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Tiki Bike Owner's Club

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VampiressRN posted on 07/25/2008

Here it is...the most beautiful bike in the world.....

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Sought after by Tikiphiles, Bike Collectors, Cruising Enthusiasts, and Art Admirers the world over.

Produced by Dyno (GT Bicycles)in 2000, this Limited Edition TABOO TIKI bicycle is a rare and hard to find cruiser. Kustom Kulture artist Von Franco designed the colors and graphics for this masterpiece! It features: original artwork from Von Franco, flashing tiki statue headlamp, Dyno cork grips and saddle, orange powder coated rims, and an incredible tropical green paint job with taboo tiki artwork!

The VonFranco Website
Von Franco: I Was A Teenage Monster Shirt Painter DVDA look into the early artwork of the artist.

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Since several of us own this beautiful piece of artwork, I thought a collectors club was long overdue. This will help us to consolidate pictures of our bikes, plus I think a secret handshake, a decoder ring, a mug, etc. will be must haves for this group. Please post pics of your baby and tell us how you got hooked up with your cruiser and how you are using your Taboo Tiki.

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[ Edited by: vampiressrn 2008-11-02 16:20 ]

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-11-23 10:52 ]

VampiressRN posted on 07/25/2008

When I first saw this bike, it was in a post here on TC that was for sale. I fell in love with it and envisioned it hanging on the ceiling in my lounge along with other eclectic tiki items. I ended up buying a brand new bike still in the box and it is a bute!!!

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My lounge is still under decorating construction, so when it is further along, will post more pictures of the bike. :)

A Happy Club Member :lol:

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-07-24 17:54 ]

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KuKu posted on 07/25/2008

Count me in!! I'll post pics when I pick mine up. How about a 3 piece patch too? But put it on a fez . Let's also schedual a run. It would be so hot for like 40 tikiphiles to show up to say Oasis or Hukilau on our Von Franco's...

VampiressRN posted on 07/25/2008

Great idea on the show of force...we could shoot for Oasis 2009 (we can link with Otto for ideas/options). The patch sounds good too.

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hewey posted on 11/02/2008

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I just got mine today! :D By the time I got it home and assembled it (the previous owner had pulled it apart) it was dark, hence the crappy pic. I've added Electra whitewalls with hibiscus tread pattern, and the ape hanger bars. Thats the seat that came with it. Plans are green grips, pinstriping on the fenders, reinstall the tiki on the front fender, and some hand carved tikis for the valve caps.

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Jungle Trader posted on 11/02/2008

Guaranteed you'll get a lot of people saying, "Hey that's a cool bike". I do. Make sure it's locked up tight when it's parked.

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Hakalugi posted on 11/02/2008

Shouldn't it be The Von Franco Tiki Bike Rider's Club?

Collector's Club insinuates you have more than one. Or maybe some of you do?

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Tiki Trav posted on 11/02/2008

On 2008-11-02 09:33, Hakalugi wrote:
Shouldn't it be The Von Franco Tiki Bike Rider's Club?

Collector's Club insinuates you have more than one. Or maybe some of you do?

No..They are very rarely ridden, particularly when stored that high on the wall...
So maybe "The Von Franco Tiki Bike Owner's Club" if it really needs to be changed, which i don't think it does.

VampiressRN posted on 11/02/2008

Hey CONGRATS Hewey....she is looking grand (even in the dark)!!! Whether we ride em or just look at em, it is good to know there are collectors that are working hard to save these beautiful bikes. I agree...if you are out and about, be sure to lock and secure the bike. Have fun with your new bike Hewey. :)

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Hakalugi posted on 11/02/2008

On 2008-11-02 14:02, Tiki Trav wrote:

On 2008-11-02 09:33, Hakalugi wrote:
Shouldn't it be The Von Franco Tiki Bike Rider's Club?

Collector's Club insinuates you have more than one. Or maybe some of you do?

No..They are very rarely ridden, particularly when stored that high on the wall...
So maybe "The Von Franco Tiki Bike Owner's Club" if it really needs to be changed, which i don't think it does.

Ridden or not, until you have more than one, you are not a collector. So I agree with Trav, "The Von Franco Tiki Bike Owner's Club" would be the sensible name.

