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Is there a Beachbum Berry Remixed Update?

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Hearn posted on Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:53 AM

...just curious if anyone knows about when this puppy is going to ship?

I keep getting "Do You Want To Cancel Order?" emails from AMAZON?



The only update I've seen is this trailer for Remixed on YouTube:

Still, no release date mentioned.


The interesting thing is, Remixed has shown as In Stock on the SLG Publishing web site for a while.


Guess we will just have to keep waiting until Amazon figures it out :)

Info from Club Tiki Press says:

"The new Beach Bum Berry book which was originally due out in November has been sent to the printer and will now be available in mid-February. Those of you who pre-ordered the book on Amazon should not have to do anything unless you would like to cancel your order."

Also some news about Taboo Table:

"But, have no fear, Tabboo Table is indeed going to be back in print, but the new ship date for the second printing is now the last week of February, so we should start seeing copies out to Amazon the first week of March. Our apologies for the delay, unforeseen holiday issues and some other stuff just got in the way.

So, DO NOT pay $75 for this thing on eBay or Amazon. Unless, of course, you need it now."


[ Edited by: Trader Magnus 2010-03-03 05:09 ]

Just this past weekend a couple of copies were seen in the Mai Kai gift shop so they are out there.... don't cancel your Amazon order just yet.

Dood posted on Wed, Mar 3, 2010 10:24 AM

Last I heard from Jeff was "some time in early March" so it should be out really really really really soon.


On 2010-03-03 10:24, Dood wrote:
Last I heard from Jeff was "some time in early March" so it should be out really really really really soon.

Last I heard from him was "mid-February", so...

nate posted on Wed, Mar 3, 2010 2:32 PM

On 2010-03-03 05:08, Trader Magnus wrote:

Also some news about Taboo Table:

"But, have no fear, Tabboo Table is indeed going to be back in print, but the new ship date for the second printing is now the last week of February, so we should start seeing copies out to Amazon the first week of March. Our apologies for the delay, unforeseen holiday issues and some other stuff just got in the way.

Nice! I didn't even know they were putting Taboo Table back into print. Of course Amazon has no indication of that... :P


HI there

Kust so you know, the copies of the Beachbum Berry Remixed book are going to be delivered to our warehouse tomorrow. We will ship them out either Friday or Monday to our distributor, it might take a couple of weeks for the books to find their way to Amazon, but keep your preorder there as it is the best price you are going to find on them.

We did have some copies that were put into inventory at SLGCOMIC.COM, they were part of the advance copies we got from the printer and were not meant for sale.

Taboo Table will be arriving in our warehouse next week and we will be putting up our copies in our Amazon third party seller central store then.

We will update our Club Tiki Press website (www.clubtiki.com) as things develop.

Thanks very much.

Dan Vado

Hearn posted on Wed, Mar 3, 2010 5:26 PM

Thanks for the update Dan!
Really looking forward to it!


Danslave, is it best to order through Amazon, or can we order directly through SLG? I try to order stuff as close to the "source" as possible to support artists, musicians, etc.




Just thought I'd let everyone know that it's possible to order Beachbum Berry Remixed directly from SLG Publishing here:


(sorry--new here and haven't quite figured out how to hyperlink yet)

After seeing it on pre-order on Amazon last month, I went to the publisher's website to find the release date and saw that it was listed as in stock there; I immediately ordered it and received my copy about a week later. Only downside was that I paid full price plus shipping (it came to a little over $30), but this book is worth every penny. I've read it cover to cover a few times already. Surfin' Safari is what really got me into tiki culture and exotic drinks, so I missed out on Grog Log and Intoxica. It's great to have them both in one book, plus the appendices with the new recipes from Berry and the tiki revival. Great, great stuff.

BTW, one of the new recipes in Appendix 2 is the Reverb Crash--the winning drink from the TC contest!

