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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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HB TIKI posted on 02/13/2009

little lost tiki posted on 02/14/2009

Hey Roger!
Now go post that BigToe Art on his thread!

Note proper way to display a signature below....

ravenne posted on 02/14/2009

On 2009-02-10 20:19, little lost tiki wrote:

I can't wait to see these two completed!

And this one:

Has got to be my favorite one so far!

Keep rawkin the abstracts! :D

little lost tiki posted on 02/14/2009

Mad Dog!
Art,like anything else
needs to EVOLVE and GROW!
If ya ain't pushin it...GO HOME!
Just as the original PolyPop artists took the whole of Oceanic Arts
and used it as a playground for their movement
A lot of today's carvers and artists always strive to push it further...
sometimes with good results
sometimes not....
thanks for pushin it,Mike!
and not bein afraid of any medium! :)

Thanks for the drive-by!
Haven't seen you since GUSTAVFEST in San Diego!
Jump! Jump! :lol:
Can't wait to see some of them Tiki Temples on the 3rd!
With all that talent squoze into one parking lot
Be prepared for a Hi-Energy day!

Markusk-Thanks so much for gettin into the ruins....
the lushness and ruins were things i wanted to tackle specifically on this one...
So happy it caught your eye!
As for prints...not yet
but i'm working on a way to get the art out to all y'all
at ridiculous prices...just be patient. :)

Well...worked a bit more on the Moai lake of fire/idol piece
but it still has a bit to go,so...
No! You can't see it yet!
i did get this piece done...
no Tikis in it,but it is a bit tropical
with palms,volcanoes,and butterflies...
i had to finish this before today..
it was a Valentine's Day present for the wifey...

"Three butterflies"
tissue paper stain/acrylic paint/puff pen on gessoed wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame!

like i said before, just wanted to see if this tissue paper stain
could translate well on the gessoed wood....
i think it did alright...
Here's a bit mo' close-up...

and here's some super close-ups
so y'all can see the textures and roughness of it...
the fun part about gettin it rough up close
is that the eye blends it from a distance..
like a lil miracle! :)

volcano and sun

ferns,flowers and palm trunk

more lush vegetation...
i like how the grasses seem to recede and advance
depending on how you look at it...

here's the three butterflies
scampering around the jungle...

after painting the palms and trunks
you can see where i put the puff paint in lil accents all throughout!

that's it for today!
Happy Corporate Exploitation of Love Day!
i love you ALL! :)

just don't ask to borrow any money....

ravenne posted on 02/14/2009


That turned out absolutely gorgeous!

:lol: Funny I just posted a few mins ago wanting to see the final look. :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 02/14/2009

TAG! You're it ravers!

ravenne posted on 02/14/2009



Wait, when did this turn into a game of tag?

Oh well I'm at my house, so I'm at a safe spot! hahaha!

...Where am I?


little lost tiki posted on 02/19/2009

Long-distance tag can be tiring!
Anyways, i gots these two new abstracts done
but won't get to scan em til next week
so I decided to give you some blurry teasers
just to keep the goofs at bay...
I'll be replacing those blurry pics RIGHT NOW as you READ!
First one....
these are both 18x24-BIG!
"Moai King addresses the Stone Giants"

This one is tissue paper ink stain first
then ink outlines on the watercolor paper....
then subtle blending
using water against the hard line
to create shadows/depth
and then water-soluble pencil and hard pastel pencil (white)
for lighting....
Lots of painstaking work...
Tiki Tunnel Syndrome! :lol:

the fun part about these are how the characters come to life in a spontaneous manner...Once their area in the space is formed,they begin to move and tell me what they're doing/what they're thinking...
Not really literally..
that would be crazy...

it appears as if they've escorted their king to the great outcropping to hold a conversation with the wise old Stone giants who reside at the base of the lava lake...

that guy in the lower right hand corner is gettin a bit edgey....
Here's the king...


the three Stone giants

the volcano in the background

and this great piece of turf!
It makes me think about mary blair and marc chagall...

