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An open letter to Tiki Central from Martin/Martiki

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tikivixen posted on 02/18/2009

Martiki, I'm so glad we got to see you there that recent couple of (very peaceful and happy) evenings!!!

You know, Forbidden Island is but the first of your tiki masterpieces (well, second...ahem...Novato Grotto, huzzah!) I know it'll always have a unique place in your heart, but I believe the road ahead looks brighter than ever. As others have said--mahalo for all the incredible work and heart and creative genius you put into FI; you are an amazing artist and the place reflected that in every aspect. You truly were, and are, the host with the most!!!

I can't wait to see what you do next. And no matter where it is, if Martin's tending bar, then as often as I can manage it (or my liver will permit) I'll be there. I know I haven't seen that much of you in the last couple of years, but believe it or not, I still consider you one of the coolest people I've ever known, and I'll always want to support whatever you do. Blessings and good fortune to you, Martiki! hoists an honorary Painkiller even though it's way before five p.m. :)

the shiv posted on 02/18/2009

you are in luck! Martin taught me how to make a proper sazerac just last week.
Thanks Martin! Whew!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/18/2009

Martin, I think you'll have time now to sit in the back of the bus and eat cheetos with me.

croe67 posted on 02/18/2009

On 2009-02-18 15:17, Jungle Trader wrote:
Martin, I think you'll have time now to sit in the back of the bus and eat cheetos with me.

Back of the bus troublemakers - that's where it's at! :wink:

MelWaldorf posted on 02/18/2009

We here in Alameda are so fortunate to have the Forbidden Island in our midst. It wouldn't be what it is without you Martin and we Meshuggas will miss you at our post-rehearsal trips for the Tuesday night specials (how could we pass up such a deal?)

I also want to thank you for welcoming Meshugga Beach Party into the Forbidden Island fold, first on the juke box, then in concert, and culminating at the 4th of July Parade / death march. We will miss you this Sunday!

I look forward to the continued health and tiki-osity of Forbidden Island and I also look forward to your futures endeavors.

Mahalo Martiki!

Meshugga Mel

JenTiki posted on 02/18/2009

On 2009-02-18 15:04, the shiv wrote:
you are in luck! Martin taught me how to make a proper sazerac just last week.
Thanks Martin! Whew!

Yay! I'm not gonna make it in tonight, but I'll be in next week to give your sazerac a test drive.

MelWaldorf posted on 02/18/2009

On 2009-02-18 13:18, the shiv wrote:
I am still in shock and extremely saddened by this news. This is all very weird and it is going to be a BIG adjustment but I know all of you will be very supportive! Martin, I have to thank you for all that you have taught me over the past two years. I came to FI with zero knowledge of the tiki culture, history of the cocktails and virtually nothing about rum. You've been so amazing sharing your knowledge and being open to answer any of my questions. I also thank you for putting up with me and my "jerseyness" and always taking it with a grain of salt. You've been a good friend and a great boss and i will really miss laughing with you. I wish you the best of luck. I know you will be successful at any venture you choose. I'll miss you...and, don't ever forget THE BOSS.

As a staff member at FI I promise to continue on as always, slinging your favorite tiki libations with a smile or a jersey smile at least.
Wednesdays will never be the same, no jess and no martin but I hope that you all will still come visit ME! I will do my best to craft even the most annoying and complicated cocktails from whatever books you bring in. I'll be there tonight...sad and confused...so please come keep my spirits up.


I for one appreciate your "joiseyness", but as a Noo Yawkuh I know I'm biased. If I can get my daughter to sleep early enough I'll stop by tonight.

Thortiki posted on 02/18/2009


We came to FI last November for the first time.
The vibe was terrific & the drinks were superb!
Thanks for making the FI the BEST small tiki bar
in the USA!


Boo Loo posted on 02/19/2009

For those of you keeping score at home, this brings my total post count to 5! I always joke that I am one step removed from even lurking on TC – I just lurk over Martin’s shoulder or, worse yet, just have him read me the “good stuff.”

I want to acknowledge how wonderful it has been to enjoy Forbidden Island with all of you. So many fond memories of Wednesday nights, lazy Sundays on the patio, events, and “quick drinks” in between. I don’t think most people could say “I’ll be hanging out at my husband’s work” with a huge, excited grin on their face.

