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Tikimeculas Stuff

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Tikilizard posted on 05/24/2009

Exceptional detail. I am glad you have the patience to do such an exhaustive design. Great work.

tikimecula posted on 05/25/2009

Finished it up today.

It's 20" x 30". Paua eyes, Two tone stain job. (Dark Walnut background and my own mix on the guy)

Just over 3.4 million cuts. (according to Bowana) I lost count around 2.1 million? :)

Now I need to sell him, to buy more wood to do more carvings. Does this cycle ever end?

The pic washed out in the sun? but you get the idea of what it looks like. I'll try to take more later.

tikifreak1 posted on 05/25/2009

So awesome! Your work and detail is amazing!

laojia posted on 05/25/2009

AMAZING WORK!! Awesome details and the two tones stain: Very good choice! His paua's eyes pierces my heart... :blush:

Benzart posted on 05/25/2009

Just incredible T-Mec, The eyes really bring him to life as does the stain. The darker background gives him depth and allows him to breathe. He would look Great hanging on my wall for sure.

Lake Surfer posted on 05/26/2009


Pretty incredible turnaround time for this beautiful piece of work, Andy.

But I can understand how that happens... once you start you never want to put down the chisels until you see it through.

You get in a groove and its hard to stop... been there... everyday. :wink:

One to be proud of, for sure.

What's next!?!? :)

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/26/2009

One to be very, very proud of, man! Superb workmanship. I got mad respect, brother.

surfintiki posted on 05/26/2009

That's a centerfold shot for sure!!!

AlohaStation posted on 05/26/2009


tikimecula posted on 06/01/2009

Tikifreak, Thanks.
Laojia, Thanks again.
Benz, Thanks. Check the Marketplace?????
Lake, Thanks again and Not much coming for the next few weeks. Gotta pack :)
BK, Thanks. It's artist like you that got me carving, Your respect means a lot to me.
Surfintiki, Thanks.
Aloha Thanks.

Well looks like I'm no longer gonna be a Californian. Been here my whole life and very nervous to leave but you gotta do what you gotta do. Not sure when I'll get back to it. But I will be carving again soon. Just gotta get settled in first.

I put the Panel and some clubs up for sale in the Marketplace if anyone is interested, Moving sale :)

Thanks Again guys.

Lake Surfer posted on 06/01/2009


I wish you the best of luck with the new path your life is taking you.

Bummed that we won't get to hang in San Diego. :(

You've been a good friend, both online and in person, and I hope to keep in touch with you.

You're also a very talented person... I hope you pick the chisels up again when you get settled in your new digs.

Thanks for all the inspiration, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

4WDtiki posted on 06/01/2009

Huh? If you mentioned earlier in the thread, I missed it. Where you goin'?

seeksurf posted on 06/01/2009

Out of this WORLD! The hole thing is top shelf!

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/09/2009

Saw this one up close yesterday:

SUPER Clean work!! Amazing detail!!!

Good luck with the move, Andy!

Thanks again for the logs. :)


Basement Kahuna posted on 06/25/2009

Piece looks great, Andy. You're like me, you sweat the small stuff too much! The mirroring looks as good or better than an authentic old piece. Nice work.

pdrake posted on 06/25/2009

doesn't he do great work. he has the patience of job. it really pays off. i think he needs to . . . .

Benzart posted on 06/25/2009

Excellent work T-Mec, Way above anything you normally see except from BK. I Know grtting that background was fun? :o NOT! I know it is just another typical Perfect looking carve from T-Mec, but somehow the bar just got raised way too High..Excellent choice on the stain too.

tikimecula posted on 10/13/2009

Hello from Kansas. Got a few PM's so I thought I would reply here. The Move went well, Took us awhile to find a house being a small town and all. We finally got one and have been doing some remodeling for the last few weeks, Just about got the wife happy so I can start on my carving space.

Moved the box's with all my chisels in it the other day and started getting the bug to get some projects started and finish some that are started.

So for those who asked, stay tuned and I'll be up and running here shortly.

Now that I don't live in Temecula anymore, do I keep Tikimecula or start fresh???

4WDtiki posted on 10/13/2009

On 2009-10-13 14:00, tikimecula wrote:
Now that I don't live in Temecula anymore, do I keep Tikimecula or start fresh???

I say keep the name, just change your location under you name, and get to choppin'!