Next one..
"The lost Tiki"

This one required a different approach
All in the name of science and risky adventure!
i took a plain white piece of watercolor paper
and forestalled the tissue paper/ink stain
and decided to do all the outlines FIRST!
after that, did some blending and shadows
NEXT I filled in the colors with ink-coloring book style
now, when you do that against an ink line-it will bleed if you wash it too wet
BUT if you throw it in wet and sop it up quickly with a paper towel...
it'll pick up parts of the outline and fade it
thus causing a less intense color
then you can throw in another wash for a subtler shadow...
Anyways, the risk was taken and i was able to achieve this different feel
and IN LESS TIME than the other one
('cause those pencilled in hi-lights are a BEACH sometimes!) :)

Here are the brave orongo/birdmen,after weeks of cutting a swathe thru the jungle,chance upon a lost tiki left by an unknown society...

kind of an elaboration on the Moais discovering ruins
Discoverers/lost Cities/Explorers have always been of interest
so expect more of deez! :)


Here's a blurry close-up so you can see how rough the blurred and blended ink lines become after this technique!

(say it like the original Inspector Clouseau would)

here's the lost tiki!

I tried to fit a couple of faces in there!
and i like how the branch is both in front of/behind/and thru the tiki.....
TRIP-OWT! :lol:

and a slice of jungle vegetation....


here's gawkin at you! :)

Hope you liked the new improved posting with the fresh scans!
they look a lot closer to the originals now....

Be on the lookout for the Moai Rowers plummeting down a waterfall...
in abstract!
love ya!
Mean it!

By the way...
i've been selling affordable drawings on eBay these past few weeks
for cigarette/art supplies/hair products money..
Five people have been able to adopt some beauts!
And so should you! if'n you want!

Please help me keep my locks beautiful!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-02-24 22:15 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 02/19/2009

I LOVE the "peek-a-bew" bird. I wants'ta give 'im a hug!!!

MarkusK posted on 02/19/2009

Love 'em both! Outstanding work, the longer I look at it the more I think I'll be having dreams about dancing moais and birdmen. Thumbs up!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/19/2009

Oooooooh! Coolness.

MadDogMike posted on 02/20/2009

Love the flames Kinny (I'm a sucker for flames)

Lake Surfer posted on 02/20/2009

Flames, flames and branches both in front of/behind/and thru the tiki!

You came here to chew gum and kick ass... and you're all out of gum!

So much great trippy stuff going on lately... and the butterflies rock!

TravelingJones posted on 02/21/2009

:lol: :lol: :lol: :D RUZIC ROCKS DA BUS! :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

OceaOtica posted on 02/21/2009

The Visit to the Jungle.. piece is intense man, you are a maniac, could stare at that for hours

GROG posted on 02/22/2009

Wow. Your style doesn't look anything like Mark Ryden's artwork!

little lost tiki posted on 02/23/2009

Hey Captain Obvious...
now WHAT is THAT supposed to mean?
you're gonna need to explain...
if you would have been your typical lazy self
you could have just left "RUZIC SUX"
and it would have been less cryptic..

I love Ryden's work...some of those pieces from that Trees show
were too awesome for words...
Also got to see the Creatrix at the Laguna art museum juxtapoz show
with Tikishark and was blown away...
i love his sense of cross-pollinating genres
and his whole sense of creating a whole world
where all of his themes are possible...

I used to love to hide when i was a kid...
that suspense of people walking by while you sit there motionless...
anyways,that's kinda the mind-set behind that critter!
Much appreciatin your visit...

Markusk-Danke Tiki Freund!
I see you're from Berlin!
Ich hoffe, dass Sie wundervolle Träume von Birdmen und von tanzendem Moais haben! und ich wünsche sie auch wundervolle Kreationen von allen meinen Freunden anspornen! danke soviel für die Ermutigung! ich hoffe, dass dieses gutes übersetzt!

Thanks! How was Baba's Chop? was it fun?

MDM-I'll remember that you dig flames,my friend!
How was Baba's Chop?
was it fun?