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The Sperm Whale posted on 11/02/2008

I am more impressed with a "Tiki Bike Riders Club" than a "Collectors Club". Bikes are for riding. I went for a nice ride today and I feel great!! I also saw a Von Franco bike on the trail and the rider looked super stoked!! BTW I like the Ape Hangers Hewey.

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2008-11-02 16:01 ]

VampiressRN posted on 11/03/2008

OK...changed it to the Tiki Trav suggestion. Hope that works for "owners" and admirers. It is just such a cool looking bike, I am happy to have one.

I see some nice grips if anyone is looking for replacements.

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hewey posted on 11/03/2008

Call it "a bunch of people with cool tiki bikes" for all I care :D

Mine will be customised and used, just like all my toys (be it cars or bikes :lol: ) :D It's not in pristine condition, and wasnt totally original when I got it, so its not like Im wrecking one. And I dont care what its "value" is, because I dont plan on selling the thing any time soon! But it'll make sure I keep the soul of the original bike.

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hewey posted on 11/22/2008

Okay the hub on mine needs some work to get her nice and tight, so for now Im running a 26/24 inch rim combo off a Dyno Deuce Fireball, but with no name front rubber and a Thick Brick up the rear (this is the wheel/tyre combo to go on my stretch cruiser, when I have the taboo tiki wheels sorted). The bike guys will know what Im talking about :lol:

Took her out for a ride today, maaaaan this bike turns some heads! Even more than my stretch wheelbase beach cruiser. Best of all was the thumbs up from the guy on the Harley :D Yeh, I love the attention, I admit it :D

Some pics from todays ride:
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Cammo posted on 11/22/2008

I vote that this thread becomes the "Tiki Bike Owner's Club", which would open it up to more input while still allowing you to post pictures of yer precious Von Whatsisname bike.

Hey, why buy a bike and hang then it on the wall???!!!! Get yer priorities straight!!!

My favorite person on Planet Earth is Malcolm Merriweather. He's the bike riding visitor from England who becomes Andy Griffith's valet. He just rides all over the U.S. visiting little towns and having adventures, like Route 66 but with proper tea.

Here he is -

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Later today I'll be doing the Malcolm Merriweather West Coast Dippy Hippie/Motorcycle/Zen Garden/Tiki Tour. I'll post pictures...

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sneakyjack posted on 11/22/2008

maybe some day I too will be able to be in the club wink wink*
we'll see

VampiressRN posted on 11/23/2008

You are correct Cammo that setting priorities in life are important. I would love to ride my bike but unfortunately I have a very bad back that only gets worse as the years go on. My priorities are maintaining a full time job and avoiding a wheelchair as long as I can. I used to enjoy riding bikes, golfing, and tennis, but I am lucky if I can walk a city block now without being in intense pain. But such is life, I do the best I can to get around. I look at it this way...coin collectors don't spend their coins, but they get pleasure by looking at them...I can't ride my bike, but I enjoy seeing it in my lounge. If you are ever in the Sacramento area, give me a shout and come on by...take my bike off the ceiling and give it a spin around the neighborhood...it would make me and my bike happy. I look forward to your pics. :)

Sneaky...sounds like you have a Von Franco in your future...woo hoo!!!

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Cammo posted on 11/23/2008

Thanks for the explanation, VP. You're forgiven. I still think you should call the thread the "Tiki Bike Owners Club".

Mainly cause I have a Tiki Bike. It's an Electra Black Assasin (all aluminum tubes, 7 speed, center pull brakes, fatboy tires) that I've customized with... well, I'll post some pictures soon. But here's the deal - it's built to RIDE.

Hey HEWEY, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take the classic Highway 101 Malcolm Merriweather WestCoast-California-Dippy Hippie-Motorcycle-Zen Garden-Tiki Tour.

It's gonna start at Del Mar, and end at Caldwell's Antiques somewhere in Leucadia. Caldwell's is incredibly famous for having "The Strange Thing" in a box. "The Strange Thing" is the strangest thing you'll ever see in your entire life. It's only 25 cents to see it, but I'll take pictures. In fact I'll take pictures of the entire run, cause it's gonna be fun.

Anyway, Hewster, you gotta do the same wherever you are - take yer bike for a run to somewhere half-assed interesting and take a few shots. Anybody else who wants to get in on the action, YOU TOO!

