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Kirby's Art (paintings}Slingin paint again "KonTiki"pg8

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tyger jymmy posted on 11/22/2008

kirby that loundon luau looks realy tastey , also tyger bikini and big boobies , and its sold .

Matt Reese posted on 11/22/2008

'bout time! Glad to see some new stuff. Don't let them creative juices stop.

kirby posted on 11/22/2008

chongo and matt..thanks for the worm welcome
jymmy... I 'll consider that my first commission, back in business..

Sneakytiki posted on 11/22/2008

Birdyhead is a beaut!
One of your best pieces IMHO.
Glad to see you back at it!


TikiMango posted on 11/24/2008

Birdyhead looks great, especially in person.

Howland posted on 11/24/2008

Another fan of Birdyhead here--looks very nice.

little lost tiki posted on 11/26/2008

yet another vote for Birdyhead!
You're loosening up in a real nice way Kirbs!
This looks waaaaay cooler than that little digipic you showed at Damons!
You got the momentum,pal, now Roll widdit!
Great seeing and squeezin you and polly at Damons!

kirby posted on 11/26/2008

sneaky.. I value your humble opinion so thank you..
mango... It was awsome hangin with you and G at The Rumpuss Room, and i realy enjoyed seeing your art and collection also.. lets do it again real soon.
Howland.. Thanks alot
LLT..Its always nice gettin the squeeze on with the Ruzic. Lets talk about that trade some more I need some cool art for the tiki bar im building at my house.

kirby posted on 01/04/2009

way back at the oki oki chop polynesiac was carving this sweet tiki, he gave me a few wacks at him and a small bit a input also, along with bosko and tiki diablo..hence his name "Kirpolyboskiablo" even though its all polynesiacs awsome creativity and carving talant..He later added a pic of him on his profile and I have always loved the whole beachcomber vibe of it so i desided to paint it.. Im planing on a weatherd wood frame, posibly with some small carving details...
18x24 acrylic on canvas
"Kirpolyboskiablo the painting"

The Sperm Whale posted on 01/04/2009

Fuckin Sweet Kirby!! I wanna come over soon. Maybe sometime this week?

TikiMango posted on 01/04/2009

Nice! I love your lose style of painting. Great background too.

kirby posted on 01/05/2009

come on over spermy!!

teaKEY posted on 01/05/2009

I liked the look of that tiki too. The next best thing to owning that tiki is owning that painting of that tiki. Your painting skills never looked better. SOme time off was probably just what you needed.

little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2009

Im planning on a weathered wood frame, possibly with some small carving details...

"Kirpolyboskiablo the painting"

you've got a great pallette on this one
i can feel the salty wind!
these just keep getting better and better!

So Grand seeing you and Polly at the Forest Lawn show!
Polly more...

kirby posted on 01/07/2009

thanks again guys. LLt im glad you see the salty flavor, I was going for that type of feel..

Polynesiac posted on 01/07/2009

DUDE!!! that was real fast! We were talking about this on New Years...

Really great painting - I agree with LLT, the you nailed the colors and "feel" of the what I wanted to convey in the picture - only WAY better. Plus, you made my back yard look way cooler than it really is!

It was grand seeing you and Polly at fores...er...New Years.
Polly more...

I'm honored Kirbs...that's the second carving of mine that you've painted!

Check your PM home-slice!

Polynesiac - putting the "F" back in "ART"

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2009-01-07 14:28 ]

BigToe posted on 01/07/2009

lookin good Kirby. love the creepy eyes!

great to see u painting again.

alohas, t

kirby posted on 07/23/2009

new painting 'Kon Tiki"

Meheadhunter posted on 07/23/2009

Kon Tiki is great...
He seems to be thinking...
I'll get there eventually.
Great stuff!!

little lost tiki posted on 07/23/2009

Very nice,Kirbs!
I love his doleful expression,sailing along,feeling the breeze..
Your lighting and shading is giving this one a nice dimensional feel
and a sense of calm, not clutter
in the way you chose what elements to render.
and the black outlines on everything,even the moon,
throws in a flat,graphic feel to a vast landscape
thus establishing the world as playful and imaginary.
Love his straw hat!
Better than trying to balance a topknot ! :lol:
Keep em coming!

TikiMango posted on 07/24/2009

You definitely have your own thing going, this almost looks like a watercolor or gouache if I didn't know you used acrylics. There's always great expression and a sense of fun in all your works.

Babalu posted on 07/24/2009

Dude, You all kinds of attack a canvas....Sweeeet!! Wonderful loose strokes...

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