Lake!-How'd your show in Illinois go?
That line just throws me back into "They Live"
with that whole subliminal Alien billboards and Rowdy Rodney Piper


Thanks so much for the cheerleading!
I hope this inspires all my artist friends
to step off the cliff
and try something new and daring!
Approach an old theme and redefine it
expand on it...
I mean, just look at those Fire lake pieces you banged out!
Prime example of veering off the road and nailing it!

Good to see you! :)
Glad I waited until after my REAL WILD days to tackle this style
would've gotten lost if i wuz trippin too hard!
Love that discarded griffin helmet on the lower left
and the UFO's! :lol:

Cass! I'm with you on that jungle ruins piece
somethin about it!
quit starin at that and work on your own mind-blowing stuff!
Pick up the pace,man!
and it is you, sir
that are the maniac!

Aloha friends and gawkers!
Yet again,i have a blurry drawing picture...
i promise clean scans this week..
lots of little projects going on..
i need to quit my job
and apply for some Special Ed Grant or something
that would free up some time...
Speaking of Time..
if i could save time in a bottle
I'd put it towards studio time! :)
Here goes..
clean slate...
Finally finished the piece for the
"Celebrate the Swordfish" exhibit
at KONA this coming Saturday night
I'll have this painting in the show
and will have a table
hawking me wares!
Stop by for some banter! :)

"Dream of the Swordfish"

acrylic on wood with a Bamboo ben frame!

Something about working with a bamboo Ben frame...
Like the mana is already crammed in there...
that creativity just seeps out and mingles with the energy in the studio
and cool things happen....
This piece sat in the studio for at least 6-8 months
i painted the wood black to try a black velvety piece
and it sat there for 2 months...
then i needed a table to lay out colors for that huge Lost Rowers piece
so it was placed on it's side on top of a stool
and was filled with paint tubes-so i could have them at the ready
functional, yet awaiting true transformation...
that's been 4-5 months
and then finally Kona and tobunga's Swordfish show...
and here it is....
here's some close-ups...
it started as a quick study of 4 swordfish
playing with depth and rhythm and movement
and turned into this...

i kinda like it
and i kinda don't
i dunno... the jurie's out on this one...
what do you kids think?

I mean, this is an Art forum
let's get some artsy discussions
and exchange information
create a dialogue....
This one was kinda hard
because the wooden surface already had a painting of swirls
which was very prominent on the initial black paint coverage...
so that shows up underneath
That's probably why i went so simple in the beginning of it...

After those initial colors were blocked in
then i just went for it
clumsily staggering thru it for a bit
til the burnt orange came in
and then i felt a little better
and then the lighting helped
pull together some of the elements...

I stained the bamboo frame
from the yellowish color
by adding burnt umber washes...
Now it'll look cool on the wall at KONA
finger's crossed!

"the Waterfall"
tissue paper stain/ink/white hard pastel pencil on Aquarelle watercolor paper
i think it's around 18 x 24-ish..

This one was inspired by a turn of the century children's book illustration
of these little brownies tumbling off a waterfall!
I'll get the artist's name and post it here soon...
Anyways, i thought...
what would happen if the Moais
encountered a waterfall on their expedition?

I love the way the king's boat
appears to be balanced on the rower's topknot...

After hearing some commotion
the king strains to look up ahead...
Of the king's rowers,the rower in front looks in quiet shock
at the impending waterfall....

This first boat
took the full brunt of the vertical drop and shock of surprise
The rower in the back is being pulled back

My Oar! i lost my oar!
Oh Nooooooooooooooooo...


some background vegetation...

and i love these two ferns by the waterfall!

I promised to bring you better scans of these fellahs
and there they are!

Hey! I'm thinking of doing some prints of 4-5 of these recent stained glass pieces
and decided to ask YOU for some help
Any favorites?Which ones do you think people would like?
Any helpful suggestions from people out there selling prints?
Should I just do small limited edition runs all fancy?
or make them more accessible but in bigger runs?
Any advice would be appreciated...
The past 2 times i did prints
(giclee big on canvas very limited expensive
paper open line limited to 300 inexpensive)
i lost my butt on both of those endeavors
but would love to get some of these out to people
especially since the originals get snatched up fast...

