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Congrats & Good Luck Soccer & WooHoo

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Hinano_Paul posted on 01/02/2009

Our Friends, Deanna and I wish you two all the best in the new chapter in your lives!

For those who were not there SoccerTiki proposed to WooHoo at Kona's on New Years Eve. So join me in congratulating these two wacky lovebirds!

May your first child be a Moai child..

[ Edited by: Hinano_Paul 2009-01-02 12:37 ]

rugbymatt posted on 01/02/2009

Congrats you two wacky lovebirds! Sorry I could only be there via cell.

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2009-01-02 12:30 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 01/02/2009

Whhoooooooooo hooooooo!


The Sperm Whale posted on 01/02/2009

This is great news!! Laura and I are very happy for the both of you!! Congrats!!


Tears of happiness drip into my mai tai glass for both of you

Hiphipahula posted on 01/02/2009

Congratulations again I am so excited for you both! can't wait to hear about all your wedding plans & thoughts. What a surprise I still don't know how it was kept a secret, good job Marty Lush for fakin' that up so great & foolin' us all. & Chris...wow what a guy.. Every Happiness to you both.

Tigerlily posted on 01/02/2009

I'm so excited for both of you!! It's about time. The surprise really made my night. I shed a few tears with Sharon and Deanna. I can't believe Soccer Tiki pulled it off in total secrecy. Congratulations again to my favorite TC couple.

tikiyaki posted on 01/02/2009

Congratz Soccer and WooHoo. It was an honor being part of this. Me and Marty were the only ones who knew.

Pretty cool way to propose...Tiki Style !

Bogielocks posted on 01/02/2009

Congrats you two! Many happy years to come..



[ Edited by: Bogielocks 2009-01-02 15:54 ]

tikiwinebear posted on 01/03/2009

Many congrats to you two!!! Can't wait to see the wedding decor plans. :D

Hope to see you both soon.

Joe Banks posted on 01/03/2009

Tip Tip Hoorah! Congratulations!

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 01/03/2009

It's about frikin time!! Cheese & crackers Chris!

Seriously though...God bless to a very wonderful couple! Gary and I send you all of our love and congrats!

Is your dress & tux gonna be made from vintage Hawaiian shirts?

If you need any help consolidating tiki crap into one house (don't get nervous, ST) we got a truck!


Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 01/03/2009

Congratulations! I'm so happy for your both. I wish you lots of love and tiki.

TikiMango posted on 01/03/2009

Congratulation to the both of you. I wish you many happy days in the future, and may you never-ever drink a pink Mai Tai.

TraderJohn posted on 01/03/2009

Congratulation, Wish you the very best !

RevBambooBen posted on 01/03/2009

Congrats you 2 Tiki Freaks!!!

With all the divorces that happened in the tiki commune

the last couple of years.....

It's good to see some Marriage's starting to happen!!!!!

Rock on!

Da Boo's

Trader Tom posted on 01/03/2009


tyger jymmy posted on 01/03/2009


BettyBleu posted on 01/03/2009

WhooHOO!! Congrats and best wishes! What a great way to ring in the New Year!!

cheeky half posted on 01/03/2009

Congratulations guys! All the best from your pals in the desert.


WooHooWahine posted on 01/03/2009

Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo to everyone for all of your Congratulation Wishes. We are so happy that we could share this New Chapter in our Lives with our TC Family & Friends. May 2009 bring lots of Love & Happiness to Everyone. WooHoo!!!
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Palika posted on 01/03/2009

My BIG ALOHA to Soccer and WhooHoo Wahine !! :)

I know a professional Hawaiian Wedding Singer that has been waiting a long time for this occassion. Look forward to singing for you on your very special day.

Aloha and a hui hou,

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EdsGoneTiki posted on 01/03/2009

Congratulations! and Happy New Year to you two! We're very happy for you guys!

Cheers!! --Ed and Cindy :)

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little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2009

What a way to start the Year!
Here's where you get all
the free Tiki art and carvings
as wedding presents!
Smart move!