I'm polishing and greasing the "Black Hibiscus" today.

VampiressRN posted on 11/23/2008

Changed the name.....great idea Cammo. Your Black Hibiscus sounds intriguing.

Forgot to say also...those were wonderful pictures of your bike in action Hewey. I loved the one you took of the back wheel on the move. I could feel the wind blowing through my hair on that one.

Wow...this looks way kewl.

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sneakyjack posted on 12/11/2008

maybe once its together I'll post more pics.. but its cold out ny way (right now) to be riding it!

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good times

Is there a secret - bell-ring or handshake or horn blast I should know?

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hewey posted on 12/14/2008

On 2008-12-11 15:00, sneakyjack wrote:
Is there a secret - bell-ring or handshake or horn blast I should know?

Just a grin and a thumbs up as you pass each other on the boardwalk :D

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Tiki Trav posted on 12/14/2008

On 2008-11-23 06:52, Cammo wrote:
It's an Electra Black Assasin (all aluminum tubes, 7 speed, center pull brakes, fatboy tires)

Hey Cammo, Center pull brakes are late 70's- 80's technology and are probably not on your bike, if the cable is horizontal between the calipers they are commonly known as "V-Brakes" and are around 60% more efficient than center pulls.. center pull have the main cable running vertically down then splitting into two to the calipers hence the name. just thought I would share that bit of bike tech....

VampiressRN posted on 12/15/2008

Woo Hoo...way to go sneakyjack!!!

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Tiki Royale posted on 01/14/2009

Well, it's not the Taboo Tiki but it is still a pretty sweet ride and a heap of fun.
It's a work in progress... I'd love to have the fenders pinstriped and maybe paint the rims too.
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My favorite accessory... She squeeks!
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Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/14/2009

I once had a girlfriend who squeaked like that... met her off the coast of Barbados...

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hewey posted on 01/18/2009

Some pics of both my bikes :D

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tikipaka posted on 01/18/2009

Hey Hewey, I love the collection of lanterns you have hanging up there. But is that a cam/lifter you got up there also? :o Now that's an odd decorating technique. But it does work! :lol:

Oh yeah Tiki Royale, and the hula on the bike, not sure about that. I think a tiki is better. :lol: But I bet the young girls will like it.

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[Over the hill and scraping my way up the other side, but I'll be damned if I'm going down with out a fight!]

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2009-01-18 15:07 ]

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Cammo posted on 01/18/2009

"Hey Cammo, Center pull brakes are blah blah blah late 70's- 80's technology and are probably not on your bike, if the cable is horizontal between the calipers they are commonly known as "V-Brakes" etc. and not only that but also you'll be interested to know that some more stuff like they are around 60% more efficient than center pulls. And in case you got nothing else to do you can read some more of this freakin' detail crap like center pull have the main cable running vertically down then splitting into two to the calipers hence the name. Blah blah blah brakes blah center bla bla calipers blah bla blah"

What he f&%# are you talkin' about????
You gettin' stir crazy on that leetle island?

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sasquatch posted on 01/18/2009

Hewey... schweet rides buddy! 8)

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Gooberfreek posted on 02/01/2009

Ooo Ooo I want one! I want one... :o and how cool is that hibiscus tread!!! 8) OMG where can I get one of these??? I've been after a cruiser / low rider for ages... :D

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Tiki Trav posted on 02/01/2009

On 2009-01-18 05:25, Cammo wrote:
"Hey Cammo, Center pull brakes are blah blah blah late 70's- 80's technology and are probably not on your bike, if the cable is horizontal between the calipers they are commonly known as "V-Brakes" etc. and not only that but also you'll be interested to know that some more stuff like they are around 60% more efficient than center pulls. And in case you got nothing else to do you can read some more of this freakin' detail crap like center pull have the main cable running vertically down then splitting into two to the calipers hence the name. Blah blah blah brakes blah center bla bla calipers blah bla blah"

What he f&%# are you talkin' about????
You gettin' stir crazy on that leetle island?

Just pointing out that you have no idea what you are talking about...

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Tiki Trav posted on 02/01/2009

Hey Hewey...
Buick Straight Eight?