Let's start a dialogue
let me get inside your brain
and I'll keep sharing crazy pictures!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-02-24 21:56 ]

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/23/2009

Very cool stuff, Kenny!
Love the fish, and i just cant get enough of the waterfall!
i like how you do the detail on the Moai's heads--The trees and water are my favorite part though :D

Oh- and the birds Rock!

Robb Hamel posted on 02/23/2009

I love how you built up the image from such simple elements in "Dream of the Swordfish", very cool method for doing an abstract that I've never seen before. The umber really nails the frames' value to the paintings. Your technique really holds up in closeup.

"The Waterfall" gave me a good chuckle 'cause of the poor bastard's scared expressions.

MadDogMike posted on 02/23/2009

Painting is such a mystery to me, I just can't understand how you went


Whatever blood, sugar, sex & magik is involved, it's too cool!

Sam Gambino posted on 02/23/2009

Great fishies Ken! What a beautiful painting!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 02/23/2009

Amazing energy and creativity coming
from your thread! Very inspiring indeed!
Prolific is an very big understatement.
I'm guessing sleep is not an option. :)

little lost tiki posted on 02/24/2009

Thanks kids...
i was hoping for some feedback
on the questions in the last paragraph
but now i'm realizing that
everbody just looks at the pictures
and nobody reads these...

MadDogMike posted on 02/24/2009

Now Ken, do you really think we don't read your gibberish? I read it, I just don't know what the hell a "giclee" is (or how to pronounce it), so I thought I'd keep my mouth shut instead of showing my ignorance. As far as favorites, it would probably be easier to pick out the few I didn't care for as much instead of trying to narrow it down to a few favorites.

AlohaStation posted on 02/24/2009

I hate to keep posting the same advertisement but it fits exactly what you want to do. That other site, that you and I are members of, offers the service of offering print services that are charged for each print that is sold. From small printouts to large gliclee canvases. The price is determined by what the customer wants. You have to pay for the service (in a yearly membership contract), but it opens you up to worldwide market. Of course with every service you have to pay. The nice part is that YOU don't have to shell out any cash to have anything pre-printed. Its a great place to "start". I'm sure there are other services similar to this - this is the one I am familiar with. http://shop.deviantart.com/help/

GO TIKI posted on 02/24/2009

I love all your work Kinny, I don't know why Grog wants to razz you, As he does me too, I'm sure it's all in fun! Gogo

[ Edited by: GO TIKI 2009-02-23 18:52 ]

[ Edited by: GO TIKI 2009-03-11 14:45 ]

little lost tiki posted on 02/24/2009

MDM-Thanks for the reassurance!
At least i got one reader!
By the way: a giclee is a fine art print,often printed on canvas
that is very expensive and provides the artist with excess inventory forever!

Aloha-Thanks man, but i was looking into something solid i could take to events
and sell on my own...

GoGo-Whoa there Buddy!
GROG and i have an agreement...
If there's too many compliments and well wishes on the thread
Ernie will come in and provide a fair and balanced opposing opinion.
That's his job since he's too lazy to do much art outside of his work...
i would love to hear some criticism, good or bad,on this thread.
At least it makes us think and re-examine and grow...
and if i don't like the criticism
i can always say to myself "well, what do they know? They're ugly!"

Thanks for the kind words and for coming to my defense
but artists with thin skins shouldn't be showing their work.
you have to love it if you do it
and if people want to help you get even better
then all the better!

back to our scheduled programming....

Lake Surfer posted on 02/24/2009

*Some people believe in astrology

Others believe in technology

Some people believe in all those "ologies"

But I believe in swordfish!

He believes in swordfish!*

Love it!

The evolution is wonderful... I like the complex as opposed to the simple.
More "Kenstyle" involved!

*I believe in Happy Days

I believe in Joanie Loves Crotchie

I believe in all that TV crap

And I believe in swordfish!

He believes in swordfish!*

Love the Waterfall piece also!

