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sophista-tiki orignals Dawn Frasier

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hewey posted on 01/03/2009

Loving these landscapey pieces, they look great - very reminiscent of vintage menu covers and the like :D

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/05/2009


MadDogMike posted on 01/05/2009

I know absolutely nothing about painting so I love seeing the layers on the progress pix. Looks like another winner coming to life.

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/06/2009

next couple of layers.

this layer was completely un authorized. paw prints and fuzz are not usually part of the painting process for me.

notice the obligatory tiki on the left. menu cover style. but I will probably place the tiki in the scene for the next version of this painting.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-01-06 12:28 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 01/06/2009

Dawn I really like the painting style you are doing in this series! I also think your skills at composition are really good in this latest series!

Paint on!

ST :tiki:

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/08/2009

Im calling these 2 done First one was a small study for the bigger concept. mostly cause I needed to use that piece of paper its 10" x 11"
the bigger one is on a fancy stretched piece of cold press paper 15" x 24"
next one is all sketched out and ready for first layers of paint

small study

large painting

Tikisgrl posted on 01/08/2009

Wow, really like those Dawn!

TikiMango posted on 01/08/2009

Nice! I wanna move there!

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/08/2009

me too

beadtiki posted on 01/08/2009

Ha Ha All! I got to see them in person and, although these are great pics, they just don't do justice to these paintings. They are fantastic and I intend to get me some!

little lost tiki posted on 01/08/2009

get some! :lol:

go Dawn GO!
it looks like you sometimes do a sepia/natural wash
to "antique" the pieces a tad...very nice!
knowing you,Ms. Resourceful
i bet you used coffee!
So stoked you're posting more,Dawn!

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/08/2009

nope Im not using any special secret coffee tequnique to"antique" the paintings. I think what makes them look old is the painting style, (old school watercolor technique) combined with only using a 1" or 1/2" wash brush. I did just find a brand new #1o filbert so that seems like it might be my new favorite brush. I use alot of daniel Smith quinocrodone gold to brighten areas its one of my favorites
I can tell that the pics arn't perfectly color accurate, thers alot of sublties that can be seen in person. I just cant pick up on the camera.


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-01-08 11:39 ]

woofmutt posted on 01/08/2009

You forgot to mention your muddy-cat-paw technique. Brilliant!

I can attest to the fact that Ms Sophista-tiki's pieces have much more depth and wonderfulness in person. So if you like a painting you see online you'll love it in person. Buy buy buy!

[ Edited by: woofmutt 2009-01-08 09:27 because for some reason he wrote "So if you like one a painting you see..." He thinks it was his native Hillbillese creeping in.]


[ Edited by: woofmutt 2009-01-08 09:27 ]

Chongolio posted on 01/08/2009

Great new art Dawn! You have really been layin down some tasty eye treats!

jpmartdog posted on 01/08/2009

Really beautiful series Dawn! Love the detail, yet loose washes. Dynamic color and composition!

Babalu posted on 01/09/2009

Very nice Dawn! I may be cold up there right now, but your on fire lady...keep it coming!

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/18/2009

here's whats going on in the studio now.
If you happened to see me blabbering on and on in shout the other day You would know that I'm super happy to have new paper! Ive got pile of really expensive watercolor paper from my moms studio, not to be wasted on experimentation! I needed a watercolor sketch pad, so I had to make a trip to Daniel Smith. (Super expensive pro art supplies). I don't normally shop there but it is the closest art supply store to my house and I didn't want to drive all the way across town. First thing I see when I walk in the door is watercolor paper! on sale! YEA! 100 pieces of paper 12"x18" for less than 20 bucks! even bigger YEA!
Sooooo,, Ive been using my new stack of paper to work out some ideas for new paintings.
The thing about cheap watercolor paper is that it just doesn't handle the paint well enough for it to be a "good" painting. the paints don't come out as refined or intense as they do on more expensive paper like Arches.
I have committed myself to doing just watercolors for an entire year. put in my 10,000 hrs. get really good, and learn all there is to know about watercolor technique.
Ive been doing watercolor since I was 12, my mom was a well known watercolor painter and taught watercolor at University in Bozerman MT. you would think Id have it down pat, BUt nooOOooo, I was too much of a rebel to actually pay attention to technique. I think it was because of the BORING subject matter of another dilapidated barn in front of another mountain SNOOZZZ!!!
10 million yrs later...... I want to learn technique all over again.

I'm working out some renderings for my museum project. part of what I would like to do is make a GIANT map Covarrubias style of the US showing all of the Prominent "tiki temples" So in doing so I will first do architectural rendering style paintings of all the buildings. Then eventually elements will find there way onto the map somewhere.

here's my new stack of paper ooOOOoo new paper its like crack!

this is whats happening on my desk RIGHT NOW

rendering of Polynesia Americana museum exhibit. hut in center of big gallery space. notice the "map" on the far wall. The scale of this is off I didn't do any persective on this as its just the first "sketch" but close enough to give you the idea

just goofing around. this piece is on good paper. 10"x14" Arches hot press.
Notice the difference in color and intensity between the good paper and the "sketch" paper


[ Edited by: sophista-tiki 2009-01-18 11:06 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-01-18 11:06 ]

MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2009

SOOoo COOool Dawn. Yep, I saw you Shoutin' about your new paper :) Someday, when I get bored with clay, I'll have to take a watercolor class. If my best work could be as good as your "goofing around sketches" I'd be as happy as pig in mud! I find your work and Ken's very inspiring.