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Tucson Tiki posted on 02/01/2009

I have one of these Taboo Tiki Bikes for sale right now. I am too busy to ride. It is mint and is like brand new. Only rode a couple of times. Was bought new and then stored in an attic. Price is $600.00 Can deliver to San Diego Big 3 Swapmeet in Feb. This will get you into your bike club here. Tucson TikiImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/8479/4986077a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c00c489abc7ef4780d4738948a29682c

[ Edited by: Tucson Tiki 2009-02-01 12:37 ]

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Tucson Tiki posted on 02/09/2009

Ok, No takers here so up on the old auction site. Have a go at it if ya want it. TT
Update: ----SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! Ebay works!

[ Edited by: Tucson Tiki 2009-02-11 18:18 ]

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tiki_king357 posted on 02/17/2009

NOW HERE IS A REAL TIKI BIKE.....made of bamboo!
and low priced, as well..gotta love the bullhorn bars.

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Unga Bunga posted on 02/17/2009

On 2009-02-17 09:44, tiki_king357 wrote:
and low priced, as well..


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Gooberfreek posted on 02/18/2009

What about this one I saw on Fl-ebay??? Being sold in the UK...:D


Im very tempted indeed...8)

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von franco posted on 02/23/2009

Wow it's been a while sense I have been on this board ,and some one told me about this page.All I can say is Thanks for the people who got the Idea I was trying to tell GT about when making the bike. It's to bad the company sold out before I could get my accessories for that bike. I'll share them with you guys soon as I can find the drawings. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer them...............Franco.............................

TS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/376fcdcc6ab62772cd99bc3381857743?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tom Slick posted on 02/24/2009

I tried to get one of these bikes when they first came out, hell I even called GT/Dyno, but every local place was either sold out due to the Limited amount made, or the bike shops that were on a waiting list never recieved the bike. Now I don't have the clams to shell out for ebays prices. The light itself is on ebay once in a while, but fetches good $.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/484543c20e507cf0845b33cc1e4779fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hewey posted on 02/25/2009

Some more pics of my bike :D :D :D
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sneakyjack posted on 02/25/2009

to von franco -
I'd be interested in "what could have been" accessories for the tiki bike (baskets? rat traps? surf skate holder? saddle bags? drink holder?). Also maybe you can help design an official Tiki bike club ownership membership card?

thanks for the post!

hows coolsville?


TT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f4eeb40ed78e19a35a5714c80318bb74?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tucson Tiki posted on 03/24/2009

The bike I had for sale never got paid for by the flakey bidder. I have decided to bag ebay. My bike is boxed and ready to ship to a TCer. I paid 500 for it and it can be yours for that price plus shipping and packaging. Let me know if ya want it. TT

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6011d0d152f66379ea30bbf96ea85823?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
sneakyjack posted on 04/24/2009

Well these are from the iphone but heres some pics out of the box of My Taboo Tiki Cruiser:
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After I took these I added the "D" Dyno logo next to the tiki guy!

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FreddieBallsomic posted on 04/25/2009

Thats a helluva bike 4 Bleu to learn on. :wink:

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/23/2009
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Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 07/28/2009

I'm not sure how often these bikes appear for sale , but two weeks ago there was two on Australian ebay in the same week . I couldn't resist. Our bike arrived yesterday.
My first mate and I love it!
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My blog http://www.myspace.com/7741458

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hewey posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-07-28 05:37, Cap'n Pharaoh wrote:
I'm not sure how often these bikes appear for sale , but two weeks ago there was two on Australian ebay in the same week .

Not very often, I can only remember one other one on ebay in the last couple of years. You got the nicer one of the two by the looks of it :D

On the weekend I rode my taboo over to a local car show. The best part was rocking up late and getting a primo spot in the central area, a stones throw from the band. Here's a pic from later in the day when I bailed. The bike got plenty of attention, probably more than my '70 Ford wagon would have! :lol:
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And heres a few pics with my girl from a month back or so
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AlienChauncey posted on 09/22/2009

Hey everyone I Love reading about all your tiki bikes. I have had mine since 2002. I ride all the time and its taking its toll on my tiki cruiser. I've had to replace many parts and its starting to take on its own unique look. This is an older pick as I've added a few more things. I will post new pics soon.

By the way does anyone know where I can find some new Dyno "D" emblems for the sides?Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11313/4ab823e3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e6a82990b611eb57e70c67da5903684d

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