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Tonga Room SF (Not) to be demolished?

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Fres-tiki posted on 02/26/2009

"But hotel reps tell us that as part of the Fairmont's makeover, they hope to move the downstairs Grand Ballroom to a more accessible spot off the main entrance.
And it's that move that would displace the Tonga Room - which means move it or lose it." Quote from the Chronicle article.

I just had a horrible thought - what if they moved the Tonga Room - but updated it with a sterilized "modern" look - in the vein of Trader Vic's Las Vegas? Ugh!!
I'm heading to the Tonga Room this weekend as part of my road trip.

[ Edited by: Fres-tiki 2009-02-25 22:35 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 02/26/2009

Or the BH Trader Vics.

Ugh, that is an Ugh, indeed...

progrocktv posted on 02/26/2009

This is SOMEWHAT encouraging, at least we're being heard so KEEP EMAILING!

"Thank you for taking the time to write to me regarding your concerns on the possible closure of the Tonga room. I have taken your comments on board and have shared them with the ownership group who at the one’s exploring the options on the best use for the Tower building of the Fairmont hotel. The decision on the best use has yet to be determined and at the moment ownership is exploring all options and comments such as yours are helpful in determining the final outcome.

Again thank you and if you happen to be in the area, I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you further about this matter.

Kind regards,

Thomas Klein
Regional Vice President - California
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

Haole'akamai posted on 02/26/2009

Make sure you get Bamboo Ben in on that meeting. He'll cost WAAAAAY less than a million dollars for the next renovation...

On 2009-02-26 09:02, progrocktv wrote:

Again thank you and if you happen to be in the area, I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you further about this matter.

Kind regards,

Thomas Klein
Regional Vice President - California
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

...edited for spelling...

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-02-26 09:11 ]

progrocktv posted on 02/27/2009
Haole'akamai posted on 02/27/2009

On 2009-02-27 07:44, progrocktv wrote:
Here's the petition:


Only 14 signatures so far? Oh, we can do better...

debbiedotikito posted on 02/27/2009

Come on everyone on TC SIGN SIGN SIGN!!!! :) Thanks.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/27/2009

Please save The Tonga Room!!

martiki posted on 02/27/2009

Here's Leah Garchik's column from yesterday's SF Chron:


That quote reads like I wrote it, but I think that was Dean's wording. Not sure. Anyway-

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?

Here upon these stones
We will build our barricade
In the heart of the city
We claim as our own!
Each man to his duty
And don't be afraid.

Now we pledge ourselves to hold this barricade
Let them come in their legions
and they will be met!
Have faith in yourselves
And don't be afraid
Let's give 'em a screwing
they'll never forget!
This is where it begins!
And if I should die
in the fight to be free
Where the fighting is hardest
There will I be!
Let them come if they dare!
We'll be there!

[Army officer offstage]

You of the barricade listen to this!
No one is coming to help you to fight!
You're on your own
You have no friends
Give up!
Your guns or die!

Damn, their warnings
Damn their lies!
They will see the people rise!

Damn, their warnings
Damn their lies!
They will see the people rise!

thejab posted on 02/27/2009

Yep, the quote in her column was part of my email to the planning department last Friday. I was trying to highlight the uniqueness of the Tonga Room by writing (to quote myself)

I believe that this establishment, which has been in operation as the Tonga Room, has great local, national, and even international historical significance. It is the only remaining original Polynesian restaurant in the Bay Area from the heyday of Polynesian Pop culture (roughly the 1940s through the 1960s). It is the only Polynesian restaurant in the world that has a large pool of water that is made to look like a tropical lagoon, and the only one in the world with a regular simulated rainstorm. Both of these unique features have been a part of the restaurant for over 50 years, making it a one-of-a-kind historical treasure that should be protected.

If anyone knows of another existing tiki bar in the world with these features let us know!

More local coverage yesterday:

Now I'm going to sign the petition!

princessP posted on 02/27/2009

only 62 people?

I thought you guys had more heart.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/27/2009

Here's the link to the petition, so you don't even have to look back a page:


Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 02/27/2009

I signed it but--what's with the NARAL propaganda pushed in there with it when you sign/send. That pissed me off.

dangergirl299 posted on 02/27/2009

Here's a recap of people you can contact:


Send an email urging the Planning Dept to not approve the project unless the historic Tonga Room is specifically included in the retention of the historic Hotel building.
Christina Olague, President San Francisco Planning Commission - c_olague@yahoo.com
Ron Miguel, Vice President San Francisco Planning Commission - rm@well.com
Kathrin Moore, Commissioner San Francisco Planning Commission - moorurban@speakeasy.net
Tel: 415-575-9051.
Mail: SF Planning Dept, 16560 Mission St Suite 400, SF, CA 94103-2479


Send an email urging the Fairmont Hotel to leave the Tonga Room intact in its original location due to its historical and cultural value (and promise to spend your $$ there in the future in support of their business).
Thomas Klein, General Manager - thomas.klein@fairmont.com;
Susan Sagy, Fairmont’s Planning Consultant - ssagy@broadreachcp.com;


Contact anyone you know in the Bay Area newspaper or tv news biz about this issue.