I hope this is all true. 'remixed' isn't even available for pre-order anymore at Amazon. There's now just a button to click if you'd like to be emailed if it becomes available again. It's been my experience with other things on Amazon that this is the kiss of death - there's none now and no real prospect of gettin any more of them. I don't know if this just means all pre-order copies are sold out and they won't be getting any additional, or what. I checked and my pre-order is still there in the system, it's not been cancelled and I haven't received any emails from Amazon one way or the other... Keeping my fingers crossed.

Yeah, I don't know what's going on at Amazon. I originally ordered 2 copies back in August, but when I checked the status the other day it said only 1 copy and no release date. Whatever.

Out of frustration I also ordered one from SLG directly - yes it was like $30, but after about a week it arrived yesterday...there was much joy in the Rhum Rhum Room last night.

I cancelled my Amazon order today and ordered directly from SLG...

Me too.

I think I'm with you guys...


I am very tempted. Is it worth $13 more to wait...

It will be a few weeks before the new Grogalizer is ready to be unveiled. I will have the new book and it's recipes in it regardless, so I will wait... Impatiently.

Placed my SLG order. Total $34.51 with CA sales tax and UPS ground shipping (SLG is in CA, it'll arrive in 2 days anyhow...). The good news for everyone else is that since I've now cancelled the Amazon order and paid nearly double, Amazon will probably start shipping them tomorrow.


Tried to order off of SLG....and none available. What a huge disappointment. I think it is really unprofessional when a publisher can't do its job. If I did this I would be terminated! They are squandering good will as well as losing money and fan base. At this point we still have our order in at amazon and are gonna play the waiting game, for a great book it is worth the wait but it's upsetting that some people can get the book and others(like me damn it!) have to play the lottery to get it. Either the book is out or it isn't. I am tired of playing whack a mole on web sites to try and find a book I preordered before Christmas!

I had a pre-order for this book in at Amazon. Early this week, I got a notice from Amazon that they had oversold on the pre-orders & there weren't enough books available to fill them all so my order was being canceled. But they also gave me a $25 credit on my account to be used on my next order. We order from Amazon a lot so that seemed ok with me. Now I just need to find somewhere else to order it. & I'm still in search of "Taboo Table" also.


I heard today that a technical glitch at Amazon has finally been sorted out and that REMIXED will begin shipping this week. I hope thats true.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-03-12 01:57 ]


HI All

To update you on the issue with Amazon, whatever problem they are having has NOT been sorted out so the books will not start shipping from them soon. If you go to the Amazon.com listing for the book you will see it available directly from us as a third party vendor, orders placed that way will ship right away.

Better though would be to go to our comics site at http://www.slgcomic.com and search for the book using the term remixed. If you order there you will get 10% off your entire order and free shipping (in the US only via media mail). Worth doing because we also have Taboo Table back in print. This offer only goes to the end of this week (3/19).

If you ordered from us between Tuesday and now and paid shipping on the books, I will refund you the cost of the freight next week.

The issue with Amazon is not of our making, and sadly we are caught in the middle since the distributor who caused the problem is not one who sells our books to Amazon.

My advice, if you are willing to wait, is to wait out your Amazon order. You will pay less for the book, possibly get free shipping and ultimately be happy you waited.

Thanks and sorry.

Dan Vado
SLG Publishing/ Club Tiki Press

just picked up a copy of TABOO TABLE and RE MIXED from you ....shipping seemed a little high but ya got me over a (RUM) barrel!lol

SLG came through for me. Ordered it two days ago and got it today. I'd have liked to have saved a few shekels from Amazon, but having the book in hand makes it all worth it, even with the extra money spent. Only thing to do now is decide which drink to make first!


Only thing to do now is decide which drink to make first!

As a friend of mine would say, why choose, make all of them. Beware of Hell in the Pacific, I just had one of those; quite tasty but aptly named. I couldn't finish it.