So animated! I could look at it for hours and find new stories to tell!

The lost paddle! The king!

Your mind and creativity could put the need for fossil fuels out of business.

Imagine, the whole West Coast powered by LLT!

*Came up from the ghetto with the help of my stiletto

Every day I hear the people groan:

Why should we buy postage stamps?

We can make our own

We maybe doing something wrong

We could be running a little too long

I guess we better end this song

I say I believe in swordfish!

He believes in swordfish!*

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-02-23 19:35 ]

Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/24/2009

Ken, here's my 2 cents worth. (Yep, I read those ramblings of yourn) The swordfish is a bit of a departure for you. It has movement, but it's much BOLDER than the other pieces like the Moai dudes and the jungley stuff. It really reminds me of a mid-centure mosaic tile picture, with the big chunky bits. Prolly not one of my personal faves, but as they say, that's why they have menus in restaurants. Departures and explorations are good for you. If you painted the same thing over and over, oy, it would be so boring!

My favorite stuff. . . Well, you know I love The Sea Monster the best. The stained glass/abstract style is playful and exuberant. I like all the ones with the Moai dudes exploring; most notably The Visit to the Jungle Ruins and Moai King addresses. . ., and this new one, The Waterfall. Here's where you get to do a lot of layering and depth that is a real strong style for you. And the Moai dudes are cute and
you get to put a lot of emotion and expression in them, which is fun for you and us, too!

And Migration, which I was honored to see in person, was a real stunner. Kids, that piece is BIG and the colors are rich and vibrant. Beautiful in that Boo frame. Do I have enough cash to buy that? Haha! Sadly, probably not.

I like the detail in the Solomon Island style pieces like Homecoming and Ceremony of Birds, etc. with that stark contrast between the black outline and detail and the soft color beneath. Those are pieces that remind me of tattoos and tribal art. But they are truely yours with all the meticulous detail, the little highlights and the black outline work.

Are there other types of reproductions you could do besides a giclee? Some places do prints on paper that get a texture painted on and they are less expensive. I have an amazing vendor I can send you info on who does art repros all the time and their prices are damn good. Maybe they have another media that might work for your stuff. PM me if you want their info.

Well, hell that's more like 15 cents. But there ya go.
Sadly, I didn't get to Bab's for the chop, I woke up with a crappy migrane and just couldn't do it. BUT I am working! Rolling around in my big ol mess and playing with putting fabric together! Yay me! I will see you Saturday at the Swordfish show, pal. Till then.

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-02-23 21:19 ]

little lost tiki posted on 02/24/2009

must be something in that Midwestern water
i'm still tryin to shake off its effects
and that was 27 years ago since i left!
and i'll take that for one vote for the waterfall!
Thanks man!
I say I believe in swordfish! :lol:

Bummer you didn't make it to the CHOP
they're always fun and ya learn and laugh so much!
(and not just at the way buzzy looks! :lol:)
Thanks sooooo much for the nitty gritty feedback..
That swordfish WAS a bit of a departure
plus the fact i fragmented the process by a gap of 2-3 weeks didn't help.
I picked he boldness of style because of 2 things
the bumpy unsmooth textured surface
acrylic with a brush is harder to get fine detail with
like driving over a bumpy road with a paintbrush!
I'm with you-not one of my personal faves,but glad i 'ad a go at it! :)
Got some votes for SeaMonster
(i was thinkin of doin a better version-i want the sea monster to be less terrifying and more tragi-comic)
Jungle ruin (a definite on that!)
Moai King addressing the stone giants
the Waterfall
I was thinkin also meebee
Night of the Volcano
and moai king and eclipse
Those Moais crack me up and practically write themselves
Was thinkin of meebee doing a calendar or somethin with them...
Maybe blank cards
I just need to do 12 real good ones.....
As for the Migration..
i'd probably have to use the drawing for a print
as The frame would interfere with the print
plus the drawings are a scan
while the paintings need a professional to shoot/etc...
The Solomon islands pieces are practically gone as soon as they're done
so that's a good call-glad i got great scans of em all!

as for prints, this time I'm looking for small runs-not too expensive
Nice paper-not necessarily textured,just having some weight to it.
The giclee on canvas was a real expensive pain in the butt
and a lesson learned
The open line of 300 on paper of the TikiFarm mug pages
well...300 is too much for any print!
so i think paper-a lil bit oversized
16x20-runs of 20-25 each(if that)
and hopefully i kin make em affordable!
I'll chat with you at KONA!
Thanks so much to you and all the folks chiming in!
You're gettin my brain all lubed!

