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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

sophista-tiki orignals Dawn Frasier

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mp posted on 11/29/2009

Beautiful Dawn! Sweet, original, vintage and lovely. Always a pleasure to see your work.

TikiMango posted on 11/29/2009

Really great looking and fun! Way to go Dawn.

TravelingJones posted on 11/29/2009

Ooops...i peeked! :wink: sweeeeeeeeeeet!! :D

1961surf posted on 11/29/2009

Dawn your talents never stop amazing me.This is the coolest Dawn ....great work .

Sophista-tiki posted on 11/29/2009

On 2009-11-29 05:15, TravelingJones wrote:
Ooops...i peeked! :wink: sweeeeeeeeeeet!! :D

Tee hee! its Ok the secret part is reading the menu items. You get to be first.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-11-29 13:20 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 11/29/2009

Dawn, I have to admit I have been lazy lately in checking into "Creating Tiki" with all the posts in Locating and so on, so I wasn't aware of your recent projects. After a thorough viewing of your wonderful work this year, I have to hand it to you:
I always felt that I was THE foremost A-frame lover out there in Tiki Land, but now I readily am handing that title over to you! Beautiful stuff! And I dig your new railing, too. :)

Clarita posted on 12/05/2009

The pop up menu is looking so great! love the color and the mood, if you get what I mean, congrats, and much aloha!

tobunga posted on 12/30/2009

Hey Dawn! Your Poly POP-up menu is awesome! Great work on your deck, too... I know it's not tiki, but any pix of the 6 Miyazaki murals you did? Would love to see 'em!

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/30/2009

Merry Chrismas and such....
Thanks for checking out the menu. I'm still waiting for Jonsey to post his pics, I dont think he has opened the package yet

The Miyazaki murals will happen in the middle of January. We turned it into an Ameri-corp project. for the next 2 weeks I will be preping for the volunteers to come and paint. I have to draw all the murals out like paint by numbers. Not my original vision but it should be good.
I cant wait to get busy on some new watercolors. My studio is currently covered in sewing projects but come Jan 2 its all about painting. Hopefully this yr I can create something spectacular enough to be considerd for shows.
The ideas are forming now.
But for the next couple of days I have to finish making my track suit for the New Yrs Day Ugly Track Suit and Bad Wig Walk. I would like to do an all turqoise lamme ensemble.

4WDtiki posted on 12/30/2009

On 2009-12-29 20:38, Sophista-tiki wrote:
But for the next couple of days I have to finish making my track suit for the New Yrs Day Ugly Track Suit and Bad Wig Walk. I would like to do an all turqoise lamme ensemble.

I hope there will be pics posted!

Swamp Fire posted on 12/30/2009

Great getting to hang with you and Ken at your groovy pad. You were working on this piece at the time and it turned out fantastic. Great job Dawn!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/31/2009

Wow! That pop up menu is too cool!
A agree with eveything bigbrotiki said!

Robb Hamel posted on 01/01/2010

I love the menu also. I'd really like to see what you could do in the way of a pop-up tiki art book!

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/02/2010

Thanks Robb and Brad for checking out my menu. Ive been so busy working I haven't had much time for making art these days. However now that its a fresh year I would like to hold up in the studio for the remainder of winter and just paint.
While I was trying to figure out the pop -up how tos; I came across a website for an exhibit about pop up masters. I would like to work on all hand painted tiki and/or mid- century architecture pop -up tableau's as individual art pieces http://www2.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/popup/kubasta.html

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2010-01-01 17:02 ]

MadDogMike posted on 01/02/2010

On 2010-01-01 17:01, Sophista-tiki wrote:
I would like to work on all hand painted tiki and/or mid- century architecture pop-up tableau's as individual art pieces

Dawn, if anyone can pull it off it's YOU :D

little lost tiki posted on 01/02/2010


Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/04/2010

Oh gosh..... YES PLEASE!

Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 02/01/2010

I'm still waiting for Dawn in fabulous 3-D!!

On 2009-05-06 02:14, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
Ok...got an additional idea to add.
What if you also add a tube light to illuminate the sky? (this idea would probably look best if the sky was painted as evening 'magic hour' look and the light was gel'd blue).
It would then look like the glow was low in the sky as it is at dusk. (this would also place the foreground in silhoutte when the ambient room light was low or off). Might look cool.
Sorry, just fun to brainstorm. :)

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2009-05-06 02:16 ]

beadtiki posted on 02/01/2010

Dawn is a very 3-D person!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/01/2010

not like flat Stanly

little lost tiki posted on 02/02/2010

or Gumby

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/02/2010

On 2010-02-01 11:23, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
I'm still waiting for Dawn in fabulous 3-D!!

