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What TV shows are you Poly-Popsters watching

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JOHN-O posted on 09/15/2009

While I'm at it, check out these other cool intro themes by Barry Gray (who did the UFO theme).



Yes, UFO was cool but this was even cooler.

These were the shows that kids watched in the early 60's while their parents were getting sloshed at the neighborhood Tiki bar.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2009-09-14 23:25 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 09/15/2009

On 2009-09-14 22:41, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Yes the Venture Brothers is the Best show on Adult Swim, if you disagree I will get my Magic Murder Bag!
David Bowie is the "Sovereign" leader of the "Guild of Calamitous Intent"
Got it! don't make me call Dr. Girlfriend!

Don't forget Iggy Pop and Klaus Nomi as Bowie's henchmen.

VampiressRN posted on 09/15/2009

Burn Notice
Old Movies (Film Noir mostly)

(DVD) 007 series & Hawaii 5-0

coruscate posted on 09/15/2009

Defying Gravity

coruscate posted on 09/16/2009
Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/19/2009

O.K. just my opinion here, but Battlestar Galactica kicks Defying Gravity's ass all over the place, I mean it made it, it's Bitch.
I'm just saying.....

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/19/2009

VampiressRN, I am a huge fan of Noir, list some of your favorites?

danlovestikis posted on 09/19/2009

Buying on line is so easy that we are watching DVD's of:

Hawaiian Eye that is set at the (Hilton) Hawaiian Village with the Shell Bar

Adventures in Paradise

77 Sunset Strip

All shows from our childhood.

Current shows: Survivor and the Great Race

Waiting for CSI Las Vegas, The Mentalist and Fast Forward


JOHN-O posted on 09/19/2009

On 2009-09-19 09:17, danlovestikis wrote:
Buying on line is so easy that we are watching DVD's of:

Hawaiian Eye that is set at the (Hilton) Hawaiian Village with the Shell Bar

77 Sunset Strip


Question: Does 77 Sunset Strip have much location shooting of late 50's / early 60's LA? Also in Hawaiian Eye, does it show what early 60's Waikiki looked like (other than the Hilton)?

I'd love to see some authentic local flavor but it seems that most TV shows of that time were filmed at the studio.


JOHN-O posted on 09/19/2009

On 2009-09-19 03:47, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
VampiressRN, I am a huge fan of Noir, list some of your favorites?

Atomic Tiki Punk,

You want to talk Film Noir? I started a new thread for that in "Beyond Tiki". Actually this thread probably belongs there too. :)

Check out "JOHN-O's Film Noir Thread" and share your feedback.



Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/20/2009

Cool John-O, I want to go to there.......now....

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/20/2009

John-O, your on the Mark there, Billy Wilder was a driving force, Ace in the Hole is at the top of my list
Great, great movie, I do consider it Noir because of the Narrative, dialog & subject matter, Chuck Tatum was Kirk's best role
in my opinion, although "Detective Story" is very close.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-09-19 20:43 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/20/2009

Noir & Hardboiled Detective movies had some of the very best dialog, also The Big Heat, The Big Clock I would add to the list
pretty much any title with the word "Big" in it!

danlovestikis posted on 09/20/2009

Yes to both questions. We have not finished Hawaiian Eye but it's been all over Oahu so far. We just started disc one of 77 Sunset Strip and it had lots of street scenes. Both are good time capsules and fun. Wendy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/22/2009

Last night's Madmen Rocked, I mean old school, heavy on the beat, rocked!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/02/2009

So have you watched any new season shows, any worth a mention here ?

Flashforward has an interesting concept,I will see if it go's anywhere.
Most of the new Sitcoms are crap....

Haole Jim posted on 11/23/2009


'Gave it up (no time) when in grad school 20 years ago and have not missed it since.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/23/2009

Well Flashforward has turned into a soap, not going anywhere interesting, Venture Bros Rocks, Madmen finished the season on a high note, Fringe has turned into the X-Files in a good way, V, well nothing new there, but with better actors.

Dexter is still good, John Lithgow is doing a great job.

Looking forward to Band of Brothers:The Pacific......

drgoat456 posted on 11/23/2009

Yeah, Dexter was pretty tense last night. John Lithgow does a good crazy. And I thought my Thanksgiving's were a little nuts.
I've kinda been into Lie to Me, on Fox after House. It's pretty much the same 'ole thing, but I like Tim Roth.
Agree with Atomic T, I can't even watch sitcoms anymore. Not for the last ten yrs. or so.

[ Edited by: drgoat456 2009-11-23 15:27 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/24/2009

Last nights Dexter was a great episode!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/11/2010

Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations new season starts tonight
7pm west coast time on Travel channel HD, then repeated a couple more times after.

check your TV listings if you are not on the west coast

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kikekeki posted on 01/13/2010

In no particular order...
Except my #1: Dr Who
True Blood
Robot Chicken
Big Bang Theory
Any/All Classic old movies on TCM


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martian-tiki posted on 01/13/2010

UFO video

I can't tell if this scene is better with or without context - but it is an early precursor to TV's ENHANCE! solution to various image problems

Go team venture!

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crushenstein posted on 01/24/2010

right now i'm really into it's always sunny in philadelphia. that show is so freaking hilarious!

