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4WDtiki - Bill's stuff. - first new pics in years

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GROG posted on 02/22/2010

You hit the mark with the Marq.

amate posted on 02/22/2010

Both are great carves but the burnt one is beautiful. I like it a lot!

BIG tiki scott posted on 02/24/2010

dont know how i missed all these new guys but daaaamn i luvem!!! good stuff u have a wicked sweet style!! cheerz!!

4WDtiki posted on 03/02/2010

So yesterday I started carving a partner for the flat Marq. It's not done yet, I just burned it to 'see' it better. I want to tweak it some more to make it more obviously female. When I do, I'll post a pic of the two side by side.

lennieguys posted on 03/02/2010

These is the best work yet Bill! Cant wait to see her partner........

kroozzn62 posted on 03/03/2010

Allways loving your work Bill ..

4WDtiki posted on 03/04/2010

I reworked the female a little today.
Here's a pic of Mr. and Mrs. Wallmount Marq.

The concept was to carve two tikis that would work as 'indicators' of the Men's and Women's restrooms in a tiki bar. Hope they're obvious without being too obvious!

Babalu posted on 03/04/2010

Wonderful Bill! Great idea that has been executed perfectly.

geedavee posted on 03/04/2010

These are great. Hope to see you at the SFV chop.

4WDtiki posted on 03/17/2010

I got commisioned to carve two stumps in Carlsbad. They were two fan palms at the edge of the sidewalk, and were cut ~4 feet off the ground.
Here's where I'm at after carving Sunday, and a little today after work, still in the roughing out stage.

I'm not happy with the way it looks now, but I hope to improve it some, and have it done by Sunday, then start on the second.
The next one will be a Marquesan, which I love to do. This Ku style is not my strong suit. :roll:

tikigodz posted on 03/17/2010

Ity looks freekin awesomw for now .The head dress is Killer!!!

seeksurf posted on 03/17/2010

Nice work 4W. You got to love the stump work, ain't going anywhere.

BIG tiki scott posted on 03/17/2010

that's friggin awsome 4wd!!! I luv it already so I'm sure it's gunna be bad ass when ur dun!!!! Hope I get a crack at doin sumthin like this sum day!!!! Can't wait to see the seacond one too!!!!! Cheerz 4wd!!!

Benzart posted on 03/17/2010

Love the Restroom signs,, Perfect and Excellent detail.
Also love the stumpy KU, Excellent job, especially with so little to work with. 4 feet sounds like a lot until you start adding girth and soon it gets into the small category. Don't be so publicly critical of your work, it just opens the door to unnecessary and Unwarranted criticism.

lennieguys posted on 03/18/2010

I'm sure when you're done it will look great!

tiki tonz posted on 03/18/2010

Hey Bill, your newest work looks great! I gotta tell you, I've been a big fan of your work ever since I ran across your website about two years ago. I especially like the tiki that your standing next to in one of the pictures on the website. Thanks for the inspiration, keep those big tikis coming.

4WDtiki posted on 03/21/2010

Wow, thanks you guys for the positive comments! I worked on it some more today, and I'm pretty happy with the way it looks now.

Tomorrow I start the second tiki, and I'm doing it Marquesan, so I'll have an easier go on the carve. :wink:

MadDogMike posted on 03/21/2010

Very cool Bill, glad to see you're keeping out of trouble. And your toilet tikis are WAY better than those goofy little icons.

4WDtiki posted on 03/22/2010

Mike, I don't care for the term "toilet tikis", I prefer "restroom door indicators". :P

So I carved more today. It was pretty overcast all day, so I took one more pic of the Ku, since there were no heavy shadows. This one will dry out some until next weekend, when I'll burn and stain it.

I got to work carving the second stump today. This morning it was just a stump, here it is at 4PM.

It went fast, I'm much more comfortable carving a marq vs a ku.
This one will also dry all week, then get burned and stained.

Here's two shots from out in the street.

murphdog posted on 03/22/2010

They look fantastic! You just increased the value of that home--and in this market, no less.

VampiressRN posted on 03/22/2010

Well said murph. Those are nice Bill and they look great in those stumps.

