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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Kiki von Tiki

Pages: 1 2 3 109 replies



A few thoughts...
First of all, I'm still reading here and checking in on some of the artists that I really like. I'll post when and if I have something to say, but I'm trying to work more and chat less. But I found this board was not a revenue generator for me, so I decided not to post my work here. I put my stuff on my etsy store - I'm easy to find if anyone is looking for it, just click the link in my signature. I wan't upset or mad, I just decided to focus elsewhere.

Also, thanks, Lucas for saying I'm one of the coolest people here - that's a sweet thought. I like you, too! But I really was hoping that once I dodged out of this thread, it would just die down and fall to the bottom. So it would be best for me if all you guys would stop posting on it, whatever your intent or content. Send me a pm or email, or find me on Facebook if you want to check on me or chat. Everyone sometimes feels a need to rant. I try not to judge. But maybe those would be best posted in Bilge.

Next, there are no cool kids, in my opinion. You make your own place in the world as well as on this board. I've met some wonderful people through TC and some a-holes. It's just like the real world, only smaller, fits on your computer, and it's green with tapa patterns :wink:. I have no animosity for any other artist here, nor any of the posters.

That's it! I appreciate the concern of everyone. I'm fine. Like I said, just focusing elsewhere and trying to work. Hope to see you all out there in the real world, soonest possible.
Kiki v.



[ Edited by: 4WDtiki 2010-01-12 11:31 ]

I have been getting some emails and PMs wondering exactly who and which famous tiki artists I was referring to. I really don't think it would be right for me to say, but let me be clear: They know who they are. They are the ones that I handed CDs to, only asking for some feedback and positive comments, and had them either not respond to my request or not respond to my PMs, thus making me feel like my music was insignificant, that my art just did not count. Check out the smokin' menehunes myspace or listen to my solo songs on any of koopkooper's posts and decide for yourself if when it comes to music i am someone who deserved to be ignored. I may be a complete tard when it comes to a lot of things, but not music.

i got a lucas CD full of Bossa Nova,Torch Songey,old timey Country and some killer jazz and stuff from him a while back...
I think it took me 2-3 months,but when i saw him next,i said a few words about how enjoyable it was....

but WOE to those that didn't comment
or praise this wonderful collection....

You need to grow some thicker skin,lucas!
Being an artist,you should realize that
the only dependable cheerleader you can have
is yourself...
every other word of praise/compliment/support of your work
is GRAVY....

Don't give gifts
with an expectation of praise...
give people CD's because
you want to share your talent with us all...

because,if you're expecting things
they sometimes don't happen as planned...

And that sometimes makes a person
rant about unrelated stuff
on someone else's thread
just to voice personal feelings on a public forum....
and we all know what happens next...

lucas-why don't you start a thread about
"unappreciated genius" in Bilge
instead of filling up poor kiki's thread with this nonsense
that doesn't even relate to the thread?
I'm sure there's plenty of talented folks out there
who feel underappreciated!

On 2010-01-12 12:21, lucas vigor wrote:
I have been getting some emails and PMs wondering exactly who and which famous tiki artists I was referring to. I really don't think it would be right for me to say, but let me be clear: They know who they are. They are the ones that I handed CDs to, only asking for some feedback and positive comments, and had them either not respond to my request or not respond to my PMs, thus making me feel like my music was insignificant, that my art just did not count. Check out the smokin' menehunes myspace or listen to my solo songs on any of koopkooper's posts and decide for yourself if when it comes to music i am someone who deserved to be ignored. I may be a complete tard when it comes to a lot of things, but not music.

you talkin to me? lol!!!

everyone relax. god damn it!

TC was soooooooo calm just 2 days ago.

(p.s. may 2nd save the date)

Let the hijacking continue! Whooooo! May 2 at the Boos! :wink:

I have to laugh that you guys keep posting on an "other crafts" thread that has no crafts posted on it. Silly rabbits.



On 2010-01-12 21:25, woofmutt wrote:

Pretty much the most inspirational piece of art anyone on TC has ever made.

Hooray for 10 years!!


I wish I had made that. I just found the image out on the amber waves of Internet.

Keep going! Hanford will lock it for sure soon enough and then I'll be Freeeeeeeeee!


On 2010-01-12 21:25, woofmutt wrote:

moustachio man approves.


thanks woofgooglemutt! :D

[ Edited by: ravenne 2010-01-13 00:23 ]

May 2nd?

not again.....

Hi Kiki!

I made you a Pendant!

hope you like it!

Is nice. Beads are a nice touch.
Yarn, popsicle sticks, macaroni and/or flour dough for future submissions please.

Pages: 1 2 3 109 replies