Sneakytiki posted on 01/18/2009

I like the vivid color of your "GooOOOoood paper" Dawn!
The new sketches and paintings look tikitastic..
I can't wait to see what you do in the coming year of watercolour!


Robb Hamel posted on 01/19/2009

The Covarrubias map idea is pure genius!!!!

And a most MARKETABLE print idea also!!!!

Love the new stuff.

little lost tiki posted on 01/19/2009

Hi Dawn!
send me some of that GOOOOOD paper!

Lake Surfer posted on 01/19/2009

Dawn, the hits keep coming!

Love these new pieces!

Looking forward to seeing what the new "gear" helps you create!

Clarita posted on 01/20/2009

nice new ones! glad you got a lot of paper, keep them coming!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/09/2009

Wow nearing the bottom of page 2, where have I been you ask, hibernating! but spring is sorta in the air and Im feeloing more motivated and inspired. heres some progress pics of whats on my desk right now

this one is almost done I still have some inking to do and will probably add some highlights with colored pencil.
then I will do it over and see if I can get a better result, this seems alittle heavy for a watercolor, but I like the composition

this is a quick sketh of the next painting, again I really like this composition, will probably end up doing this twice.

heres the first application of paint on the "good" paper
more progress pics shortly

Tah dah! and thank you very much

little lost tiki posted on 03/09/2009

3 in the works!
like the tiki/architecture theme a lot!
go with it!

and send me some of that paper already!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/09/2009

LLT if I send you 2 pieces of paper do I get one back with a painting on it??

little lost tiki posted on 03/09/2009

make that 5 pieces of paper and we'll talk!

MadDogMike posted on 03/09/2009

Dawn, glad to see you've waken from you winter hibernation. Great work, can't wait for more! :)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 03/09/2009

Having eyeballed some of these beauties in person last week, I can claim its authenticity... BEE-YOU-TEA-FULL stuff lately Dawn- right up my alley. You've really got some tradewinds going on behind these. KEEP 'EM COMIN' cause they're gorgeous & getting gorgeous-er!!!!


beadtiki posted on 03/12/2009

I see it's time for me to make a pilgramage to Dawn's again! New stuff to ogle! Looking REALLY good. I'm anxious to see how these turn out.

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/16/2009

progress updates on current paintings

cant quite get the color right in the pic so Im posting both shots, anywayz hopefully you can see the inking details.

a crucial step for each painting! cat butt!

just about to ink this one up maybe I will post the finished piece at the end of the day

woofmutt posted on 03/16/2009

I have tried to get my cat to stick to the wall like this and it never works! What'd you use?

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/16/2009

spay glue

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/17/2009

Lake Surfer posted on 03/17/2009

Beautiful work, Dawn!

I love your pallet choices, such great warm colors all work well to set a tropical mood.

And the subdued lighting tied in with great sunsets reminds me of lazy summer twilights with a warm breeze blowing.

Very nice ink work also... everything comes together perfect.

The tikis and the architecture go hand in hand.

MadDogMike posted on 03/17/2009

Absolutely beautiful Dawn. I want talent! :(

little lost tiki posted on 03/18/2009

this is really turning out to be a great series,Dawn!

KuKu posted on 03/18/2009

Dawn, nice work, your art takes me there...

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/18/2009

watercolor sketch for next painting

Robb Hamel posted on 03/19/2009

Love the new stuff, it really is nice to see you around again.

I still say the Covarubias-style map is double-pure genious - I want one for my wall.

beadtiki posted on 03/19/2009

I want to live your paintings! SOOOOO nice!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 03/20/2009

thanks so much for looking and commenting my TC pals., Im working towards a couple of goals with this series.

  1. only doing watercolors for an entire yr.
  2. making 100 paintings in a yr.
    3 The Prize!!! end result would be a solo show, with lots of pieces sold.

so on my journey of putting in my 10,000 hrs heres some
watercolor sketches. these 2 are mostly about playing with this kind of paper, I think Im finally getting the hang of it. I like the loose fast sketchyness of these cant wait to see how they look on the better quality paper. good composaition , and they will make nice bits of the bigger paintings.

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Sophista-tiki posted on 03/21/2009

just finished 2 more watercolor sketches
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MadDogMike posted on 03/21/2009

Beautiful! Do they get names? Good luck with the 100 paintings, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 03/21/2009

MDM feel free to give them names if ya like Im terrible at that part. Ive got a good start on my 100 paintings

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little lost tiki posted on 03/21/2009

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how bout
"Peppermint-eye PNG Fellow"?

this guy makes me feel so happy!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 03/22/2009

I finally got the imagekind ball rolling, will add images daily until I fill my gallery. so now the average beachcomber or wahine can get some fine sophista-tiki prints or cards.
http://sophista-tiki.imagekind.com/ Dawn


[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2009-03-25 10:16 ]

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 03/23/2009

progress pic. this is the first layer of paint on this one. Wherever this is I wanna go there,,,, actually its inspired by Sabu's ephemera from the '62 Seattle Worlds Fair I just added a whole extra A-frame and a pond. and ad libbed a bunch of stuff
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[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-03-23 13:26 ]

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