I remember hearing WooHoo's "WOOOOOHOOOOOO"
the first time at the Catalina Tiki fest back in 06
and now look forward to hearing little WOOHOOs in the future!
Can i babysit? :lol:

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GO TIKI posted on 01/03/2009

The two nicest people you'll ever meet, Congratulations, We are honored to be your friends, Mahalo! Gogo and Dani

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kinikilu posted on 01/03/2009

Congrats to my first TC friend. So glad that Mark and I were there to share in the excitement! Many happy, happy years to you both!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! What a great way to start the new year.

Much love,
Mark and Cyndelu

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Tikitatt posted on 01/04/2009

Mr. and Mrs. Soccertiki... Has a nice ring to it.


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TIKI-RAY posted on 01/04/2009

Im already planning on carving the tiki cake toppers . The will have holes drilled in them so they can wear them separatly as tiki necklaces . These wil be a limited edition set . Two originals, thats it ! If I have time afterwards I will handcarve the spanking paddles . Sweeet !

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bigtikidude posted on 01/04/2009

Congrats to both of you,
many wishes of happiness for the future.
what a cool way to pop the question.


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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/04/2009

I posted my congrats earlier on another post, but since this is the "official" one, I'll do it again.... CONGRATULATIONS! You are two of the finest and most fun people I know! Chris, thank god you're making an honest woman out of her! Whooooohoooooooo! Romance Rules! And Tikified romance, at that!

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alohacurrent posted on 01/04/2009

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Congratulations you guys. We wish you our very best! :drink:

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Jason Wickedly posted on 01/04/2009

Congrats guys! You guys were so nice to us at our first Tiki event, we kept coming back for more! You two have a great future together!

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VampiressRN posted on 01/04/2009

Congratulations Soccer and WooHoo...a greater Tiki couple I can't imagine!!! My best wishes to you for a life-long partnership full of love and rum. :)

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tobunga posted on 01/04/2009

WooHoo and Soccertiki! Congratulations again! That was the tikiest wedding proposal ever! Way to go Chris! Karen, you must be the happiest wahine of all!

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CheekyGirl posted on 01/04/2009

congrats...now you just have to set a date!

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Bora Boris posted on 01/04/2009

What? :o

Is SoccerTiki one of those pregnant dudes? :lol:


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GROG posted on 01/05/2009

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SoccerTiki posted on 01/05/2009

Thanks to all for the wonderful thoughts, comments and caricatures!!!
Tobunga, that is a very cool piece of art you presented us with tonight at Damon's!!! Thank you.
I'm glad so many got to share in my little surprise! For those who couldn't make it, I hope we'll see you soon! Stay tuned! :P

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Ojaitimo posted on 01/05/2009

Congrats you two!

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bigtikidude posted on 01/06/2009

if you were there you'd know shes said WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO
and not yes.


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GROG posted on 01/06/2009

"WOOHOO!!" was too long for the word balloon, so had to go with "YES".

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little lost tiki posted on 01/06/2009

and WOOHOO doesn't swear either,Ernie!

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Wildsville man posted on 01/06/2009

Congrats to the first family of Tiki!!!!!!! May you live long together and prosper together!!!!

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Good Times

P.S. Kinny,Go Blond or Go Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIG THAT?

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inkylouise posted on 01/06/2009


We will be celebrating at Frankie's soon!

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RedPatti posted on 01/06/2009

Soccortiki and Woohoo:

What a spectacularly wonderful way to start 2009. Congratulations.

Let us know when you will be at Frankie's to celebrate. How about February 6-7.

We are thrilled for you two.

Jeff and Patti

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Haole'akamai posted on 01/06/2009

On 2009-01-06 12:32, RedPatti wrote:
Soccertiki and Woohoo:

Let us know when you will be at Frankie's to celebrate. How about February 6-7.

Seriously! That would be fun, especially since TofuJoe and I will be in town then, too!! :D

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NOTCH posted on 01/07/2009

Congratulation's to the both of you!

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Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/07/2009

Congratulations Nui Nui, Chris and Karen! Good to see you again last weekend ( -- and NICE rock you gave the lady, ST...), Libby and I send our Best Aloha to you both, and wish you every happiness always. :)

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