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Bogielocks posted on 01/24/2010

The Six Million Dollar Man... No, it's true..

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martian-tiki posted on 01/25/2010

Black Sabbath visits Hawaii

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 01/25/2010

The Kids In The Hall: Death Comes To Town

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Watch episodes here (probably only works in Canada)

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Unkle John posted on 01/26/2010

I recently found this cartoon while watching television with my niece.


She (my niece) doesn't understand it (yet), she likes the animals in it. I like that it's drawn in a modernist/abstract style, plus the main character and her father live in a MCM home. I want to say I read this cartoon was based on the book "An octopus followed me home". Anyways, I figured if any of you had kids, you might want to know about it. I thought it was cute.

[ Edited by: unkle john 2010-01-27 11:26 ]

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Agent 86 posted on 01/27/2010

On an episode of Overhaulin' where the woman whose car they redo is into Tikis.

[ Edited by: Agent 86 2010-01-26 17:02 ]

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Wayfarer posted on 01/29/2010

Darna and the Pinoy TV edition of Family Fued on GMA.

That's about it, I don't do much current television.
The irony of it is I work at a TV/radio station.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/03/2010

So the new season of "Lost" premiered tonight.
I know alot of TCers watched, Time for the feedback.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/04/2010

New Sarah Silverman Tonight on comedy central!

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martian-tiki posted on 02/20/2010

This may be of interest

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Flat People, Deep Thoughts
Ricky Gervais returns to HBO as a 2-D philosopher

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msteeln posted on 02/21/2010

Not caring much for TV anymore, I've been digging all the old episodes of late 50s era Highway Patrol starring the great Broderick Crawford on http://www.fancast.com

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/22/2010

MT, watched the new Ricky Gervais show, got to say it bored the hell out of me.
it sure has been a bit boring for TV as of late, Lost has the concurrent narrative which if handled right can be interesting, well see?
The Sara Silverman show is really twisted & funny, Looking forward to the new season of Breaking Bad.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/16/2010

Well I would say for the most part the lost series finale pretty much jumped the shark for me,though it had some fine character
moments,but since the show started as a mystery,I expected "some" answers to all the plot points/machinations
but in the end many things just made no sense whatsoever.

What did all of you think?

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/16/2010

The best show this year was Breaking Bad! just a great show.

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Baron von Tiki posted on 06/16/2010

Like a lot of folks here, I'm waiting for Mad Men to return for season 4. And, of course, I never get tired of watching episodes of the original "Twilight Zone."

As for other shows I'm keeping up with, I'm waiting for "Supernatural" and the re-imagined "V" series to return from hiatus.

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beadtiki posted on 06/16/2010

I'm back to Burn Notice - I LOVE Michael's mom's (Sharon Gless) place. I'm creating that effect (minus the ciggy smoke - even though I DO smoke!) in my living room.

For people into the SHAG look (like me) there's a cartoon on this station called QUBO where this little girl has a yard full of exotic animals that all talk to her - but it's drawn in the mid-century modern look. I don't watch very often but it's cute and fun to look at the backgrounds!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/09/2010

Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations new season started last Monday on the Travel Channel ,Be sure to watch out for a upcoming
episode where he go's to NY's Otto's Shrunken Head! I will see if that is listed on his website yet.

Rescue Me is on its second new show of the summer,Last episode was very funny!

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twitch posted on 07/10/2010

Man, Denis Leary's gotta stop that lip-pursing habit. Dude's got the mouth of an 80-year-old!

Trying out "Persons Unknown". Group of people with iffy pasts trapped in an empty town they can't leave. Acting is not up there in quality but it's mildly interesting.
WAS watching "Happy Town" but it got axed quick. Too dark, quirky, I guess.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/10/2010

The new episodes of Futurama on Comedy Central have been very funny, I think the new venue
is allowing for an edgier show and it's helping!

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little lost tiki posted on 07/10/2010

1,000 Ways to Die!

Spike TV
and It's awesome!

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bamalamalu posted on 07/13/2010

One I haven't seen mentioned here is Corner Gas - the whole series was really enjoyable. I don't know if WGN is still showing it at all, and the DVDs can be harder to come by in the US, but I'd say it's worth seeking out. One of very few shows ever to actually make me laugh out loud.

I'm also a sucker for Good Eats, even though I don't cook at all.

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zond2 posted on 07/13/2010

"New Tricks"
BBC crime show

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Captain Squid posted on 07/14/2010

Madmen is good, but I've really been getting into watch NetFlix on demand. They've got some great old shows like Peter Gunn and the Avengers.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/15/2010

Deal Alert!

Amazon.com has the "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The Complete Series" DVDs in a attache case set
for $85.49 today only this is half the price I payed for it,the last time it was on sale.
this is one of my all time favorite spy shows!

Here is a link for you: http://www.amazon.com/gp/goldbox?ref_=pe_36900_16241990

Just a heads up on a great deal, enjoy!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-07-15 13:42 ]

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Club Nouméa posted on 07/24/2010

I am working my way through the first season of The Mod Squad on DVD, and have just watched an episode featuring a scene shot (in 1967) at a Southern Californian beachside tiki art show. The scene is not very long (a couple of minutes), and is incidental to the main plot, but will probably be of interest to folks here.


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