008

Yes, Warren will finish ahead of Lance.

VampiressRN posted on 11/19/2008

Woo Hoo...Warren stayed in!!! I loved it when he showed Len how to do the end-line dance. :wink:

Bora Boris posted on 11/19/2008

Boo! Max and Mark back on the same show, part of the fun of watching teams not advance is not having to see those people anymore. It was good to see Kristi again though.

I'm a fan of Brooke Burke's Fringe pants!

The Gnomon posted on 11/19/2008

Nurse! Nurse! It's Zone....End Zone.

I may have to add Lacey to the girls' club. First time I saw her was dancing with her brother Benji on So You Think You Can Dance. After Benji won that competition, Lacey made a good charge at winning it herself. Didn't see her again until she popped up on DWTS. I'm amazed at how well she is doing in spite of her endo. I wonder how she can deal with it as a dancer.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/19/2008

On 2008-11-19 07:07, The Gnomon wrote:

I'm amazed at how well she is doing in spite of her endo. I wonder how she can deal with it as a dancer.

I thought is was Julianne, not Lacey, that had that?

Warren has not increased his skill level. He's an entertainer, but not improving. Hmmm, Brooke or Lance? I say Lance.

JenTiki posted on 11/19/2008

On 2008-11-19 09:16, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2008-11-19 07:07, The Gnomon wrote:

I'm amazed at how well she is doing in spite of her endo. I wonder how she can deal with it as a dancer.

I thought is was Julianne, not Lacey, that had that?

Lacey's was announced shortly after Julianne's.

Warren has not increased his skill level. He's an entertainer, but not improving. Hmmm, Brooke or Lance? I say Lance.

I must agree! Hmmm. Let us refer back to page 17 of this this thread where I said the following before seeing the very first competition night:

Susan Lucci and Lance Bass are my early pics for the finals.

Okay, so I was sadly wrong about the daytime diva, but my little Lance is hitting his peek at just the right time! I think Brooke and Warren have already jumped the shark.

Bora Boris posted on 11/19/2008

Next week if they show Brooke dancing with her baby during rehearsals again and if she doesn't act like she's already won, she'll win.

JenTiki posted on 11/19/2008

I think Lance will probably have a much more interesting Freestyle dance than Brooke. He has Lacey's edgy creativity in the choreography and that same boy band energy and charisma that Drew Lachey had with Cheryl. Plus, I think Lance has a bigger fan base in the kind of people who watch the show, as opposed to Brooke's drooling SI Swimsuit Edition crowd.

Bora Boris posted on 11/19/2008

Oh you're right, I guess all the Mormon's who kept Marie Osmond around so long and that love Derek and Julianne will hop on the Lance bus and make him the winner. :roll:

Haole'akamai posted on 11/19/2008

Uh, it was quite a few of the Mor(m)ons who voted in Prop 8; don't think they'll be votin' "one of them homo-sect-uals" to win.

I will be, though...

Bora Boris posted on 11/19/2008

Not me, Brooke will be getting 5 home phone, 5 cell phone and 5 internet votes from me. :)

JenTiki posted on 11/19/2008

So you realize you only get 3 votes per line next week right?

Bora Boris posted on 11/19/2008

On 2008-11-19 13:59, JenTiki wrote:
So you realize you only get 3 votes per line next week right?

I'll find a way. :)

JenTiki posted on 11/20/2008

I guess if you were a Mormon, you could get all your wives to vote too.

VampiressRN posted on 11/20/2008

I know Warren won't win, but he is definitely entertaining me (you can tell I don't watch football...but I knew the dance had something to do with the game). :D

I thought the fringe pants were pretty darned cute too, and think Brooke will take the prize if they don't do some ridiculous dance routine...they are smart enough to know they screwed up and you can't do that now.

No No to Lance!!!

The Gnomon posted on 11/20/2008

On 2008-11-19 09:58, JenTiki wrote:

On 2008-11-19 09:16, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2008-11-19 07:07, The Gnomon wrote:

I'm amazed at how well she is doing in spite of her endo. I wonder how she can deal with it as a dancer.

I thought is was Julianne, not Lacey, that had that?

Lacey's was announced shortly after Julianne's.

