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TikiMango's Art- P6 New Art: Tiki Flyer

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All right! My first painting of the New Year. A friend of mine wanted a painting as a gift to remember our time here in SoCal. One of the things that we use to do was scuba dive. I've been off of Avalon, Anacapa and Farnsworth Banks, plus numerous other beach dives, so I thought a sunken tiki head would be appropriate.

Here's the Sinky Tiki, 12x24, acrylic on canvas.

Water was a light wash that was wiped away quickly with a paper towel.

I can't wait to get back to FL so I don't have to dive in a 7mm suit.

Maybe not "tiki" per se, but I think these would be right at home in any tiki setting. I don't know why quality skull models are so hard to find and are so expensive. Maybe kids just aren't building models anymore. I made this for a friend, and it's sitting in his tikified garage. Base coat of sprayed OD green with enamel blue and red details, aged teeth, and sprayed flat-coat last. The head band hides a seam of the cranial cavity, a sacrificed shirt.

In the darker lighting, the colors look very subdued.

With the flash, he kind of looks a bit gaudy, but there's always room for gaudy.

I found it rather difficult to maintain symmetry while painting this guy. I probably could have done a better job if I had planned out the design, but since this was my first one, I just winged it. I like how the added beads and feathers look, gives it a nice primitive look.

Here's my second Skull Token, with more traditional Polynesian designs.


Realy cool mango ... is this second guy gonna be on a reality show,cuz it looks like he just had his teeth whitened...

Very cool but I have to admit I favor the second one. Even the stands are cool!

I agree, I think the second one came out much better, white teeth and all. Thanks for the comment.

This is a 12x24 acrylic painting I call "Me, Myself, and I". I was inspired by a painting that Mr. NoNaMe posted over at Tiki Finds, by Hodad.

Here are a few close-ups of each face. Each face actually consists of two faces looking at each other.

thats pretty cool. clean, simple, got t-shirt potential!

two thumbs up!
good size!
Tiki modern
with a late 70's early 80's bleed
Good un!


I'm a proud owner of a TikiMango piece! Please excuse the room for it will be eye pleasing soon. Also I want to say Ray aka Mango is good people and probably the coolest person I've met in awhile. Florida will be lucky to have such a dude there.

[ Edited by: Coco Joe 2009-02-26 00:15 ]

You are too kind, thanks. I hope the little Cook finds a sweet spot in your home tiki bar.


Hey TikiMango!

The Rum Thinker is great! and I really dig the wash over the underwater tiki, great effect!

Me, Myself and I is my favorite, though... very nice!

Thanks for the comments Eric. Sorry I couldn't attend the Kona art show, looks like you organized a great event.


On 2009-02-26 00:14, Coco Joe wrote:
I'm a proud owner of a TikiMango piece! Please excuse the room for it will be eye pleasing soon. Also I want to say Ray aka Mango is good people and probably the coolest person I've met in awhile. Florida will be lucky to have such a dude there.

[ Edited by: Coco Joe 2009-02-26 00:15 ]


Looking good!


Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time. I guess I've been too absorbed into the bone carving.

Well, I still haven't gotten my stuff together to start painting anything new, but wanted to show a graphic I created for some t-shirts I'm thinking about getting silk screened. I hope you likey? Just something a little fun for those that hate Aloha/Hawaiian shirts.

Rather than investing in silk screening shirts, have you looked into something like Cafe Press where you can put your graphic on a whole array of products. TornadoTiki has done this with her storm chasing stuff at:


I'm sure she can answer any questions that you might have about it.


Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time. I guess I've been too absorbed into the bone carving

That's OK, your bone carvings ROCK!!!

I like the shirt concept, I've never seen that one before. I think I'd want one.

MooneyTiki, thanks for the bump. Is that a nudge that you want me to start painting again? I'd like to, I'm just not in a position to start-up again.

MadDogMike, thanks for praise. I enjoy bone carving a lot.

Robb, thank you for the shirt comment. I hade 30 for Tiki Oasis, but had my size mix bass ackwards. I had a few smalls left, but they've been scattered to the Four Winds.

On 2009-09-14 17:04, TikiMango wrote:
MooneyTiki, thanks for the bump. Is that a nudge that you want me to start painting again? I'd like to, I'm just not in a position to start-up again.

I'm with Mooney, Ray! Hope you adjust your position and make summore art~!



mp posted on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 7:49 PM

"Is that a nudge that you want me to start painting again? I'd like to, I'm just not in a position to start-up again".
Ray, Im having a funk getting started again myself. Good to meet you at Oasis and just went through you thread again
and found this

I love it man. I agree with the others, seeing some more of your art would
be sweet, But take your time. MP

Wow, been about 6 months since I've slung any paint! The bone carving has definitely monopolized my time and creative energies. I gotta thank MooneyTiki for lighting a subtle fire under me. This week I decided I had to get back to painting, but was on a pretty limited budget. I managed to purchase a 9x12 canvas and a few tubes of acrylic paint and cheap brushes. It's amazing how hard (IE expensive) it is to restock your supplies when you have nothing.

Thinking about what to paint was the hardest thing, but then it hit me. One of my favorite movies is The Incredible Mr. Limpet starring Don Knotts, and I've been on some Maori kick the past month. So I thought I would combine the two. I can't recall seeing that mixture before, so here goes... I present The Incredible Mr. Mokoed.

I liked the smaller size canvas, fits almost completely on my scanner. It was fun mixing all the colors I needed from just primary colors, white and black. However, I'll never paint another gray suite as long as I live.

