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Name our Meeting Room & Win a Caliente tropics Resort Night Light and Two Night Shirts!

Pages: 1 2 58 replies

CaseyJPS posted on 08/15/2003

Aloha Gang!

Firstly, if you have opened this to read it, YOU HAVE TO RESPOND! No more chickens here--DON'T BE SHY! Please limit yourself to three responses each (I know it's hard, but I want to even out the playing field a little).

If you remember correctly, our former breakfast room was dubbed "The REEF." I say former because we now use the bar for breakfast service. And, as you know, the bar is the real REEF, reincarnated thanks to Crazy Al, Bamboo Ben, and their worthy assistants.

So, we need a new name for the meeting space (which used to be the breakfast room). Is this making sense to you?

Let me give you a little update. In keeping with our personality, we have recently renamed each building. The former West Wing is now known as Wallis Island (aka the Alnshely Show). The former East Wing is now known as Easter Island. And, the Tahitian Lanai will remain the Tahitian Lanai (its' namesake the digs at the old Waikikian in Honolulu). Aside from the "W," and "E," conotation in the first letter of these names, these three islands are geographically located in the same order, in the South Pacific. Cool, huh? Are you with me?

So, I'm looking for a name with some significance or connection with history, for this "new" meeting space. Here are a few ideas...
South Seas Military reference (like WWII)
Polynesian reference
Historical reference to the Resort (Ken Kimes, Elvis, Vic Damone, Rat Pack, the Angels ball team)
Historical reference to Palm Springs
Tiki reference
60s reference

Hopefully you get it by now. If you don't...STOP DRINKING for God's sake! International Tiki Day is over! We need to make certain your liver holds out for Tiki Oasis IV!

Dive in! Mahalo!

P.S. Those two night shirts are really our embroidered t-shirts.

[ Edited by: CaseyJ@Calientetropics.com on 2003-08-14 19:30 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/15/2003

"The Fleet Marine","The Waikiki Room","The Captain Cook Room","The Sea Drifter","The Aloha Arms".

tikichic posted on 08/15/2003

Nutridge; The Mauna Loa; Hibiscus; The Lahaina

DawnTiki posted on 08/15/2003

Just dive in? Here goes...

  • The Kon Tiki
  • The Sharks Den
  • The Outrigger Room

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-08-14 23:13 ]

Octane posted on 08/15/2003

"the Aku AKu"

"aloha Nui lounge"-- i think this means lots of happiness or luck

"Malihini lounge"-- ithink this means visitors or guest lounge
hope that is what those mean.

[ Edited by: Octane on 2003-08-14 21:10 ]

floratina posted on 08/15/2003

uh, "Congo Cellar"?

littlegiles posted on 08/15/2003

Truk Island Lagoon, Iwo Jima Room, Pearl Harbor Overlook

[ Edited by: littlegiles on 2003-08-14 21:03 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 08/15/2003

Jetsam, Flotsam, Driftwood Lagoon Room

Tiki Rider posted on 08/15/2003
  1. Tiki Room
  2. Tahitian Room
  3. Hula Room
Formikahini posted on 08/15/2003

MacArthur Park
Batann Baton Room

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich Bamboo Lounge

Rat Pack?
Frank's "Family" Room
Dean Martini Lounge

I'm just gettin' started, and there's no 3 limit's that's gonna stop me (especially if bad taste didn't)...

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/15/2003

Oh, shit, Casey...I just saw the three response rule...two double Black Magics tonight....

TikiPug posted on 08/15/2003

North Shore

Mai Tai Meeting Room

Polynesian Playground

traderfranks posted on 08/15/2003

Midway Island



Hot Lava posted on 08/15/2003
  • The Wharenui Room (the Maori name for a meeting house)
  • Hui Hall (hui is the Hawaiian word for a club, group, or organization)
    or if you really want to drive everyone crazy:
  • Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Hall
mrtikibar posted on 08/15/2003
  1. The Palm Grotto
  2. The Blue Lotus Room
  3. The Mirage Room
Kanaka posted on 08/15/2003


Please delete this one. Sorry


[ Edited by: Scotty on 2003-08-15 07:12 ]

Kanaka posted on 08/15/2003

1: Pearl Harbor Room (WWII reference)
2: Puka Puka Room
3: Suvarrow Room (small grouping of cook Islands)
4: Anchorage Room (main island in the Suvarrow group)
5: Rarotonga Room
6: The Atoll

Sorry, 3 choices just weren't enough.

Kenike posted on 08/15/2003
  1. Kamehameha Room
  2. Maui Room
  3. Cook's Last Stand
Chongolio posted on 08/15/2003

The Magma Chamber

The Lilo Lounge

The Human Aquarium :)


RevBambooBen posted on 08/15/2003

The Lauhala room. By memory, it's mostly Lauhala correct?

Something tells me that the Mai Kai wore off on you Casey! We'll be bugging you as soon as the weather get's back to the 80/90's. Have many ideas...

p.s. if it's a "Meeting Room" you will need a meeting table and a podium??

p.s.s. and with all these new areas at the Tropics, you will need directional signs to aim us(tiki freaks/guests/staff) in the right direction??