While I had seen the build-out in progress, the first time Martin showed me the “finished product,” of Forbidden Island, with the décor in place and the lights on, I burst into tears. It was more than I had ever imagined it could be. Every time I saw Martin’s enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion convert a new tikiphile or rum junkie, or heard from someone about what an important place Forbidden Island is to them, it made me smile and filled my heart.

Your posts have made me cry on several occasions in the last 2 days, but also to reaffirm what was already a deep appreciation for this community and its support.

Before the Forbidden Island adventure began for us, tiki was a huge part of our lives, and so it shall remain. The best part of Forbidden Island has been getting to know so many more of you than would have been possible in the little ol’ Foggy Grotto or Novato Grotto, and I look forward to many future adventures with you.


[ Edited by: Boo Loo 2009-02-18 16:15 ]

GatorRob posted on 02/19/2009

When my wife and I traveled 3,000ish miles just to be at Forbidden Island (okay, we did other stuff too), not only did the local ohana greet us warmly, but Martin, being the supreme gentleman he is, rolled out the red carpet for us. Halfway into the evening, to our surprise, he brings out the Ohana Hut and says "this one's on the house". Then as we're saying our goodbyes at the end of the all-too-short evening, he brings out some wonderful gifts for us. Martin, your genuine warm reception did not go unnoticed nor has it been forgotten. It made a very big impression on me that I will not soon forget.

Cheers to you, and wherever you go, they will be darn lucky to have you.

NOTCH posted on 02/19/2009

This is Very Sad News..
I want to thank Martin for all the Awesome Time's at FI ( Mug Release Party's, Parking Lot Sales) and I'm looking forward to seeing what Martin will bring to the plate.. I'm sure it will be Awesome..
I will continue to support FI in any way I can And do the same For Martin..

Big Mahalos my Friend..


Coco Loco posted on 02/19/2009

Martin, the shock has subsided and I've had an opportunity to reflect on what a wonderful thing you've brought to Alameda and the tiki community. I remember when Bill and I moved (actually he moved us and I reluctantly followed :wink:)...how we were dismayed that there were so few great places in Alameda, let alone Tiki. Lo and behold, within weeks you and Michael announced your new project!! Forbidden Island (or Brokeback Island as the Lincoln Address regulars called it) :)

I remember running reconnaissance into Lincoln's Address with Mai Tai and Mr. Smiley, fearful of touching anything. I remember scurrying in back with Mai Tai trying to catch a peek of the construction going on inside, only to find you (and your dad) sawing away on bamboo and wood.

Then FI opened! Mana from heaven. I remember the lines, working the back bar with Humu as Bill and Scott worked the door and the lines stretched for what seemed like miles. We volunteered as friends in support because we were so excited about your new project. That seems like yesterday. One of my favorite memories was seeing you and Rebecca dancing a jig behind the bar. :D

We've had so many wonderful memories at FI and truly appreciate the heart and soul you put into the place. As such, it's hard to think about FI as separate from you. But FI stands as a wonderful testament to Tiki thanks to your efforts. So as long as the drink standards remain strong and the usual dj's are there, we will continue to support it.

On the same note, we will support new projects if they should pop up, hint hint. :wink: Martin, thank you for everything and we will continue to support what you built. Look forward to seeing you and Rebecca soon. I know you have wonderful things in your future.

Tiki-Kate posted on 02/19/2009


Although I'm an out-of-towner who has only visited Forbidden Island twice, this seems like such a loss to me because I feel like I went through this long and amazing process with you, albeit from a great distance. Back in 2005 when it was announced that you had become a bartender at Trader Vic's, everyone watched in fascination as you honed your craft and learned how to operate a first class establishment. You did this the right way. If more bar owners were to put in that sort of effort and research, Forbidden Island may not be the rare gem that it is and would find itself in far better company.

Thank you for reminding us all that what truly matters in life is to follow your passion and to do what you love.

martiki posted on 02/19/2009

I just want to pop in here for a second to say how touched I am by all the responses and kind words. Thank you all so much. I will of course keep everyone here posted about the future, and respond to everyone when I get a little more time.