MadDogMike posted on 03/22/2010

OK - Sorry about the "toilet tiki" crack :lol:

I love how the stumps became natural pedestals for the tikis, to set them up in a place of honor as they should be!

seeksurf posted on 03/22/2010

Yes! sick sick love it! A dueliee

benella posted on 03/22/2010


tikigodz posted on 03/22/2010

Second is awesome, love the look of them from the street.

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surfintiki posted on 03/22/2010

Oh MAN! My DREAM house! Those are sooooo cool. Love the marq. Love it Love it.

4WDtiki posted on 03/23/2010

On 2010-03-22 16:55, surfintiki wrote:
Oh MAN! My DREAM house!

You don't even know. The house is a block off the lagoon, and two blocks from Tamarack Surf Beach in Carlsbad!

geedavee posted on 03/23/2010

You did that in one day? That's amazing. Was it mostly chainsaw?

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Bowana posted on 03/23/2010

Nice work, Bill.
...and you didn't even have to use your protractor.


4WDtiki posted on 03/23/2010

Davee, yup, the Marq was one day (so far), about 5 hours. Probably 50% chainsaw, 25% chisel, and 25% angle grinder.

Bowie,...yet. As in, didn't have to use the protractor yet. :wink:

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jab tiki posted on 03/23/2010

Nice work Bill!
Hope to see you at a chop soon, I miss you guys. It's been too long.
Johnny B.

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SDshirtman posted on 03/23/2010

These look great! I can wait to see the final after they are burnt. Are they going to get stain?

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TikiMango posted on 03/23/2010

Great carves Bill! Super clean and fast for the their designs.

tikigodz posted on 03/24/2010

Can I call u BiLL the BUTCHER! lol
What is the end game? do u stain them, or even seal them for that matter
considering they are still in the ground.

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Watango productions posted on 03/24/2010

Man!! Those guys are awesome!Cheers Watango

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swizzle posted on 03/24/2010

There is some amazing work in here.

4WDtiki posted on 03/28/2010

Thanks guys!
tikigodz, I'll be staining them tomorrow, but it'll just be a light golden oak to cover that "just carved" whiteness. No sealant on these, except I'm thinking about sealing the tops after this coming summer. They should be fairly dried out by then, and having the top surfaces sealed will prevent rain from soaking in.
Everything else will be allowed to weather.

Today I did a little minor touchup and sanding, added a little bit of detail, then torched and sanded.
Here's what they look like now.
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By the way, the owner wanted a Ku sticking out his tongue, that's why it has one.

That big white area on the lips and teeth is the sun.
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I'll finish these up tomorrow, and hopefully get some better pics.
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little lost tiki posted on 03/28/2010

NICE job on those two...
Big thick and chunky
like dem Olmec heads down South!

you're just gettin better and better Bill!

tikigodz posted on 03/28/2010


4WDtiki posted on 03/28/2010

Thanks tg, thanks Kinny! Yeah, I like that Olmec head comparison. I've actually been wanting to try carving an Olmec piece.

I forgot to mention earlier, this is the first time I've carved a vertical piece (hence the vertical thread title). All the hundreds of tikis before these were carved laying on the ground (the LOG, not ME!) I wasn't sure I could even pull these off when I was starting them, but I think I did okay. :D

4WDtiki posted on 03/31/2010

I finished them up last night with a little stain.
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TikiMango posted on 03/31/2010

Those are really awesome Bill! Home owners should be proud for years to come.

tikigodz posted on 03/31/2010

Homage Paid to the BIG WHEEL!!!!

geedavee posted on 03/31/2010

These are great. It's amazing how clean and quick you carved these.

kroozzn62 posted on 03/31/2010

very nice as always.....

Benzart posted on 03/31/2010

Beautiful pair if there ever was one.

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TikiG posted on 03/31/2010

Beautiful pair of sentries, Bill. I like this project a lot, the tikis make a very powerful statement.

Now to let time take over...let these guys weather a bit.

Cheers! to 4WDtiki and to the proud homeowners. G

kroozzn62 posted on 04/04/2010

love these solid lil tikis very cool nice deep details.

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