On 2009-05-06 02:14, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
Ok...got an additional idea to add.
What if you also add a tube light to illuminate the sky? (this idea would probably look best if the sky was painted as evening 'magic hour' look and the light was gel'd blue).
It would then look like the glow was low in the sky as it is at dusk. (this would also place the foreground in silhoutte when the ambient room light was low or off). Might look cool.
Sorry, just fun to brainstorm. :)

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2009-05-06 02:16 ]

The 3-D piece would be WONDERFUL. Along with the "magic hour" sky, perhaps some small lights in tiki toches in front of tthe ouse? Or dimly lighted wiindows?

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/03/2010

I think its a good idea. lets!

4WDtiki posted on 04/24/2010

Hey Dawn, anything new?

Sophista-tiki posted on 04/25/2010

You resurected my thread from the depths! New stuff is piled up all around the studio. I'm currently rebuilding a bamboo fence and building out my new studio complete with custom made windows. I've never made windows before but it cant be that hard.
Just finished the tile in my kitchen that only took 4 yrs.
Current art projects are the Boobies for Baby Doe's Oasis auction, a piece for the Golen Gallery show for Hukilau, a ply cutout samurai and dragon( the kind with the hole you stick your face through),a totem pole for a neighborhood show, and I've got a show lined up for Aug. at Skylark.
Then I'm working on a pile of Oasis funding pieces.
So to answer your question yes there is new stuff but I dont have a big splashy bunch of pics to show off just yet.
The only pics I have to share are some architecture sketches

my kitchen with italian glass mosaic tiles

watercolor sketch of the Theiry house about 2 days before they tore it down.
Thiery was considered the father of NW modernism. it was a beautiful house and I'm glad I had the chance to go there and poke around before its demise.

Miami Modern

watercolor sketch

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2010-04-25 04:27 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2010-04-25 06:17 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 04/26/2010

That sucks about the Thiery house, but your work is, as always, very nice.

MadDogMike posted on 05/02/2010

Dawn, I always love your architectural watercolors. POST THEM MORE OFTEN!!!!! :D

beadtiki posted on 05/03/2010

YEA! You finished the kitchen tiles and they look GREAT! Will you be posting pics of the studio??? Sounds like you're busy as usual! Hope to see you SOMEtime! Don't get blown away in the next couple of days!

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/04/2010

Robb Hamel posted on 05/05/2010

the bottom one is WAY groovey.

beadtiki posted on 05/05/2010

Liking those botanicals too. :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/08/2010

Piece for PolyBlend, Golen Galley for Hukilau thir yr.

"Deserted Vacation"
12" x 18"
watercolor on paper


Robb Hamel posted on 05/09/2010

Really nice. I love the geometric and marble-type effects combined.

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/15/2010

making progress on the boobies, might be done tomorow if there arn't any interuptions

beadtiki posted on 05/15/2010

That is spectacular. I'm glad everyone's posting since I won't be able to see them in person. Who was your model?

MadDogMike posted on 05/15/2010

Dawn's doin' boobs too - this is gonna be an AWESOME show! Looks great Dawn

4WDtiki posted on 05/15/2010

Lookin' real good, Dawn! Did you cast yourself?? :lol:

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/15/2010

heh, funny Bill.
I believe my model is Marsha Stevenson.

little lost tiki posted on 05/15/2010

Beautiful work there Dawn!
Hurry up and finish that set!

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/16/2010

getting closer, I just have a few more details then I'm calling it done.

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little lost tiki posted on 05/17/2010

Right on Dawnee!
Now will you put it on and pose for us?
i'll give you an 8-track tape player.....

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Sophista-tiki posted on 05/17/2010

wont fit Marsha is way tiny coimpared tome. BUT!!! I'm making fabric and will be wearing the matching dress at Oasis

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Sophista-tiki posted on 06/13/2010

I made it, its technically an "other craft" its my new fence
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as seen from the middle of the street

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as seem from the neighbors front yard, luckys this is their view. I got jipped on the view cause I have to look at their house!

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close up of the gate hole
tomorow I build the gate and make an a-frame for my mailbox

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The Sperm Whale posted on 06/13/2010

I am loving your new fence!! We have black rod iron fencing around our front yard and I have been batting around ideas for a new fence. You did a great job Dawn!! I also like the art you did on the breast model too!! Way to go!!!

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Meheadhunter posted on 06/13/2010

Very cool fence....
Has a nice mid century look
Goes with your house nicely..
Great Job!!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 06/13/2010

thanks, I'm glad that the mid century design is not just in my mind

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beadtiki posted on 06/13/2010

Wow Dawn - you said you were going to emulate the back deck rail and you did! Looks great! Like the new walk up (or was that there before and I just didn't notice? Let me know when I can come visit again - still want to see your studio!

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-06-13 16:06 ]

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Sophista-tiki posted on 06/13/2010

hey Bead, I had to move a Rodidendron and dig up some bamboo to make the new sidewalk space. The whole walking up the driveway thing has always bugged. I'm not too keen on the pending digging to remove the grass and get the flagstone in. That part might take all summer. BUT... Im very happy with having a completed fence and some continuity to the overal decoratrive bits to my house. Maybe next weend you could come visit.

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