Wow! I had no idea that Julianne was equally tormented. There is no cure, only treatments. Maybe one treatment is dance. I knew a girl from a previous company where I worked who was plagued by it. From what I understand, a mild case compared to a severe case is like saying a Carolina Cayenne pepper (100,000 – 125,000 SHU) is mild compared to a Red Savina Habanero (350,000 – 577,000 SHU). Both will set you on fire even though one will take your head off in the process.

Bora Boris posted on 11/25/2008

Tonight is dress like a Bumble Bee night and my votes are already in.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/25/2008

It's gonna be Brooke, isn't it? Drat, I was disappointed in Lan-Cey's freestyle. ...sigh...

Bora Boris posted on 11/25/2008

Lan-Cey's freestyle looked like something was forgotten early on and it seemed like it almost became too much actual freestyle. I really don't know what I'm talking about but that's how it felt.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/25/2008

No, you're spot on. I kinda do know what I'm talking about and I felt the same way.

Brooke forgot several parts of her routine, too, but it didn't stop the judges from pre-picking her as the winner.

Did anyone else notice Kym's silver paillette sequins flying off all over? It was completely distracting.

J Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4990/6231348a13576.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=d90fc5362c20994193340f7880a3d571

On 2008-11-25 11:14, Haole'akamai wrote:
No, you're spot on. I kinda do know what I'm talking about and I felt the same way.

Lancey's whole routine looked pretty boring! I can't believe they didn't bother putting in a lift or two, or something ... anything ... different. It all just looked like a bunch of hopping around. :(

Brooke forgot several parts of her routine, too, but it didn't stop the judges from pre-picking her as the winner.

Yeah, she very obviously forgot stuff right at the beginning! I can't believe they couldn't tell!

Did anyone else notice Kym's silver paillette sequins flying off all over? It was completely distracting.

Totally distracting! I also couldn't tell they were paillettes at the beginning so I thought she had whole strings of stuff flying off. I think she (or somebody) lost their earrings a week or two ago... one at a time ... during the dance. The producers need to have a chat with the costume department.

But I DID LOVE Tom's comment about Edyta after that. :lol:

BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b5b1db9852616b0b87ea959c240198fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

*"At first it's kinda fun but eventually it just becomes routine."

Tiki Central's Bora Boris on always being right.*

V Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/90af674b21d8778b0e093d58e340dd21?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I was glad to see Warren beat out Lance.

Brook was definitely a shoe-in and it was pretty obvious on the voting. It was good to see another woman win, even if it wasn't Chloris. :lol:

TG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f472a80f8164d9086c73ea2d2bbe46b5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Did you hear that Warren was 2 hours late for the group dance rehearsal? Apparently he began complaining then that he was having trouble following the routine and was making life miserable for everyone. Derek stood up to him and gave him a piece of his mind, which was evidently the general consensus of the group. Warren then shoved and held Derek against the wall and bullied him.

Not sure it all happened that way. Just something I heard. I'm glad Derek and Brooke won.

But I hedge allegiance to the ass
Of Cheryl, Edyta, and/or Lacey
And to the eyegasms that make me stand
Me dribbling
For all.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d733ee767289446b2469ad2adc0ba80f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2008-11-26 09:30, The Gnomon wrote:
Did you hear that Warren was 2 hours late for the group dance rehearsal? Apparently he began complaining then that he was having trouble following the routine and was making life miserable for everyone. Derek stood up to him and gave him a piece of his mind, which was evidently the general consensus of the group. Warren then shoved and held Derek against the wall and bullied him.

I have to say that Warren's participation in DwtS is typical of his participation in the NFL. He has alot of natural ability and talent. He's just too hard-headed (lazy?) to really learn how to do things right, and uses his charisma to smooth things over when he should be putting in time improving his skills. I was on his side, at first, but I saw it setting in about week 6.

Brooke did great and really was spectacular, especially since she didn't have much (any?) professional dance training. I, personally, just wasn't particularly thrilled by her, that's all.

V Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/90af674b21d8778b0e093d58e340dd21?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I agree...I think a lot of the group got by just on the popular vote this time. The show in itself was not great this season and had I not seen the previous ones, I probably wouldn't watch again. Hope the next version has a better group of participants.

BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b5b1db9852616b0b87ea959c240198fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

The problem with Brooke is she is a bit of a robot with out much of a personality but I like her a lot.

Derek also has absolutely Zero personality and the one he tries to fake having is lame. Mark is his best friend? Double Lame.

I'm glad they won though he's a good teacher.

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