Over one thousand custom tiki bars served! (Watch out Mc Donalds!!!) Web-site soon!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-08-15 08:02 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-08-15 08:07 ]

tikimug posted on 08/15/2003

Well here are my first 3 thoughts,

  • The Molakai Room - nod to the Mai Kai
  • The Chairman's Boardroom - nod to Frank
  • The Sven A. Kirsten Room - nod to... duh

When can I pick up my free nightshirt?? :wink:

Hoity-Toity Wanna Be

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2003-08-15 08:52 ]

TikiMaxton posted on 08/15/2003

Donovan's Reef (John Wayne's South Pacific Idyll). Just re-watched it last night and got all choked up when The Duke and Lee Marvin got in a fight and busted up the bar. And ruined that SWEET white suit Lee was wearing.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/15/2003

The Unga Bunga Bungalow

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-08-15 10:20 ]

Tiki Rider posted on 08/15/2003

another one:
4) Bongo Room ("nod" to Bong)

atomictonytiki posted on 08/15/2003

1.The Maneaba - a micronesian meeting house.

2.The Goona-Goona - named after the "native" nudie movies of the 30's and 40's.

  1. The Tarawa Beach Lingerie Lounge - in tribute to Ed Wood Jnr who bravely fought on the beaches of Tarawa whilst wearing womens underwear.
CaseyJPS posted on 08/15/2003


This has certainly added a boost to my demeanor today. But, then again, reading replies usually does. I think I might have found the answer in an earlier reply, BUT KEEP GOING!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/15/2003

Kamana Wanna Rooma
Kamana Wanna Meetya

MTKahuna posted on 08/15/2003

Lets see...
Your meeting will be held in the:
*Zulu Room
*SS Arizona
*Savage Room
*Leopards lounge
*SS Oceanica
*Captain's quarters

DawnTiki posted on 08/16/2003

Sorry I had to post more....

  • The Lava Dome
  • Operation Crossroads/WWII ref
  • The Sonny Bono Room/Palm Springs Ref

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-08-16 02:32 ]

Mrs. B posted on 08/17/2003

Unga Bunga wrote:
Kamana Wanna Rooma
Kamana Wanna Meetya

OK, I have to admit....this one is funny..."I've been to Hawaii."
"Oh ya, what island?"
Strange, sometimes the "dicks" (as in Richard, of course) are always the funniest.
OK, you, UB know I'm jabbing in fun, and I'm serious, I like your "room name" the best so far...not sure if Casey will go for it.
Who knows?

spy-tiki posted on 08/17/2003

MARA TAU (probably spelled wrong, but like the movie,"Zombies of Mara Tau")



inkylouise posted on 08/18/2003

Fiji Forum

Samoan Summit

Maori Meeting

kwhoona posted on 08/18/2003

Hey Casey how about these:

  1. Beachcombers Lair

  2. Lani Kai Room

  3. The Tiki Room

  4. Palm Tiki

  5. Hukilau Hideaway

  6. Aku Aku


  8. Samoa

Traitor Vic posted on 08/18/2003

I'm on the Eastern Seaboard and, so, have No Idea What I'm Talking About, but... How 'bout Castaways?

CaseyJPS posted on 08/18/2003

God. All this creativity for a t-shirt and a night light!

I have a feeling if I offered a pillow case that Sven slept on, I'd probably get an even bigger response!


scigirl posted on 08/19/2003

The Black Pearl
The Palm Grove
The Beach Hut

CruzinTiki posted on 08/19/2003

Agua Caliente Cove

Ring-a-ding Lounge

Coachella Coconut Cove

The Sands

Bora Bora Boardroom

Hot Hot Hale

DawnTiki posted on 08/24/2003

CaseyJ what name did you decide to go with? One of the entries or one of your own?

TikiTex posted on 08/25/2003

** The Molakai Room

** Moana Luau Room

** The Diamondhead


modchick65 posted on 08/25/2003

server was acting weird. sent it multiple times. please see last one in string of three...


[ Edited by: modchick65 on 2003-08-24 20:41 ]

modchick65 posted on 08/25/2003

server was acting weird... this got sent multiple times. sorry.

[ Edited by: modchick65 on 2003-08-24 20:40 ]

modchick65 posted on 08/25/2003

the atomic room
the hideaway
the atomic hideaway
the fall-out shelter

more as the inspiration hits...

manic cat posted on 08/25/2003

O'hana Central

O'hana Meeting Hut

Hula Huddle Home

(I've never been there, so I'm not sure how the room looks like or how the space is used.)


manic cat posted on 08/25/2003

O'hana Central

O'hana Meeting Hut

Hula Huddle Home

(I've never been there, so I'm not sure how the room looks like or how the space is used.)


[ Edited by: manic cat on 2003-08-25 09:35 ]

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Pomaika i posted on 08/25/2003

Hukilau :wink:

Halawai (Hawaiian for "meeting")

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kingslod posted on 08/25/2003

Here's a name for the adjoining bathroom:

"Tiki Leaky" or

"The Leaky Tiki"

--Slod (in bad taste we stand)

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freddiefreelance posted on 08/25/2003

On 2003-08-25 09:48, Pomaika i wrote:
Hukilau :wink:

Halawai (Hawaiian for "meeting")

I was going to suggest the same, can I throw my weight behind this? I haven't seen any where that we get a vote, but if I do, it goes toward this.

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divychic posted on 08/25/2003

Hope I haven't repeated anyone...

The Aloha Tower
The Coconut Shell
House of Hawaii

Pages: 1 2 58 replies