A close-up of the moko designs on his face, I think I might have lost Don under all that moko! I didn't quite capture that frazzled, frightened, wide-eyed look I was hoping for.

Pupule Tiki!

[ Edited by: TikiMango 2009-10-12 18:53 ]


Oh i didn't know you paint too, i guess i hang more at the carving section.. nice!

thats so great my favorite piece so far!!! well done

Tiki Joe's Pop and MP, great to finally meet both of you at TO9. Thanks for the kind words. MP, you'll start when you start, then it will all come flooding out. I can't wait to see what develops.

Clarita, yes, a little painting here, a little carving there... I can't seem to master one as well as you have. Thank you.

Sophista-tiki, thank you. I'm digging this version of Don a lot as well. I'm stuck on the People Mover through Nostalgialand, and I'm not quite ready to get off yet.

TikiG posted on Mon, Sep 28, 2009 7:37 AM

The 'Incredible Mr. Limpet' is a treasured nugget of my childhood too!

Thanks Ray for creating such a "Mango" hybid of two diverse cultures..a collision of admiration located in a parallel universe of your mind..passive & aggressive..you could have painted a Maori Barney Fife and achieved the same self-deprecating emotional quality.

Of course now that you're merrily strolling down this path - how much longer before 'The Ghost and Mr. Chicken' or 'The Reluctant Astronaut' or 'The Shakiest Gun In The West' or a wacked-out psychedelic Ralph Furley release themselves from the mighty Mango paint-brush?

(Spell Check just erased half my message -Damn computers!)


[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-09-28 07:43 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-09-28 07:44 ]

TikiG, interesting that you should mention the passive/aggressive theme here, as that was exactly what I was going for. The only reason I picked Henry Limpet over Barney Fife was that Limpet also has an element of escapism and water that I enjoy so much. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I am pretty sure that Henry really wishes he could get turned into a fish to escape his life. The animated Fishy-Limpet turns into a reluctant WWII hero at the end, and finds the love of his life... awe. (cue the sappy end song)

So yea, the warrior moko on such a meek character, I thought was very fun. No plans to turn this into a "series".

my 2 favorite things
Don Knotts
and moko...

too MUCH!

Ok, so let me stick my foot in my mouth... I wasn't planning on doing a "series", but I really enjoy the juxtaposition of frailty or cowardliness and Maori Moko. I racked my brain trying to think of a 60's TV actor that wasn't too iconic, yet would still be recognizable. I decided on Johnathan Harris' most well known character, Doctor Zachary Smith from Lost in Space. For those that remember the very first episodes, Dr. Smith was a cruel and ruthless saboteur/spy, but somewhere along the way he turned into a whining and complaining character. Such a shame. So here's #2, Lost in Moko.

Another small painting, 9x12, acrylic on canvas. The shirt looks black in this scan, but is actually a dark green with black folds.

Detail of Moko on face. I wish I had taken a picture before the application of the Moko, as it's really hard to see Dr. Smith in there.

I've also been asked why the Moko is blue and not black. From what I have read, the Moko could vary from a black to indigo shade, depending on time period and technique/materials used. For me is was just a personal preference to go with the indigo.

TikiG posted on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 1:47 PM


Thumbs Up for Moko No.2 I always loved to hate the Dr. you love to hate - Zachary Smith. Whiny? Yeah!

See! I know you have a series here, Ray - I knew it!

I trust you have more ideas rolling around your head...should you run out of ideas...I'm here.


TikiG, you called me out on the series for sure. I still have one more I need to get out of my system, but it'll have to wait.

So I haven't done much on the painting front lately. I did manage to work up this idea for another silk screened t-shirt. I'll probably have these at Hukilau this year. I sketched this last night laying in bed, and then cleaned it up in PhotoShop today.

Thanks for looking as always.

Mango, I missed this! Another study in contrasts, this time it's modern technology vs ancient technology. Very cool.

Great Moai art. Looks amazing.

TikiG posted on Mon, Jan 25, 2010 7:56 AM

I love this! Why? well it inspired an immediate concept for an amusement park ride!! Get a patent on this right away, TMango!!

Like MDM said: "another study in contrasts"...that says it all when it comes to describe your graphic art over the past year or so. We're so lucky as a group to have you a member, Ray, and I'm proud to say my friend is doing the "study in contrasts" concept regularly. It fits your personality in relation to Poly-Pop art like a glove.

OK! I hope it doesn't take another three months for you to post something new on THIS thread :wink:

you gonna build one?

hope so!
great piece!
and great talking to you on the hone at the chop yesterday!

MadDogMike, thanks for the compliments. I always have the mantra of juxtaposition running through my head.

Kon-Hembsy, glad you like the moai. That image has been rolling around in my skull for a while, I was glad it finally got out.

TikiG, you're the master of the Dark Ride concepts, if that's the direction your mind's eye was heading. I'll try to get more active over here.

LLT, it was great gabbing on the phone with you guys at the Chop over the weekend. I'd build it if I could, my folks rid me of my Erector set.

Sweet design Mango! Great line work.

The Mecha-Moai is very cool. I like seeing something so non-traditional!

I've been away from the Tiki Tribe for far too long! I'm glad I was able to find my way back to the paints. I'm trying to do a few more paintings this year, as I hardly did anything last year. This was a small painting, just to get my feet wet again and remember how to hold a brush. I call this one Tiki Flight, and it mixes my interests of sci-fi and tiki. Maybe some of you can ID the tiki?

Acrylics on canvas board, 9x12.

Close-up of the "retro-future" Flyer.

Close-up of the Tiki and Explorer.

Thanks for looking!

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