I too ordered from SLG. Last time I paid strong attention to Beachbum Berry books there was only one of them; SLG had Sippin Safari & Taboo Table in stock as well. As Amazon had none of any of them it made more sense to get all 3 from SLG.


I ordered Taboo Table from SLG yesterday myself...

I'm about a dozen drinks into BBR so far and haven't made one I didn't like. Among my favorites so far are Colonel Beach's Plantation Punch (the ginger beer in this is brilliant), the Samoan Fog Cutter (a new blender version of TV's original recipe that I like even better), the Sidewinder's Fang, Doctor Funk (a different version than the one originally printed in Intoxica!, apparently), and the Puka Punch.

I did find what seems to be a mistake, though, in the recipe for the Volcano House Hot Buttered Rum on page 152. The list of ingredients does not include the type or amount of rum (or rums) that's supposed to go into the drink. Can anyone with a copy of the original Intoxica! provide this information?

On 2010-03-14 06:38, Mr. Moto wrote:
...the recipe for the Volcano House Hot Buttered Rum on page 152. The list of ingredients does not include the type or amount of rum (or rums) that's supposed to go into the drink. Can anyone with a copy of the original Intoxica! provide this information?

Actually, the drink appears in the Grog Log (p86). It calls for 1.5 ounces of Myers rum. Coruba would also work.


Huh. That's interesting. Just double-checked: the recipe definitely appears in the Intoxica! section of BBR. Wonder what else has been moved around. Anyway, thanks for the information, leisure master!

Beware of Hell in the Pacific, I just had one of those; quite tasty but aptly named. I couldn't finish it.

No kidding on that. I made my first one last night and it's a killer. Don't make it your fourth drink of the night.


On 2010-03-14 13:30, heylownine wrote:

Beware of Hell in the Pacific, I just had one of those; quite tasty but aptly named. I couldn't finish it.

No kidding on that. I made my first one last night and it's a killer. Don't make it your fourth drink of the night.

That's amusing as it was my fourth when I made it.

I noticed that some of the recipes in the 'Intoxica' section of the BBR were in the Grog Log as well. Being that I'd never owned Intoxica, I just thought maybe it was originally in both.. And a few recipes had changed. The Blue Hawaii for example, a drink which I love. The change isn't anything major - sweet and sour mix replaced with lemon juice+simple syrup which is essentially the same thing - but a change nonetheless.

Hell in the Pacific. Yes very potent. That is the drink the replaced the Long Island Iced Tea for me as my 'get ripped as quickly as possible' drink of choice.

The one thing I miss is the icons accompanying each recipe with the guy in various states of wobbliness.

[ Edited by: TeeKeeMan 2010-03-14 15:35 ]


On 2010-03-14 15:29, TeeKeeMan wrote:
Hell in the Pacific. Yes very potent. That is the drink the replaced the Long Island Iced Tea for me as my 'get ripped as quickly as possible' drink of choice.

Yes, that Hell in the Pacific is a great one. It has replaced a number of my drinks of choice too! Such as my morning orange juice and my post workout water.


Cancelled one of my (2) Amazon Orders on Friday and ordered through Manufacturer.

It arrived in Virginia today! Looking forward to reading it tonight!

Great to find that Taboo Table is finally back in print!

Hep posted on Wed, Mar 17, 2010 5:06 AM

Canceled my Amazon order and instead ordered through SLG. With the discount and free shipping, it was within $2 or $3 of what I would have paid at Amazon with shipping. Best of all, it's on its way.

Mahalo, Dan!

Cancelled Amazon order, ordered through SLG, and now my book is in!

...but USPS is making someone sign for it :(

Won't be getting it until I can make it to the post office on Saturday...grrrrrrr...

[ Edited by: M.T. Zombie, Esq. 2010-03-17 06:29 ]

When it rains, it pours.

I got mine from SLG last week, and last night I get home and the one I drunkenly ordered at the Mai Kai a couple of weeks ago was there! I wasn't expecting that one anytime soon.

