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"Christmas with Tiki Joe's Ocean” CD - featuring guest musicians Squid & Marty Lush!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/20/2009

Mele Kalikimaka~

To LISTEN to song samples from the new CD, please go to http://www.myspace.com/tikijoesocean and to pre-order your CD (assured to be in the mail on or before December 1st) please go to http://www.tikijoesocean.com.

Art by Mr. Doug Horne and featuring guest musicians supremas Dave "Squid" Cohen on drums and percussion and Mark Riddle aka "Marty Lush" on vibraphone.


[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-01 13:17 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-17 14:21 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-21 09:57 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/20/2009

Squid played me a sample of this. It's as good as those Ultra-Lounge Christmas cds I'm so fond of. Kind of like the Three Suns, Martin Denny, Esquivel, & Perez Prado all having a big Christmas party together. I've ordered myself a copy.

virani posted on 11/20/2009

Wow, a new CD already. Cool.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/21/2009

Thanks, Sabu~ I really dig that Ultra Lounge Christmas stuff, too. The analogy to those musicians is greatly appreciated. Certainly was the vibe I was shooting for. Thanks for your order! Give Squid a hug fer me!

Same to you, there, Virani- thanks for your order- will ship out late next week. In hindsight, I only wish I could have had you throw some of your hot theremin on a few tracks. Next project!

Mahalo again, fellas...

NEW Christmas CD on sale now!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/21/2009

Hey Cool deal Andy!
Sabu got it on the nose.
Sweet sounds! I'll be ordering soon!

virani posted on 11/22/2009

On 2009-11-21 11:50, Tiki Joe's Pop wrote:
Same to you, there, Virani- thanks for your order- will ship out late next week. In hindsight, I only wish I could have had you throw some of your hot theremin on a few tracks. Next project!

I could have. Christmas songs sounds great with the theremin...

little lost tiki posted on 11/22/2009

we all got to play around with a theremin at the SPACWE AGE ALBUM exhibition we saw in Seattle..
They had one for us large kids to play with!

Go Andy! 2 albums in a year!?!?!?

little lost tiki posted on 11/23/2009

We all got to play around with a theremin at the SPACE AGE ALBUM exhibition we saw in Seattle..
They had one for us large kids to play with!
Heard a lil bit of these in Seattle during our Top Secret Mission up there!
These Sneak Lissen's just got my blood all Candy-Cane Flavored!
Exotic,happy,enough twists on standards
to keep the well-educated audiophile entertained and grinnin!
Especially like the Blaxploitation meets Bossasalsanova on God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen!
Never liked that song...until now!

Go Andy!
2 albums in a year!?!?!?

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/23/2009

Jason~ Thanks for your support, buddy. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

Virani~ Ah, regrets! Your Theremin would've been a gas on "Christmas Island."

Kenny~ Thanks for your multicolored feedback & so glad you were here for the super secret sessions. Stoked that you're now a "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" convert. Jimmy Smith does the most amazing version of that song I've ever heard. And lastly, I'm happy to have changed your blood type to Peppermint Positive.




Rum Balls posted on 11/24/2009

Check is in the mail...or in these hi-tech times, the check is in the Pay-Pal. Can't wait! And another home run on the cover art.

Coincidentally, the Christmas CD 3-pack from Double Crown arrived today in the mail, and lo and behold on "Seasonal Favorites Vol. 2" is "somebody" named Joe's Ocean playing "Deck the Halls." :)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/27/2009

AH, yes, Paul~ the pre-cursor to Tiki Joe's Ocean. That one was given to Sean at Double Crown a few years ago. That version is quite different from the new one you'll be hearing soon. It was certainly an "Esquivelian" arrangement. Thanks for your order, buddy! Hope all is well in Rose City~


NEW Christmas CD Pre-Sale on NOW!

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-01 13:18 ]

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/01/2009

Seeing that ALL pre-sale orders have shipped this morning, today marks the official release date. Happy December~

Order by Noon, Pacific Standard Time and your CD will be shipped that day!