GROG posted on 02/24/2009

GROG never said Ruzic's art sucked----just Kinny.

Just keeping the universe in harmony. The Yin to Kinny's Yang.

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 02/24/2009

On 2009-02-23 22:59, GROG wrote:
GROG never said Ruzic's art sucked----just Kinny.
Just keeping the universe in harmony. The Yin to Kinny's Yang.

Tis true!
As a human being i do suck!
I'm quite the obnoxious boar...
Ernie,however, is sweet as a Thanksgiving Ham dipped in Honey!

if'n one of us should meet a tragic end
the universe would EXPLODE!

GROG is my YIN.

and i am his YANG.

B Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/6025/623a0776a4498.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=f774c32f91f65b9b582c69dceada04d2
Babalu posted on 02/24/2009

Sorry brother, no thought provoking critique this morning...I will say the Homecoming is my latest favorite that you have done recently...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/6025/49a410c3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=80a00751f00e968be752e79b66399c52

I'm also quite partial to to close up sections of it...I'm not sure which I prefer the most??

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[ Edited by: Babalu 2009-02-24 07:29 ]

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/19b8aa4e66d3767eaf4858842b7b6768?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ravenne posted on 02/24/2009

I was out ALL freakin day and didn't get a chance to hop on TC to read threads until, really, this morning.

I imagine your decision is already made up...but I guess I'll throw in a few words.

So you're debating which pieces to make prints?

Well, as you said:

On 2009-02-23 22:02, little lost tiki wrote:
Those Moais crack me up and practically write themselves
Was thinkin of meebee doing a calendar or somethin with them...

YES! and a calender meebee?! yes! :D

Anything with those lil Moai guys...you should definitely do prints! They are cute, funny, and eye-catching, in my opinion.

Especially that last piece you did with them falling down the waterfalls, if I had the money I would buy the original in a heartbeat(but being a poor college kid...it's kinda hard!) so if you ever did prints, it would open windows for others to own a ruzic, even if it's a print! :)

I agree you should definitely run a small batch in the beginning to test the waters...you don't wanna end up getting stuck with 300 or 500.

Ya know...a lot folks at school do prints...if you'd like I could ask around for ya? :)
My teacher, in fact, is looking into a cheaply priced (yet great quality) prints...
I'll ask around for ya anyway!

Otherwise rad pieces!

I didn't expect the swordfish to turn out like that, I agree it's VERY different from what you usually do...but you can still see yer style seeped in there.

Ok I am done rambling now! :lol:

KVT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9efd091b49b4893eadd9599f528aae94?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/25/2009

A calendar! Excellent! Sounds like you need a print producer (hint, hint). Yes, let's chat Saturday. I'm positive I can help you with this stuff, considering I do it every damn day. Short runs, no problem. I will gather some info for ya.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ae1767701cb843744d17ad536ae90fff?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MarkusK posted on 02/26/2009

Markusk-Danke Tiki Freund!
I see you're from Berlin!
Ich hoffe, dass Sie wundervolle Träume von Birdmen und von tanzendem Moais haben! und ich wünsche sie auch wundervolle Kreationen von allen meinen Freunden anspornen! danke soviel für die Ermutigung! ich hoffe, dass dieses gutes übersetzt!

Hey...how did you know what my german sounds like after having the 3rd Zombie!? Now guess what I look like then...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7290/49a6341d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=1a06b76f4622586d85b877d7827fc385

Just kidding!