Mayor Gavin Newsom: gavin.newsom@sfgov.org
David.Chiu, Supervisor District 3 and President of Board of Supervisors - david.chiu@sfgov.org;

dangergirl299 posted on 03/02/2009

Many have expressed interest in a TC event at the Tonga Room. How about a monthly event? How about the 4th wed, thurs or friday? Let me know your thoughts...

Haole'akamai posted on 03/02/2009

Not a Wednesday, since that's already TC night at FI.

OceaOtica posted on 03/03/2009

Have not checked into this thread because this is saddening news, i hope the efforts to prevent the steam rolling of new development can be stopped. My wife and I have very fond memories of the Tonga Room as they were a central intended destination for our honeymoon

martiki posted on 03/03/2009
Tiki Kaimuki posted on 03/03/2009

I just wish they would let me swim in the pool.

dangergirl299 posted on 03/03/2009

Regarding the monthly event, we've had 2 votes against Wednesday, and 1 vote for Saturday. Any other votes?

tikitonga posted on 03/04/2009

Weeknights make it tougher for non-locals to swing by. I think a Saturday would be great.

JenTiki posted on 03/04/2009

And Saturdays suck for anyone who already commutes into the city five days a week and doesn't care to make it six. You won't be able to please everybody. Just pick a day and go with it. Either people can make it or they can't.

princessP posted on 03/04/2009

why don't you guys pick one saturday a month for out of towners and a weekly Thursday or Friday?

You can make everybody happy.

TabooDan posted on 03/04/2009

On 2009-02-27 13:07, Haole'akamai wrote:
Here's the link to the petition, so you don't even have to look back a page:


Thanks for the link! It does make it easier!
Over 305 now!
Keep them coming!!!

retrodiva posted on 03/04/2009

If anyone here is on facebook there is a Save The Tonga Room group.


This is a great post from that group regarding with a link to the online petition to save the Tonga and contact info for people to voice your opinion to. I apologize if any of this has already been posted.

Please, please please sign the petition. Takes about two minutes and currently they only have a little over 300 signatures. The goal is 1,000.

In addition to signing the petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-the-tonga-room---san-francisco, have your voice heard by contacting the following people:


Send an email urging the Planning Dept to not approve the project unless the historic Tonga Room is specifically included in the retention of the historic Hotel building.
Christina Olague, President San Francisco Planning Commission - c_olague@yahoo.com
Ron Miguel, Vice President San Francisco Planning Commission - rm@well.com
Kathrin Moore, Commissioner San Francisco Planning Commission - moorurban@speakeasy.net
Tel: 415-575-9051.
Mail: SF Planning Dept, 16560 Mission St Suite 400, SF, CA 94103-2479


Send an email urging the Fairmont Hotel to leave the Tonga Room intact in its original location due to its historical and cultural value (and promise to spend your $$ there in the future in support of their business).
Thomas Klein, General Manager - thomas.klein@fairmont.com;
Susan Sagy, Fairmont’s Planning Consultant - ssagy@broadreachcp.com;


Contact anyone you know in the Bay Area newspaper or tv news biz about this issue.


Mayor Gavin Newsom: gavin.newsom@sfgov.org
David.Chiu, Supervisor District 3 and President of Board of Supervisors - david.chiu@sfgov.org;

[ Edited by: retrodiva 2009-03-04 07:11 ]

[ Edited by: retrodiva 2009-03-04 07:33 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 03/04/2009

On 2009-03-03 19:06, TabooDan wrote:

On 2009-02-27 13:07, Haole'akamai wrote:
Here's the link to the petition, so you don't even have to look back a page:


Thanks for the link! It does make it easier!

You're welcome. It's always best to make things convenient.

thejab posted on 03/04/2009

Methinks that if a huge group descends on the Tonga Room this Friday (as many Facebook groups have planned) the already busy staff will get pissed off, and it will do our cause no good at all. That's why I think a Wednesday or Sunday gathering is a better idea. How about having it on a Wednesday for Happy Hour and then those who want to go to Forbidden Island for TC night afterwards can do so. Once the band starts playing around 8:00 (and they start adding an entertainment charge) you will want to leave anyway.