Thanks once again to Dave "Squid" Cohen on drums & percussion and Mark Riddle (Marty Lush) on vibes who both added some serious soul to the music. DITTO mahalos to Doug Horne for his fantastic art to tie this all together. You cats are fantastic.

Song samples can be heard at http://www.myspace.com/tikijoesocean




Jeff Central posted on 12/01/2009

I ordered two so I can listen in stereo!! :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/03/2009

On 2009-12-01 13:35, Jeff Central wrote:
I ordered two so I can listen in stereo!! :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

Thanks Jeff Thanks Jeff~~

Enjoy your suddenly quadrophonic Quistmas experience!

Mele Kalikimaka~


and now...the art of Mr Doug Horne.


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geedavee posted on 12/03/2009

Just got mine in the mail. This is just the thing I needed to kick off the season. Thanks

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Tropical_Icebergs posted on 12/04/2009

Ours is here and it's now playing and on repeat...it's going to be playing until the holidays are over....it's that good...I don't plan on listening to any other holiday music...this one is a combination of everything good from anything else only made better....We may be making plans to move and join the Ocean Joe's cult ,as we have already become devoted listeners...and are under a trance like state induced by pure enjoyment and listening pleasure....anyone who hasn't heard it or doesn't plan on getting it soon needs to book a ticket for the next ship leaving Earth. ...Have I mentioned it's very good and we enjoy it ....thanks for the efforts involved....8)..8)

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TikiG posted on 12/04/2009


Thanks for the fast shipping of the CD my friend - I received it last night.

Didn't get a chance to preview it last night though, too hectic.

I will this weekend for sure. I like to be in a relaxed mood when I listen to perfection!

Mahalo and if I don't talk to you again this year, God Bless you, your family, and have a joyous Christmas holiday. Cheers! Greg

little lost tiki posted on 12/04/2009

Just got mine today.....

Where's my bong?

will report back later.....

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bigtikidude posted on 12/05/2009

On 2009-12-04 07:13, Tropical_Icebergs wrote:
Ours is here and it's now playing and on repeat...it's going to be playing until the holidays are over....it's that good...I don't plan on listening to any other holiday music...this one is a combination of everything good from anything else only made better....We may be making plans to move and join the Ocean Joe's cult ,as we have already become devoted listeners...and are under a trance like state induced by pure enjoyment and listening pleasure....anyone who hasn't heard it or doesn't plan on getting it soon needs to book a ticket for the next ship leaving Earth. ...Have I mentioned it's very good and we enjoy it ....thanks for the efforts involved....8)..8)

why do I get the feeling this is a paid advertisement?

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/06/2009

On 2009-12-04 18:36, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2009-12-04 07:13, Tropical_Icebergs wrote:
Ours is here and it's now playing and on repeat...it's going to be playing until the holidays are over....it's that good...I don't plan on listening to any other holiday music...this one is a combination of everything good from anything else only made better....We may be making plans to move and join the Ocean Joe's cult ,as we have already become devoted listeners...and are under a trance like state induced by pure enjoyment and listening pleasure....anyone who hasn't heard it or doesn't plan on getting it soon needs to book a ticket for the next ship leaving Earth. ...Have I mentioned it's very good and we enjoy it ....thanks for the efforts involved....8)..8)

why do I get the feeling this is a paid advertisement?

What's the matter, btd, didn't you get YOUR check yet? :)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/06/2009

geedavee~ You're welcome~ Happy to have helped kick off your season this way!

Tropical Icebergs~ too funny! So it's up to cult status now, huh? Hows about we skip the kool-aid...thanks for your feedback. Stoked you enjoy it so much.

Greg~ Looking forward to hearing what you think. All the best to you this Christmas & in 2010, pally!

Kenny~ Report away, dude! Thanks for livening up "Jingle Bells' !!!

Mahalo again, everyone~!



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little lost tiki posted on 12/06/2009


JINGLE BELLS is the first
and my absolute FAVORITE on the CD
Where else can an accordian fly into Perez Prado's face on a Christmas song?!?