Trad'r Bill posted on 02/19/2009

Martin - thanks for the great times - missed our chance to share slug stories... what about SC as a landing spot?

Otto posted on 02/19/2009

Martin, thanks for creating the wonderful destination that Forbidden Island has been. I am sure that we have not seen the last of you at Tiki events (Tiki Oasis 9, hint, hint) and at your future project.

You have brought much happiness to the Tiki community and we will all continue to support whatever you do in the future.


Lake Surfer posted on 02/19/2009

Martin, thanks for your huge contributions to the tiki community.

Your love for tiki culture shines through in everything you do, with a unique passion.

I wish you all the best in your new journey.

Rebecca, thanks for sharing your husband with us and supporting his dreams.

Hope to see you both in San Diego this summer and to raise a toast in your honor for all you have done for us!

VampiressRN posted on 02/19/2009

You will truly be missed. Wishing you the best for the next Tiki endeavour.

The Gnomon posted on 02/19/2009

I couldn't believe it when I heard the great news!

Does that mean you're now available to come to Washington and lead the Tiki revival?

It was a great luxury having a master mixologist of your calibre in our midst. I hope we don't lose contact when you embark on your next adventure. I'll be raising one tonight in your honor...just before I down it. Drink up me hardies!Yo ho!

pablus posted on 02/19/2009
TofuJoe posted on 02/19/2009

On 2009-02-19 10:00, pablus wrote:


Pablus. That is simply beautiful.

tiki leki posted on 02/19/2009

Martin , I only met you once at last years Tiki Oasis , and your knowledge of Rum's and combinations of just the right ones to use in cocktails is simply amazing. I'm sure you'll be missed at Forbidden Island. Consider a change of venue; you did wonders for No.Cal. Come down south where it's warm. San Diego needs you and your vision of what a serious cocktail is. All the best!!

retrodiva posted on 02/19/2009

On 2009-02-19 10:00, pablus wrote:


Oh man I had remained on an even emotional keel through all the posts until I listened to this. Wonderful and so poignant.

dangergirl299 posted on 02/19/2009

I am stunned by the news and don't know what to say that hasn't been said already.
It was a wonderful experience seing the love child of the Novato Grotto and the Conga Lounge grow into the tiki bar of our dreams. I for one was greatly inspired by the ambiance and took notes on what to do for when I decorated my Hidden Tiki Lounge.
I will continue to enjoy the wonder that is FI and also look forward to Martin's next project.

Buster posted on 02/20/2009

I'm with you on that one Retrodiva.

Trad'r Bill posted on 02/20/2009

On 2009-02-19 10:00, pablus wrote:


...talk about lump in the throat

Trad'r Bill

Formikahini posted on 02/20/2009


I feel like Martin's view of what a tiki bar should be was MY view - that he'd looked through my eyeballs and built what I was envisioning.

I'm so happy to know FI will continue, but it will not be the same for me. And Martin, you weren't even there the one night I got to go! But you made sure I was treated so amazingly well that I felt your presence the whole time.

I will tell myself that he is going on to create something that wonderful elsewhere - like 10 minutes from MY house....
That would ease my hurt.
Painkiller style.
Ooh, yeah.


Basement Kahuna posted on 02/20/2009

Dammit, Martin. I wanted YOU to mix my drink there. I know you and trust you. And important stuff like that can't be left in just any hands. Too much lime and I start pulling my warclubs off the wall and getting rowdy. I wish you the best, braddah. You pulled off a very, very authentic experience of a tiki bar there. You have to be proud of that. Aloha.

fez monkey posted on 02/20/2009


Good fortune to you whichever beach your raft washes up on.

It's always great to watch someone with an infectious passion doing what they love to do.


Limbo Lizard posted on 02/20/2009

We can hope that Martin will go on to create another masterpiece,... then another, and another - the Johnny Appleseed of the tiki lounge.

Pepe le Tiki posted on 02/20/2009

Best of luck to you Martin and thanks for keeping the true art of bartending alive!!! I still hope I'll be able to experience your cocktail wizardry some day soon!!!