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/14/2009

tikimecula hello! very nice carve man hats off !!! cheers!

mieko posted on 10/14/2009

Miss ya man! I hope you can get a cool carving space setup! I vote that you keep the name too. :)

laojia posted on 10/14/2009

Welcome back Tikimecula! Can't wait to see your new work and new workshop. Your little notches and other spirals we have missed here...


Keep your name, it sounds good.

GROG posted on 10/14/2009

Keep the name. Welcome back to TC.

MooneyTiki posted on 10/14/2009

Amazing carving!!!

seagoat posted on 10/14/2009

Very cool carving. Looks great.

Tiki-Kate posted on 10/15/2009

I think you should change your name to Kansamecula...wait. Never mind. :wink:

I still have dreams of your old carving space. I hope you outdo yourself on the new one. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

wplugger posted on 11/02/2009

I came back to look at your spirals after I did mine.
That's when my respect for you kicked up a notch or 3.
Got any more? That was fun. Thanks

tikimecula posted on 11/12/2009

Well got the wife all squared away with the house and managed to get me some space in the basement to carve.

Here are a couple pieces I started in Cali that need to get finished up.

Got a few others in the works also.

Lake Surfer posted on 11/13/2009

Rock on!

Good to see you are up and running!

Look at all those Henry Taylor's... just waiting to sink their edge into wood...

pdrake posted on 11/13/2009

you move to the midwest? oh, boy, just in time for the fun season. :P

good work, mang.

Tahitiki posted on 11/13/2009

The Marquesan piece on the left is one off my favorite carves, I can't wait to see it. Very cool.
Your tool collection is pretty sick dude!!!


[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2009-11-12 18:30 ]

GROG posted on 11/13/2009

Dibs on the one on the left.

TheBigT posted on 11/13/2009

Great start. Look at all those tools up on the wall. Awesome. :o :o

KAHAKA posted on 11/15/2009

Oh yeah! Can't wait to see these come to life!

GatorRob posted on 11/16/2009

I'm glad to see you up and going again Andy. Can't wait to see those two pieces completed. Like everything else you've done, I'm sure they will be stunning!

GatorRob posted on 11/16/2009

GROG, back off. I have a place for it. :wink:

GROG posted on 11/16/2009

It IS pretty phallic looking, but GROG suggest you not put it there. :)

TMec, send it to GROG, not CrocodileBob. GROG have a much cleaner place to put it. :wink:

GROG---the anti-Ruzic.

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-11-15 18:11 ]

MooneyTiki posted on 11/16/2009

Glad your back my friend. Now I can't wait to see more of your incredable carvings!, Aloha , Mooney

tikimecula posted on 11/16/2009

Lil update

More soon.

seeksurf posted on 11/17/2009

Looking sharp as usual!

laojia posted on 11/17/2009

On 2009-11-16 14:55, tikimecula wrote:

More soon.

WOW! Can't wait!


Kino posted on 11/17/2009

On 2009-11-16 14:55, tikimecula wrote:
Lil update

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=11134&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi152.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fs174%2Faaj777%2Fcarving%2FMarq15.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ff3e95f9c817aabca1942c08ddd71a7d

More soon.

Your patience and design and detail are incredible.
I cant wait till I have some of that.
Sweet !

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Customkiis posted on 11/18/2009

The detail in your carvings are amazing and could only be accomplished by devoting a lot of time to each piece. I equate time to life and we all know how valuable life is. I know I value my life. :). Very nice stuff and pleasing to the eye.

thanks for sharing. Looks like you are missing a palm held 3mm veiner, just kidding. I had to comment on the tool spread. NICE! :).

Lake Surfer posted on 11/19/2009

Wow, I take a couple days off and look what I'm missing already!

Nice work Andy!

Aren't basements great?!? You can just hang out in 'em and carve away!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cb732f34095f89ddbae6f64ba91d13ba?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TravelingJones posted on 11/19/2009

Kick'n da U'u!...errr, ummm... I now see it's reeeally a ceremonial club. :wink: NICE!

[ Edited by: TravelingJones 2009-11-22 04:40 ]

Benzart posted on 11/19/2009

It's gonna be a SWEET Killer club.

MooneyTiki posted on 11/19/2009

That is gonna be one incredable Carving!!! You have amazing patience!!! Happy Thanksgiving, Aloha, Jimmy Mooney

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/21/2009

Nice, nice work, Andy. Glad to see you back around.

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