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Eight Foot Rattan Tiki Bar In A Bathroom

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bongofury posted on 12/19/2009

I posted this 3 years ago


A friend from San Diego came up and got the Witco map but no one pm'd about the bar. A few days later I was looking at our master bath for a future remodel and realized that the vanity was 8' long.....I went back to the thrift and the bar was still there. The stools did not match (Spanish wrought iron) so I left them there. The bar sat in the garage for 2 1/2 years until we were ready for the remodel...
Front & Back of the bar

The plan...cut the bottom 3 horizontal bands and move back for a kickspace, remove top (to be re-used in a future project), cut in drawers & doors

The offending tract house vanity with gold flecked cultured marble top

A little color on the walls & floor

The "bar" in place

We did not want hardware to take away from the look so touch glide rails were installed so the drawers open with and close with a gentle push. Hope you like it.

Bora Boris posted on 12/19/2009

OoooOOooooh! :o

Of course I like it!

Well done as usual Bongofury and Mrs. Fury.

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/19/2009

That looks awesome! Nice work. That took some real ingenuity to re-purpose that into a functional vanity.

Just curious. Have you seen these taps?:


[ Edited by: slacks ferret 2009-12-19 14:27 ]

GROG posted on 12/19/2009

Great job. GROG like.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 12/19/2009

Wow! Ingenious use of that bar Ron!
Made that room look so much better.

JenTiki posted on 12/19/2009

Wow! :o That is amazing! Beautiful job!

bongofury posted on 12/19/2009

Thank you everyone...Slacks, we used one of those in another bathroom

Decided on the standard faucets to match the one in the shower, hard to see, but the handles are the same

Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/19/2009

Very nice... so what kind of rum pours outta those faucets?!

Polynesiac posted on 12/19/2009

Ron, you are so awesome. That's quite a nice and professional job!

Monkeyman posted on 12/20/2009

BAD ASS!!!!!!!!

Nicely done

Kon-Hemsby posted on 12/20/2009

Bloody gorgeous. Great use of that bar.

tikitony posted on 12/20/2009

Wow, I've seen it and I didn't even realize what you did. I thoght you just put the fascade on the old cabinets. Bongofury hits another one outta the park here!

Tacky Tiki posted on 12/20/2009

I like it!!! Just one question...why didn't you use bamboo flooring? The wood looks great, but I am interested in putting bamboo flooring in my bathroom and was wondering if maybe you knew it was a bad idea or something. I'd love to tikify my bath, but I am really attached to my Miller Studios plaster fish collection, so I'm trying to figure out how to combine the 2 without looking like Spongebob is hiding nearby!

Awesome bathroom! I love the lack of hardware on the doors and drawers! Keeps it sleek and uncluttered (says Tacky who lives in a house full of vintage kitsch clutter!)


bongofury posted on 12/21/2009

You can get some of your questions regarding bamboo flooring in wet locations here


Bamboo is more resistant to moisture than wood but still not "waterproof". This bathroom is right over our kitchen and I don't want to replace the floors in the near future. A waterproof alternative would be to use the Allure vinyl flooring


it is available in 2 shades of bamboo. We used their Teak flooring as Mrs. Fury wanted a darker contrast from the cabinet. Her collection of fish is in the bath with the bamboo faucet

Good luck with your project and please post photos of it

Monkeyman posted on 12/21/2009

Not to poach on your thread Ron....
The standard look bamboo flooring is REALLY soft..... I had purchased a few boxes of it for my remodel... and had read MANY bad comments about its durability online. So I decided to test it the Monkeyman way and I dropped my car keys on it from about 2 feet up. They dented the crap out of that standard bamboo flooring.

In the end I decided to go with the strand woven bamboo which unfortunately doesnt look like bamboo as much.. but the durability is like 10x better than your normal plank style bamboo flooring.

VampiressRN posted on 12/21/2009

OMG...that is just beautiful. What a great carpentry job you did, and I like that you did not use hardware, it keeps the lines really clean. Fish look fabulous!!!

pablus posted on 12/21/2009

Freaking genius.
What a craftsman.

GatorRob posted on 01/01/2010

Beautiful work and very inspiring. I do wish I had your building skills!

1961surf posted on 01/02/2010

Five star Ron.The vintage rattan just has a great look about it .
Did you do anything to the patina , stain or varnish ?

bongofury posted on 01/02/2010

Thanks again everyone. I went over the original finish with Minwax Honey Pine stain/sealer leaving in the discoloration of the rusted nails on the right side as found. The minwax seems to be the best color to the original. On my outside barstools I use it every couple of years after sun & rain exposure to bring them back to life as seen in the before & after here:

MadDogMike posted on 01/02/2010

When I first saw the title to this thread I have to admit my first thought was "Oh, that will be an intimate drinking environment" :lol:

Beautiful work Bongo, that's thinking "outside the box"

Queen Kamehameha posted on 01/08/2010

great job Ron, wow, looks great!


aquarj posted on 01/08/2010

Nice conversion Ron - now you can serve drinks in the bathroom (j/k)!

Just a quick comment since flooring came up here, in case it's of interest to anyone. We did some remodel stuff last year, and decided on natural rock pebbles for a bathroom floor. Here's a link with the product. We used the sliced pebbles, but the lava pebbles were pretty cool too, especially the kind of thing that might work with a TCer kind of style. They come in sheets with irregular edges that fit together like a puzzle, so the overall mosaic effect doesn't have a visible repeating pattern (plus the stones are naturally irregular anyway).


Queen Kamehameha posted on 01/10/2010

Great project and outcome!


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