thejab posted on 03/04/2009

Methinks that if a huge group descends on the Tonga Room this Friday (as many Facebook groups have planned) the already busy staff will get pissed off, and it will do our cause no good at all. That's why I think a Wednesday or Sunday gathering is a better idea. How about having it on a Wednesday for Happy Hour and then those who want to go to Forbidden Island for TC night afterwards can do so. Once the band starts playing around 8:00 (and they start adding an entertainment charge) you will want to leave anyway.

thejab posted on 03/04/2009

Methinks that if a huge group descends on the Tonga Room this Friday (as many Facebook groups have planned) the already busy staff will get pissed off, and it will do our cause no good at all. That's why I think a Wednesday or Sunday gathering is a better idea. How about having it on a Wednesday for Happy Hour and then those who want to go to Forbidden Island for TC night afterwards can do so. Once the band starts playing around 8:00 (and they start adding an entertainment charge) you will want to leave anyway.

dangergirl299 posted on 03/05/2009

Good news! SF has a new law as of last year allowing an application for the interior of a building to be a landmark. SF historical preservation group HeritageYP (www.heritageyp.org) has agreed to prepare the landmark designation report process for submission to the Historic Preservation Commission! I will keep you all posted - after the application is submitted, then we can email the Commission and attend the hearing to convince them to approve the application.

Many many thanks to Heritage YP for taking on this important task!

Haole'akamai posted on 03/05/2009

Mahalo Hertitage YP!

monet2u posted on 03/05/2009

On 2009-03-04 16:36, dangergirl299 wrote:
Good news! SF has a new law as of last year allowing an application for the interior of a building to be a landmark. SF historical preservation group HeritageYP (www.heritageyp.org) has agreed to prepare the landmark designation report process for submission to the Historic Preservation Commission! I will keep you all posted - after the application is submitted, then we can email the Commission and attend the hearing to convince them to approve the application.

Many many thanks to Heritage YP for taking on this important task!

Yes that's great news! Thanks for the update.

martiki posted on 03/05/2009

Excellent news DG! That may render this report moot, but more press here:


midnite posted on 03/05/2009

"Now it is time to let go of the Tonga Room."

So says Chronicle columnist and self-proclaimed Tonga Room liker, C.W. Nevius.

Read ALL about it in his current coulumn at the link provided below. Will the Tonga Room survive? Will it be demolished and cast aside to the ash heap of history? Will it be relocated? Will it rise again from said ash heap like the proverbial Phoenix? Will Darla ever learn the dark secret about her fiance Conrad?

Will I ever read a mass media report about a Tiki/Polynesian restaurant or bar without the use of the loathsome and tired expression "ki...kit"? Nope, didn't think so.

"It is amazing something that kitschy has held up that long."

Will somebody get a waiter's attention, I'd like to order a cocktail before I pass out into the faux lagoon!

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

dangergirl299 posted on 03/05/2009

C.W. Nevius is an ass. Why not tear down all of SF that is historic and nostalgic? Let's replace Coit Tower with an IKEA next.
Also, the guy is dead wrong. I was at the Tonga last night and it was PACKED. The drinks were heavenly, the new band was pretty decent (although a bit loud) and the decor is amazing as usual.

alohacurrent posted on 03/05/2009

Wow, if "not getting it" were an olympic sport Nevius would be golden. Comparing the Tonga Room to a quaint shoemaker on the corner, then summing up efforts to preserve Tonga as a "tangent to save a floating bandstand". Could Nevius possibly be more dismissive? I'm concerned about losing La Mariana too, but I can't be there every month. What a clown.

C.W., keep the memories, but don't let go of the 'old place'. Pull your head out instead.

[ Edited by: alohacurrent 2009-03-05 11:26 ]

Monkeyman posted on 03/05/2009

[ Edited by: monkeyman 2009-03-05 16:25 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 03/05/2009

Is the light a trick of your camera? Long exposure or some such......I remember the place being much darker overall. Of course, I haven't been back in nine years now so that memory is probably very faulty.

I blame the rum and what it does to the brain cells.....

JenTiki posted on 03/05/2009

No, it really is that bright in the dining areas. These pictures also show two of the major mistakes the Fairmont made in the recent "renovation." First, that red print fabric on the back wall of the first picture looks much more Southwestern than tiki up close. Second, in repairing the tattered ceiling, they removed the faux-liage that hid the rain pipes, and didn't bother to replace it with anything, leaving the metal pipes that create the rainstorm clearly visible from below. The third huge mistake, not shown in these pics, is the large red glass (or plexi) panels that now hide the inoperable waterfall behind the bar. Some of us were told by management before the renovation, that repairing the waterfall was one of the projects to be included. Sadly, that was not the case.