If you know Andy
you'll feel all that fun and happy
that you feel when you see him LIVE
on THIS CD....

i usually hate most Christmas albums
but you make this one
with sooo many twists and turns
kinda like Bach's Brandenburg Concertos
but for Christmas
instead of an insomniac Duke...

Thanks for the check for my testimonial!

Stop payment on Big EEyore Dude's payment
and send it to a worthwhile cause!

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VeroTiki posted on 12/08/2009

Just got mine yesterday--it's fantastic! I didn't know what to expect and was surprised to see traditional Christmas songs done up Tiki style. I love it!! This will be playing throughout the holiday! Thanks and keep them coming.

Jeff Central posted on 12/09/2009

Great CD Andy!!

A nice disc to play during the holiday season!!

Keep up the good work!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Rum Balls posted on 12/10/2009

Y'know, listening to this CD yesterday without any other audio distractions going on, I was struck by how much is "going on" musically here. Reminds me of Dean Elliott's "Zounds! What Sounds!" classic album. I may have to slip on the headphones to hear everything. Cool!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/11/2009

Thanks KINNY~ Ahh, Bach! Nice. YOU and your cohorts made Jingle Bells the fun that it is. The spirit of Billy May was with you at that session. Now everybody stop reading this and go buy Ken's shirts!...then come back here.

Thank you, VeroTiki. Keep it spinning! Will surely let you know about the next project.

Mahalo, Jeff. Very glad you enjoy it and thanks for your great support this year. See you at Oasis 10? Hope so.

Rum Balls~ Cool! Thanks for the Dean Elliott reference. Please do slip those headphones on, but make yourself a Pi-Yi with a frozen pineapple first!

A Cool Yule to you all~


NEW Christmas CD on sale now!
Exotica~ Latin~ Lounge
Squid~ Marty ~DougHorne
plus some LLT!
http://tikijoesocean.com - to buy
http://www.myspace.com/tikijoesocean -to hear song samples

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koopkooper posted on 12/14/2009

check out the interview with Andy on this weekends Christmas edition of the Cocktail Nation. Gonna feature the album.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/17/2009

That was a fun interview- thanks Koop! Enjoy the BBQ's~!

There's a new song from the CD up on myspace - "Silent Night" - featuring some smooooth drumming from Squid. http://www.myspace.com/tikijoesocean

This weekend features a media blitz surrounding "Christmas with Tiki Joe's Ocean"

Recently uploaded, I was featured & interviewed on Mark Riddle's terrific show "The Quiet Village Podcast" ( http://www.digitiki.com OR http://www.digitiki.com/podcast/The_Quiet_Village.xml. ) Thanks Mark!

I'll also be on the afore mentioned "Cocktail Nation" with Koop Kooper ( http://www.cocktailnation.podomatic.com
http://www.myspace.com/loungelothario ). Should be uploaded on Saturday as Koop's other shows have been.

Additionally, Tiki Joe's Ocean will be a part of Darrell Brogden's always cool and swinging Christmas show on "The Retro Cocktail Hour" ( http://www.kpr.ku.edu/retro/ ) which will be broadcast this Saturday at 7pm

AND THEN, direct from Maui, it's the fabulous "Cudra Clover Exotica Hour". http://cudraclover.podomatic.com/ Cudra's recently uploaded episode 15 features Tiki Joe's Ocean among a plethora of Exotica, Lounge & Surf songs, seasonally tinged.

BIG mahalos to these fine gentlemen and one fantastic wahine as well as thanks to all of your beautiful people for all the support.

Have a COOL YULE~~~



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[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-18 17:30 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-19 16:48 ]

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Tiki-Tim posted on 12/19/2009

Both cd's just arrived and are being played constantly at home and work..That Christmas album is freakin' fantastic...I hope to see "Christmas with Tiki Joe's Ocean Vol.2", next year.Thanks again Andy and the Band...Great Job!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/21/2009

Thanks so much Tiki-Tim! Glad they're both getting such heavy airplay. Cross your fingers for Vol. 2 next year!

Cheers & Mele Kalikimaka!~


NEW Christmas CD on sale now!

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