You know, I've been making my mind up about this print thing. But hey, I saw Ravenne had just the same idea. I have a lot of images from calenders that I had laminated and framed by a pro framing studio (carving a frame is next on my list, I swear!). Now those calenders weren't any limited hq giclee prints so maybe, I thought, there's no need for a high-end approach here. Why not go for a calender so that I can paper my walls with moais? :D Listen to the ladies!

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Robb Hamel posted on 02/26/2009

I wish I was a speed reader so's I could read all these many words.

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little lost tiki posted on 02/26/2009

Thank You Thank You Thank You ALL!
We have kind of a network out here amongst artists

but this octopus of connection
didn't have that much of a full societal coverage
so I'm glad to hear from so many of you
from so many different backgrounds!
I'd really like to get a dialogue going....
That's what's so great about Benzart's and Paipo's and Sai-Babalu's
that exchange of information/answering the questions
learning from you kids -"the real peoples"
to how YOU view art-what draws you in?
does one have to have background on a painting
before enjoying?
or is that good enough ?
Does it have to move/motivate a person?
Or can messages resound deeper in some pieces more than others..
and why?

Anyways... I'm gonna answer Robb (the Slobb) Hamell's question...

I wish I was a speed reader so's I could read all these many words.

Robb,this Public Service Message is for YOU! :)

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Sai-Baba-Hey Man!
Was just talking about you...
"Homecoming" is definetely on my list...
I have 4 of those (all but this one are in good homes)
Good call,Rick, you are wise and
I'm stoked to have such a Yoda as a friend!

Maybe cards-I was thinking cards...
A lot of us artists discuss the whole idea of "Selling Out"
As our work/subject matter progresses (and hopefully) evolves
We sit around,fat,bitter,and middle-aged
and wonder if the whole selling-out thing
is just a term by bitter artists for successful artists! :o
I mean, there are ways of getting the work out there more
(Ie: posters/prints/cards/magnets/t-shirts)
Coloring Books-sold out of the first edition's 50
and have a trickle of ones from the newer one at 100
but is that selling out?
If'n it is....GUILTY as CHARGED! :lol:
But i like Coloring Books!
I've always been one to provide affordable work to the people
as i get older,and spend more time on the pieces
i end up working for $20 an hour..
(Look Up Maria brophy's "Does a Plumber make more than you?" on Drew Brophy's page)
So the originals have to go up,unfortunately...
Damn you TIME!
But, there's still the need to get the work to people
who love it and cherish it as much as anyone else
but would rather eat or fix the car
than luxuriate with art!
(that's why being an artist is so great cuz we
BARTER and SWAP with each other!
By bringing out calendars/prints/posters/cards
would be a way to do that...to bring it to you
and allow me a fine-art salary increase!
it would certainly help with my $500 a month studio rent! :)
until i can get a publisher and print
a 1000 page book-a collection of my 20-year painting career
(and Volume 2 for the 6 foot stack of drawings and sketchbooks)
Then i would expect you all to buy this for your library!

So anyways,what are your thoughts on selling-out?
Normal People?

Ravers- Moai folk it is! Solomon Island Rowers fer sure...
small batches!
ya, ask around school....
I'm in an information acculmulating mode!

Let's talk!
This is so fun!
I've been stuck in the "Shut-up and Paint" mode for so long
that it's finally dawning on me
that there's a whole other angle that needs to be covered!
Mahalos for gathering up some info!

It's like having a little team! :lol:
Actually, and I've discussed this with many folks
All it would take was one capable REP
and they,and the artists they represented
would do very well...It's just a lotta work!

But the more time an artist is out there investigating
that's less time in the studio!
that ain't right!

the internets does make our job easier,tho!

So now i know...
Babelfish translator sounds like MarkusK after his 3rd Zombie! :lol:
Another vote for a calender....

Well, there's my ramblings
let's hear your thoughts
i know i'm not the only one to wonder what other artists think about!

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GROG posted on 02/26/2009

You already sold your soul to the devil, so you might as well sell out to the public.
Calendars, posters, mugs, t-shirts, prints, stickers, plates, coloring books, jewelry,
books, TV show, movie. Whatever it takes to pay the bills.

