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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tiki Lantern

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Benzart posted on 09/18/2009

GREAT, I Love the finished Tiki, you can't tell at all he had the drastic nose job, Be Proud!

nomolos posted on 10/07/2009

No posts for a little while

here is a necklace tiki I am working on, maybe ut turqoise eyes in

nomolos posted on 10/07/2009

And a new bigger one I am working on

TheBigT posted on 10/07/2009

Nice looking necklace. Inlaid eyes would be really cool. That looks like a pretty hefty log you have started.

amate posted on 10/07/2009

Great recovery on Tiki 3. It has turned into a beauty! I have only been at this about 3 years and have made several patches and salvaged many mistakes. Just keep carving... you will learn and improve with each new piece.

nomolos posted on 10/12/2009

thanks Big T the eyes are on more pics soon

Thanks Amate for the kind words

nomolos posted on 10/14/2009

Updated pics

tikigodz posted on 10/17/2009

nice you can really tell how your comin along w the second one lookin good but i now see thomas in a whole different light.

Benzart posted on 10/18/2009

Excellent looking eyes in this tiki pendant, Nice work

nomolos posted on 07/16/2010

Just started carving again after an unintentionally long break - this one I started last year!

nomolos posted on 07/16/2010

nomolos posted on 07/21/2010

I came to a standstill with my carving. So I did have another job to go onto to.

This Friday is my son's school's 50th birthday and they have to dress in 1960s gear so what better than a 1960s Tiki themed t-shirt.

I have never done one before but I got one of his t-shirts and a pencil and a sharpie and did a Ed Roth & Ed Newton style design.

What do you think? I'm afraid to colour it.

nomolos posted on 07/21/2010

Back onto the tiki - slight progress. Wouldn't mind a pyrography kit to do more detail.

nomolos posted on 07/21/2010

I sanded the back of it a bit and noticed the wood has an interesting grain pattern.

I'm not sure what type of wood it is as I found it at the side of the road, cut up after it had been knocked over in a storm

pjc5150 posted on 07/21/2010

That's really a beautiful piece of wood. Nice score!

seeksurf posted on 07/21/2010

Welcome back. Nice work on this guy he looks mystic and old. (very cool)

tikigodz posted on 07/21/2010

LOve the pose... If I saw that guy in the corner of a dark room....

nomolos posted on 07/22/2010

Thanks for the comments

Regarding the pose, for some reason after I carved him he reminded me of an incan mummy I had seen somewhere. I couldn't remember where exactly I had seen it, I did a search and found the mummy.

nomolos posted on 07/25/2010

Update on tiki, more detail added plus sanding

nomolos posted on 07/25/2010

seeksurf posted on 07/27/2010

Nice, I think he will make a great watchman.

nomolos posted on 07/27/2010

Thanks seeksurf

I carved more detail into the skull, then torched it.

THe tiki went pretty black and required much sanding. I will need to redo some of detail lines around the eyes and forehead

nomolos posted on 07/27/2010

Grand Poobah posted on 07/27/2010

Cool looking design. The grain looks great, but I am a grain guy.

nomolos posted on 07/30/2010

DArkened the lines with black acrylic paint, now ready to varnish? I think.

nomolos posted on 07/30/2010

nomolos posted on 08/09/2010

Started on new project of hollowing out a log. This log is very dense and really tough, I found chisels and my useless chainsaw totally inadequate so used an old wood auger brace drill to make a few holes.

So now what? Good question.

I knew the carbide bits for my die grinder would do no good much too slow so I needed another idea.

I found a router bit and used my bench grinder to make it fit my die grinder and it is going through the wood at a good rate. After an hour I was about a third of the way through the log.

nomolos posted on 08/16/2010

Started on a small one

I am thinking of getting a proxxon pen sander - anyone tried one?



nomolos posted on 08/27/2010

Update on little fella

Benzart posted on 08/28/2010

Looks like he's getting there.

nomolos posted on 08/29/2010

Thanks Ben

A few places I couldn't sand properly so I used the torch to burn it a little and darken it.

However when the smoke cleared tiki had changed.
Some of his mouth had gone his nose had gotten smaller and his eyes changed expression - oops. However now he has an rustic charred look of sorts will post pics soon.

nomolos posted on 08/30/2010

AlohaStation posted on 08/30/2010

I understand why you burned him but have to say there are better ways to get the same effect. Burning wood may be an "authentic" way of getting a "patina" with wood, but it is also the most destructive. For smaller pieces I prefer using paint or stain. It is much easier to use and control (plus it doesn't smell as bad).

laojia posted on 08/30/2010

Cool little carving nomolos...

nomolos posted on 09/01/2010

Progress after the fire - Unsure how to do the eyes

nomolos posted on 09/15/2010

Finally got this tiki varnished

nomolos posted on 09/15/2010

Not sure wether to stain this one or not

nomolos posted on 09/15/2010

Little one just needs stain and maybe a bit of pyrography

[ Edited by: nomolos 2010-09-15 05:04 ]

pjc5150 posted on 09/15/2010

dude, I'm DIGGIN' the mini!


little lost tiki posted on 09/15/2010

the little one is great!
He has BIG personality for such a little fellar!
That guy just oozes it!

nomolos posted on 09/24/2010

On 2010-09-15 10:56, pjc5150 wrote:
dude, I'm DIGGIN' the mini!


Thanks much appreciated

nomolos posted on 09/24/2010

On 2010-09-15 13:05, little lost tiki wrote:
the little one is great!
He has BIG personality for such a little fellar!
That guy just oozes it!

Thanks little lost tiki I was a bit worried about the little tiki after it got torched a bit, but now I love it

Here is a couple of pics of the tiki stained

TheBigT posted on 09/26/2010

Pretty small little dude. Nice job.

nomolos posted on 05/04/2011

It's been a long while since posting, I've been pretty busy, However I still have been lurking around.

Here is my latest - a tiki lantern nearing completion

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seeksurf posted on 05/06/2011

Way to go at it. Man your tikis have this eary possessed look to them. Well done.

nomolos posted on 05/28/2011

Thanks for the kind words Seeksurf

Here's an update

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pjc5150 posted on 05/28/2011

Nice bro!

Glad you're back in the game.

Grand Poobah posted on 05/30/2011

Your work on the small stuff is so detailed. I'm always amazed at how people who work on such small items can create such detail. I love the lanterns too. How are you hollowing them out? (if you don't mind me asking)

Pages: 1 2 3 105 replies