Tiki Royale posted on 02/21/2009

Oh dear. Even though I'm reading this while watching the sun set over Wiakiki, it's still a buzz-kill.
Even as a "minority partner" I have no doubt that it was your passion, vision and dedication that has made Forbidden Island what it is today. Mahalo Nui Loa Martin!
I look forward to keeping in touch with you and sharing another Sidewinder Fang in the near future.

chiwito posted on 02/22/2009

On 2009-02-18 06:50, monet2u wrote:
I also hope this is the last we see of the great Martin and his mad mixing skills! !

I certainly hope that the above is a typo. Of course, like all FI regulars [well, semi-regulars; I'm not on the wall of immortals or anything like that] I will greatly miss Martin but look forward to dividing my drinking time between the still-great FI and whatever new project strikes Martin's fancy.


midnite posted on 02/22/2009

Tiki expert Martin Cate leaves Forbidden Island

Is there tiki trouble in Alameda?

"Martin Cate, whose modern revival of tiki drinks at Forbidden Island (1304 Lincoln Ave., Alameda) made him one of The Chronicle's Bar Stars last year, has sold his share of the business. Cate says he and his partners, who also own the Conga Lounge in Oakland, "just had different ideas about how to go forward with the business."

Bad News, Like Socks, Come In Threes

Hell of a week,

PS HELL of a week.

tikivixen posted on 02/22/2009

On 2009-02-19 10:00, pablus wrote:


This is sooo beautiful!!!

[ Edited by: tikivixen 2009-02-22 15:14 ]

mrsmiley posted on 02/23/2009

My silly comment doesn't seem so funny now. TOO soon-I can't joke about it yet.

monet2u posted on 02/23/2009

On 2009-02-21 22:45, chiwito wrote:

On 2009-02-18 06:50, monet2u wrote:
I also hope this is the last we see of the great Martin and his mad mixing skills! !

I certainly hope that the above is a typo. Of course, like all FI regulars [well, semi-regulars; I'm not on the wall of immortals or anything like that] I will greatly miss Martin but look forward to dividing my drinking time between the still-great FI and whatever new project strikes Martin's fancy.


oh my, indeed it was a typo!! I've still got plenty of love to share for FI and Martin where ever he goes, I'll follow. I'm always in need of a tasty libation!

[ Edited by: monet2u 2009-02-23 13:52 ]

thejab posted on 02/23/2009

On 2009-02-18 19:36, Coco Loco wrote: So as long as the drink standards remain strong and the usual dj's are there, we will continue to support it.

I couldn't agree more, drink quality is the most important thing to me! And thanks for mentioning the DJs!

thejab posted on 02/23/2009

On 2009-02-18 19:36, Coco Loco wrote: So as long as the drink standards remain strong and the usual dj's are there, we will continue to support it.

I couldn't agree more, drink quality is the most important thing to me! And thanks for mentioning the DJs!

ted tiki posted on 02/23/2009

Only been there once and I made two others come with me. They were non-believers before then....now they get it. Thanks for making a visit out to Alameda truly great. Red carpet treatment all the way. Best of luck with what comes next..

Mr. Aloha posted on 02/24/2009

Aloha Martin:

You have spoiled many of us drinkers with your high quality (and great tasting) cocktails. I look forward to your next venture, so please keep us in the loop. All the best to you going forward.

Brian and Lisa

tiki-smith posted on 03/01/2009

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I live in Los Angeles, and have only been able to get up to FI once so far. I wear my FI shirt proudly and recommend it warmly to all. The drinks were by far the best I've had, and I've been to many tiki bars. I hope the place doesn't change too much without you.

Mucho Mahalo to you, please let us know what you're up to next.
The Tiki Smith

moondog426 posted on 03/08/2009

Martin, Good Luck with your future plans. It was a pleasure meeting you. I am wishing you all the best.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 03/26/2009

I'm sad to read about Martin's departure. During my visit to FI, I wanted to shake his hand and thank him for releasing his great recipe for the China Clipper in the SF Chron.

Here's hoping he'll export tiki to midtown Sacramento, there are too many sports bars and meat markets full of $30,000 Millionaires there.

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