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little lost tiki posted on 02/26/2009

On 2009-02-26 08:41, GROG wrote:
You already sold your soul to the devil, so you might as well sell out to the public.
Calendars, posters, mugs, t-shirts, prints, stickers, plates, coloring books, jewelry,
books, TV show, movie. Whatever it takes to pay the bills.

TV show-Movie...hmmmmm!
No Faustian deal here...

Tho i wonder if GROG sold his soul to the Buddha
Think about it....
Extreme baldness,gorilla-like physical appearance
and an Animation gig... :)


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MadDogMike posted on 02/26/2009

"...wonder if the whole selling-out thing is just a term by bitter artists for successful artists!"
Ken, I think you've hit the nail on the head. I'm all about people making money doing what they love. And if that means doing some "commercial crap" (not that your art is crap) to finance the stuff you really want to do, it's all good.

Normal People? "

I don't really fit into either of those categories :)

KVT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9efd091b49b4893eadd9599f528aae94?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/27/2009

Grog, don't forget the dolls! Lit'l Kinny dolls with their own tiny paint sets.

KVT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9efd091b49b4893eadd9599f528aae94?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/27/2009

Getting you prices and paper samples, Kinny. 16" x 20" prints, calendars, and greeting cards. I can't really help ya with the Mr. Moai line of bedsheets and towels for the kiddies. Sorry! :)

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ravenne posted on 02/27/2009

On 2009-02-26 17:29, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
Grog, don't forget the dolls! Lit'l Kinny dolls with their own tiny paint sets.

Das just ridiculous!

Moai or nomnom dolls would be better!

Somehow owning a doll of a person just seems to border rabid fan-girl status or stalkerish...but they are both the same. Like those Jonas brothers/hanah montana fan girls ew! Bxcnzvfghj

Omg kinny iz yew the next hanah montana?

:o :o Ah run!!! :o :o

insert many photoshop ideas
:lol: !!!

KVT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9efd091b49b4893eadd9599f528aae94?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/27/2009

Yes, Ravenne, once he has reached superstardom through the Disney Marketing method, with the sheets and lunchboxes and posters and teeshirts, etc (a la Miss Miley and the JoBros) the screaming fangirls will be right behind. And they will want a Kinny doll. Of course, mini moai dollies will be perfect for the tiny kiddles. Great idea.

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TravelingJones posted on 02/27/2009

On 2009-02-26 08:20, little lost tiki wrote:
...until i can get a publisher and print
a 1000 page book-a collection of my 20-year painting career
(and Volume 2 for the 6 foot stack of drawings and sketchbooks)
Then i would expect you all to buy this for your library!

(1) I'm all for the volumes of RUZIC tome. One can never have enough books...

(2) Just listen to your heart and OBEY

(3) Sell Out? Nooo... I say avoid "Crab Mentality"
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*Crab mentality describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs, and is used to describe any behavior inhibiting the free actions of another. Collectively, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition.

This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life", but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success.

It describes a selfish and desperate lust to pull other people down, denigrating them rather than letting them get ahead or pursue their dreams. It is an unwillingness to allow someone to get out of dire or bad life situations, often being foiled by friends and family members who keep sucking them back in. This trait can strike at several levels of life, like in office environments, particularly on promotion. It is a reflection of the famous saying “we all like to see our friends get ahead, but not too far ahead."*


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Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/27/2009

Of course you all know I'm kidding right? And I know waaayyyy too much about the Disney Method, my daughter is one of those raving Jonas Brothers fangirls .

So on a more serious note, Ken, I do not think it's selling out to make some prints and cards and calendars. You're talking about a few pieces that people really love but either can't afford the originals or the originals are already sold. You're not going to turn yourself into the next Thomas Kincade by selling a few prints. We want you to keep that groovy studio humming!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MadDogMike posted on 02/27/2009

"You're not going to turn yourself into the next Thomas Kincade ...
While Thomas Kincade is not my style, I can't help but admiring his marketing ability. Would it be such a bad thing if 75% of the people in America recognized Kinny's work when they saw it at the mall?

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