...already picked out a good home for it where it will be loved and stained and dog-eared and just generally beat to crap like most of ours will be.


Savvy business move by SLG. Withhold the book from Amazon (from which SLG receives less royalty) and only offer it on its own web site for now. The diehard tiki cocktail fans won't be able to wait and will pay full price to have it immediately. Then as orders begin to slow, put it on Amazon for the masses. Genius, really.


I take strong exception to the quote below. There is no evill plot nor underhanded marketing scheme behind the availability of the book through Amazon. To suggest it is wrong and quite frankly a little insulting.

For those of you who do not know, SLG Publishing has been in thebusiness of producing comic books and graphic novels for 24 years. We have done business with Amazon since that company was founded. In no way would I jeopardize my compny's standing with Amazon to make a couple of bucks. Even with the hefty discount we give Amazon the money we make selling direct to consumer a lot more since we have to isn't really that much since we have to factor in the cost of packaging and handling dozens of single copy orders as opposed to shipping whole boxes off to Amazon (or any retailer).

Trust me, it was in my advantage to fill all of the Amazon orders, the fact that the buy buttons for our product on Amazon were disabled and orders were cancelled was beyond my control. The lateness of the shipping of the book, while regrettable, could not be helped as the issues with printing in China and the time spent designing a superior product all created issues.

So, once again, I am sorry everyone here has had such a horrible experience with this, but the book will be a resource you will use for a lifetime, the week or two lapse in getting it to you should hardly compare to the enjoyment you get from the book years down the line

Dan Vado

On 2010-03-17 08:34, arriano wrote:
Savvy business move by SLG. Withhold the book from Amazon (from which SLG receives less royalty) and only offer it on its own web site for now. The diehard tiki cocktail fans won't be able to wait and will pay full price to have it immediately. Then as orders begin to slow, put it on Amazon for the masses. Genius, really.

Dan, I think most of us just really appreciate SLG putting this fine book out for us to purchase. I've been waiting for this one for a while, but realize there are almost always delays and most of them are caused by forces beyond the publisher's control. I'm just gonna be patient.
ALSO, thank you for putting out Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It has been useful for many evil laughs throughout the years!


Any chance of getting SLG to produce versions of the Bum's books for those of us who really use them? I mean wire/ring bound and printed on water-proof(read booze-proof) paper? I hate trashing my copies and I'd rather pay more for one I know won't get trashed in a year. Mahalo for listening.



Possible. We went away from the spiral bound books because most bookstores do not want that kind of product.

Might be possible to do something on a limited basis, maybe a stripped down version of the books with only recipes in a encyclopedic style on paper that is coated and durable.


On 2010-03-17 13:14, rugbymatt wrote:

Any chance of getting SLG to produce versions of the Bum's books for those of us who really use them? I mean wire/ring bound and printed on water-proof(read booze-proof) paper? I hate trashing my copies and I'd rather pay more for one I know won't get trashed in a year. Mahalo for listening.


On 2010-03-17 14:03, danslave wrote:
Possible. We went away from the spiral bound books because most bookstores do not want that kind of product.

Might be possible to do something on a limited basis, maybe a stripped down version of the books with only recipes in a encyclopedic style on paper that is coated and durable.


Dan - you'll find a very receptive crowd for spiral-bound here - count me in for 3.


Thanks for the quick and considerate response. I agree with the Master of Leisure that most folks who buy Jeff's books are using it as a cocktail cookbook and would snatch up the recipie only "bar friendly" versions.


I'd love a "bar friendly" version. Spiral bound and liquid-proof is the only way to go for those who use the books on a regular basis.

Got my 4 copies in the mail 2 days ago. (I want to have extra copies this time for those friends who try my drinks and say "Dang! Where I can get recipes like this?) The book is so full of eye-candy ephemera that I can't wait to read through the whole thing. I've already scoped out a few of the new drinks to try this coming weekend.

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