The Fairmont has been slowly, but steadily killing the Tonga Room for over a decade. I already miss what the Tonga Room once was, but I cannot say I will miss what it has become. I know that probably puts me in a minority here (although I suspect there is a substantial silent contingent that agrees), but that's just the way I feel. I think if we're really going to fight to save it, we should also be fighting to restore the glory it has lost over the past 10-20 years. I just don't see the point in saving something that continues to be a bigger disappointment with each visit. There are my two cents. I'm sure some of you will think it's worth even less.

icebaer69 posted on 03/06/2009

"Now it is time to let go of the Tonga Room."
"It is amazing something that kitschy has held up that long."

dumb - dumber - even more dumb - c.w. nevius

how retarded is this douchebag ?
nobody of sound mind could write such a bullshit !
who paid him for this nonsense ??

monet2u posted on 03/06/2009

yeah dimwit! oh well plenty of people (including me) are spouting back at him, so he'll be sorry. I love hearing all the old timers who went there as teens in the 40s, awesome.

Can't wait for tomorrow, hope to see some of you there. :)

donhonyc posted on 03/06/2009

On 2009-03-05 09:42, midnite_tiki wrote:
"Now it is time to let go of the Tonga Room."

So says Chronicle columnist and self-proclaimed Tonga Room liker, C.W. Nevius.

Read ALL about it in his current coulumn at the link provided below. Will the Tonga Room survive? Will it be demolished and cast aside to the ash heap of history? Will it be relocated? Will it rise again from said ash heap like the proverbial Phoenix?

Whatta douchebag.

Sure "it's time for the Tonga room to go". Sure, how about also burning the vaults of the American National Film Registry and maybe the Library of Congress, and then move over to destroy all the files at the National Register of Historic places. After all it's just a bunch of "OLD" irrelevant stuff taking up space. That's what they said when they destroyed Penn Station 40 years ago and installed the more 'modern and convenient' Madison Square Garden.

I love how he points out how one of the subjects in the article hadn't been to the Tonga since September. "And there you have it". Whatta snarky piece of sh*t. Someone should ask Nevius how often he goes to his favorite bar/restaurant, but then he'd have to tell us that he hasn't been to Applebee's since September.

This guy is so typical of a culture that has clearly lost its imagination and completely bankrupt of anything pertaining to color and invention. The best he can do at referencing what's hot right now is probably 'American Idol' and dining at Dave and Busters.

Ragbag Comics posted on 03/06/2009

Hey all-

I'm "new" to this forum. That "new" gets quotes, because I've been reading the insightful bits of information on here for years, but haven't gotten involved.

All this hubbub with the Tonga Room concerns me a bit. You see- I have never been to San Francisco, but have been planning to go the last couple years, and crowning the list of places I'd wanted to see out there, as an outspoken tiki-phile, is the Tonga Room.

So- I would appreciate it if it could stick around awhile longer so's I can scrape up enough cash to see it myself.

My mama always told me, use what god gave ya, so I've made this image for our collective purposes:

Here's the HTML code, with an imbedded, click-able link directly to the petition site to post on your Myspace, Facebook, Myface, Spacebook, website, etc. etc. Any place people might wanna click and help the cause...

The size is adjustable by changing the width=" " value.

Hope it's helpful.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/06/2009

..i think it's high time people stop asking the same tired question of old tiki bars.... " I'm amazed something this kitchsy has held on for so long"..........as was stated in that article about the tonga room.

It's time they start asking themselves not how, but why......obvious to anyone paying attention to the world around them, there is something that strikes a chord in folks that visit these "kitchsy" placesm be they tiki or otherwise......why not examine THAT phenomenom for awhile and perhaps discover why people feel so strongly about these places...

yeesh...people are dumb.

leleliz posted on 03/06/2009

Hey Jenntiki I am in the same boat with you.

As much as I hope the Tonga Room gets saved I really hope it gets restored.

I guess that would be Phase 2 :)

martiki posted on 03/06/2009

Here's a great rebuttal to Nevius from Adam Martin of SF Menupages:


thejab makes a good point about tonight. We all know how the Tonga is service wise, and they will freak about a big crowd. So go easy on them tonight- everyone bring cash, and try not to split checks at a table. I know, I know- I don't want to keep being an apologist for their service. To echo several others, it's about one step at a time. Tonight is about letting them know they're important. Letting them know that you want to be treated better is for another night.

Thortiki posted on 03/06/2009

On 2009-03-06 05:29, leleliz wrote:
Hey Jenntiki I am in the same boat with you.

As much as I hope the Tonga Room gets saved I really hope it gets restored.

I guess that would be Phase 2 :)

Restored are you saying taking it back to the way it looked in the 1940's, with faux ocean liner life boats etc.? That would be very COOL! Thortiki

monet2u posted on 03/07/2009

For the first time in the many times I've been to the Tonga Room there was a LINE! WOW AND there was a line all night long. Crazy, but GOOD. Glad to see so many people from all walks of life come last night to show their love and support for the Tonga Room. I had a great time and really enjoyed myself.

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